Well, armed with a letter from the gender specialist, I went to the ladies room at a local mall. No muss, no fuss, just did my business, and came to the sink to wash my hands. there were other ladies around, but I paid them no mind, and they seemed to do the same. I then walked out, feeling like I passed a major hurdle. Anybody remember their first time in a public restroom?
Oh yeah,
I definitely do. Well, technically it wasn't my first time by a large margin, but it was the first time it wasn't a single person restroom. It was in a Walmart, if I remember right. I was shaking like a leaf and felt sick. Fortunately, I was with my sister so I wasn't alone. Once I was inside I just went about my business and calmed down pretty quickly. I imagine it would have been much more difficult on my own.
Ironically, my worst bathroom experience was in the men's. Nothing actually happened, but I got a rather disturbing look from a guy on my way out that convinced me that public men's rooms were no longer an option. Not an entirely bad thing, that. ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
First time in ladies
I think the first time to the ladies wasn't the most significant for me ... it was the first time I went to the ladies while having my children with me. I was taking my youngest girl to the toilet ... my son was a bit confused at why I wasn't taking him. Aparently as I was heading towards the ladies he kept pointing to me and then to the gents (this was before he could talk).
As you probably realised, it is just another step. Once you've done it a few times you don't even think about it and move on to the next challenge.
I'd be willing to bet...
...that you were positively FLUSHED WITH SUCCESS.
*GiggleGiggleGiggle* :D
Now to actually answer your question:
I've definitely passed the point where the use of men's public toilets is an act of desperation. Most venues I visit have a disabled persons toilet, or a toilet that is otherwise clearly unisex or just unmarked. Therefore, I rarely have to decide between dehydration / legcrossing / entering a potentially hostile situation. :'D
Need further work on my fine self before I can make the first attempt at the CORRECT public convenience though. :P
U are braver then i hunny
althought i have been living for a lil bit over a year full time, began hormones over a month ago i have yet to use public ladies restrroms outside of counselling reason being of legal bs and fear (like events in baltimore that care me) but if stirctly speaking the last time i used the public facilities in counselling some bitch had the ardasity to say to her friend after i left 'i think there was tranny in there' i was so pissed off came face to face to her and,they scurried off. I am still waiting for my letter from my therapist over this issue to help with legal obligations in regard to public facilities.
I am very proud of u dorothy, u r officially on my royalty list of people to look up too and i Wish that everyday is s good to you as this experience has been :)
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Big Hugs,
Erin Amelia Fletcher
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
First Time
I don't recall my first time in a ladies... it was anti-climatic to say the least. I do however vividly remember my last time in the mens room.
These men standing at the urinals all cringed and one of them shouted "Wrong room lady!" With as much "You stupid cow!" as he could infer.
I never went back.
Dirty mind...
When I read this last question, "Anybody remember their first time in a public restroom?" I had a completely different thought in my head...
I don't know if this counts
I don't know if this counts but a week or two before I started living fulltime, we were at a fair (in male mode, I rarely wore girl clothes before I went full time).
The stalls were inside a movable container like thing. each stall had either a male or female symbol on it and when it was finally my turn to go inside the toilet lady pointed me towards a girl's stall. I was kind of confused about that, while there were open men stalls, but she look in the mood to argue with people (really grumpy look!), so I just went in.
I guess the anti-androgens I've been on for four months by then, did have some visual effects on me...(or was it the couple of days on estrogen?)
anyway I guess that was my first experience with a girl's restroom :p
Or maybe she just saw you as
Or maybe she just saw you as what you are, a girl.