Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2198

The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike, est. 2007)
Part 2198
by Angharad

Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

“What did you have to eat?” I asked my newest daughter.

“I had a sarnie at lunch an’ a tub of popcorn in the pictures.”

“D’you want anything to eat now?”

“Can I have some cereal?” May I have, would have sounded nicer but at least I understood her, most teenage boys just growl at their mothers.

“Help yourself, then off to bed.”

“Okay, Mummy.” We had a little hug before she got herself a dish and filled it with cereal over which she poured cold milk. Ten minutes later she was on her way to bed. I washed up the dirty dish and spoon and dried them, replacing them in their appropriate places. The tea towel looked a bit grubby, and I knew there were none in the drawer in the kitchen, so I ran upstairs to the airing cupboard cum linen store for some clean ones.

Passing Danni’s bedroom I heard voices and stopped to listen. It wasn’t a good idea.

“So, d’you think he read me?” asked Danni of either Cindy or Pia, “Yeah, he was kinda cute, ’cept his sticky-out ears. Good kisser, though. What? Don’t be daft, course we’ll see him later. Who knows? Byeee.” I barely breathed as I slipped past her bedroom. So they were going out to see boys were they? The little vixen. How can I get her to appreciate she’s playing with fire?

I went to talk with Simon, after all he was her other parent. I explained what I’d heard and asked him what he thought. “I leave all that stuff to you, babes, you do a better job than I would.”

“I didn’t ask what we did about it, I asked what you thought.”

“Whodathoughtit.” He said, which took a moment to unravel and decipher.

“Thought what?”

If he says something about the rugby I shall probably kill him.

“That she’s into boys.” Phew, he lives to annoy me another day.

“Is she, or is it simply role playing with Cindy, sort of egged on?”

“I thought she was into girls.”

“Si, my only concern is for her safety.”

“Course, what d’you think I’m worried about–her getting pregnant?”

“I’m sorry, but you seemed to be more concerned about her sexuality than her well being.”

“No, just surprised by it, if she stays as girl I was half expecting her to be a lesbian.” So was I, but I wasn’t going to say anything to him.

“Perhaps the assault awakened something in her,” I ventured.

“Like what?”

“How would I know? I do dormice not people, remember?”

“What you mean like being a bottom?” That suddenly took on a whole new meaning.

“Being submissive and feminine–I don’t know.”

“Well, she won’t be taking after her mother then.”


He chortled, “Let’s face it, babes, submissive is something you don’t do.” I had to agree with him.

“I like to think I’m acceptably feminine.”

“You are the most beautiful woman in my world, what more d’you want?”

“Help to understand my child.”

“Talk to Stephanie, she’s supposed to be the expert.”

“I can’t call her on a Sunday.”

“Why not, she loves your cooking.”

“David’s doing it tomorrow.”

“Better still.”

“You really know how to make me feel valued.” I walked away from him.

“Babes, I was meaning that Steph will come over even more quickly if you tell her David is cooking.”

“That still doesn’t do much for my self esteem.”

“I thought we were discussing Danni?” he threw at me. I hate it when he argues rationally.

“We were.”

“So why does your ego have to enter into it?”

“You told me–oh, never mind. I’m tired and want to go to bed.”

“What about little un?”

“What Danni?”

“No, the boob-sucker.”

“Oh Lizzie?”

“That’s the one.”

“I’d better check her, see how full her tank is.”

“How d’you do that?”

“With a dipstick, like they do oil in cars.”

“Do you? I’ve never seen you do that before.”

“Well pay attention, you might learn something.” Sometimes he is so dumb he deserves to be taken for a ride.

“You’re not really going to stick some sort of dipper into her, are you?”

“Why d’you think they call them diapers in the States?”

“The name of the guy who invented them?” he punted.

“No corruption of dipper.”

“Is it? I didn’t know that?”

“No, you stupid man. Of course I don’t use a dip stick–you–you–dipstick. The only thing anyone is going to stick in this baby is my nipple.” With my telling him off Lizzie woke up and I had to feed her. I got to bed after Simon had gone off to sleep, and even then I couldn’t sleep, wondering about Danni and what she’d been doing in the cinema. It was no good, come the morning, I’d have to ask her.

I waited until after breakfast. I felt like death warmed up and she looked fresh as a daisy. I called her to the study. She came in looking guilty and I felt sick.

“I heard you talking on the phone last night.”

“Phone?” she bluffed and blushed.

“Yes, as in mobile.”

“Oh that phone?”

“Danni, I might be indulgent but I’m not stupid.”

“No, Mummy, course not.”

“So to whom were you talking?”

“On the phone?”

“Unless you can do it by other means, yes.”

“I wasn’t.”

“You were, I heard you.”

“I wasn’t talking on the phone.”

“What were you doing then, practicing ventriloquism?”

“No–I was on Skype.”

“Skype–at that time of night?”

“I’m thirteen, Mummy, not ten.”

“Even so...”

“And it was Saturday night.”

“So, who were you talking to?”


“About what?”

“About these two boys who came and sat either side of us.”

“What happened?”

“They offered to buy us some popcorn.”

“And you let them?”

“Yeah, why not?”

“How old were these boys?”

“Fourteen, maybe.”

“And you let older boys buy you pop corn?”

“Yeah–no big deal.”

“And what were you going to give them by way of return?”


“Not even a kiss?”

“Yeah, well okay, we kissed a bit, that’s all.”

“So he wasn’t groping his way round your body?”

“He copped a bit of tit or what he thought was it.”

“You’re thirteen, you’re taking tremendous risks.”

“Like I’m gonna get pregnant?”

“No you little fool, the exact opposite–what if he discovers you’re really a boy?”

“He wouldn’t.”

“How d’you know?”

“I wouldn’t let him.”

“Danni, he’s a boy, they’re full of testosterone especially when they get excited, that gives them extra strength. You’re taking oestrogen, it eats muscle. He’s a year or more older than you–and you’re going to stop him having his way with you if he so wishes? I don’t think so.”

“Has Dad ever had his way with you against your wishes?”


“Well then?”

“How dare you? Your father loves me and I him, we wouldn’t do anything like that to each other or anyone else. You know nothing about this boy. I’m an adult, I have some control over my feelings, so does your father. Who knows what this boy would have done if you really got him going.”

“Relax, Mummy, he’s just some kid.”

“So are you seeing him again?”

She stopped eye contact, preferring to look at the floor. She also began to blush profusely.

“Well, are you?”

“I might be.”

“Where–the cinema?”

“Yes,” she said in a very quiet voice I had to listen hard to catch.

“You silly girl, be careful–d’you hear me?”

She stood staring at the floor as tears dripped off her nose.

“Come here,” I held my arms out and she leant into them sobbing on my shoulder. “You need to be careful, so careful, just as much as a normal girl–she can get pregnant, you could end up with a beating or worse.”

“I’m sorry, Mummy, I’m really sorry.”

“If this is what you get up to with Cindy, I shall have to serious think about stopping you seeing her.”

“No, Mummy, please don’t–we’re good friends and she understands me.”

Yeah, possibly too well.


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