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Gaby Book 7 Chapter *22* Nailed

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *22* Nailed
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

05) Sorry... OYH will be delayed again.

Better get used to it. Unfathomably, they seem to actually like my performance at work and plan to keep me around at least to first snow. It was originally supposed to be just a summer job, just till my brother got back on his feet, but he's back on his feet, and they've extended my hire. Now let's just see if they extend it again through the winter months...

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A bemusing whirlwind, my life is.

There has been OH, so much change in my life; mostly good ones, or at least something different. Oregon is once again pleasant, though I did not want to return. Memories of the past made it very unpleasant at first but since my arrival, some very pleasant people have come into my life.

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Was Sick! Now I Am Back

Was Sick! Now I Am Back

By Stanman63

On the last night that I was here, I was rushed to the hospital because I was literally drowning in my body fluids. I was out for four days as the doctors gave me meds to absorb the excess water which has also reduced my weight by quite a bit. I am still a bit weak, so won't get into helping with stories until then. I know that several have sent me a PM about being sick. Thank you for your concern.

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Here we go again

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to France we go.

Sadly, it's not permanent yet, but we're not ruling that out for March of next year - maybe sooner if we can. Still we ARE going to do it, never mind how long it takes.

This time, we have the last bits of the flat's decorating and stuff to do so that we can hand the keys over to the letting agent for letting on our behalf. That way, hopefully, it will look after the cost of running the house.

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The merits of ferrets

For those of you who can watch UK television repeats, this one on the Channel4 website may be interesting, as one of the ferret rescuers is a pre-op TS called Kelly. All three of the subjects seem as traumatised as the ferrets they rescue.

See what you think.


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Help! Some of you may remember...

Edeyn ... back in early 2009, I was in pretty dire straits, and asked for help. Some of you responded wonderfully, with a loan through PayPal... and then PayPal and I had issues, and I ended up having to refund the help people sent! It is exceedingly hard to know that there is help, but it's just out of reach, you know?

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003) On the Origins of My Account Name

This entry is inspired in part by the thread on Character Names on the writer's forum.

NOTE: This entry is now outdated, my account name at the time of original posting had been slicersv. This had also been back when I was still hiding from myself. All entries which predate "To Be, Or Not To Be" technically predate my coming out to myself, though there's an interesting progression, reading them back over...

My most commonly used internet moniker is actually the name of one of my oldest characters who's still on speaking terms with me.

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Holly Happy Hart - Prayer Needed

I'm passing on a prayer request (or good thoughts, wishes, whatever your tradition is).
Holly moved from the San Francisco area to Indianapolis in June. Those of you who know her, know what a loving and caring woman she is. She has been to the doctors, and will be undergoing surgery most probably next week.
Holly has pancreatic cancer.
Earlier this year, Holly had difficulties. The doctors did a biopsy, and it did not show any cancerous cells.
It does now.
PLEASE, according to your tradition or beliefs, pray for Holly.

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Looking for an older story...

Okay So I am first off curious if anyone pays much attention to Fictionmania, because I found that site before any BigCloset site. But mainly I am looking for a story, I was reminded of it because I saw SpaceTran and was like oh! I loved that story nostalgia ensued upon seeing Skipper as well and I had the thought, oh, I wonder what the name of that one story was. Anyway long story short I decided to reach out and see if anyone knew it, but as I had only seen it on Fictionmania I am not certain, and it was a few years ago.


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Sorry I've had everyone worried

Let me start by saying, I'm sorry I worried everyone. I really and truly mean that. I'm going through a lot of crap right now in the real world, but I promise it's been worth it, even if I'm more uncertain now about myself than I've ever been.

I can't promise that any of this will make any sense at all to anyone else; it sure as hell doesn't make any sense in my head right now. It's been a lot of jumbled, raw emotions.

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Singin the MP-3 Blues

So, I don't know a lot about 'puters and don't want to know more than I have to about the Devil's machine. :) I just wanna use one.

So, I have this CD called "Tabla Turbo" that is belly dancing music, and not on I tunes or any place like that. So, my roomate told me that I could just buy a thumb drive and use my computer to copy the CD to the Drive. I did not think I could do it due to copyright crankiness, but he insisted I could, so I tried. Well, as you can probably guess, that did not work. So for music CD's that are not main stream, how can this be done?

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The Evilest Day of the YearTM, REALLY evil. Would *I* lie?

Today is The Evil BlondeTM's birthday.

BOTH she, my baby sister, and Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus AKA Hanna Montana's dad turned fifty.

As her OLDER brother I, of course, remain the youthful one.

John in Wauwatosa

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I always find it interesting when characters have revelations about things that the author (or authoress) has known for some time...

Take for instance Chapter 41 of Mistake, which I am working on in a window not far away from the one that I type this post in. Morgan has finally realized that she's been submitting to Katie for the better part of a year. (Did anyone else see this coming?) Right now the two of them are at the mall, and Katie picked out their clothes when they got up and Katie is wearing pants and Morgan's in a skirt...

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Well, this isnt working out according to plan

Well, today is not going well. I had the idea of creating a little Spells R Us story, something light and fluffy and full of wish-fulfillment. So I started with the simple idea of me (with a different name, but me, nevertheless) running into the Wizard. Unfortunately, its not going according to plan. I may end up with the most depressing SRU story in history ....

Ah, well.

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Interesting news item

I heard on the news a bit ago that Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, IL will become the college in the United States to directly ask prospective students on admission forms if they consider themselves members of the LGBT community. The question is optional and doesn't affect acceptance. Answering yes might qualify them for up to a 30% scholarship against tuition.

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Anyone out there self published for Kindle?

I'm keen to publish some of my stories for Kindle and following the instructions on the Amazon website, I dutifully downloaded Mobipocket to compile and produce a Kindle compliant file.

The issue however came when I discovered that instead of the four or five simple steps Amazon put in their instructions, which should't have taken more than a few minutes, I have spent the best part of the last day and a half trying to compile and build my story into Kindle format. Getting the story into the right format wasn't the problem ... well, not entirely anyway.

So what was the problem?

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Jack's life postponed for health reasons

I am working a new version of Jack’s life but it will be a while before I get it done. I have been seeing several doctors over the last six months as my health has not been so good.

I will continue the story when I get to feeling better.

I have been losing a lot of weight and having severe migraines’ that make me cry.
they last anywhere from 3 to five days at a time.

Will post more info when all the tests are done.


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fighting off PTSD

I woke up a bit shaky today, with flashbacks coming on and off all day, but I managed to keep my head, and focused on things like my little dog. Then this evening I decided I should write a letter to my step-father, since most of my flashbacks today were about him. I may publish it, I don't know yet. Anyway, the day ended on a good note with my daughter coming over. We took the dog for a walk, and ran into a huge desert tortoise being walked by its owner. My dog actually didn't mind the creature, and gave it a good sniff on its behind like it was a fellow dog.

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RE: Through the years: Tracy emerging part 10

So you know, the next chapter of Tracy's story will be a bit delayed. That's why I posted a second one today.

I will be out of town and away from my computer until possibly Monday. And I don't have another set up to send off of editing. Sorry for the delay, but I promise it will get better.

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Through the years: Tracy emerging part 9

Her heart began to race as she hoped it was her friends and she reached over for the phone and picked it up, still wishing for the use of her right hand. “Hello?” She called into the phone.

“HI TRACY!” A group of voices yelled into the phone, making her pull the earpiece away from her ear. She waited a second and slowly put the ear piece back, waiting to be yelled at again.

“Um....hi.” She said. “Who is this?”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 5 of 22

“Kazmina,” she said, gently shaking the wizard, “you've got to change me back now... Or tell me what's going on.”

Kazmina wasn't fully awake. “What's wrong?” she mumbled, propping up on her left arm.

“This doesn't feel wrong, that's what's wrong! I'm forgetting what I'm supposed to be, just like when we were geese. By the time we go to see Psavian, I'm afraid I'll have forgotten why I came back to find Tsavila!”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 4 of 22

“We need something better,” she said. “We need to make a good impression, as a pair of fine ladies — ”

“What?” he exclaimed.

“I'll explain in a little bit; I've figured out how to disguise you when we meet Psavian and Tsavila.”

I've got a silly little dog

This morning, I was using my electric shaver to remove the hair from my arms, legs, and chest when my dog decided she needed to investigate the noise. You'd think a dog would be scared of a shaver, but she seemed to think I needed comforting during the procedure, as she nuzzled me as I worked to remove my hair. I love my little dog.

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Pink Daze

Pink Daze

“Mom! My shirt turned pink in the wash!”

“Oh dear. Well, you can wear it anyway.”

“Are you nuts? I hate pink!”

“Its just a color. Honestly, dear, nothing to get so upset about.”

“But my friends would laugh at me, mom.”

“You’ve got to be exaggerating. Nobody would laugh at you.”

“You don’t know anything!”

The Angry Mermaid 40 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 40

Just another step on Drustina's journey to Constantinople where Drustina and her companions finally meet the emperor.

The Angry Mermaid 40.
Y Morforwyn Dicllon 40.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.


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