A comment on an old story. My, that's a circuit breaker in a good way. An antidote of sorts for the reality shits. You don't know. Some of you might but most don't I expect. What? Are you on something? Ummm, yeah maybe. You probably don't want any though. Well the comment maybe, assuming there's something to comment on. This is the expurgated version... good thing too I think. What??
See I just had this emotional dump. Several hours, messy and a bit embarrassing, well had there been anyone to see. Except for the pup and she's not telling. And shamefully I almost took my anger and frustrations out on her. No not violent or physical, but yes sort of that. Just some thing she does to say hey I'm bored. I'm not happy, I need attention. Yeah well don't we all puppy dog. So I kicked the bedding and made her know I wasn't happy and yes she knew and yes I felt like shit. So I cried and sobbed a bit and she looked at me and came close and I called her by name and she came and I cradled her head and cried and she didn't pull away. So maybe puppy dogs are better people than people; wouldn't surprise me.
So, what the hell are you on about you ask. Ahh. Well see, a couple of months ago I was assaulted. Oh yeah, yawn, shit happens, 'cept I have the scar tissue line through the upper lip as a daily reminder and the jerk is still there.
See the Plea was yesterday. So I figured yeah sure, no way he'll plead out. Of course. He did the not guilty thing. But a wrinkle, one I didn't expect. Not only is he an pure innocent put upon by the odious neighbour but he is victimised by the system. Biased court members and magistrates. Go figure.
I stayed as long as I could, but I need to work to live, so I left. I didn't hear the reasoning, the rationale. I checked today and he won at least this part. The case is transferred to the district court in the city. Time expense, trouble, he doesn't give a damn, it costs him nothing. Besides he's pure innocence.
So yeah, I'm pissed, as in drunk. I'm angry and murderous and lonely and suicidal. But no, I shall pull it together. The teary late night street wandering with a forgiving pup, hell she needed to stretch and pee before settling down for the night. I'll use the loo, again. Just another night.
Dark thoughts and tears do not give an answer. The legal system is that and justice is a maybe. We shall see. Maybe he'll have pissed them off as much as he has me. One can hope.
My apologies, please, back to your regular comic books and escapist fantasy. The world is out there, just ignore it.
Don't mind me, the story you want is down a little on the page, or up maybe...whatever. There you go, aberration past.
What??? Don't worry about it, it's me most likely.
Big Corporate.
All bullying nitwits. All lacking anything like compassion.
You're right. Life's a bitch.
You have to look for the good in life in small but utterly beautiful measures. You know that. You're wonderful writing speaks volumes.
Dogs are meant to suck up our ill-feelings. That's what they do best. They don;t expect you to be perfect. They do expet you to love them.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Of course I always agree with Jill
...(for a nominal fee), and here of course, I do agree about your writing; here's a comment I left from "It Just Pours,"
I love the way you turn a phrase to describe in a way that paints the picture, muted tones, grays and black, dimly lit to convey the confusion and fear. "Oh...god, I.... The tears squeezed from under her lids and they did not stop though were barely noticeable in the rain and she sobbed quietly as another two fluro yellow people touched and lifted and strapped her to a rolling trolley thing and she stared into the sky and heard the piercing cry of a lonely gull from the dark." Raw emotion. Your are such a good writer, and I am blessed by your gift. Thank you.
It said what I mean now to say, why not repeat it? And of course my prayers go out to you; I am so sorry that you were hurt and I do pray your healing comes swiftly and completely, and that justice is served by the courts.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Kris, It Has To Come Out
The bullshit can only go so far. The cops know he's a bad bastard, but it does mean you have to keep your guard up. I'm so sorry,
The problem with the system ...
... is that it's a SYSTEM. It's a cold machine, built with logic and legislation, and it does what it does without listening to the folks in the cheap seats until it's time for them to have their say ... whenever that might be. For we humans, law and justice will always dance in the pale moonlight -- the law trying desperately to hold justice close while justice spins just out of reach and insists she's not that easy.
The world isn't perfect, which is why so many of us are chased by our own demons and dive into fiction and fantasy to escape. I'm sorry you found yourself slammed headfirst into reality's wall, but I'm happy your dog was there to back you up. Those of us with dogs know that their souls are simple and their needs are few. Give them love, and they'll love you back with a love so strong and simple that makes everything a little easier to endure, because it is pure and strong.
I'm sorry the asshat won the first round, but the game is far from over. *soft hug* For now, know that you aren't alone. Even thinking about suicide gives the jerk who attacked you more than he wanted when he beat you up in the first place, because you're redefining yourself and your life around what he did. That gives him a power over you that he doesn't deserve. I'm glad you're going to pull it together.
Folks are listening out here, Kristina. And I for one am hoping the machine will grind your attacker into a fine paste, once it gets around to taking its head out of its ass.
Drunken tears do not make it better.
Sounds as if your puppy is a life line for you. I have three pups [all three are full grown] that I care for and they care for me. Please, don't let that cad ruin your life.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
No words. Zilch.
You know what I am thinking, though. Hugs.
Ahh, blech
It is usually a good idea to clean ones teeth before going to bed, perhaps especially after several glasses of red. Several coffees might help the head. The rest? Well it'll work out.
Apologies for whining, I'm okay and puppies fine. Oh for the record she'll be 9 in a month, but all dogs are puppies. It's a little after 7am here and the sun is just battering through the fog, vaguely end of the world stuff earlier, sort of apropos or sumfin. Anyway coffee, thanks for the thoughts guys.
Whatever the outcome of the legal system do remember this
there is always a bigger, meaner bastar* out there. One day Mr Innocent will meet up with him and piss him off. Only he won't get just beaten up.
Just you do your damnedest to survive and thrive in the meantime, girl.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
This story may give you solace
"Victor and the Witch" by Jenna Hitch and me involves wnat many victims wish could happen to the perpertrator. Others have gotten peace from the story. Note: the warning are there for a reason.
Victor and the Witch
Shalimar, that is one of my favorite of your stories. I love how the perp finally can emphathize with his victims and decides to stay a woman because it makes so many lives better.
Dear Kristina,
'my prayers and thoughts are with you.Nobody should have to put up with what happened to you.
God bless you and keep you.