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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2146 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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I hoped Danni slept better than I did. I tossed and turned worrying about what was going to happen to her or to him. With Trish and Julie and largely with Sammi, it was pretty well cut and dried. They knew they should have been female and at the first opportunity went for it. Billie, I wasn’t as sure about, though it seems it was ultimately right for her, which I’ve since learned is true. Danni–I’m just not sure about.
Why did it take so long? What was the effect of the assault in France and then hanging out with Pia? Why would a relatively normal boy allow himself to be dressed as a girl by his friend and then offer to do their makeup?
Okay, let’s try and look at this logically if I can, being somewhat involved. If Danny was just a cross dresser, this would be a great fun, being allowed to wear fancy dress for a couple of weeks with very few consequences and the complete support of his family.
If he was gay, why would he need to dress up? All I could think would be to catch a boy like a girl does but it doesn’t feel right. Surely, he could find another gay boy without all that fuss unless he was wanting a boy who wasn’t gay. It still doesn’t feel right, but it’s working if it was the case, he has Richard sniffing round him like a bloodhound.
If he was transsexual, wouldn’t he have known it earlier? He’s thirteen years old, I knew in nursery what I was, so why didn’t he? The psychologists have great fun with us as a group trying to classify and reclassify everything and everyone. I’ve read stuff where they suggest there are primary and secondary transsexuals, the primary are like me, knew from a young age, the secondary being older, perhaps transitioning after a midlife crisis. However, that sort of reasoning doesn’t take individual circumstances into account. What if it wasn’t possible for the individual to do anything until they were thirty or forty or even older? What if they lived in a poor country where subsistence level living made ordinary life hard without trying to tell others you were in the wrong body?
I glanced at the clock, it was after one in the morning and my head was spinning with all sorts of things the bottom line of which was simply, how can I help my child do what is best for them?
Sleep must have occurred because I woke up having a very strange dream.
I was about nine and my parents had removed all my boy clothes replacing them with girl’s stuff. Instead of feeling joyful and rushing to thank them, I was horrified. I looked in the mirror and I still had a boy’s haircut. In girl’s clothing I was going to look stupid and I’d be teased to death in school.
Looking down, I realised I was wearing a ‘Care Bears’ nightdress and all I wanted to do was get it off me before someone saw me in it. I called to my mother.
“Yes, Charlotte, what d’you want?”
“Where are my clothes, Mummy?”
“In your chest of drawers and wardrobe, why?” I heard her walking towards me. “They’re where they always are, you silly girl.”
“But I wear boy’s clothes, Mummy?”
“You used to but you’re always telling us you’re really a girl, so we thought we’d let you wear girl’s clothes from now on.”
“What about my hair?”
“What about it? You’ll just have to wait until it grows, won’t you?”
“What about school?”
“You’ll still have to go–it’s the law.”
“But they’ll laugh at me?”
“Too bad, you kept saying you wished you were a girl, now you are so get on with it.”
Suddenly things were changed and I became the mother and Danny became the child and he was protesting and I was telling him hard luck.
I woke up in a lather and struggling for breath. It was two o’clock. My chest was on fire and I knew I had another infection. At this rate I was going to end up on intravenous antibiotics and probably in Perth general hospital. Sitting up in bed, my chest was wheezing like a set of ancient bellows and I was struggling.
For a few minutes I wondered if I was going to die, as I couldn’t seem to breathe at all. Initially I felt a surge of panic then gradually I began to calm down. I’d possibly see Billie again and find out if death was the end. The tunnel of light started to develop and part of me thought, here we go–endorphins are kicking in, my brain is dying.
Suddenly, I felt someone shake me. “Mummy, what’s the matter?” it was Danni, “Mummy, wake up.”
I opened my eyes and there beside me stood Danni, resplendent in nightdress and slippers. I sat up, I was bathed in sweat–I’d been dreaming.
“What are you doing here?”
“You called out in your sleep, it woke me up.”
“Did I? I’m sorry sweetheart, I must have had a bad dream.”
“I’m getting cold, Mummy,” she stood there shivering and despite her appearing as female, I didn’t think it was appropriate to have a thirteen year old boy in my bed.
“Okay, go back to bed–and thanks for coming to help me.”
“’s okay,” she shrugged and left me.
I could recall quite a bit of the dream which was weirder than usual and I was quite damp. Changing my nightdress seemed a sensible course of action so that’s what I did, having a quick wipe over with a flannel and a towel before donning the pyjamas I had in my case.
The clock said three o’clock, well in reality it sort of said, ‘tick tick’, but you know what I mean. I wanted a drink so went in search of a cuppa. I was just filling the kettle when a voice behind said, “Lady Cameron, just what are you doing?”
I jumped about a foot in the air and nearly dropped the kettle. Blushing like a naughty schoolgirl who’d been caught midnight snacking, I spun round and there was Mrs Cuddy. “I was thirsty and wanted a cuppa.” How could I feel guilty saying that to an employee–but I did–this was her kitchen.
“Aye well back t’ bed wi’ ye, an’ I’ll bring it through t’ ye.”
“But that’s unfair on you,” I protested.
“Och, it’s nae bother at a’. Awa’ tae yer bed, noo.” So saying she shooed me out of the kitchen and like a dog with its tail between its legs I retreated to my room feeling like I’d been put in my place in my place, if you see what I mean? I’m the lady of the house and I was being ordered about by a servant. Wonderful.
I was still sulking but in bed when she brought me a pot of tea on a tray with milk and sugar, even though she knows I don’t take the latter and plate of toast which smelt absolutely fabulous.
“There ye hae this an’ go back tae sleep, ye need all thae rest ye can get.”
Duly chastened, I thanked her for her kindness and waited until she was out of the room before pouring a cup of tea and taking a big bite from the toast.

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I wish I had a Mrs. Cuddy
My mother does. It's me.
Much Love,
Valerie R
Cathy's dream
I wonder if Cathy's dream is going to play a larger role in hers and Danni's future? The fact she remembers more of it than most other dreams she has had would seem to indicate that such could be the case.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Very few clocks say Tic-Toc anymore....
They don't even hum. But I suppose a castle in Scotland might have one that says tic-toc.
Still very concerned about Danni and to some degree Cathy too. This trip seems to be one of discovery, discussion, and omens (beside a nasty infection).
Musical Tic tok.
My wall clock has batteries in it. Depending on how I lay, I can hear the pitch of the tic tok change as it swings a rather large "second hand" around; lugging down as the motor pulls it up and speeding up as the hand breaks the rise and careens down toward the bottom. If I lay in a certain postion, the swinging of the main spring sounds sort of musical too.
This Danny/Danni story arc
This Danny/Danni story arc certainly gives us things to think about. Thank you, Angharad, Bonzi, and Izzy.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Time to seek higher council.
This is the time to seek higher intervention for the answers. Catherin can create some internalize explanations for asking " her higher self " for help and wise advice. But willingly ask she must. Catherin is not alone and has exausted what mortal adviser's she has. The councils advice is mistaken , Catherins is to close, and the rest is insightful but lacks a real view of the future. The Goddess , or Cathetin's higher self what ever, can see into the future far enough to suss out the higher quality path for her child. This will reduce her stress allowing Catherin to heal her self , and allow the child sound advice she can base a decision on.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Worrying and dreaming scary dreams when our children have problems. Yep, that happens... Whether the kids have health issues or any other kind. Not knowing what their problem really is, makes it worse. Yep. Been there, done that, doing it again...
Glad the burning chest was a bad dream.
I read in an academic book that early-life TS folk are divided into two sorts: those who wish they were the opposite sex (physically) and those who believe they actually are, only to be disappointed later. The mid-life crisis bit is something else again, of course. I tend not to believe in the idea of an adult having a moment of realisation as the idea doesn't feel right.
What I do credit is the early knowledge type (myself, Annie Price, Sarah Powell); the confused realisation after puberty type (Steph in StD); the flight into hypermasculinity type (Melanie)
It is the last that results, IMHO, in the 'midlife crisis' type: a life lived in sometimes violent denial of the truth until the cracks become too wide.
Hyper Masculinity.
I don't know if I will ever fully understand what happened. It was a combination of things. I was given a girl's name; Mother frequently complained about my being a boy; she put me in dresses until I was 4; my step father was no male role model at all.
So, being only 5'7", I had a little man attitude, and took real risks to prove myself.
It just goes on and on.
There are...
There are (or at least were) other "categories" that weren't acknowledged back in the day...
In my case I knew I was "different" but also "KNEW" that there were only guys, girls and crazy folks (and I did my best to not admit to myself that I was a crazy folk)... (I also pretty much didn't exist before I was in 5th grade - as far as I can recall - or even could recall back in '85/'86.)
My lack of memory of my early life AND my "well trained" knowledge were two factors that delayed my diagnosis back in the day... I still recall the session where the possibility that SOME folks might be TS was finally accepted. Once I accepted that it was possible to be TS, things clarified quite quickly for me.
But - that I avoided believing tells me that others might as well... And this really can muck up that early/late concept.
can be so realistic, i had a dream the other week that my car had been pinched , When i woke i was so convinced the dream was true, That when i looked outside and saw the car sitting there as large as life i was more than a little surprised, So i guess i find that Cathy having trouble sorting out what was dream and what was real life is more than believeable to me...
Still don't know.
I still don't know and now I don't really care. I'm celibate, I'm old and I'm crazy! Go figure, I can't.
All I feel is this. There are more angles to gender and/or sexuality than the sun's got rays. But that still doesn't shed much light on the subject. Psychiatrists are always trying to put us in boxes cos' it makes it easier for them. Trouble is, the whole trans thing seems to me to be an open-ended equation.
What the hell; do I care any more? No!
Cathy naturally worries cos' it's not about her, it's about a child she's responsible for and loves. Those worries stay with a parent for life!
Good chapter Ang. Still lovin' it.
My God,
Over six YEARS writing new parts to the one story and what a story. It has to be one of the best stories I have ever read and I've read all my life. Also, it would be the longest story ever written. Yet you maintain a riveting story all the way through.
I know that Cathy has insecurity from her childhood. Still, after nearly (10000 pages), isn't it about time to leave that gender insecurity behind once and for all? She has a loving husband, family, colleagues and so on. She is a babe, gorgeous. Isn't it about time that she finally accepts that she is all woman?
It would certainly enable her to find inner peace and see herself the way everyone else does.
I have to say that for any author to maintain a riveting story of this length and keep posting more, is a writer of rare talent. Thank you for all the pleasure you give to your fans and may Cathy find the peace she truly deserves. She is a wonderful woman
On a practical note
Why doesn't Cathy arrange with Mrs Cuddy to have a tea-making tray in her room, or nearby so she can have a fridge for milk, so she can have her 2am cuppa without using Mrs Cuddy's kitchen?
Love Bev xx