General Audience (pg)

And now I am all alone in this world

I was born on January 22nd 1975, the first and only son of Keith and Vivian Leonard. I was named after my father and the connection with him pretty much ended there. From what I pieced together, he left when I was 6months old. I think the very next day my mother decided that she didn't want to stick around either. So there I was, 6 months old and unwanted. Maybe not completely unwanted, because there was Aunt Rosalie, there was always Aunt Roe. She took me in and raised me the best she could. When her husband got up and left us, we took on life together.

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Gaby Book 7 Chapter *27* Mail Surprise

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *27* Mail Surprise
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Re: Through the years

I know I went from posting daily to big stretches of nothing. Been a little hectic dealing with the former job and trying to figure out what I want to do in life.

I am also stuck on what I want to do with the story. I'll try to get what I got written so far finished soon and try to get into a better schedule.

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008) It's Official: Bra == Wristwatch.

And that happened danged quick too.

It got quite warm at work today (at least 80+), so I took off my work uniform t-shirt and since my bandeau is plainly visible through the thin fabric of my tank tops, I took it off too and wrapped it up in the work t-shirt and put both in my gear bag to hide it.

Only the Friday before last, I wore my tanks without any thought, today, I felt extremely exposed not wearing a bra.

And yeah, I get uncomfortable when I'm not wearing my wristwatch too, always have ever since I first started wearing one. I'm weird, I know.

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almost passed out at work

Well, I've been pushing myself too hard, apparently. Just after 3 am last night, my body decided it had enough, and I nearly collapsed. I caught myself at the last moment, but it was a wake-up call in more ways than one. I'm going to take it very easy the next couple of days, and be as good shape as I can for my appointment with the endo doc on Wednesday. Hugs to all.

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The Angry Mermaid 41 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon

A chapter where events precipitate Drustina into yet another war. She also acts as a close advisor and companion to support the emporer's daughter Irene in her succession to the Imperial throne.

The Angry Mermaid 41


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 41.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.

Should I carry on with Football Girl and other stories?

There are number of reasons why I write, the main ones being because I enjoy doing it and giving pleasure to others. I also love getting comments that reflect that people are moved by my stories. I get a fair number of kudos too, which is the icing on the cake.

But, and there always is a but; increasingly, it appears that I am upsetting some readers. In particular, at the moment, Susan in Football Girl is going through a hard time and things are happening to her that are unpleasant, to say the least.

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Gabycon Over

Well I'm on the way home from Gabycon, where did the time go?

There will be a report midweek but it turned out to be a great weekend, those of you too shy to come missed some excellent food, great company, brilliant sightseeing and loads of brand new Gaby!

Put it in your diary for 2012 so you don't miss out next time!



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You Did What To Me?

Originally written and posted at another site in 2003. I just cleaned it up a little before posting it to BCTS. This is a one shot, complete story. I was feeling cranky about the same old Tranny stories when I found this one. I humbly apologise for my attitude.

This story is about 2/3 autobiographical.

You Did What To Me?

Gwen Brown

Looking for peace

copy right yada yada may be posted on any free site as long as i get the credit for it. Must be of age in your area to read
This just some thing i did late one night hope you all like it , comments welcome

The tears were coming fast as I placed the nail tip on my finger.
Here I am.How has it come to this?My struggles for most of my life,
being an outsider,being different.
The compulsions and desires to be a woman.Always there under the surface,in the shadows and the realm of dreams.

Hatred as a Virtue

There will be no commenting allowed on this post, I just need to say this.

There's a bill in the legislature here in California that would extend the same protections and presence in educational curricula to sexual orientation and gender variation that are allowed and mandated for religious affiliation, ethnic origin and sex.

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extra Gaby

Well we are all having a great time at Gabycon, Ang has already posted the Con special and there's another Book 7 chapter posted too!

Today we've got more readings for attendees and as the weather is looking good this morning we'll be hitting the beach later - well Chesil isn't exactlty Skegvegas but there's sea and er pebbles!

Bye for now


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Gaby Book 7 Chapter *26* Talons

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *26* Talons
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Waltzing Matilda - 2011 Gabycon short story

Waltzing Matilda.

(This story was written for the 2011 Gabycon based on the characters created by Maddy Bell.)

The train chugged interminably and Drew felt more and more bored. He’d read his magazine, and even skimmed the copy of Cosmo the woman opposite had left when she’d had to run for her connection.

He nibbled on the pack of peanuts he’d opened; was going back to Warsop such a good idea? Sure, seeing those of the gang who were still there would be good–it was months since he’d seen any of them.


I began writing a new story fleshing it out as I go along. Fifteen pages into it the mother board died. I think it is the mother board. Either that or all four 1 gig memory sticks went bad at the same time. As that is not likely the finger points to the mb. Any way there is a new machine a week or two away. But the story is not backed up. Which means no story because I could not, ever, manage to reconstruct that puppy. The good news is if it was the mother board I can rescue the stuff because the hard drive should be intact.

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The Children of 9/11

I read a nice article story this week in a UK Newspaper that I access on Line. The Daily Mail.
It was called the Children of 9/11 where the mothers who were pregnant lost their husbands or partners in the horrors of that day.
My hope is they all have happy lives and that they never forget the fathers they never met many of whom were in the wrong place at the wrong time and some who were called upon to save lives.

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Three Years and Still Going - But Not so Strong

Three years ago, I finally got up the nerve to post the novels I had written up to that point on BCTS. Frankly, I was a bit apprehensive. September 2008 was a big month in many respects. About the same time I started posting The Heart of the Beholder I found out that I had prostate cancer. The night before I went in for what proved to be a horrible ordeal of three weeks in the hospital and three surgeries, I posted the last chapter of The Narragansett Fork. That one is still one of my favorites because that's where I found Fanny.

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Bikini Beach to the moon

Bikini Beach: To the moon ,
A story by Allie Elle

My thanks to Elrod for creating this universe and for Miss E Dauber for creating the guidelines, I will try and do the Beach Justice, with the A E touch......

To the Moon,

Victor stood stooped over the eyepiece of the refracting telescope he had bought with the last of his money before being made redundant. At 40 he sighed as he stared at the moon, he wished to step foot on that alien surface. Tearing his gaze away he looked at the young student that stood next to him and smiled. The teenager was dressed in a preppy style and had a set of thick rimmed glasses perched on her nose and was holding out a small stack of 20’s.

“Sir I can’t thank you enough for the chance to buy the telescope from you” Jacqueline smiled.

“Honey it’s a case of needing the cash,” Victor replied “dreams don’t fill a stomach.”


Hi all.

I've please in announcing a new title on Amazon Kindle. I shall be placing a taster on my website later today, but in the meantime check out my page on Amazon here: Tanya's Page

Check out here: In Plain Sight

Check out here: In Plain Sight

Check out here: In Plain Sight


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007) OK, which ancestor typoed the last name!?

I've always told people I'm not a bird, to help them remember how to spell my last name right... Well, apparently my changing hormones are deciding to make a liar of me.

I've been noticing that I've been eating less and less, more and more often. I recently went to 4 "meals" a day, a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich around 11am, another sandwich around 2pm, and a light dinner.

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Katia, my dear Katia

Katia dear, please behave yourself won't you?

At first when Hurricane Katia came on the scene, I thought for sure that someone at the National Weather Center was a reader on BCTS, and that may be so, but upon doing some more research, found that I did not originat the name at all, but some Greek dude. :(

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Anybody know if there who to notify if I've found evidence of dormice? I'm in the West Midlands and was helping my partner sort out our new alotment next to the canal when I spotted a hazelnut, at first I though it was a snail but on closer inspection I found it was a hazelnut that had a hole nibbled in it and the inside was hollow.

I brought it home and looked online and found it looks exactly like the chewed hazelnut of dormice.

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Homecoming, so to speak

Yesterday was just a little bit rough, with the combination of medicines having an adverse reaction that both made my stomach turn, and dropped my blood pressure to a dangerous level. Both of those issues were resolved safely and without need for a visit to the E.R. thankfully, and this morning I have to admit I’m feeling pretty good all in all. It probably has to do with this being the first time in two months that I’ve truly been able to “feel” like Zoe inside and out. Let me explain. :-)

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006) ROFL... something in my spam box tickled me.

So I just checked my email as part of my nightly rounds before going to bed, and as I cleared out the spam box, I casually glanced at it's contents, and intermixed were ads for boosting my boob size and ads for "increase your Testosterone"...



How did I even get on the list for two clearly conflicting advertisements?

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005) Tightened another notch in my belt...

I now have 31" waist circumference, and 38" hip circumference. Interestingly, since the last time I measured, I lost exactly 1" at the waist, and gained it in the hips. This puts my Waist-to-Hip ratio at 0.82. My old masculine pot-belly is almost completely gone. I'm now wearing my pants and shorts between my hips and waist at a point where the circumference is 32".

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Some Problems

A persistant problem of mine is when I feel bad, I retreat into myself. Depression itself seems to be a forced retreat from the outside world. It makes sense, in a way; depression can come from injury, problems with others, etc. (This is excepting biological/genetic based depression, which actually is just a tendency to become depressed more easily.) When one has health or interpersonal problems, it might be better to withdraw and heal or let group tensions ease.

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To Catch a Thief~Final Chapter

Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw a young girl in the uniform of St Helen’s School for Girls. There was absolutely no sign of Brian and for that I was grateful...

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Lost In The 50s Tonight

This is a bit melancholy, but it wanted to be written and I just tried to keep up with what my muse was dictating. I hope you like it.

Song Credit to Ronnie Milsap: Lost In The 50s Tonight.
Lost In The Fifties Tonight, by Catherine Linda Michel

Oh yes, I remember... so, so well that night, the music, the feeling of being held in your arms, swaying together and hoping the moment would never end.

Close your eyes babyӬFollow my hear-eartӬ
Call on the mem'rie-ie-ies, ӬHere in the dar-ark
ӬWe'll let the magic Ӭ


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