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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2152 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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“Have you tried her mobile?”
“Yes, either she’s not answering or it’s switched off.”
“I expect she’s run into an old friend or something.”
“I rang Pia, she hasn’t seen her either.”
“She left here about ten, so that’s three hours. I’d better inform the police, just in case, I’ll ring you as soon as I know anything.” I rang off and called the police asking to speak to Andy Bond. Thankfully he was there.
“Hello, PC Bond.”
“Hi, Andy, it’s Cathy Cameron.”
“How are you?”
“Look, Andy, we could have a bit of a situation.”
“Oh, in what way?”
“I’d prefer not to talk about this over the phone, can I come and see you or better still could you come to me?”
“I can be there in an hour.”
“Quicker would be appreciated.”
“Is it one of the kids?”
“Yes, Danni.”
“Okay, I’m on my way.”
He arrived twenty minutes later with a woman officer. “This PC Amanda Lane, Lady Cathy Cameron, aka Dr Cathy Watts expert on all things biological.”
“Come in,” I invited them in and asked Jacquie to make us a pot of tea.
“Okay, what’s this with Danny–one of Cathy’s adopted kids.”
“It’s like this...” and I told them the whole story, Amanda’s eyes became very large when I mentioned the cross dressing. “I was pleased that he said he was going to stop but this morning he decided he’d go and see a girlfriend still dressed in a skirt and top. She left...”
“Sorry, who’s she?”
“Oh, when Danni is dressed as a girl we call him her, it’s easier if any strangers are about.”
“A bit unusual, isn’t it, allowing a boy to dress as a girl and go out like it?” Amanda Lane obviously found my household a bit unconventional.
“Have you dealt with transgender children?”
“No, but I’ve dealt with trannies all dressed up like drag queens.”
“The advice of the psychiatrist who’s been seeing Danni was to let him/her find her own level and to allow him to explore his gender situation.”
“Bit weird if you ask me.”
“I wasn’t, but I do have experience of transgender children, my daughter, who was transgender died a year or so ago.”
“So how come you get another one?”
“I have five children here plus a colleague’s baby girl–his wife died and he had a breakdown, plus my sister in law has two little girls.”
“Even so, it’s a bit strange, two in one household.”
I glanced at Andy Bond and he winked at me.
“All my children are adopted, they’re all kids with a damaged past, usually involving sexual abuse. Danny was abroad in the summer on a school trip and he and another boy were raped by two Frenchmen when they went in a public toilet. The other boy has since removed his genitals, he nearly bled to death. I encouraged Danny to maintain the friendship because they’d a shared history of the attack and beforehand they were good friends. The other boy decided he was more of a girl now than a boy and started dressing as one and calling herself Pia. Danny sort of did it to maintain his support, then we went to Scotland and met another who was being abused by his family, who subsequently committed suicide. We were invited to go to a memorial service and Danny asked to go dressed as a girl in solidarity with Alice, who died.”
“Still can’t imagine one of my boys doing that to support a weird friend.” Amanda Lane wasn’t endearing herself to me, one bit.
“Well that’s what happened, and this morning after expecting my son to reappear, he came down madeup and wearing a skirt and top. I suggested he caught the bus to go and see his friend.”
“His girlfriend?”
“His friend who’s a girl, yes.”
“And she’s okay with him dressing up?”
“Yes. She phoned about half an hour ago to ask where he was because he hadn’t turned up at her place.”
“What time did he leave?”
“Ten. I’ve tried calling her mobile but there’s no answer, it just says not available.”
“Have you a picture of him as a girl?”
“I can do you one,” I dashed off to my computer and printed off the one of Alice and Danni at the dance.
“Very pretty for a boy, who’s the taller girl?”
“That’s Alice, the girl who took her own life.”
“You can’t tell from the photo that these aren’t two girls.” PC Lane shook her head.
“The only reason she was recognised at the airport was because she was with me, and I was recognised–I’ve been on telly a few times–and they put two and two together. After it got out that the two boys had been raped in France, they received abuse from several of the boys at school.”
“Wouldn’t allowing him to go around dressed as a girl going to make things worse?”
“I’d prefer he did it with my knowledge than covertly.”
“Good point,” interjected Andy who’d kept quiet most of the interview. “Where was she last seen?”
“By us, leaving the driveway to catch the bus.”
“On her own?”
“Yes, she’s thirteen, so often does things by herself.”
“While dressed as a girl?” asked PC Lane.
“No, usually I take her by car, but I was busy.”
“Do social services know you’ve turned two boys into girls?”
“What’s it got to do with social services?” I asked feeling offended.
“Everything if you’re abusing these children.”
“Now hang on a minute, Ms Lane, if you’d like to continue this course of questioning I want my solicitor here.”
“Amanda, I’ve know Cathy several years and abusing children is one thing I know she’d never do.”
“Isn’t turning boys into girls abuse?”
“I haven’t turned anyone into anything. I allow them space to explore if they want to but they have to ask, I don’t encourage them to do it, but neither do I walk away from it. Gender different children suffer appallingly from their peers and from ill educated and bigoted adults.”
“Oh so I’m bigoted now, am I?” PC Lane got quite red in the face.
“I don’t recall implying you were anything, but if the cap fits...”
“Ladies, can we please remember why we’re here,” said Andy trying to calm things down.
“Mummy, phone,” called Jacquie. PC Lane gave me a very strange look as I got up to answer it.
It was Cindy, Danni had been chased by a group of boys who recognised her when she got off the bus in town and it had taken her three hours to lose them. She was okay but quite upset. I told her I’d be over as soon as I could.
I strode back to the two police officers and overheard the following conversation. “Mandy, don’t upset this woman, she has friends in very high places and some of the best counsel in England. They call her the pension killer, because one or two coppers who tried it on, ended up losing their pensions, one ended up dead another in prison.”
“Andy, I don’t care who she is, if she’s abusing that kid, I’m gonna get her.”
“She isn’t abusing anyone.”
“Yeah, well I think anyone who buys their son skirts and dresses and makeup is some sort of perv.”
I walked into the room and PC Lane blushed. I pretended I didn’t hear what she said.
“Good news, Danni has turned up at her friend’s.”
“Oh well, false alarm then,” said Andy placing his notebook back in his pocket.
“Not quite, she was chased round the town for three hours by a gang of thugs who recognised her.”
“Does she have names?” he asked.
“I don’t know, but if she does I am going to press charges.”
PC Lane looked perplexed. “What if they accuse you of abusing the boy?”
“Let them, I’ll bankrupt them and the social services department if they want to try it.”
“Could cost you quite a bit of money,” quipped PC Lane.
“Um–Mandy, Lady Cameron’s family own a bank, money isn’t a problem.”
She scowled at me.
“Yep, I’m a rich bitch and in defence of my family I’m prepared to spend it.”
The two coppers left and I hoped Andy talked some sense into her otherwise we could meet over a hot courtroom and I suspect she could be the loser.

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Yep, they're still out there ...
Sadly they're still out there, the transphobic, homophobic, racist and misogynistic bigots. I suppose they'll be with us for another couple of generations until education, education, education percolates down into the cesspits they occupy.
Be interesting to see where this little issue ends up.
Still lovin' it Ang but I getting too old to be scrapping.
Ello, Ello, Ello...
What have we here then, another narrow minded copper.
I think the best advice Andy Bond could give PC Lane, is to ask about the reputation of Lady Cathy at the local station, if memory serves she has a habbit of killing careers of uppity police officers, also the reactions of some of her colleagues might give her pause for thought, again if memory serves the mention of Cathy's name make the colour drain from the faces of even the senior officers.
Poor Danni/y I hope s/he does give Cathy some names.
On a lighter note, but equally important, I only have one question what has Spike been getting upto since Trish's tantrum?
Lets just be glad that Danni
is safe. This is sure going to make the school situation difficult not to mention the football.
Doubt that a narrow-minded cop will be much of an issue considering that Cathy has a psychologist on call along with several doctors and a few police. (And quite a few lawyers)
As one door closes, another one slams in your face.
Glad Danni's safe but I doubt that we've heard the last of Danny/Danni's gender confusion.
Drama and the dormouse
with a side of keystoned cop. I have seen that kind of attitude, but usually not to the point when they keep to it over what is more important, finding the child.
Thank you so much for another great episode of my favorite Serial
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Look, I understood where the fuzz was coming from and although her ignorance is rather appalling, I do commend her concern for the children. I get the idea this one is salvageable with a bit of education. In any case, I'm more concerned about Dani being chased by thugs. Time to get the kid some self defense courses so she can at least handle herself if it comes down to it.
Thanks for another great installment of "As The Dormouse Turns".
Not Only Another Fine Chapter To Entertain Us, But...
I think you may well have solved the Problem and Discovered Why the Country is in such a Mess - the coppers are having too much fun chasing after what they think are boys in dresses (not having checked first to discover - O horror of horrors! (for bigots) that it is NOT illegal to wear a dress, even if you have been labelled "boy" at birth ! Gosh ! Fancy that ! Better get those lazy fat polly tishuns busy with making up another silly rule, to help control all the poor rats in the overcrowded rat cage. Wotever next ? Women in trousers ? It says in the Bible/Quran/Tablets of the Angel Maloney, Baloney, or whatever, that it is a Sin, and besides, it is fun so it HAS to be WRONG !
etc etc etc. :)
Reading the words
of PC Lane is enough to make your blood boil,Quite how we can trust ignorant people like her to make sensible judgements concering other peoples future when clearly she does not have a full grasp of the world around her is totally beyond me .... Time i think for a little education ..
Good to see Danni is safe and well from his brush with the local boy mafia , I wonder if maybe what happened to her today might just be enough to convince her boys clothes are safer to wear?