The Road to Khemenu and The Ring by Melanie Brown - Now on Kindle

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Two stories from BigCloset's bestselling author Melanie Brown in one volume!

The Road to Khemenu
The Ring
by Melanie Brown
Click to Buy on Kindle

Road to Khemenu
Mitch and Josh are two high school friends and it's summer vacation time. However, Mitch's parents have an idea for an educational vacation -- visiting museums across the country. They invite Josh to come along and neither of the boys are exactly enthralled. But, at a museum of ancient history, Josh becomes obsessed with the desire to touch the sarcophagus of a long dead princess. Not only will that get them into trouble with the museum, both of them are instantly transported through time and space to find themselves in an impossible situation.

The Ring
What would you do to save your son?
While shopping for college, Zeb and his dad meet an unsavory fellow in a computer game store who is desperate to possess the ring that Zeb found that morning and now can't get off his finger. Before the dad's eyes, Zeb and the strange man disappear into thin air. To rescue his son, Zeb's dad would do anything and knew it would be dangerous to follow. But he didn't expect this problem.

Check out Melanie's other eBooks on her Kindle Author Page!

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These stories

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These two stories were sort of left hanging for a while. But now they're complete with additional material. Check them out.
