Just Friends


Just Friends
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown

Alex should probably get a haircut

This has a different Tony. This story was actually started back in October but it wasn't finished. -- Ed



“Your ears are pierced. I think this would look good on you,” said my best friend Anne as she held an earring up to my head. It was a beautiful late morning Saturday in October.

Anne and I had been friends since back in middle school. But for some reason, the first year of high school, we thought we’d try dating. We’d been good friends, so why not? Our dating ended the first time we kissed. She actually said “ew” and backed away. She said she felt like she’d just kissed her sister. Even though she doesn’t have one. While the experience wasn’t that bad for me, it didn’t set off any sparks. So we decided to be just friends.

I laughed and shook my head. “We came in here for you to buy earrings. Not me. Besides, those are kinda girly.”

Anne and I were at the mall – well, what was left of it. Another store closed down just this week. Her car was in the shop and she felt she needed to buy some new clothes. So I offered her a ride. While she was going to do that, I was going to hit the Warhammer store and GameStop. But we passed by the earring store first.

Anne giggled. “Well, you are a bit girly. I mean, just look at that hair of yours. I’d kill for that hair.” My hair was pretty long. Okay, too long really. My mom loved it especially after my sister moved, not just out of the house, but out of the state as well. Most nights she seemed to enjoy brushing it. I didn’t style it, but it just sort of naturally cascaded down in large, dark brown curls. Dad didn’t really like it, but after the divorce, he’d moved to another state so his opinion didn’t matter much. That sounds awful, doesn’t it?

Smirking, I said, “Actually, I’ve been thinking of getting a haircut. All this hair gets to be a bother at times.”

Anne gave me a shocked look. “Don’t you dare! Your hair is gorgeous.”

I laughed. “That’s just what my mom said.”

Anne held up two pairs of earrings. She shook one and said, “I’m getting these.” She shook the other pair, “And you really should get these.”

I frowned as I took them from her grasp and held them up. “These are really for girls.”

Anne returned my frown. “They’re cute. You look good wearing earrings. Besides, half the school thinks you’re a girl anyway.”

I rolled my eyes. “They don’t either!” We walked out of the store after we’d bought our earrings and walked on towards the clothing store. To be honest, I kind of think she’s right. I’m way too skinny for a boy (yeah, go ahead; hate me). I tend to wear girls jeans because they fit me better. It sucks they don’t have usable pockets.

Anne poked me in the chest. “Don’t forget last week when that really cute boy asked you out after he helped you pick up the books you dropped. I’m pretty sure he didn’t think you were a boy.”

I shrugged. “I’d never seen him before. Another good reason to get a haircut. And besides, I politely turned him down.”

Anne shook her head at me. “You’ll make your mother cry.”

Grinning, I said, “She’ll live.”

Anne whacked my shoulder. “You’re awful!”

We were about to part ways when we reached the cinema complex. The Warhammer store was just across from it and the first clothing store was just on the other side. A voice called out, “Hey guys!” We both stopped to look. There were three people about to get in line at the ticket dispenser. It was Darryl and his girlfriend Jean. Next to them was Tony.

Anne smiled and walked over to them. “Hey. Let me guess. You’re going to a movie.” Anne kept her eyes on Tony. She’d told me that she had a huge crush on him. But he had a girlfriend.

Darryl laughed. “I didn’t know you were such a genius! But yeah, we’re going to see that new Tommy Kincaid movie No Time for Samurai.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I like Tommy Kincaid.”

Jean chuckled. “What girl doesn’t?”

Anne elbowed me in the ribs and grinned at me.

Darryl asked, “You guys want to join us? Keep Tony company?”

Cocking her head to one side, Anne asked, “I just noticed Ruthann isn’t with you. Did she have to work today?”

Tony frowned and sighed. “No. We broke up.” He shrugged.

Darryl said, “Serious. You want to go with us?”

I said, “I don’t know…” my voice trailed off.

Darryl said, “I’ll buy.” He grinned. “I have my dad’s credit card.”

Anne, trying to play it cool while drooling in Tony’s direction, said, “Thanks, Darryl! We’d love to go with you.” She never took her eyes off Tony. Tony was looking at me.

I waved my hand dismissively. “Y’all go ahead. I was going to check out this store.” I pointed at the Warhammer store.

Darryl asked, “Oh. Getting something for your boyfriend?” Seriously? I’m not a girl, but girls buy Warhammer figures and other shit too, right? Right?

Before I could answer, Anne giggled, “Alex doesn’t have a boyfriend.” That’s absolutely true, but very misleading in how she said it.

Tony laughed. “Good. That store will still be there when we get out. You can sit next to me. I don’t bite.”

“You don’t want to sit next to me?” Anne cooed.

Tony grinned. “I’ll just sit in between you two.”

Anne looked over at me. “You’re going to pass up a free movie, Alex? Come on. Let’s go with them.”

I sighed. “Okay, Anne. You win.”

Darryl laughed. “I’m glad that’s finally settled.” He walked up to the ticket dispenser and bought five tickets.

When we walked up to Darryl to take our tickets, Jean studied me for a moment. “You know, that’s just not fair.”

Anne looked from her to me and back. “What’s not?”

Pointing at me, Jean said, “What’s not fair is that you’re not wearing a drop of make-up and you’re beautiful.” She laughed. “If I don’t spend half an hour putting my make-up on, I tend to frighten little children.”

I shook my head. “I doubt that sincerely.” Jean is one of the prettiest girls in school.

Jean shrugged. “I’m serious. I can’t believe you don’t have a boyfriend.”

I laughed nervously. “I guess I don’t play well with others.” Maybe I should get a haircut. Or working out or something. I could just say ‘Hey, I’m a boy, you goof balls.’ But that would just embarrass everyone and then they’d hate me, even though I did nothing wrong. Best to just let them think what they wanted to think. It’s not like we’re anything more than just friends.

Tony pointed at Anne and me. “Y’all want a coke? Popcorn?”

I said, “I’ll get mine, thanks.”

Tony shook his head. “I’m buying. What would you like?”

Anne stepped on my foot. I frowned at her and then said, “Dr. Pepper and popcorn.”

Anne grinned. “I’ll have the same.”

Tony said, “Cool. Just wait over there and I’ll bring it to you.”

Anne and I stepped to a little beyond the end of the line. Anne tapped my shoulder and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

“I have a question for you,” whispered Anne.

Wondering why the need to whisper, I whispered back, “Okay.”

“Do you have any interest in Tony?”

I grunted a laugh. “Seriously? Of course not. Girl, he’s all yours.”

Anne nodded. “Just wanted to make sure. I can tell he really likes you.”

I laughed. “I really think he’ll like you better.”

While waiting for Tony’s return, three girls from school approached us. I recognized Paula. She’s a friend of Anne. The other two I’d just seen around school.

Paula smiled and said, “Hey guys. Going to a movie?”

Anne laughed. “Well, duh! It’s not like we just like standing here.” She pointed at Tony. “We’re waiting for Tony to pick up the snacks.”

A second girl said, “Which one of you is dating Tony now?”

Anne laughed. “We both are.”

The girl frowned. “Wow. Didn’t take you long. I was on the phone with Ruthann about an hour ago. She just broke up with him this morning.”

Paula scowled at Anne. “Yeah. She was crying. Tony told her he needed more room. I guess he ran out of room with TWO girls.”

Annoyed, I said, “Hey, we were just minding our own business when…”

The third girl whose name eludes me snarled, “Oh just shut up, bitch!”

Anne glared at the girl. “You can’t talk to my friend like that.”

The girl snapped back, “You shut up too!”

Paula growled at Anne, “How could you cheat on Ruthann like that? I thought we were all friends?”

I’m sure laughing made things worse, but I laughed. “Two things. Tony has split with Ruthann and it was Daryl who invited us to the movie, not Tony.”

Paula glared at me. “Who are you?”

The second girl said, “She’s that tomboy Alex. I think she’s a lesbian.

The third girl said, “Aren’t most tomboys?”

Grinning because the conversation was getting out of hand, I said, “Not necessarily. But I’m not a tomboy or a lesbian. I’m actually…”

“Is there a party and I wasn’t invited?” asked a confused Tony walking up with our snacks.

Paula frowned at Tony. “How dare you, you bastard! Dropping Ruthann for this tomboy lesbian!”

Anne said, “Alex isn’t a lesbian!”

Tony looked at me and said, “That’s a relief. But what do you expect me to do after I found Ruthann snogging with Ralph in his car? She even told me to get lost!”

The second girl angrily said, “That’s not what she told me. She said you told her you needed space. And then we find you with these two!”

Forcing a grin, Tony said, “As lovely as both these ladies are, I’m not dating either one. Though that could change after I find out which one kisses the best.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Anne.

Paula said, “Well, I’ll let Ruthann know that it took two girls to replace her.”

Tony laughed. “You can tell her whatever you want.” He then leaned into my hair. “Actually I kinda like this one. Your hair smells wonderful.” Yes, I use a conditioner with a feminine scent. I never expected a guy to stick his nose in my hair.

One of the girls sniffed at us and said, “Come on. Let’s go to the shoe store.”

Anne smirked, “Try not to get a nose bleed with your noses so high in the air.” I wondered how Paula would act if she wasn’t friends with Anne.

Confused, Tony watched them walk away. “What started all that?”

Chuckling, I said, “You did.”

Tony exclaimed, “I wasn’t even here!” He handed Anne and I our snacks. “Come on. Let’s go catch up with Jean and Daryl.”

Daryl and Jean were just sitting down when we entered the auditorium. Anne was ahead of me so she took the seat next to Jean. Then Tony sat down, then me last, next to Tony.

As Tony settled in his seat, he stretched out both arms to lay behind Anne and me. With a grin, he said, “I could get used to this!” Playing with my hair, he said, “You have such beautiful hair. You know, if you would just wear a little make-up and smile, you’d be gorgeous.”

Anne laughed.

Tony kept his arm around us as the movie started. He’d move his arm from me only to get some popcorn or get a drink, and then he’d place the arm back. I didn’t make an issue of it and of course Anne enjoyed it. After he stopped getting popcorn, I actually started using his arm as a head rest. I wondered if that was giving the wrong signal.

About halfway through the movie, Tony put his hands on both our shoulders and pulled us closer to him. I had to chuckle as his fingers tickled my chest. He leaned in towards me and whispered, “You don’t have tits.”

I leaned over to his ear and whispered, “Oh no! Did you lose them?

Anne giggled. I guess Tony found her tits. I don’t think she cared what Tony did.

I had been sitting, lying against Tony’s shoulder. I looked up at him and suddenly his lips were pressed against mine. I tried to sit up, but his kiss had me at a disadvantage. Grinning he said, “Okay. Your kiss makes up for lack of tits.”

Tony turned his attention to Anne who giggled and threw her arms around his neck as she kissed him.

Jean hissed, “Hey, you three get a room.”

I whispered, “Hey don’t drag me into this”

Behind us, someone shouted, “For God’s sake shut the fuck up down there!”

Giggling, Anne said, “Shhhh…okay okay. Knock it off.”

Tony chuckled as he calmed down. He turned towards me and whispered, “I’ll see you later.”

Pissed at being kissed, I whispered, “I’m a boy.”

Tony was silent for a few moments. Then he said, “Yeah, right. Great kiss.” He turned and grinned at me.

He finally sat quietly as he held both mine and Anne’s hand. Anne put her head on his shoulder. I scooted away from him the best I could.

The movie ended and the house lights went on. Several people exiting the theater gave us dirty looks.

Anne said, “That was a great movie.”

Daryl said, “Lots of action and a great soundtrack. Anyone catch the name of the band?”

I said, “No. Just Google it.”

As we all walked out into the hallway, Anne seemed to have paired up with Tony. Daryl said, “Anyone want to go grab some lunch?” Anne and Tony nodded.

Jean looked at me with a sad expression and said, “Sorry Alex. We don’t seem to have a boy for you.”

I laughed. “That’s okay. I filled up on popcorn anyway. I think I’ll just go to the Warhammer store. Tony would you mind taking Anne home when you guys are done?”

Tony said, “Don’t break up the set, Alex. I’ll pay for you and Anne. I actually have a job now.”

Anne said, “Come on Alex. Let’s all go.” That surprised me. I really thought Anne would want me to go away so she could have more time with Tony to herself.

There was a Taco Bueno a few stores down from the theater. Tony turned to Anne and me and said, “You girls order whatever you want.” I guess Tony hadn’t heard me in the theater confessing to be a boy. Or he didn’t believe me. I’ve told other people to their faces that I’m not a girl, but they continue to treat me like one. I’m still not sure what to make of Tony’s kiss.

As we all sat down with our lunch, Tony studied Anne and me. Grinning, he said, “Here I am, having lunch with the three prettiest girls at school, but I only know Jean. Where are you two hiding?” He pointed at Anne and me. I wasn’t sure how to react to being referred to as a prettiest anything. I can’t really complain about being called pretty. I was trying to think of a response.

Anne chuckled. “Well, Alex is just way shy and quiet.”

Tony laughed. “Apparently. You always answer for her. And what about you, Anne?”

Anne’s face reddened slightly. She likes talking about pretty much everything except herself. “Well, I’m in the band. I play flute.”

Daryl laughed. “She’s a flatulace.”

Anne frowned at Daryl. “That’s flautist, you uncouth heathen. Come to the game next Friday and watch me in the half-time show.”

Daryl said seriously, “Maybe we should all go. This is our senior year. We should go to at least one game.”

Jean said, “That’s the Homecoming game. Homecoming dance is Saturday. Hint, hint.”

Daryl gave Jean a confused look. “Yeah? So? That’s also my deathmatch night.”

Jean stiffened and leaned back in her chair with her arms folded.

Daryl looked at Jean and asked, “Oh. Did you want to go to that?”

Keeping her arms folded, Jean just narrowed her eyes at Daryl.

Tony laughed. “Daryl, I think you’re about to experience a real deathmatch.”

Daryl chuckled. “I know, right? Jean, would you go to the Homecoming dance with me next Saturday?”

With a huff, Jean said, “Maybe. If Tony is already busy.”

Daryl, looking genuinely worried, asked, “Tony, you’re busy, right?”

Tony laughed. “Let me check. Anne, would like to go dancing?”

Anne frowned. “Honest to God, Tony, I’d love to. But I can’t. We’re going out of town that weekend and I can’t get out of it. Dad really wants to leave Friday, but the band is performing.”

I held up my hands as Tony turned towards me. “Sorry Daryl. Maybe we can play deathmatch together.”

Anne backhanded my shoulder. “Oh go dancing with Tony. I mean, so what, right? We’re all just friends.”

“Anne! Have you flipped? I can’t go with Tony!”

Tony picked up my hand and said melodramatically, “I would be honored to take the most beautiful girl at school to the Homecoming dance!”

Jean chuckled and said, “Thank you, Tony. You can pick me up at six thirty.”

Daryl said, “Hey now! Is that a joke? Jean, I asked you first.”

Tony kissed my hand. “Sorry Jean. I was referring to Alex. You said yourself she’s more beautiful than you.”

I waved my free hand. “Fun’s fun, but this is getting out of hand.”

Anne glared at me. “Oh stop being such a tomboy, Alex and go with him.” Her phone buzzed.

“You know I’m not a tomboy!” I tend to squeal when I’m upset.

Laughing, Daryl and Jean got up from the table. “Sorry to bail on you guys, but we really need to go. See you guys at school.” They then quickly turned and left the restaurant.

Anne stood up. “Yeah. Me too. That was my dad. He’s picking me up in five minutes.”

Tony asked, “Hey. Can you give me a lift. Daryl was my ride.”

Anne shook her head. “Sorry. I came with Alex. And my dad is picking me up. I just said that. See you guys at school.” She turned and left, leaving me alone with Tony.

Still holding my hand, Tony said, “Looks like it’s just me and you now. Can I get a ride with you?”

I paused a second, then thought that the Warhammer store will still be there later. I just hoped the figure I wanted will be there as well. I said, “Yeah. Are you ready?” Tony nodded.

As we walked out of the restaurant, I pointed and said, “I’m parked down this way.” When we started walking, Tony took my hand.

I grunted and said, “I guess you didn’t hear me in the theater. I said …”

Tony looked at me and chuckled. “I heard you. Just not sure if I believe you. No kidding, you are one of the most beautiful girls at school. And you kiss much much better than Anne.”

I shook my head. “You can believe what you want. I get it often enough that I really don’t care if some people think I’m a girl.” I laughed. “Sometimes I get a free movie and free lunch because of it.”

Tony nodded with a wry smile. “See? Sometimes there’re advantages. I was just thinking…”


“No wait. I was just thinking it’d be fun…”


“It might be fun if I took…”


“… took you to the dance.”


“You don’t think that’d be funny?” asked Tony with a frown.

“No I don’t, Tony. You’re a good looking guy. I’m sure you know a lot of girls who’d just love to go with you.” I said trying to wriggle my hand free.

“You think I’m good looking? For reals?” asked Tony.

I frowned at him. “You know what I mean. Look. I wasn’t planning on going to the dance anyway. You know what happened to last two times I went to a school dance?”

Tony shook his head.

I sighed. “Every boy at the dance, including those with dates, asked me to dance with them. I asked a few girls to dance and they all turned me down.”

Tony chuckled. “I know it’s not funny, but it’s kinda funny. What were you wearing?”

I exclaimed, “Just slacks and a polo shirt. Just an upscale from regular school.”

“Went as a tomboy, eh?” Tony chuckled.

“I’m not a tomboy!” I exclaimed. Several girls walking by looked at me and giggled.

Tony let go of my hand. “I’m just joking with you. Chill out. I’d tell you to calm down, but I know girls don’t like that.”

I looked for something to hit him with.

*          *          *

Mom wiped with her napkin. “Great job with dinner, Alex. That’s as good as I can make it.”

I smiled as I set my fork down. “Thanks Mom. You’ve taught me a lot.”

I sat for a moment, letting my meal settle in. I then sat up and said, “Mom. Look at me.”

Mom sat up straight and leaned into the table a bit and stared at me. “Okay. Now what?”

“Tell me what you see.” I said seriously.

Mom smiled. “I see you, Alex.”

I shook my head. “No. Pretend you don’t know me. What do you see? Honestly.”

Mom frowned. “You’ll get mad.”

Calmly, I said, “Just tell me what you see.”

Mom’s face got serious for a moment. “Honestly? If I didn’t know you. I’d say I was looking at a very pretty young girl. Beautiful, actually.”

I sighed. “That’s what I thought.”

Mom wrinkled her brow and asked, “Did you expect a different answer? This isn’t the first time you’ve asked. Does it bother you that others find you beautiful? There are many who would love to hear such words.”

I know I was sounding whiny, but I said, “You don’t usually associate the word beautiful with boy.”

Mom smiled at me. “You’ve heard that John Lennon song, Beautiful Boy.”

I nodded. “That’s different.”

Mom asked, “Why does it bother you so? If it causes you so much grief, then cut your hair. You’ll still have a beautiful face, but I think it’s your hair that triggers most of the confusion.”

I looked at my hands. “If I cut my hair, it would make you sad.”

Mom gave me a pained smile. “Alex. I’ve told you before. It’s your life. It’s your hair. Yes, I love your hair. But you can’t please everyone, so you have to please yourself.”

I ran my hand through my hair. “I like my hair too. But things like, you know like when at the store and someone says that you have a beautiful daughter or asks if I’m your beautiful daughter, you never correct them.”

Mom chuckled. “Neither do you. Honey, what brought this conversation on?”

I sucked in a deep breath and said, “Anne and I ran into some friends from school. Not close friends, but not the first time we’ve met them. This one girl was shocked I didn’t have a boyfriend and was annoyed that I was so beautiful without make-up. She actually said this. And then there was this boy who just broke up with his girlfriend kissed me -- he kissed me! – while we were watching a movie together. He wanted to ask me out even after I told him I was a boy. He didn’t believe me.”

Mom frowned. “Oh, I agree he shouldn’t have kissed you. But not to brag, but it’s not your fault you look just like me.” She smiled when she said that.

“So what do I do about it?” I asked.

Mom shrugged. “If you’re not going to change how you look, then just put up with it. You know who you are. You can tell a boy no. Maybe one day you could grow a mustache.”

I laughed. “Then I’ll look like Aunt Deborah.” Aunt Deborah is Dad’s sister. Dad has thick hair all over his back and it disgusts me. Mom said I may have to see a doctor if I get any facial hair to grow. But to be honest, I don’t want any.

Mom laughed with me. “We don’t want that, do we? Well, let me know when you’re about to go to bed so I can come brush your hair.”

*          *          *

I was about to take my first bite of my mystery burger in the lunch room when Tony set his tray down next to mine.

“Mind if I join you?” Tony asked.

I frowned at him. “Since you’re here. I guess not. What’s up?”

Tony squirted some mustard inside his mystery burger and sighed. “Things could be better.”

“Oh? Are they still not letting you park your motorcycle in the foyer?” I asked.

Tony looked for the best place to bite into his burger. “No. They won’t. Ticking me off too. But that’s not the problem.”

I pulled a piece of gristle from my mouth and asked, “So what first world problem is upsetting you today?”

Chewing, Tony said, “The same problem that has vexed the male of the species since time immemorial.” He finally swallowed and continued, “Women.”

I pointed at myself. “Despite appearances, there’s not a whole lot I can help you with on that. Anything specific?”

Taking another bite, Tony said, “Well, it seems Ruthann has poisoned the well. Every girl I ask to the dance turns me down. I mean, they all can’t be washing their hair that night.”

I frowned at my burger. “That sucks. She shouldn’t do that. She broke up with you, right?”

Tony set his burger down and looked over at me. “You know what every girl I asked said to me?” I shook my head. “Why don’t you ask that tomboy Alex whats-her-name? They think you’re a lesbian. You might get some girls ask you.”

I said a little too loudly, “I’m not a lesbian!”

Tony picked up his burger. “I know that. But a big majority of girls at this school thinks you like girls.”

Looking astonished I said, “I do like girls.”

Tony looked confused. “So you are a lesbian?”

I dropped my burger onto the wrapper. I sighed deeply and said, “No, I’m not.”

Tony took a bite. “So you do like boys. Jean assured me she’s seen you dating boys, so she knows very well you’re not a lesbian.”

Before I could say anything, Jean and Daryl walked by the table and stopped. Grinning, Jean asked knowingly, “Well, did you ask her?”

Tony said, “I was just working my way up to it.”

Excited, Jean looked at me and asked, “Do you already have a salon appointment?”

I said, “Well, no actually. I was telling Tony…”

Still excited, Jean said, “Oh, you must come to the salon with me. My salon is wonderful. I’m getting my hair, make-up and nails done. I can pick you up.”

I said, “I don’t think I can afford that. I was going to…”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Jean as she put her cell phone back into her purse. “You can pay me back later. I just made our appointments. You have to get those in early on Homecoming!”

Hoping this would throw a monkey into the wrenchworks or something I said, “I don’t have a dress. It’s way too late to get one now.”

Jean suddenly looked thoughtful. “Oh. I wish you’d said something. Oh wait. I’m sure Anne would let you borrow her prom dress from last year. She wound up not going. You and she are about the same size. Perfect! That was a red dress too. I’ll let the salon know so your lips and nails will match your dress.” She looked sternly at Tony and said, “See? I told you she’s not lesbian.”

Daryl touched Jean’s arm. “Hey babe. We need to run. See you guys later.” And off they went.

Tony said, “Hey I need to go too. I have to go all the way across school to get to my next class as well as stop at my locker. Hey, thanks Alex for letting me take you to the dance.” He started to get up.

I turned to face Tony and said, “Tony, listen to me now and hear me later. I’m not a girl. I don’t even play one on TV.”

Tony laughed. “Yeah right. If you’re not a girl, why did you make an appointment at a hair salon? Hey, catch ya later.” He got up and left.

I just sat there in a daze. “Someone kill me now…”

*          *          *

Mom looked at me with a confused look. “Really? You’re going to a Homecoming dance Saturday night? Who’s the girl?”

I frowned and looked at my hands. “I am.”

Looking more confused, Mom said, “I guess I don’t understand.”

Aggravated, I looked up at Mom and said, “I’m the date. A boy is picking me up to take me to the dance. I’ll be wearing a red dress and whatever the hell strappy sandals are.”

Mom smiled broadly. “How nice! I’ll bet you’ll look just gorgeous!”

“Mom. Do you not see a problem here? I’m not a girl,” I said saying the obvious.

Looking confused again Mom asked, “Do you not want to go?”

I grunted a laugh. “What do you think, Mom? I don’t want to date a boy.”

Mom just shook her head. “If that’s the case, Alex, why didn’t you just turn him down? You don’t have to accept every boy that asks you out.”

“After school today, I told him I didn’t want to go to the dance.” I said staring at the floor. “Mom. He got down on his knees and begged me. He begged me to go out with him. He’d already told his ex that he found a date in spite of her meddling. How could I say no at that point?”

Mom looked right at me and asked, “Do you know how to do your make-up? And what are we going to do about your hair?”

I shook my head. “Don’t worry Mom. I already have a salon appointment to fix my hair, nails and make-up. You’ll have to help me with the dress. It’s Anne’s dress, but she’ll be out of town.”

Mom looked excited. “I’ll be more than happy to help you with your dress! This will be a lot of fun, Alex!”

I frowned at Mom. “If you say so.”

*          *          *

“Hey Anne. What’s up?” I said as Anne set her lunch tray down next to me.

Anne grinned. “Hey Alex. Are you excited about Saturday?”

I grunted at my mystery meatloaf. “No. More like terrified.”

Anne giggled. “Oh come on. It’ll be fun. Think of it as an adventure!”

Frowning at her, I said, “So was the Donner Party.”

Anne rolled her eyes at me. “Anyway. I just stopped by to let you know that I’ll be bringing you the dress later tonight. It’s a gorgeous dress. I never got to wear it. Anyway, I’ll bring you the dress, the shoes, matching purse and the underwear for it. I want the dress back, but you can keep the panties.”

I shook my head at Anne. “A purse? That’s kinda girly.”

Anne laughed. “You’re going to be wearing a prom dress and high heels and you’re worried about how you’ll look carrying a purse? That’s funny. Besides, the dress doesn’t have pockets, so how else are you going to carry your phone and lipstick?” I winced at the word ‘lipstick’.

I sighed. “Well, at least it’s only one night.”

Anne gave me a wry smile. “You sure about that? I think this may be life-changing for you. Think about it. All those fence sitters who weren’t sure about you will now know you’re a girl. And those who always thought you were a girl will now feel justified.”

I frowned. “I didn’t know I was at the center of a major controversy.”

Anne finished her alleged garden fresh salad and said, “All I’m saying is expect boys to hit on you.”

I frowned at my half-eaten meatloaf. “They do that now anyway. You know, I don’t even like Tony that much.”

Anne giggled as she stood up to leave. “Speak of the devil, your boyfriend is walking over here.”

I scowled at Anne. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

Laughing, Anne said, “He is now. See you tonight.” She picked up her tray and left.

Tony waved at the retreating Anne as he sat down next to me. Grinning, he said, “Hey girl.”

Frowning at Tony, I said, “Will you please stop?”

Tony chuckled. “See? That didn’t cause the earth to go spinning off into the sun, did it? But hey, do you know what my friends are saying?”

I looked sideways at Tony and asked, “You have friends?”

Laughing, Tony said, “Strangely enough I do. But so far, not one… not one has screamed ‘Are you insane?’ at me. No. They tell me they can’t believe I managed to score a date with the hottest chick at school.”

I said, “So take her to the dance instead.”

Tony looked at me funny. “They were talking about you, babe.”

I scowled at Tony. “Bullshit! Now you’re making shit up.”

Tony exclaimed, “Serious! Alex, you’re the only one at school who thinks you’re a boy.”

*          *          *

I was afraid to open my eyes. The day I’ve been dreading all week is here. I pleaded and begged but it came anyway. Through the blinds, I saw a dark blue October sky and brilliant sunlight, not the cold gray skies of a dance-cancelling blizzard. Maybe I’m being a bit over-dramatic, but still.

Anne’s excited. She thought I looked great when we test fitted the dress. Jean’s excited because not only is she always excited about something, but she won the Homecoming Queen Crown at the game Friday night. The football team even won. And of course, Mom’s excited because… well because even though she denies it, she always wanted me to be a girl and I’m going on my first big date. Yes. She said “first” as if she hopes there’ll be more.

I looked at the clock and groaned. I’m awake and it’s not even eight o’clock yet. Jean will be here around two to take us to our salon appointment. I can’t even begin to imagine what tortures await me there. I pulled the covers over my head. Maybe it’ll all just go away.

Mom had spent at least an hour each evening during the week to help me practice dancing in heels. She said that as the girl I’d be dancing backwards. Well, I never learned how to dance frontwards so at least I won’t get confused on which way to dance.

Five minutes later, Mom entered my room without knocking. She shook me and said pleasantly, “Time to get up, sleepy head. Big day today.”

I pulled the cover from my head and scowled. “Mommm! Do you have any idea what hour it is?”

Mom shook her head. “Time to get up, sweetie. As you father used to say, ‘You’re burning daylight.’ God rest his soul.”

I just stared at Mom. “Dad’s not dead. And I think Uncle Phil used to say that. He’s not dead either.”

Mom frowned. “Well, they should be. Here. Go take a bath and shave.” She thrusted a bottle of scented bubble bath and a brand new pink plastic safety razor into my hands.

“Shave what?” I asked as I put my feet on the floor and pushed my covers away.

“Everything. Well, not your head,” said Mom. “And while you’re in the tub, I’ll lay out your clothes to wear before you get ready for the dance.”

Scratching where girls don’t scratch (hah!) I said, “I was just going to wear the same jeans I’ve worn all week.” I picked up my new bathroom supplies.

Mom wagged a finger at me. “That nonsense ends today!” She walked off mumbling something.

Actually, I enjoyed the bath. I haven’t had a bubble bath in years. It even smelled great. And though I’m not particularly hairy, unlike the bath, I didn’t much enjoy shaving my whole body. I was also embarrassed shaving. What if I have to see a doctor the next day and I’m all hairless? What would I tell him? Or just not say anything?

On getting dressed, Anne decided to help me out with my deception. Or as she oddly said, until I fill out. As a bra filler she filled a couple balloons with uncooked rice. She also made a cardboard cutout thing that she covered with cloth. She said it goes up against Little Alex after I push him inside and that it goes inside my panties. She seemed to think dancing with Tony would turn me on. But since the dress I’m going to wear is a bit tight, it seems like a good idea.

Anne also gave me a couple bras. A black lacy one to go with the dress and a plain white one for just general use. Mom told me to wear it just to get used to it. I put it on under protest. Mom told me it should make me look more like a girl when I go to the salon. I couldn’t argue with that. Anne had also brought me a girl’s school t-shirt to wear to the salon. But this other thing I found on the bed was new to me.

It was black and had leg holes, but also cloth across the front like a skirt. I had heard the word skort before, but never bothered to look at one. Mom got it for me to get me over the threshold. I liked the way it fit. And since I was going to a salon in a few hours, I didn’t bother with make-up. And I was very happy about that.

Mom asked me to go to the grocery store with her since we still had some time. It was my first time to be in public presenting as a girl. And did I get attention. It bothered me. Not only attention from teen boys, but also from gray haired old guys pushing the shopping cart for their blue-haired wives. Just wearing shorts, I get mistaken for a girl all the time, but since I was trying to look like a girl, it really raised the level.

*          *          *

I answered the door and Jean stood there, framed by the door and looked absolutely stunning while wearing no make-up, a t-shirt and blue shorts. Despite being freshly shaved and groomed, I almost felt like a cave man standing next to her.

Jean was effervescent. “Hey girl! Are you ready to go get beautiful?”

I giggled. “You’re already beautiful. You’re amazing.”

Jean smiled a killer smile. Almost lethal. I’m sure Daryl gets down on his knees every day to thank the gods for this incredible girl. She’s an A student, on the honor society, in multiple clubs and even has an entry in a national who’s who of high school seniors. Oh. And her dad is rich. I can picture Daryl on the ground every day bowing and chanting “I’m not worthy!” If not, he should be.

As I started to exit my house, Jean stopped me and asked, “Did you forget your purse?”

Of course I did. It’s not like I’m used to carrying one. Even when I went to the store with Mom I didn’t take the purse Anne had given me. I nodded to Jean and ran back and got the purse. I had already put my cell phone, keys and some money into it. I slipped the strap over my shoulder and out we went.

As Jean drove us across town to the salon, she turned to look at me. “You look nice, Alex. You’re so naturally beautiful. You take good care of your skin.” I do? I just smiled back to her.

Looking out the windshield, she giggled. “You know Todd, right? Everybody does. He’s so annoying. He thinks he knows everything. When I told him who all I thought was going to the dance, he looked surprised when I told him about you and Tony. He insisted that you’re a boy! Can you imagine?”

I was enveloped in a numbness. I said, “That’s crazy, huh?” Todd is definitely annoying. He has a bumper sticker on his car that reads, ‘People who think they know everything annoy those of us who do’. And sadly in the case about me, he’s right.

It wasn’t long before we arrived at the salon. I’ve never been to one of these primping palaces before. Mom occasionally gets her hair “done.” Many times she’s said I should go because my hair is so long. But I never did.

Laughing, Jean said to me, “See you on the flip side.”

“Don’t forget you’re my ride,” I said with a nervous giggle. I was then led back to the inner sanctum.

The first place I was taken was to get my hair washed. At first I thought they were trying to break my neck. I wondered if it always hurts. They told me they were going to get rid of my split ends and that they weren’t going to do an updo. Something about increasing the volume and give me a big flowing mane. The woman washing my hair suggested I start coming in regularly.

I have to admit that I completely enjoyed all the fussing and attention I was getting. I would come here just for that. They added nail extensions because I usually kept my nails trimmed. I guess I keep them too short. And then they descended on my face. Holy shit. I guess I’ve been doing everything wrong. I was scolded for not moisturizing. They shaped my brows and I have no idea who Alley Oop is. While they worked on my face, and waiting for my hair to set, another team took to my nails. They were horrified that I had never had my nails done. I have to admit that I didn’t much care for false eyelashes but I got them anyway.

When they were done, I was turned to the mirror and oh…my…God. Looking back from my reflection was not me, but a stunningly beautiful woman. Tony didn’t deserve me. My lips and nails were a shocking red. Shocking for me anyway. My dress tonight is red as well. I just stared at my reflection in stunned awe. In my mind, I ran out of hyperbolies. I was assured that my make-up was set and that kissing my boyfriend shouldn’t be a problem unless we got too wild.

When they brought me to the front of the salon, I actually gasped when I saw Jean. To say she was gorgeous would be an insult. I thought she was a knock out before but now I wasn’t even sure if she was real. Her hair was done in an updo and her eye make-up made her eyes look spectacular. In fact, I said to Jean, “You look spectacular!”

Jean smiled a smile so hot it curled the wall paper. “I was going to say the same for you, Alex. You really are beautiful without any make-up, but just look how stunning you are. If he hasn’t already, Tony is going to absolutely fall in love with you!” Wait. Hold it. I don’t think I want that.

When Mom met me at the door, she cried. She literally cried.

*          *          *

Mom zipped me up. I never thought I’d wear something that required being zipped up in. Mom then helped me put on my high heeled strappy sandals. Mom then handed me her dangly diamond earrings.

“Mom!” I exclaimed. “I can’t wear these! What if I lose them?” They’re pierced earrings so they shouldn’t just fall off, but I didn’t want the responsibility.

Mom grinned at me. “You’ll be fine. You can wear this necklace too.”

I was wearing a red sequined mini dress with sort of a high neck that hid the fact that I’m boobless but still leaves me with bare shoulders. It fits tight so I was glad Little Alex was well hidden.

Mom stepped back to get the overall view. She clapped her palms in front of her face.

“Don’t start crying again, Mom,” I said.

Mom shook her head. “It’s just you’re so beautiful. I’m now thinking you might get married before your sister.”

I laughed. “Nobody’s getting married, Mom. Especially me. And double especially to Tony.”

Mom spritzed me lightly with perfume. She said, “I for one won’t be surprised if Tony doesn’t get down on one knee and proposes.”

“That’s not going to happen,” I said confidently. It sure as hell better not. I picked up the matching clutch bag and slid the metal strap over my shoulder.

The doorbell rang. I froze. Mom patted my arm and exclaimed, “Your boyfriend is here!” I was going to say for the fortieth time Tony’s not my boyfriend, but at this point it didn’t seem to matter. Mom is just having too much fun to care. Resting on the kitchen counter was an issue of Modern Bride.

I opened the door and Tony stood there waiting holding a corsage box and actually looking splendid in his rented tux. His expression made me worry that Mom might be right.

“Hi Tony,” I said with a smile. “Won’t you come in?”

Tony couldn’t take his eyes off me. He said, “Alex. I… I… I don’t know what to say. You look gorgeous! Beautiful even.” He stepped into the house and then opened the box. Inside was a beautiful wrist corsage. “This is for you.” I held my arm towards him. This little ritual is so alien to me. I just couldn’t believe that a boy was sliding flowers onto my wrist. I’m standing in front of him wearing a beautiful red mini dress and instead of pointing and laughing, I see only desire in his eyes. That’s definitely unsettling.

Before I could protest, Mom had her phone up in camera mode taking pictures of us. “What a cute couple,” gushed Mom.

Tony said, “I guess we’d better go.” By all means, let’s begin the public phase of my embarrassment.

Before we could step out of the house, Tony held up his phone. “I promised Anne I’d send her a picture of you in her dress. Okay, let’s go.” To my Mom, he said, “I’ll try to have her back around eleven.” He then took my hand and started to lead me to his car.

As he was about to open the passenger door for me, his phone pinged. Like a dork, he turned his attention from me to look at his phone. He chuckled. “Look what Anne just said.” He held his phone up for me to read the text.

Anne wrote, “OMG!!! She looks better than I do in that dress! Not fair!” I giggled at what she’d written. I also noticed I’m being referred to as ‘she’ a lot all of a sudden.

Tony grinned as he held the door open for me as I tried not to flash my black lacy panties to the whole neighborhood. This dress barely covers my crotch when I’m standing.

With a chirp of tires, Tony pulled away from the curb. Tony said, “You really do look beautiful, Alex. I feel like one lucky guy.” He set his hand on my knee. I frowned at him. He just smiled and left his hand there.

The dance wasn’t at the school this year. It was being held in the ball room of the swanky hotel in town. Instead of making the band play for the dance, the school sprung for a DJ.

Tony found an open space to park in. He got out of his car and I just sat there until he came around to open my door. I thought that if he was going to have me dress like this, then he was going to have to work for it. He helped me out of his car and then took my hand as we walked towards the hotel. The tight skirt of the dress forced me to make smaller steps.

And boy did I make an entrance. Anne hold told me this dress was a head turner. And she wasn’t kidding. Every boy turned to look at me when Tony and I entered the ballroom, much to their own dates chagrin. I guess it’s what girls want since they buy head turning dresses and wear too much make-up. I admit, the attention did give me a thrill but I also wanted to crawl under a rock somewhere.

We walked up to a pocket of Tony’s friends when we first entered the ballroom. Tony introduced me. As he did, I saw one boy handing cash over to another boy and I heard him say, “I told you.” And one boy actually had the audacity to ask me how much Tony had paid me to be his date. That pissed me off because I didn’t think of doing just that. One thing that almost made it all worth it were the snotty girls looking at me like they wanted to kill me. These were the girls that wouldn’t even look at a boy unless he had an expensive car and a lot of cash in his wallet. I smiled sweetly and only greeted their boyfriends and not them, by name.

Daryl and Jean waved us over to their table. I liked Jean. She’d say hi when she saw you in the hall but it wasn’t until we became girlfriends did I sense that she felt we were equals. Now we were more than just friends.

When Darly greeted us at the table, I had another new experience. While Daryl shook Tony’s hand, he lifted my hand to his lips and he kissed my fingers. As he did so he affected an air of sophistication and said, “You look ravishing tonight.” Jean rolled her eyes at him. I’ve never been called ravishing before or had my fingers kissed. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t enjoy it.

Jean smiled at me. “Girl, I love your dress.”

I said, “Thank you. And I have to say you look stunning in your gown.” And she did. It was a dark blue sequined evening gown that conformed to her every sexy curve. Jean was a girl who never went half-way.

Daryl poked Tony and said, “Let’s go get the girls some punch and something to eat. Tony nodded.

I sat down very carefully next to Jean, keeping my knees tightly together. This dress was just too damn short. I wished then that I had a gown like Jean. Or maybe a less tight skirt. Or stayed home.

Right after the boys had left us, a boy I recognized as Todd approached. Shaking his head as he walked up to Jean, took a look at me and said, “Okay. You were right.”

Grinning, Jean asked, “When are you ever going to learn to not question me.” She tapped the table. “Pay up.”

Todd looked offended. “Here?”

Jean tapped the table again. “Right here.”

Todd took out his wallet and removed a brand new one hundred dollar bill. He frowned at Jean and then set the money on the table and walked off.

Jean chuckled as she looked at my questioning expression. “He bet me money you were a boy.” That bothered me since I am actually a boy. This could turn out bad. For me.

I said, “You shouldn’t have bet him money like that.”

Jean laughed, making her dangly earrings jingle. “I know. Easy money, right? He should know better.”

I felt bad. This wasn’t funny anymore.

Tony and Daryl returned, each carrying two cups of punch. As he handed me my cup of punch, Tony said, “Sorry. I didn’t have enough hands to bring a snack too. I’ll go get it.”

I shook my head. “That’s fine. I’ll get something later.” I took a sip of punch. My mouth was suddenly dry. And another new experience. Lip prints on my cup. The salon gave me (well, they probably charged for it) a lipstick that I could have with me to make touch ups. Not as much as I thought there should be. I guess they were right about the lipstick not smearing when… when… No. I can’t bring myself to say it.

As Daryl sat down he turned to Jean and asked, “What was Todd up to?”

Jean winked at me and said, “Learning a lesson.”

Tony remained standing. With a flourish, he asked, “May I have this dance?” Okay. That’s why we were here. I was kinda hoping Tony would forget. So instead of saying what I wanted to say, I said, “I would love to.” Tony took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

As we walked out onto the floor, I said, “I have to warn you. I have only three hours experience in dancing.”

Taking a deep breath, Tony said, “Compared to me, you’re an expert.”

The DJ was playing a slow song. From what I’ve seen in movies, I took one of Tony’s hands and then placed my other hand on his shoulder. I guessed Tony saw the same movie, as he placed his hand on my waist. Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire we’re not, but I think we were faking it pretty good.

Tony pulled me closer to him to where our cheeks touched. He smiled and said, “You smell really nice. Nothing like a boy.”

I giggled, which I’m doing too much of lately, “How many boys have you sniffed?”

Tony grinned. “Touché.”

It was surreal seeing my very pretty painted nails as my hand was held by Tony. Tony held me close and I have to admit it was nice rocking back and forth in his arms. Looking at him in his tux made me think of a movie I saw a long time ago where the tux the boy had rented had a bullet hole through it. I wondered how many have worn his tux. I’m the only one to have worn my dress.

Tony asked, “What are you smiling about?”

I didn’t want to say that I was thinking about a bullet hole in his tux so I lied and said, “About how crazy this whole night is.”

Tony smirked. “Is that good or bad? Because honestly, I’m loving this. Holding the most beautiful woman in the room close to me, knowing that every boy in this room wishes they were me. Well, I’m sure Daryl doesn’t.”

The room kinda narrowed down to just Tony and me. As strange as it sounds, I did like having him hold me. It gave me an inner peace. I rested my head on his shoulder closed my eyes. The music, the security of Tony’s arms, the smell of my own perfume, the swaying back and forth all conspired to make me feel dreamy.

I looked up at Tony. He looked down to me and smiled. And then suddenly, his lips were pressed against mine. It was a soft, gentle kiss. I didn’t pull away. I just closed my eyes again and pressed my lips into his. I know I shouldn’t. I know I should pull away. But I loved his kiss. It blended perfectly with how I was feeling. All dreamy and gooey.

At first the kiss was a surprise. And then I wanted it. I wanted him to kiss me more. I’ve never had a kiss like this before and I was worried I wouldn’t get another.

Tony then nuzzled my neck. I dropped his hand and wrapped both arms around his neck as he lowered both hands to my waist. I had to look up to keep his lips against mine. There was an odd bright light on us.

The DJ said, “This song is dedicated to our two love birds on the dance floor.” He started playing a slow love song.

I looked around and gasped. We were alone on the dance floor. Just Tony and me. I actually squealed I was so embarrassed. I whispered, “Tony. It’s just us. We’re in a spotlight.” Actually, we weren’t completely alone on the dance floor, but no one was near us.

Tony looked up and grinned. Then he stopped dancing and bent me backwards and gave me a long, smoldering kiss. The crowd around us applauded. I was so embarrassed. The music stopped and Tony whispered, “Take a bow.”

Tony took a bow to the applause. I thought what the hell and so I bowed too. I got some whistles. He took my hand and we ran laughing back to our table. Jean was laughing and Daryl stood up and clapped. I laid my head on the table and tried to hide. I was laughing, but totally embarrassed. Laughter rippled around the ballroom.

I looked at Jean and shook my head. “Oh my God! This is all I’m going to hear about come Monday at school!” Holy crap if it gets out I’m a boy, I’m dead.

Daryl had sent a video of our dancing to Anne. She thought it was hysterical.

Throughout the night, I danced with several other boys. No kissing except for maybe on the cheek. It felt strange to suddenly be popular because I kissed a boy. I sat down next to Jean to drink some punch. I was exhausted.

Jean looked at me with a wry smile. “I hope you’re ready for your life to change. I have a feeling you’re going to be one popular girl.”

I narrowed my eyes at Jean. “Just because I kissed Tony?”

Jean leaned towards me. “Because you kissed every boy in this room. It was on the cheek, but you kissed them. You’ve made yourself accessible. I watched. You’re liked by every boy in this room, which is pretty much every boy at school.”

I shook my head. “That’s insane. I don’t want to be popular.”

Jean laughed. “Of course you do! You’ll find it changes everything. You’ll start dressing better. You’ll have more friends.”

I chuckled. “I’m not sure I buy all that. We’re talking about high school.

Jean just said, “We’ll see.”

I felt hands on my shoulders and somebody rubbing my neck. Tony said, “Hey babe. We need to go if I’m going to get you home by eleven.”

I reached up and held his hand. “Yeah, you’re right. We need to go.”

Daryl stood up. “Thanks for an entertaining evening.” He laughed.

When we got back into Tony’s car, before he started the engine, I said, “This was one weird night. You know the truth about me. Some of the boys who kissed me tonight should know the truth about me. But everyone ignores it because it’s easy to accept me as a girl.”

Tony shrugged. “Good question. Just play it by ear. In a week, most will not remember who you are again.”

Staring out the windshield I said, “I don’t know. How does this affect my future? I mean. I loved the attention. I enjoyed being kissed. I loved our dancing. But I’m not this person everyone is now comfortable with who they think I am.”

Tony grinned. “All I know is, is that I danced with and kissed the most beautiful girl at school. And nothing can change that.” He leaned over and kissed me. We then started driving to my house.

Holding my hand, Tony walked me to my front door. He had pulled up in front of the house right at eleven.

Tony took both my hands in his and looked down at me. “Alex, I really had a great time tonight. I had a lot of fun.”

I looked up to his face. I smiled. “Oh, I did too, Tony. I thought you were a great dancer.”

He touched my cheek. “I’d love to go out with you again. Maybe something less wild.” He laughed.

I grinned. “I’d love to go out with you again. I had a great time.”

There was a long pause and then I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. He bent his head down towards me and we kissed. I moaned softly. We kissed for a very long time. He finally pulled away and told me good night. One last small kiss and then he drove away.

I stood on the porch for several minutes thinking of his kiss. My emotions were a riot. I like a boy. It’s obvious that we can no longer remain just friends.

*          *          *

End of Just Friends

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