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Day three starts out the same as the last two—but it doesn’t stay that way for long…
I find Butch and start towards the bathroom. I am just about to enter when Jackie grabs my arm from behind and asks, “WHY are you going in THERE, Paige? That is certainly not where you belong!”
I shake my head and say, “It really makes no difference where I go. If I go in here I get stared at by boys that either think I’m a pervert or want to see my boobs. If I WERE to go into the girls’ room, I’d still get stared at because they think I’m a pervert.”
Jackie says, “But they’d get over it a WHOLE lot quicker than the boys—at least you fit in there. I’ve been talking to a lot of my friends and they agree…”
I shake my head and say, “No…there’s a law for TG students in public schools in this state—one that the school board FULLY supports. It says that if I want to use the girls’ room—even though I’m LEGALLY declared a girl—that I have to wear a wristband that identifies me as a TG.”
Jackie pales and says, “Th…tha…that’s TERRIBLE. But, I mean, everyone KNOWS now, ANYWAY, so why not?”
I say, “Pretend you had some genetic disease, Jackie—one that wouldn’t bother ANYONE but you. Now, pretend that you had to wear a wristband that tells the world that you HAVE that disease…puts it out there in everyone’s face—reminds them AND you that you have that disease. Would it matter to you that people knew you had it, or not?”
She shakes her head and says, “I see your point, but… I mean—you have to go to the BOYS’ room…EWWWWE!!!”
I giggle and say, “Jackie, I went there for fifteen years. It’s no biggie… The boys just need to behave… Well, and it DOES seem to stink more than it used to… But, I HAVE to go, now—too much coffee!”
I run into the bathroom, Butch right behind me (I can’t wait for Felix), and plow straight into Gerald Graham’s fist. It would have knocked me on my ass if Butch wasn’t right behind me to catch me. I taste blood running down the corner of my mouth from my split lip.
He says, “Look where you’re going PERVE! You might get hurt!”
Butch carefully stands me up and unceremoniously slams him into the back wall where he slides down it, clearly stunned, like in some cartoon. All that is missing are the stars circling around his head.
Twenty minutes later, we are in Miss Ferguson’s office after visiting the school nurse. Mrs. DICKenson says as we pass by her desk into the office, “I KNEW you were going to be trouble, ‘MISS’ Fitzsimmons. You’ll be expelled for sure in no time—then we’ll have our school back clean, like it’s meant to be!”
Ronnie pokes her head out the door as Butch, Graham, and I stand in front of her office waiting. She says, “THAT will be ENOUGH, Mrs. Dickenson!”
She says, “What? It’s TRUE!”
Ronnie shakes her head—and shuts the door after we enter.
I stand there with an ice-pack on my lip and Graham is holding one on the back of his head. Butch just looks worried.
Ronnie says, “OK. Who wants to tell me what happened?”
We all three stay quiet. Ronnie looks at me, obviously worried, and says, “I’m not going to ask again…Paige, what happened?”
I sigh and shrug. I take the ice pack off of my swollen lip long enough to say, “I was going to relieve myself and ran right into Gerald Graham’s outstretched fist. If it hadn’t been for Butch, I would have landed on my butt and who knows what else would have happened. As it was, Butch cleaned Graham’s clock and we are now in here talking to you.”
Ronnie nods and looks at Butch and asks, “Is that what happened?”
Butch nods.
Ronnie looks at Gerald and asks, “And what do YOU have to say for yourself?”
He gets all indignant and says, “It’s a setup! I have five witnesses that will all tell you that it was Fitzsimmons that started it all—him and his little patsy, here. Pervert!”
Ronnie says, “Well, as it happened with the door open, there happen to be about ten other witnesses that support MISS Fitzsimmons’ version of the story. It also was caught on the hall monitoring camera. That will be a three-day suspension for you, Mr. Graham. It will also be the end of your football playing days at this school.”
Ronnie says, “Yes, and he’s on his way to pick you up. I don’t think he is too happy; but it isn’t ME he’s unhappy with… You may wait out there with Mrs. Dickenson until he gets here.”
He storms out and slams the door behind him.
Ronnie looks at me and says, “I told you I would play along until you got hurt. Now, you have… And, where was Felix? Was I not clear that I wanted BOTH with you?”
I shake my head and say, “He was across the school and I had to go!”
Ronnie sighs and says, “I’ll have to think about this. It’s obvious that this arrangement isn’t going to work—you may just HAVE to wear that band, like it or not…”
I shake my head and say, “No, Miss Ferguson. I don’t think you can MAKE me do that.”
She sighs and says, “No…not me. Your mother or Angi may see it differently, though. They have already threatened to pull you out here to go to a private school if we can’t contain the danger. Maybe they are right…”
I want to scream and yell about how unfair this all is. I shake my head and say, “No…I’m not giving in—not yet…”
Ronnie says, “Well, for now, I want you to go to the nurse’s office to use the restroom. I know that’s hugely inconvenient, but, the best I can do until I come up with something better…”
I glare at Graham as I walk past him, Butch in tow. I simply ignore Dick-enson’s ramblings and storm into the hall. I almost run into Jackie who is waiting there with a group of girls.
She asks, “Paige, are you OK?”
I nod and say, “I guess. I’m relegated to using the nurse’s station as my own private little restroom—for now. This all just SUCKS, Jackie…”
Jackie says, “Yeah…about the restroom, though… I…ummm…I looked into the law. It’s very specific and applies ONLY to transgender students. There’s nothing about those that aren’t. I also checked the school’s code—there’s nothing there that really prohibits NON-TG students from using the other gender’s restroom. It’s an unintended loophole, I’m sure. My Mom’s a lawyer and she helped me look into it all. She’s ready to file a stay in court to prohibit any change in the school’s code… So, come on…”
I look at her confused. She leads me—and the whole band of five other girls to the boys’ restroom. She pulls me in and they all make sour faces as Frenchie says, “EWWWE! It STINKS in here! Come on, girls, let’s hurry up and finish our business!”
There are three boys in the restroom at the urinals and they nearly pee all over themselves in surprise. They just gawk as the girls take turn in the stalls; one in and one standing watch at each door. When we are all done, we take over the sinks and mirror to check our makeup.
My lip is still swollen and sore, but I can’t help grin at the look and the guy’s faces as they watch us. Two of them actually used to be pretty good friends—now, they won’t talk to me. I sigh and carefully put gloss on my lips.
We leave the bathroom and run right into Ronnie as we exit. She does NOT look happy.
Thirty minutes later, she is grinning, though—after Jackie brings her up to speed.
She says, “Brilliant! Not the BEST solution, but very creative… Now, I just have to figure out how to keep the boys out of the GIRLS’ bathroom… Anyway, your Mom is taking the case to court against the wristbands? Does she really think she can win? And who’s paying?”
Jackie says, “She’s doing it pro-bono. But, the ACLU is kicking in support, too.”
Paulette, who is among the group says, “Jackie’s Mom is one of the best lawyers in the State. If anyone can do it, she can!”
Ronnie nods and says, “Well, be careful, girls. It seems Paige’s security detail just grew some today—and got much more diverse!”
We all giggle and she sends us on to class.
Later, I run into Terry Morrison in the hall on the way to fourth period. Terry used to be my best friend in ninth grade—then, we sort of split ways when we got to high school; I’m not even sure why. He walks up to me and matches my stride.
He says, “Hi…Paige, is it?”
I nod and say, “Hi, Terry. It’s been a while…”
He says, “Yeah…so…do you maybe want to talk…you know…later?”
I slow down and look over at him. He doesn’t have a mean look on his face—if anything, there is an honestly friendly look on his face. He is the first guy that has really shown any sort of true interest in…me…
I say, “Sure. Do you have a free period? Mine is fifth. I have to go to ballet straight after school, or we could go for a coffee…”
He nods and says, “I have fifth free, too. Want to meet by old Rawlings’ statue?”
I say, “Sure. Sounds good. And, Terry…thanks!”
He just nods and moves on ahead to get to his class.
I suffer through French, my fourth period class, and hurry to the statue on the grounds that is the likeness of the ‘town hero’ and who the school is named after.
Terry is already standing there when I arrive. He says, “Hey, Paige.”
I sit on the bench by the statue and he sits down next to me. He asks, “So…don’t take this the wrong way…but, what’s going on? I’ve know you a long time…and you never showed any interest in being a girl. Don’t get me wrong…I could care less. I just don’t get it.”
I nod and sigh. I look at him and he is looking at me, intent on understanding.
Finally, I decide to tell him the truth. I say, “OK, Terry. You were always a really good friend. But…please don’t let others know what I’m about to tell you. It’s really no one’s business…”
He simply nods and I know I can trust that nod.
I tell him the whole story and his eyes bug out in places. When I am done, he is more than just pissed.
He asks, “And what happened to that jackass that tricked you into this?”
I shake my head and say, “Suffice it to say that he is paying for his crime…”
He nods and says, “Well, I hope it has something to do with rotting in Hell…”
I giggle and say, “Something like that…”
Terry says, “And…you’re really doing OK? I mean…”
I sigh and say, “Yeah…mostly. If people would just let me be me… All of this TG stuff is ridiculous. I’m still ME, you know… Girl…boy…it doesn’t really matter. That is window-dressing for me, at this point. I can’t truly be either…this is just what I can be closer to than anything. But…I’m still me…”
Terry nods and says, “Yeah, it sucks, man… Oops! Well, you know what I mean!”
I giggle and he looks at me in a funny way and says, “You really ARE adjusting to your new lot in life… Well, I promise to keep your confidence…but, it might help if others knew…”
I shake my head and say, “But, it shouldn’t MATTER!”
He nods and says, “I get it…you always WERE a stickler on principle. Just think about it, though… I know that Joey and Gavin have asked me if I know anything… Don’t you think they deserve to understand, too?”
I sigh and feel tears welling in my eyes. I force them back and say, “OK…I’ll think about it…”
We hurry to make it to our sixth period class—the last of the day for us.
Ballet is tough the first time back after break and I am beat when I get out. I really just want to go home and soak in a hot tub of really bubbly water. So, I am not really too happy to see Joey and Gavin waiting for me when I get home.
Momma just shrugs and leaves us in the kitchen to talk. Misty puts out a pitcher of lemonade and the two gawk at her—I am sure she does look really weird to someone at first sight. Well, she looks weird to ME and I am WELL past first sight…
After Misty withdraws, Joey says, “Terry told us he had talked to you today. He wouldn’t tell us ANYTHING you told him, though. Vi…Paige…we were BEST friends until this past summer—then you were gone to that camp and we had NO idea where you were—you just cut us off, man… Then you come back to school…as a girl…”
I sigh and say, “I’m sorry, guys. It wasn’t my choice not to let you know where I was; there was a strict no-phone policy at camp. NO ONE knew where I was outside of my Momma.”
Gavin shakes his head and asks, “So…what gives? You just woke up from Butch plowing you over and decide to be a girl? Dude…ette… Come on! We don’t care if that’s what you want. We may not understand it—but, I for one, would like to.”
Joey nods and says, “Yeah…it’s sort of scary that we never had ANY idea…”
I sigh and can’t fight back the tears this time. I say, “It’s because there wasn’t any idea for you TO have, you jerks!”
I finally smile through my tears to let them know I’m not mad at them…and I tell them the story. I know that Misty is lurking in the background, so I lay some of it on thick—and wonder if there is any remorse in her at this moment, at all.
The guys are, like Terry was, totally pissed. They are ready to get a mob and lynch Allen (they never met him—and, of course, have no idea he and Misty are the same person).
I say, “Relax guys. Allen is paying for what he did…it is actually a much worse punishment than what I’m going through, in a way. I didn’t ask that it turn out this way—for either of us. As for me, please don’t worry about me, guys. I’ll be fine, if people will just stop treating me like a freak and just let me be ME… I told Terry this today and I’ll tell you. I’m still ME inside. Am I doing girly things now? Yes…but that’s just because, you know me—I have to be the best at whatever I do… If I’m going to be a girl, well… BUT, I’ll still kick BOTH of your butts at Battlefront!”
We talk for a bit more and I see them to door and FINALLY go to get that bath…
The rest of the week is nothing but strange…
As it is, a load of boys DO go to the girls’ bathroom when it gets out what we had started. It doesn’t really last long, though… Once they figure out that there is nothing to see…and that there are only lines for the stalls…or chatty girls putting on makeup at the mirror…they mostly give up. I have no idea what they THOUGHT they would see (well, thinking back to my ‘Vick’ days, maybe I do…), but by the end of the day, most guys are back in the boys’ room—but, then again, so am I with my posse…
Terry, Joey, and Gavin all start treating me almost like nothing ever happened. Of course, something DID happen and things AREN’T the same, but we start working through it and my little band of people that see me as a person and not a ‘thing’ is growing.
Jackie’s mom DOES file that lawsuit on Wednesday. I am told not to expect anything soon, though…
What DOES happen soon, by Thursday night that is, is an emergency session of the school board and ‘concerned’ parents (like 98% of the parents in school). Thanks to Jackie’s mom’s preemptive strike, there is nothing they can change in the school code until after the court rules. Of course, this just riles the parents up even more and they threaten to wholesale keep their kids home…
All of the controversy leads to an emergency ruling on Friday by the Circuit Court that the law requiring TGs to wear a wristband to go to the bathroom of their legal gender is unconstitutional—and so is the school’s code regarding transgendered individuals. The board IS allowed to change the school code to require kids to GO to the bathroom that corresponds with their legal status, though.
All of this means that, starting Monday, guys will go to the boys’ room and gals will go to the girls’ room—and that includes me!
So call me bummed when Jackie calls me on Sunday and says, “I have bad news, Paige—Mom heard through channels that the appeals court is taking up the wristband issue on appeal…”
I will once again be extremely busy with work-related issues the rest of the week and will likely not get another chapter posted until this weekend. Paige will return in all her glory at that point, though!
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I do agree with Paige and the
I do agree with Paige and the wristband. Nothing says "segregate,separate and shun" like an identifying marker; whether it be a "Star of David" such as the Jews in Nazi Germany had to wear or the wristband that the school board is requiring Paige or other TG students wear.
In this day and age of the 21st century, anyone who had a 1/3 of a brain should have an understanding that anyone who is TG/TS was BORN that way, they did not just one day decide it was their life choice.
Just my humble opinion on this all.
No arguments from me from at all!
star of David...
star of David in NAZI Germany should have been brought up in the story earlier already.
It will later...
There was indirect reference to it earlier.
Great chapter
Just waiting for more. Dont you just hate it when real life interferes with your writing?
We can wait and you know that we'll be here.
HUGS sucks! :)
Guess we'll just have to wait it out
But that only whets the appetite, hm?
I bet there's no ruling that anyone - or everyone - can't also wear the wristband if the court goes the wrong way, hehe...
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
But, there is not that much solidarity at this school--at least not yet... ;)
Real friends
Terry, Joey, and Gavin have proved they are true friends to Paige. They were worried about her, even asking for information. They did what others should have done instead of making snap judgments. She's very fortunate to have those three as friends.
Because Paige obeyed the law requiring her to use the boys restroom, she was rewarded with a punch in the face by an ignorant AH. She didn't fit his standards of proper gender so his only recourse was violence. He had no choice, it had been drilled into him that boys are boys and girls are girls. There's no other option. Had he been raised to ask questions before acting, his response would have been much different.
Hopefully, but doubtful, he will learn an important lesson from his terrible behavior. He better, because if he's planning to do it again without any witnesses around, he's not going to be beating up a boy dressed as a girl. He's going to be beating up a girl. And that will get him a date in Court.
The suggestion from her friends to tell her story many have to be done whether Paige wants to or not. 98% of the parents threatening to remove their children from school, may force Ronnie to demand/force/ask Paige to tell her story. Or, remove Paige from school, which will result in a Court battle.
As Paige said, it shouldn't matter. Just let her be who she is.
Others have feelings too.
So very true!
I'm back to being able to writing a bit :)