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Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal
Dedicated to
Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson
my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life
My two deceased friends Stewart Hills and Karlen Ann Wannop who watch over me from the other side of the veil, all three of us labored in each others behalf and became better for it.
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience
I was looking over my bullet Journal when someone came into the Dragon and asked in a distantly familiar, clipped voice, that took a moment or two to be remembered. My problem with that is that voice was from an theater character I played in a collage drama project. When I looked up I was startled to see a very real living person ,who looked and sounded just like that fictitious creation. I was staring at a flesh, and blood doppelganger of my version of a comical, outrageous, unflappable, character Erma Cats. She was here in the flesh, confusing the shit out of me as to where she got her's,because I am inhabiting mine right now.
Erma Cats
I am to be a surprise for Betty and judging from the look on her face I have succeeded beyond anyone’s expectation. I am literally the last thing on earth Betty would ever conjure up in her mind to find looking back at her here and now.
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