The Promotion Chapter 06: New hair, New me.

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Chapter 06: New Hair, New me.
We entered the room, “welcome ladies, to the V.i.P room, were you get a private room to youre and offer drinks, this also my team of beauty school students that will offer to you Deborah and her friends.” I looked at team, ¾ where girls and the one guy. Chrystal then put her attention to me “so Miss Deborah, what will we be doing your hair this fine day.” As she slowly removed the baseball cap from my head saw frizzy mop of hair. Chrystal pretty much looked in disgust at it “oh my heavens, who has been treating your hair like this honey.” Miss Amanda chimed in “well you see Chrystal, Miss Deborah is a “new” kind of woman and after a couple surgeries and 2 months in a coma the nurses haven’t really token much care of hair.” Chrystal looked at me with her raised eyebrow, she examined my hair for a moment. “I think I can work with this, when I worked at salon in Harlem, I did free cuts and stylings for the homeless and they had worst hair than this, so this should be a problem.”. Amanda smiled and clapped her hands “wonderful, she will also need her eyebrows plucked and a pedicure.” Said Miss Amanda. “alright Miss Deborah, Take a seat.” Said Chrystal as one her assistants put a smock on me as a sat down. “and so we don’t put product on the collar of your turtleneck.” she put paper material that cover the part of my of turtleneck that was show. It took a couple of brush and the use of straightener to make my hair all flat.

“so Miss Deborah, how would you like your hairstyle?.” Chrystal said with a smile. Miss Amanda chimed in “I say we give her a Margret thatcher’s famous style, I read in an article that women in England have brought it back to pay respects for her death.” Miss Chrystal looked at my hair unsure “umm, I don’t think that will work, we don’t have enough in this shop
to create that.”. Paula then chimed in “oh, How about Joan Collins hairstyle from dynasty, She’s a very stylish lady.” Chrystal examined my now flattened hair again, “her hair lacks volume, I think she needs a shorter style.” After she said, that a young girl who was one of Chrystal’s assistants said “how about we give her what Meryl Streep had in the movie “The devil wears Prada.” I love her hair in that movie and think it would look good on Deborah as well.” For the third time looking at my hair, this time slightly pulling it making it a little. “that will definitely work, good job Lydia.” After that I was put to work and after while I stopped paying a attention to what was around and started thinking about my old life, it seems I was unable to remember a lot and after a while of trying I gave up. After a solid 2 hours they cut and styled my hair, did my nails in french tips, plucked my eyebrows in thin feminine arches and put some light makeup to cover my wrinkles. “ Ladies I present to you, The New Miss Deborah Pierce!” Chrystal Shouted as she presented me to Miss Amanda and Paula, they looked at me like a looked at my self when I saw myself in the mirror. I was given Meryl Streep’s Vintage chic hairstyle from the devil wears Prada except in dark auburn version, the new eyebrows fit my face and makeup along with my casual clothes made me look like a rich older lady who wears makeup to the gym. Miss Amanda and Paula finally got out there seats, “Deborah Darling, you look an amazing.” Miss Amanda said excitingly. “job well done Chrystal.” Paula said as she gave her an envelope. “oh Paula your money is no good here, this one is on house for a first time customer and also…a first time lady.” Said Chrystal as she winked at me. “Oh my gosh she knows.” I thought to myself.

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