General Audience (pg)

If you'll forgive the descent into self-pity....

As much as I try not to, as much as I try to divert my attention away from the feelings of worthlessness, of intellectual and creative inadequacy, and the persistent question, "Why bother?", I'm finding myself slipping into depression again.

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A good meeting with my pastor

I spent some time talking with my pastor today, talking about being trans, being a survivor of sexual abuse, where I am now, and my desire to find a way to give back to others for all the help I have been given.

A coupe of interesting things came out of it; first, she wanted to re-assure me that from the first time she met me she found I "radiated a feminine energy" so she had no doubt that I am a girl.

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Link to TG TV interview of a great author

Okay, so maybe not a great author, but I got you to check out the blog, how about checking out the clip and telling me what you think. If for nothing else, you get to see and hear what I look like. I am out there and there might not be any bringing me back.

Please post comments too.

I wish we could embed this so you don't have to go off page.

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I Hate Halloween


I hate Halloween

by Tanya Allan

I Hate Halloween: Copyright 2013 Tanya J. Allan

The author asserts her moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.

All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
Any adaptation of the whole or part of the material for broadcast by radio, TV, or for stage plays or film, is the right of the author unless negotiated through legal contract. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author is strictly prohibited.

This work is fictitious, and any similarities to any persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental. All persons and many places are fictitious, Mention is made of persons in public life only for the purposes of realism and for that reason alone. Certain licence is taken in respect of medical procedures, terms and conditions, and the author does not claim to be the fount of all knowledge.

The author accepts the right of the individual to hold his/her (or whatever) own political, religious and social views, and there is no intention to deliberately offend anyone.


Andrew is persuaded to go to the Halloween party, but trusts his friend Melissa to select the right costume. Unbeknown to him, Melissa has an ulterior motive and Andrew is about to face a very different future to that he expected.

And so it starts

As you can see, I just posted the first chapter of Lashes, my newest novel. As I've stated before, I won't post until the story is finished. Liar, liar, pants on fire, sorry I couldn't wait. Don't worry, I've already written over sixty thousand words and figured if I posted the first parts of the story it would light a fire under my ass and finish the thing. Well as I write more things take place in the story and, well, the way I think about it, by the time I'm done writing, the chapters will just be getting caught up.

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About the TV experience

Yesterday I got interviewed on Transition TV on the NotStr8 television station (now available on Roku). I will post the link as soon as I get it. After the show goes live, they edit and then post a cleaner version.

Being interviewed was quite interesting. Part of me wonders if I am playing make believe with some of the stuff that's been happening in my life. I feel I backdoored my way into the interview, but I guess I'm okay with that.

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Masks Chapter 1

Masks Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I stared at the wall of them.

And stared, and stared and stared.

There was something just so…I don’t know about them. The masks and the make-up kits for the girls that they got to wear every Halloween.

Not that I could.

Shade of Night Part 6


Murder investigations shouldn’t go like this.

Pascal Hunter is possessing the lovely body of Simza Gray. She hopes to solve the case before the woman’s thoughts and feelings completely overwhelm her. Some of those feelings are towards her new fiance. The rest of the family, and their staff, resent her presence.

She is hoping her partner, the eternal ten-year-old Brynn, has better luck than she has had.

The Best Jewel Thieves In The World

On the day that Durham won the County Cricket championship for the third time in six years - stealing it from under the noses of Yorkshire! - let's hear it for the Land of the Prince Bishops and arguably its most gifted son. Yes, the songwriting genius Paddy McAloon has a new Prefab Sprout album out on October 7th. I've heard it all and it's the best thing he's recorded since 'Jordan: The Comeback'.

Down below, down below
What do any of those losers know

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We lost a trans sister yesterday

Yesterday I found out on facebook that another trans woman had committed suicide, after I sent my prayers for her family and friends, all I could think of was "That could have been me." See, I'm in the 41 percent of trans people who have made an attempt on their own life, and it can only be described as a miracle that I am still here.

And that would suck, because then I would have missed out on all the amazing things that have started to happen since I started transitioning, and I would have caused grief and pain to the people I love for no good reason.

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Help finding a book on a grammar...

Like many people here I'm on a quest... Not really a quest for gold or fabulous treasure, but I think perhaps a more mundane one. I'm looking to improve my writing skills. Every story I write I learn something new and I'd like to keep this trend going, but I've hit a bit of a snag. One of my biggest weaknesses is that I lack a complete grasp on grammar. Virtually Twisted was my first foray into the world of TG and also the first yarn I'd written in quite a while. Something I think was painfully obvious when I first posted it.

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Gaby Book 10 Chapter *5* Ganging Up

Chapter *5*

Ganging Up

I've no idea what time I dropped off and to be honest I was still feeling quite maudlin when I thumped the stop button on my alarm a little after six Monday morning. With the sun streaming in through a gap in the curtains there was no reason not to go training and a good ride would work wonders in sorting my head out. I wasn't the first up this morning though, by the sounds of it, Uncle John was getting ready for work downstairs.

Shade of Night Part 5


Murder investigations shouldn’t go like this.

Pascal Hunter is possessing the lovely body of Simza Gray. She hopes to solve the case before the woman’s thoughts and feelings completely overwhelm her. Some of those feelings are towards her new fiance. The rest of the family, and their staff, resent her presence.

She is hoping her partner, the eternal ten-year-old Brynn, has better luck than she has had.

"A sickly sweet as a German white wine"

"A sickly sweet as a German white wine and just about as much body."

That was a review I got on Fictionmania for my story "False Positive"

And people wonder why I prefer to post here....

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Forced transformation by either magic or drug/virus

I know that almost all of the authors here want to be the woman inside them and write much from that view point, but my question is if a young Man who never wanted or had any desired to be a woman was transformed totally against his will or without any chance to say no at all how would he maintain the rationale that almost all the authors here have their protagonist maintain. An example of this is the sequel that Tigger did "Change of Direction". I have read this story many times and find I have a true LOVE/HATE relationship with this story.


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