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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2198 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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“What did you have to eat?” I asked my newest daughter.
“I had a sarnie at lunch an’ a tub of popcorn in the pictures.”
“D’you want anything to eat now?”
“Can I have some cereal?” May I have, would have sounded nicer but at least I understood her, most teenage boys just growl at their mothers.
“Help yourself, then off to bed.”
“Okay, Mummy.” We had a little hug before she got herself a dish and filled it with cereal over which she poured cold milk. Ten minutes later she was on her way to bed. I washed up the dirty dish and spoon and dried them, replacing them in their appropriate places. The tea towel looked a bit grubby, and I knew there were none in the drawer in the kitchen, so I ran upstairs to the airing cupboard cum linen store for some clean ones.
Passing Danni’s bedroom I heard voices and stopped to listen. It wasn’t a good idea.
“So, d’you think he read me?” asked Danni of either Cindy or Pia, “Yeah, he was kinda cute, ’cept his sticky-out ears. Good kisser, though. What? Don’t be daft, course we’ll see him later. Who knows? Byeee.” I barely breathed as I slipped past her bedroom. So they were going out to see boys were they? The little vixen. How can I get her to appreciate she’s playing with fire?
I went to talk with Simon, after all he was her other parent. I explained what I’d heard and asked him what he thought. “I leave all that stuff to you, babes, you do a better job than I would.”
“I didn’t ask what we did about it, I asked what you thought.”
“Whodathoughtit.” He said, which took a moment to unravel and decipher.
“Thought what?”
If he says something about the rugby I shall probably kill him.
“That she’s into boys.” Phew, he lives to annoy me another day.
“Is she, or is it simply role playing with Cindy, sort of egged on?”
“I thought she was into girls.”
“Si, my only concern is for her safety.”
“Course, what d’you think I’m worried about–her getting pregnant?”
“I’m sorry, but you seemed to be more concerned about her sexuality than her well being.”
“No, just surprised by it, if she stays as girl I was half expecting her to be a lesbian.” So was I, but I wasn’t going to say anything to him.
“Perhaps the assault awakened something in her,” I ventured.
“Like what?”
“How would I know? I do dormice not people, remember?”
“What you mean like being a bottom?” That suddenly took on a whole new meaning.
“Being submissive and feminine–I don’t know.”
“Well, she won’t be taking after her mother then.”
He chortled, “Let’s face it, babes, submissive is something you don’t do.” I had to agree with him.
“I like to think I’m acceptably feminine.”
“You are the most beautiful woman in my world, what more d’you want?”
“Help to understand my child.”
“Talk to Stephanie, she’s supposed to be the expert.”
“I can’t call her on a Sunday.”
“Why not, she loves your cooking.”
“David’s doing it tomorrow.”
“Better still.”
“You really know how to make me feel valued.” I walked away from him.
“Babes, I was meaning that Steph will come over even more quickly if you tell her David is cooking.”
“That still doesn’t do much for my self esteem.”
“I thought we were discussing Danni?” he threw at me. I hate it when he argues rationally.
“We were.”
“So why does your ego have to enter into it?”
“You told me–oh, never mind. I’m tired and want to go to bed.”
“What about little un?”
“What Danni?”
“No, the boob-sucker.”
“Oh Lizzie?”
“That’s the one.”
“I’d better check her, see how full her tank is.”
“How d’you do that?”
“With a dipstick, like they do oil in cars.”
“Do you? I’ve never seen you do that before.”
“Well pay attention, you might learn something.” Sometimes he is so dumb he deserves to be taken for a ride.
“You’re not really going to stick some sort of dipper into her, are you?”
“Why d’you think they call them diapers in the States?”
“The name of the guy who invented them?” he punted.
“No corruption of dipper.”
“Is it? I didn’t know that?”
“No, you stupid man. Of course I don’t use a dip stick–you–you–dipstick. The only thing anyone is going to stick in this baby is my nipple.” With my telling him off Lizzie woke up and I had to feed her. I got to bed after Simon had gone off to sleep, and even then I couldn’t sleep, wondering about Danni and what she’d been doing in the cinema. It was no good, come the morning, I’d have to ask her.
I waited until after breakfast. I felt like death warmed up and she looked fresh as a daisy. I called her to the study. She came in looking guilty and I felt sick.
“I heard you talking on the phone last night.”
“Phone?” she bluffed and blushed.
“Yes, as in mobile.”
“Oh that phone?”
“Danni, I might be indulgent but I’m not stupid.”
“No, Mummy, course not.”
“So to whom were you talking?”
“On the phone?”
“Unless you can do it by other means, yes.”
“I wasn’t.”
“You were, I heard you.”
“I wasn’t talking on the phone.”
“What were you doing then, practicing ventriloquism?”
“No–I was on Skype.”
“Skype–at that time of night?”
“I’m thirteen, Mummy, not ten.”
“Even so...”
“And it was Saturday night.”
“So, who were you talking to?”
“About what?”
“About these two boys who came and sat either side of us.”
“What happened?”
“They offered to buy us some popcorn.”
“And you let them?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“How old were these boys?”
“Fourteen, maybe.”
“And you let older boys buy you pop corn?”
“Yeah–no big deal.”
“And what were you going to give them by way of return?”
“Not even a kiss?”
“Yeah, well okay, we kissed a bit, that’s all.”
“So he wasn’t groping his way round your body?”
“He copped a bit of tit or what he thought was it.”
“You’re thirteen, you’re taking tremendous risks.”
“Like I’m gonna get pregnant?”
“No you little fool, the exact opposite–what if he discovers you’re really a boy?”
“He wouldn’t.”
“How d’you know?”
“I wouldn’t let him.”
“Danni, he’s a boy, they’re full of testosterone especially when they get excited, that gives them extra strength. You’re taking oestrogen, it eats muscle. He’s a year or more older than you–and you’re going to stop him having his way with you if he so wishes? I don’t think so.”
“Has Dad ever had his way with you against your wishes?”
“Well then?”
“How dare you? Your father loves me and I him, we wouldn’t do anything like that to each other or anyone else. You know nothing about this boy. I’m an adult, I have some control over my feelings, so does your father. Who knows what this boy would have done if you really got him going.”
“Relax, Mummy, he’s just some kid.”
“So are you seeing him again?”
She stopped eye contact, preferring to look at the floor. She also began to blush profusely.
“Well, are you?”
“I might be.”
“Where–the cinema?”
“Yes,” she said in a very quiet voice I had to listen hard to catch.
“You silly girl, be careful–d’you hear me?”
She stood staring at the floor as tears dripped off her nose.
“Come here,” I held my arms out and she leant into them sobbing on my shoulder. “You need to be careful, so careful, just as much as a normal girl–she can get pregnant, you could end up with a beating or worse.”
“I’m sorry, Mummy, I’m really sorry.”
“If this is what you get up to with Cindy, I shall have to serious think about stopping you seeing her.”
“No, Mummy, please don’t–we’re good friends and she understands me.”
Yeah, possibly too well.

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Perhaps ...
... Danni needs to talk to Julie. IIRC when she first came into contact with Cathy is was after getting beaten up for just the same reasons that Cathy's worried about.
Troubled waters coming baby ...
Hoo-oold me tight.
Yep, she's sailing close to the wind there. Young teenaged boys, perhaps the most intolerant creatures on the planet.
Cathy's got her work cut out there.
Thanks Ang.
Need a bridge over troubled waters
Ang needs to build a bridge for Cathy because I feel there is trouble brewing. We'll just have to see in the next few episodes.
Bev, I love your dress. Are you going to show us the after shot?
Much Love,
Valerie R
More like the most hated and misjudged human beings on the
This is a pretty judgmental and ugly thing to say. you will not like it if I'll say teenage girls are the most shallow thing on the face of the earth, yet you make the previous comment without batting an eye.
This is one of the major issues with young man education nowadays, it seems like the system is marking them as little animals rather than people, and believe me they feel it.
Encounters with Men
I've not had a romantic encounter with a genetic male who found out that did not get ugly. Even now if one approaches me, and some do, if it goes just a little way I will simply tell him to speak with my Bishop, the one person who knows it all.
I know of very few like us that have found a hetro relationship that lasted. I think it is getting better, and perhaps one day ... Still for us olds, it is better to do full disclosure on initial contact, I think.
For the young ones, I do hope that they will develop an "Intersex" alibi right off, and then get their surgery without delay, should that be what they desire.
It seems that Intersex stories are a lot more socially acceptable than saying you are transgendered. And, in the fullness of time, I think science will indeed find a physical reason for such thoughts of insanity. :) So, in most ways dropping the use of "transgender" is a lot more healthy and possibly more correct.
Cindy understands Danni
It's as well someone does.
Two words ....
come to mind here ... Playing and fire, Danni needs to watch herself, Does she not remember what happened during a shopping trip a while back, And how scared she was ? Maybe she needs to try and refresh her memory, Because the next time she might not be so lucky..