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(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 2108 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
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I spent the afternoon with the girls playing in the paddling pool–they did–I just filled it with water. They had a whale of a time splashing each other and generally being silly before I called a halt, then it was back indoors and a shower and dress for dinner.
Danny was dropped back by Cindy’s mum, though it was Danielle who sashayed into the house. “Let’s see,” squealed the girls as they wanted to see the ear rings, which were little blue crystal studs–a bit girlish for school but there’s time for them to heal yet.
After a delicious dinner of baked mackerel in butter with mushrooms and chives, and garlic jacket potatoes, Danni strolled down to my study; “You’re mad at me, aren’t you?”
“For what?”
“Getting my ears pierced and becoming all girly.”
“If I am with regard to the earrings, it’s because you’re still a minor and I should have been consulted. However, it’s done now so I have to accept it. If you do any such thing again, I won’t be able to ignore it and there will be consequences for you and whoever did whatever was done.”
“You mean if I got a tat?”
“If you got a tattoo, I’m not sure what I’d do to you but it wouldn’t be nice, and I’d sue the tattoo shop into extinction.”
“Oops, I’d better just be going then.”
“Danni, just what d’you mean by that?”
“Um–nothing–Mummy, honest.”
“You’re just trying to wind me up, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, sorry.”
“To prevent me asking about what exactly?”
“That was a distraction to stop me asking about you becoming all girly, I suspect.”
Lack of eye contact and a deep blush made me realise I’d probably come close if not hit the target.
“I like it, all right?”
“Fine, I’ll make arrangements for you to be enrolled at St Claire’s as Danielle King next term, don’t know if they’d allow you to play cricket or football though.”
“Yeah, okay,” he replied calling my bluff.
“You realise that the fees required are for the whole year irrespective of whether you want to stay there or otherwise, so you’d have to spend the whole year as a girl.”
“This is not a game, Danielle, once we embark upon it you can’t just stop.”
“That isn’t what you told the others.”
“So? Each case is dealt with on its merits.”
“You told Trish and Billie they could change back at any time.”
“That was then, this is now–times have changed.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Where does it say things have to be fair?”
“But it’s not fair.”
“Why should there always be parity?”
“What does that mean?”
“Oh okay, thanks; because you claim to treat us all the same.”
“I used to, and I’m treating you all the same now. You’ll have the same uniform and school fees, so isn’t that fair?”
“No, if I change my mind I want to be able to get out.”
“Not if I’ve spent a fortune on school fees and uniforms.”
“You’ve got plenty of money.”
“So? That’s irrelevant, why should I waste it?”
“You did with Trish and Billie.”
“I’ve learned my lesson then, haven’t I?”
“But it’s not fair.”
“Neither Trish nor Billie had any intention of returning to boyhood, are you the same, prepared to forsake it forever?”
“Yeah–I–uh think.” He paused for a moment, then, “Why don’t you want me to be a girl?”
“You can be a girl if you like, I don’t have a problem with it,” I lied trying to make him see the consequences.
“I do like, and Cindy likes me too.”
So was that the incentive? But what is he getting out of it? “Have you told Pia about your decision?”
“What decision?”
“To transition to a girl and have hormones and the operation.”
“Not yet.”
“Why not? I’d have thought you’d be on the phone to tell her and Cindy. I expect if I asked Mr O’Rourke, he could do it before you went back to school–that would make life easier, wouldn’t it?”
“I thought I had to wait a year at least?”
“Not with my money and influence, if O’Rourke won’t do it, we’ll get it done in Holland, if we move quickly, we could probably manage it before the end of the holidays.”
“You’re joking?” he said but he looked very worried.
I waited a full minute before I responded, “Yes, I was joking, O’Rourke wouldn’t do it, but there are places that will. It won’t take me long to find one.”
“You’d do that to me?”
“Not to you, for you. If you’re serious about being a girl we have to give you girl bits, don’t we?”
“Why? Sammi hasn’t got them yet.”
“Sammi’s down on a waiting list and is busy with some software structuring so can’t spare the time at the present. Those constraints don’t apply to you.”
“But you’ve got to be eighteen.”
“In theory, yes you do.”
“You’re just trying to scare me, aren’t you?”
“Am I?”
“I think you are.”
“Am I succeeding?”
“In scaring me–a bit.”
“Oh good, because if you said no, I’d have considered you were mentally incompetent.”
“But I said yes, you were scaring me.”
“Yes that means you’re listening a little to what I’m saying.”
“You don’t think I’m serious, do you?”
“You tell me.”
“I think I like being a girl.”
“But what?”
“I thought you were going to say something else.”
“Okay, but maybe I’d like to try it for a bit longer before I decide I want to become one all the time, an’ have the operation an’ things.”
“Cindy said I’d have to do at least a year in the life test or something before they’d do anything.”
“Oh well, just three hundred and sixty three days then.”
He looked perplexed for a moment then smiled, “Oh yeah, I’ve done two days already.”
“And you’re serious about going to Scotland as a girl?”
“I’d forgotten about that for a moment.”
“I’ll need to get you kitted out if you do.”
“Can’t it wait?”
“Not if I have to order things, they might have to be made. I’d also better tell you that I won’t be coming up with you, I have a conference to help run here, I’ll come up later.”
“So who’s going to help us?”
“Help you what?”
“Pia and me–help us pass as girls.”
“You’ll have Cindy and Trish and Livvie.”
“It’s not the same as having you there, Mummy?”
“Well I’m sorry, but I need to be here for the conference.”
“Maybe I’ll wait and come up with you.”
“What about Pia and Cindy, you going to make them wait too?”
“I–um hadn’t thought of it like that.”
“Well it sounds as if you need to think about all of this much more deeply.”
“You don’t like me as much as the girls do you?”
“Danielle, you are one of the girls, aren’t you? I’m treating you as I would any of the others were they teenagers.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“That’s your problem, not if you’re staying as a girl we need to get you some more clothes tomorrow.”
“But I’m seeing Cindy.”
“Tough, no daughter of mine is going to be seen in the same outfit several times.”
“But we were...”
“I don’t care what you’d planned, you’ll have to cancel it.”
“Why can’t you buy my clothes, you know what size I am?”
“Because you don’t do it that way for girls once they’re older than about eight. They need to try things on to see how they hang.”
“But you’ll know, you’re my mum.”
“Sorry, I can’t allow you to continue experimenting unless you’re equipped to do so and that means enough clothes.”
“What if Pia doesn’t have enough clothes?”
“That’s Pia’s problem, or her parents.”
“Can I go call Cindy?”
“To cancel tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’ll see her afterwards.”
“Will you? We’ll need to go to Southampton.”
“Unless you’d prefer to meet your previous school mates at Gun Wharf Quay.”
“Uh–no, Southampton is fine.”

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Bike 2108
Well, do we have a new girl or not???
Testing! Testing! - 1, 2, 3, 4 -
I think Danny is just testing Cathy. he seemed to be enjoying football and cricket and stuff too much as a boy.
Oh no, that's not a sound argument ... (I used to enjoy football and cricket.)
Maybe he is considering an alternative life style. Still got my doubts though. His fear of meeting his school mates seems out of kilter with transgendered kid's needs and feelings.
Most post op girls I've spoken to (but not all) considered their gender issues above all else when at school and only worried about their contemporary's opinions if it came down to actual violence.
Curiouser and curiouser!
Still lovin' it though.
Poor Danny
or should it Danni .... not sure if (s)he really know what (s)he wants..... Faced with Cathy though it was a rather one sided question and answer session ... It seems to me though judging by the answers she was given Cathy is right to suspect all is not as Danny(i) would have her believe .... Time here is the answer if Cathy plays it right she will find the answer to what her erstwhile son really wants , Like Cathy i'm not really convinced its to be a girl ... But i guess we will just have to wait and see.
I think Cathy is pushing Danny to hard, she should let her work through things in her own mind and come to a decision gradually.
Hugs Carla
Gender Turbulence reality check.
Catherin does need to play a bit of mind games with D to shake out the reality of there situation. It is not easy being a girl and if s/he thinks it is all perfume and ruffles is in need of a reality check. So shaking the box, D is in, serves the purpose of settling in both Catherin's and D's mind that this is real and not a prank or a comfy hole to crawl into to hide some other emotions s/ he may be experiencing.
Good for Catherin and a bit of tough love strategist exercises. If real it will be discovered if it falls apart, now is the time to find out.
Misha Nova
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
My eyes are crossed !
You now have me pinned and I have no idea what to say. I think that Danny has serious cognitive issues, PTSD, is delusional and OH HELL...
A little Rough
on Danielle, could have tried a different tack, but it could be the best way to handle it, just did not seem to be the way Cathy would normally treat her children.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree