The Silent Girl III

My name is Mary...I mean, Mark. I woke up half-expecting to see Liz's naked female body sleeping beside me. However, she was nowhere to be found. I sat up and noticed her underwear wasn't on the floor. Befuddled, I got out of bed finding myself in a white shirt and shorts. The night was a little fuzzy to my recollection as my body had dramatically changed from female-to-male within a single night. Still, I didn't recall putting on these clothes.

I awkwardly made my way to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. It was definitively a man's face. Looking into the medicine cabinet, I saw an assortment of men's razors and shaving cream. All of my feminine beauty products were gone. I looked through the cabinets and found my hairdryer and curler gone. Looking at the shower, the shampoo and body wash bottles were for men.

"This isn't right," I said to myself.

I then felt an uncomfortable sensation and realized I needed to pee. I tried to ignore it fearing what I would find if I lowered my shorts. I then went into the closet and found my dresses, shoes, and purses all gone. Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of clothes were suddenly missing. My first thought was that the house had somehow been robbed or that I had moved my clothes from one bedroom to another. However, it became clear that something else was going on. On hangers, were several suits for different occasions, several dress shoes, tennis shoes, boots, and then male casual clothes that included jeans, khakis, shorts, t-shirts, collared shirts, and sweatshirts. One of the sweatshirts was of a local college football team. On the top shelf were several ballcaps.

Weirded out by the situation, I cautiously checked the suits. They were made by a well-known elite Italian suit-making company and were very expensive. Impressed, I found my dress shoes perfectly shinned. Picking out a pair of tennis shoes, I noticed they were a size eleven instead of six. Putting them on, I, again, contemplated the inevitable.

Sighing, I went back to the bathroom and lowered my shorts. Looking down, I saw my penis and testicles with some apprehension. Gently touching my testicles, I felt the soft sensitive skin and sprouted hair. I felt around for a vaginal entrance and found nothing. I then touched my flaccid penis wondering what to make of it. Up to this point, it had been an abstract concept to me: Capable of delivering the miracle of life but also a weapon of war. As I thought about it, it seemed more sensible for women to have the penis and for men to have the vagina.

It had always been a joke to us, girls, that a guy would jerk off. But now, with it in front of me, it seemed like something I should consider. It was just so there, so exposed, so accessible. After putting it off for a few minutes, I sat down to pee. The time to experiment could be done later. For the moment, I needed to figure out what had happened to Liz and to my room.

As I exited my room, the servants were already working around the house. "Your breakfast is ready, Sir," my butler informed me.

"Thanks," I said awkwardly. It would take some time for me to get used to being called "Sir" all the time. "Where's Liz?"

"Liz?" he asked confused.

"You know, the girl that has been staying with us these last several weeks," I said impatiently.

"I don't know of any Liz staying here or any girl for that matter, Sir," he replied. "I wouldn't think your parents would approve."

I simply stared at him and then realized my butler hadn't even questioned my sudden gender-change. Somehow, reality had changed along with my gender. I eyed family photographs on the walls. They all had me as a boy.

"Where are my parents now?" I asked recovering from my shock.

"Your father is in London on business, your mother is shopping in Paris, of course," he said obviously.

A swell of emotion went through me as I realized my parents were still alive in this reality. My butler seemed to notice I was on the verge of tears. "Is something wrong, Sir?" he asked me.

"No, nothing at all. I'll be taking the next flight to London to meet with my father," I told him.


I quickly collected my wallet, passport, and keys and entered the garage. I took one of the cars and drove off. As I headed towards the city, I called Liz's phone number on my smartphone. When she didn't pick up, I decided to drive to her house. I wasn't sure what I would find in this reality. A terrible dread went through me as I considered the grim possibility she could be dead in this reality. Had my selfishness to have a normal life caused her death or non-existence?

I came upon her poor neighborhood and parked on the curb. I took a deep breath and checked my casual clothes. I looked down instinctively expecting to see my breasts bulge outward. I felt slightly self-conscious not wearing a bra even though it was no longer necessary. Finally, I got out of the car and walked up to the door.

The door opened with a groggy-looking Liz staring at me. "Can I help you?" she asked annoyed.

"Liz, what happened, last night?" I asked her.

"Only friends get to call me Liz. Who the fuck are you?" she asked rudely.

My face fell as Liz didn't recognize me. "Do you know a girl named Mary that doesn't talk?"

"What kind of stupid-ass question is that? No," Liz said impatiently.

I gave her a flustered look as I tried to reconcile this new reality. Liz had no recollection or knowledge of me. Everything we had done and had gone through was no longer reality. All the improvements I had made to her life had not happened.

"Who's the boy?" Liz's mother asked suspiciously while smoking a cigarette.

"No one," Liz said defensively.

I simply stared at the woman that was supposed to be dead. Somehow, my being a boy and never interacting with Liz had created a chain reaction where Liz's mother had not overdosed. Furthermore, my own parents were now alive.

"Nice ride, I think you're lost," Liz said as she eyed my car.

"Yeah, sorry. My mistake," I said lamely and then walked back to my car.

Getting into my car, I hesitated to drive away. Yes, I had lost Liz as a friend and possibly something more, but her mother was now alive. "I guess it's a fair trade," I said sadly and then drove away leaving Liz behind.


I arrived at the airport and took a flight to London without difficulty. During several hours I was in the air, I contemplated what I would say to my father. I used my smartphone to look up everything about my father's company. Under his continued management, the company was doing far better than in the reality in which he was dead.

"You're John Thompson's kid, right?" a suited businessman asked me.

"Yes," I said guardedly.

"You look just like him. I've done business with your father before," he said conversationally.

"Thanks," I said awkwardly.

"I imagine you'll step into your father's shoes one of these days," he said.

"I'd like that...after he retires," I said.

"Of course," he smiled. "Well, enjoy your flight."

As the plane landed I quickly got my bags and checked into a hotel room. I got my suit out and rushed to get it on. After I had finished getting it on, I was suddenly stumped by the need to have a tie. Taking the tie, I looked on my smartphone how to do it. After several failed attempts, I finally got it done albeit sloppily.

"Fuck it," I said finally as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I then took a taxi to where my father was having his business meeting. I was literally shaking in anticipation in the elevator on the way up. My father had taken me to his London office only a few times in my life but I knew where to go.

I exited the elevator looking sharp, except for my tie, and went to the receptionist. "I need to speak with John Thompson," I said to her.

"He's in a meeting. I can make an appointment," she said.

"It's actually urgent. I'm his...son, Mark Thompson," I told her.

"I'll give him a page," she allowed.

I waited patiently and then several businessmen including my father exited a conference room. He looked the same as I remembered him, only slightly older. My joy at seeing him turned to dread as I saw my Aunt Debra at his side.

"Son, what are you doing here?" my father asked as he gave me a hug.

"I had to see you. I wanted to catch up," I said fighting to keep myself from crying.

"Mark, I've been gone only a few days," my father said confused.

"It's good that he's here. He could learn a thing or two from observing the meetings," Aunt Debra smirked.

"Sure," John agreed. "I didn't think business was your thing, Mark."

"I'm not sure what is my thing," I said honestly.

"Well, okay then. How about we go for lunch?" my father said.

"That would be great," I agreed.

"I just have one last thing to do. Excuse me," he said walking back into the conference room.

I then turned to Aunt Debra. "What is this?"

"The reality in which you were born a boy. In this reality, you were with your parents on that fateful night coming home from the ski slopes. You saved your parents' lives with your masculine heroics. The 'girl' you had decided to stay at home. Skiing wasn't your thing, as I recall," Aunt Debra explained.

"I should have been there," I realized.

"As your girl self? You would have died as well," Aunt Debra scoffed.

"How can you be so severe on your own sex?" I asked of her.

She rolled her eyes at me. "I'm a realist and I'm the only one that knows. I must say, I was a little surprised to wake up in London and your father alive. I didn't think you had it in you to go all the way with that tramp."

"She no longer remembers me," I said angrily.

"As it should be. She's damaged goods. Don't think for a moment you can restart anything with her. Your parents won't allow it. I won't allow it," Aunt Debra said forcefully.

"How is it that her mother is now alive?" I asked.

"Every cause has an effect. You preoccupied Liz's time away from her mother with your own trivial drama. Instead of watching over her drug-addicted mother, Liz was preoccupied with you," Aunt Debra said simply. "This is all for the best. Your parents are back, my brother is back, you're a man, and even Liz has her mother back. Fuck with me and maybe all of this disappears," Aunt Debra threatened.

"Maybe I can learn from you," I requested.

"Not a chance. And just so you know, the curse is still on you. Try to fuck with a man in that body, and they'll become female on the spot. So, don't think to disgrace the family name. You will marry and have children with a suitable heiress like you're supposed to," Aunt Debra ordered.

"Let me fix that for you," Aunt Debra said unimpressed by my tie. She proceeded to fix it for me while it took all of my restraint not to punch her.

My father then came back. "So, where shall we go?" he asked.


The three of us ended up at an expensive restaurant in the same building. My father and Aunt Debra talked business as I simply stared not truly believing what was happening. "So, how is school?" my father asked me.

"Good," I said vaguely. In reality, I had no idea how I was doing.

"Not great, eh?" my father questioned further.

"Well..., you know," I shrugged.

"You'll do fine. When we get back home, we'll discuss what college you will be going to," my father said.

I sighed realizing that even as I loved the fact that my parents were alive, my freedom of choice would be greatly diminished. "Of course," I agreed.

"Got a girlfriend, yet?" my father asked with a smile.

"Not...yet," I said lamely.

"When I was at your age, I played the field quite a bit. There's nothing you could do that could surprise me," my father smiled.

"Oh, John. Please," Aunt Debra rolled her eyes.

"I'm really not seeing anyone at the moment," I said.

"No pressure. I didn't marry your mother until I had graduated from college and bought my first house," my father recalled.

"And, of course, your parents and I will do all we can to find you the perfect woman for you," Aunt Debra said to me.

"Son, I don't want to tell you who you can be with, but you have to have standards. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and whoever you choose to marry will be the mother of your children. In this business, loyal wives are hard to come by. You have to be careful you choose the right person," my father lectured.

"It just seems to me that a woman in our circle...might have some bad habits that would be hard to break," I said eying Aunt Debra.

"You want to be a mentor. I get it. But before you can be a mentor, you have to master yourself," my father advised.


For the rest of the day, I sat in on my father's meetings not saying a word. If I had been a girl, my father wouldn't have had me there. After the meeting, the board members fell over themselves to shake my hand and compliment me. Afterward, I took a short flight to Paris to meet up with my mother. As before, I felt my emotions swell upon seeing her. I gave her a tight hug as I saw her in a fashion workshop.

"What's gotten into you?" my mother wondered of me.

"It's just...," I said and then couldn't articulate my thoughts.

"You should be back home at school, young man," she scolded me.

"I wanted to see father in London," I said.

"You won't succeed your father by your name alone. You have to study, get good grades, and work hard to prove yourself. Well, now that you're here, you might as well help me," my mother told me.

To my mother's amazement, I used my prior knowledge as a girl to assist her. My mother gave me an odd look as I talked with her assistants about the dresses in a particular collection. The female assistants seemed disarmed by me, probably thinking I was gay. My mother was probably thinking the same thing.

"Do you have any advice on how to date women?" I asked my mother after we were done.

"Oh, thank God," my mother said relieved.


After a busy day, I went to my hotel room in Paris. Part of me thought I should go clubbing and indulge myself in this new form. The more reasonable part of me knew I had to take this slow. I took off my suit and watched TV in my underwear trying to get used to the feel of my new body. I pinched my male nipples and got nothing out of it. Looking at my smartphone, all of my pictures and videos of Liz were gone. Frustrated, I watched a romance movie and found myself drawn to the female lead. Bored, I was tempted to order a porno. I didn't even know how I would feel about it. I had never watched porn before. Just as I was about to do so, I stopped myself.

I turned the TV off and entered the bathroom. Stripping down, I took a shower. As if it had a mind of its own, my penis started to become erect. I touched it cautiously not wanting to injure myself. It wasn't as hard as bone but sufficiently hard that it wasn't going to bend on me. As I washed up, I tried to ignore it. Finally, curiosity got the better of me. I started stroking myself and it felt good. I then took the bar of soap and got my hands soapy. With my soapy right hand, I rubbed the head of my penis getting an even more pleasurable sensation. As I did, I tried to remember how Liz worked it. I focused on her face, her figure, her breasts, and then finally her vagina.

After a few minutes, I felt an uncontrollable force go through my penis. I suddenly came into the shower pulsing semen out of my penis several times. I had to withdraw my hand, it was so sensitive. I leaned up against the shower wall feeling exhausted and fulfilled. Then, almost immediately, I felt tired and disinterested in what I had just done. Liz was now just a friend, no longer a subject of my desire.

I had never had sex as a woman before, so I didn't know if I was missing out or being cheated by becoming a man. But for that short instance, I was overwhelmed. I dried myself and then immediately went to sleep.


The next morning, as I awoke, I found my penis erect. Now, I understood what it meant to have an awkward boner. I walked around the room for a moment until it became soft. I took a morning shower and jerked myself off to completion. I justified it thinking it would prevent an uncomfortable erection on my flight back home. I was partially correct. As I watched romance movies on the flight home, I started to feel it rise again. Once I got home, I took another shower and jerked off again. I couldn't get enough of it.

"I have a problem," I realized. "Or do I?"

I didn't have any male friends to tell me what was appropriate or not. I couldn't go to my parents either. At eighteen, I should already have an understanding. Asking my father about this would be incredibly awkward and embarrassing. So, I decided to handle it in my own way.

In between going to school and studying, I started to get involved in athletic activities. I got a personal trainer and started working on weight training for the first time. I found to my amazement that my speed on the treadmill was nearly twice as fast as before with even greater endurance. I started doing pull-ups and push-up for the first time in my life. In the pool, I was able to swim much faster than before. As long as I kept myself distracted with something, my sexual thoughts were kept at bay.

In my bathroom mirror, I stared at myself. I had been putting it off but now I had no choice. I put a generous amount of shaving cream on my face and then took a razor. I had shaved my legs before as a girl, of course. But this was different. This was my face, what people saw when they greeted me. Realizing it was inevitable, I took the expensive razor to my face and was as smooth as I could be to my face removing the stubble. Looking over myself, I had managed to get rid of all the facial hair without too much difficulty. I then realized I would eventually need to cut my hair and I had no idea what I wanted to do with it.

After an hour of looking at various hairstyles, I settled on the classic haircut. As a girl, I hadn't been particularly stylish. As a boy, I felt I had nothing to prove to anyone. When my father saw my haircut, he merely nodded. Through all this, my thoughts kept coming back to Liz.


I waited for her school to end and then I saw her walking home. I got out of my car and slowly walked up to her. "You stalking me now? What's your problem?" she demanded of me.

"I know this sounds strange, but we have a history," I said to her.

"You've got the wrong girl," Liz said dismissively.

"Liz, I know your mother is hooked on drugs, your house is being foreclosed upon, and your failing school. Let me help you," I said sincerely.

Liz gave me a stupified look. "You can fuck off. That's what you can do and who told you that?"

"Look, there is a reality in which we know each other very well. Just listen to what I have to say," I begged her.

"I don't have time for this crazy shit," she said walking off.

"I'll give you a twenty if you'll listen," I offered.

Liz stopped in her tracks. "Okay," she relented.

"There is a reality in which I couldn't speak and you defended me against bullies. I taught you sign-language. We did everything together and at one point you even lived at my house. I need you to remember what we had," I said to her.

"Why would you need me to defend you against bullies? You're a guy look fit," she said skeptically.

I hesitated to tell her the whole truth. "Because, in this other reality, I was a girl. I know it sounds strange but when we had sex, you changed me into a man. I have a diary of everything I can remember," I said handing her the book.

"Alright, you owe me twenty dollars," she said dismissively.

I handed her the twenty-dollar bill. "Now, piss off," she told me.

"If you read this book, I'll give you two-thousand," I offered.

Liz gave me an incredulous look and then eyed my car. "How will you know I actually read it?" she asked.

"I'll quiz you," I said lamely.

Liz smirked at me. "Okay, crazy man."


I waited a week and then met Liz at a coffee shop. "Did you actually read it?" I asked knowing her past history.

"I actually did," she said offended.

I proceeded to quiz her rigorously with her passing. "So, you good for it?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said placing an envelope filled with hundred dollar bills on the table.

"You really expect me to believe this really happened between us. If not for the fact I'm broke, I would send the cops on you," Liz said to me.

"It's true, all of it. It's just the spell changed reality so no one knows except me and my aunt," I said.

"How convenient. Look, you rich fucks can't just jerk us around because we're poor. I mean, we're not your toys. You can make me listen to you and read your books, but you can't make me believe this happened," Liz said.

Liz then took off to leave, taking the envelope with her. I followed her out. "Stop following me. You're being a total creeper."

I was going to lose her forever if I didn't do something drastic. I didn't even know if it would work. I rushed ahead of her and kissed her. She struggled at first but then seemed to go into a daze. I looked at her with hopeful eyes knowing this was the last idea I had to get her to remember. She then stared at me with a confused look and touched my face.

"It is you," she said.

"You remember?" I asked her.

"Yeah, all of it," she said stunned. "You brought my mother back."

"I guess I did," I said awkwardly.

She then gave me a passionate kiss in front of everyone on the busy street corner. The kiss felt electrifying on my lips but I felt an immediate hardness. Liz eyed me with a mischievous grin. "Let's get out of here," she said leading me to the park alone from anyone else.

There, I explained everything that I had gone through the past few weeks without her. "Sounds like everything worked out. You got your parents back, I got my mother back, and your life is set," she said.

"I want more. I want you with me," I said seriously.

"You don't need me anymore. I fulfilled my role. I changed you into a man. What else do you need me for?" she asked.

"I'm still cursed. If I do anything with a man, they'll turn into a woman. I have to be with a woman," I told her.

"Look, I might measure up if you need a fuck-buddy, maybe even a mistress, but your family will never accept me as your girlfriend and marriage is completely out of the picture. So, let's just stay friends. We can call each other every so often, text and chat, and maybe play an online game," Liz said pessimistically.

"Liz, when I kissed you just now the spell was broken. You remembered. There must be a special bond between us," I said.

"So what? We live in different worlds. I hate to say it but your parents coming back from the dead has fucked us. You're under their thumb now. We can't even be friends without someone suspecting we're together," Liz said.

"I go to college in the fall. I'll take you with me," I suggested.

"And do what?" she asked. "You've changed. I don't even know if you're the same person anymore. Maybe, you're just thinking with your dick."

"That isn't true," I denied.

"I don't think you know what is going on with you. I can't imagine what it must be like for you, to change sex in one night. You must be going crazy, right now," Liz said sympathetically.

"I'm managing," I said defensively.

"You jerking yourself off?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah, sometimes," I said embarrassed.

"To me?" she pressed.

I said nothing to that. "It's cool. Boys are more visual. I bet you're imagining me naked, right now. Having your way with me," she assumed.

"My feelings for you are not just sexual. You helped me when no one else could. You brought my parents back and maybe becoming a man will become a blessing in disguise. Without you, I would have surgically removed my voice-box and would have been alone my entire life. I am grateful you came into my life," I told her.

"Well, it doesn't matter how we feel about each other. We're fucked," she reminded me.

"I have an idea but you're not going to like it," I frowned.


The next day, Liz plopped herself in a make-up chair in a costume studio. "This idea is fucking stupid. Why do I have to be the one to change sex?" she asked obnoxiously.

"This will allow you on the grounds without anyone being suspicious. And no amount of make-up is going to change my frame," I said obviously. Since the change, I had grown to 5'10'' and 175lbs. There was no going back to me without some serious surgery which my parents would never allow or tolerate.

"Besides, I did it for months. You can do it, too," I added.

Liz rolled her eyes and put on the dress pants and collared shirt. Her breast bindings were sufficient enough to disguise them away. The make-up artist, known for his discretion, went to work on her face. After he was done, Liz looked like a man, albeit an effeminate-looking one.

"I'm not cutting my hair," Liz refused.

The make-up artist placed a skull cap over her hair and then placed a male hairstyle wig on top. I looked her over from various distances. "I think you can pass," I said.

"And what of my voice?" Liz asked.

I stared at her. It was jarring to hear her voice with all the work I had done to her. "Just be silent."

"Right," Liz rolled her eyes.


For the next week, I took Liz out in public to museums, art collections, fashion workshops, movie theaters, and the bowling alley while she was in drag. So far, no one said anything or even made a face. "No one would care anyway," she signed to me.

"Why?" I asked her back.

"Not bad...if...women dress like men," she signed.

I wasn't too convinced of that. It was one thing to look tomboyish but another to try to impersonate a man completely which was the goal. I honestly needed a man's opinion, a real man, to tell me if Liz was passing or not. Unfortunately, I didn't have any male friends I could trust with such secrets.

Liz easily outscored me getting into the high 100s. I was completely lousy not able to coordinate my male body very well. Sure, I was stronger but bowling wasn't about strength per se. I would have to practice again every sport I was somewhat proficient in to get back to before.

"" she signed.


I took Liz to my VIP gym and put her down as a guest. Looking around, there were plenty of older men that were fat and ugly. But there were also some younger healthy men as well. In my new body, I wasn't sure what to make of them. Was I attracted to them or just admiring their work ethic? And then there were the girls walking around in packs. I stared at them a little too long with Liz giving me a nudge.

"We're going to see if you can do physical activity even in disguise," I said to Liz.

She nodded and went over to the treadmill to do a jog. She was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants that prevented anyone from knowing what was underneath. To everyone else, she was simply a man looking to get a good sweat on. And sweat she did as her face was covered in it. I looked over her face as the water-proof make-up did its job to keep her masculine appearance.

Satisfied, I had her work with the weights. I wasn't sure what to expect. She was athletic but she struggled with bench lifting and it was becoming apparent that we would draw attention to ourselves as the other men were benching 4x her weight.

"Why?" Liz signed to me.

"I think you have it in you to get an athletic scholarship," I said.

She contemplated that possibility and nodded. We went over to the racquet court and closed the door. "Finally," Liz said out loud having been mostly silent all day.

"You can take your clothes off now," I told her.

Liz smirked at me. "I mean, just the outer-wear," I clarified.

Liz took off her sweatshirt and sweatpants putting them in a corner. Without her outerwear, she looked strange with a feminine body figure, flat chest, and a masculine face with short hair. "Ever played before?" I asked her.

She merely shook her head. "I've played tennis before."

I explained to her the rules and lightly hit the ball off the wall. Liz immediately went into competitive mode and tried to defeat me. At first, she did get a number of points on me. I was a bit clumsy with the racquet and my swings were off. However, with time, I was able to easily defeat her. My swings were faster and more powerful than before, my endurance was higher, and my footwork was better. Liz quickly ran out of steam while I felt fine.

"Fuck," she gasped.

"You tired?" I asked concernedly.

"You know, the one thing I was proud of was that I could kick your ass in sports. Now, that's gone," she said exhaustedly.

I couldn't help but smile. "When we played, there was something in my mind that made me want to play harder."

"You didn't want to get beat by a girl, you mean?" she assumed.

"Maybe," I said flustered.

"One more game," Liz demanded of me.

"Alright," I agreed.

I did even better easily defeating her. Liz looked positively distressed by my easy success. I came over to her and gave her a kiss. She smiled at me, her mood completely changed. If anyone were watching, it would appear as two men were kissing.

"This body was just given to me. I didn't work to gain these muscles. Everything you can do, you earned it," I told her.

" cheater," she mock scolded.

"We don't have to compete against each other," I told her.

"But we do or else you'll get fat and wrinkly like those guys back there," Liz smirked.

I contemplated the men in the weight room. Sure, they were rich but many of them were balding, had beer guts, had wrinkles, bad teeth, and looked like they were on the verge of falling apart. Was this my future?

"So, hit the showers?" Liz asked mischievously.

"I'll take you home," I replied.


At the dinner table, I wore a suit as expected. Typically, dinner was a rather silent affair. My parents would make small-talk about business, politics, travel, or gossip while rarely addressing me. "Mark, you need to make some friends. It would do you good to get connected," my father said.

"But only the right sort of people," my mother added.

"I'll get right on that," I said with low enthusiasm.

"Ready for poker night?" my father asked me. My father was an enthusiastic poker player but had never invited me to play growing up as a girl.

"Sure," I said. "Actually, I have a friend that is pretty good," I said referring to Liz.

"Bring him," my father encouraged.


At poker night at an exclusive club, I brought Liz with me in drag. She was in a custom-made suit that fit her smaller frame. I introduced her to several people including my father but had to tell them all she was deaf. I made up a false background story on how she was the son of a make-believe construction company in New York City. With introductions out of the way, I was able to settle my nerves. I discreetly paid for Liz's buy-in.

"What if I lose?" she asked freaked out by how much money we were playing with.

"It's nothing. Just have fun. Show these rich types a thing or two," I encouraged her.

At our table were several guys I knew from my past life: Jeff, William (Bill), Bernard (Bernie), Larry, James (Jim), and Samuel (Sam). The fake name I gave Liz was Louis. They had all made a pass at me and then lost interest in me once they realized I couldn't talk. As the men played cards, several high-class girls hung out by themselves occasionally coming by the table to watch or irritate their boyfriends.

"Alright, gentlemen, blinds are ten thousand and five thousand. Good luck," the dealer said to all of us.

No one at the table batted an eye although Liz was a bit surprised how much each chip was worth. "Haven't seen you in a while, Mark," Jeff remarked.

"I haven't been quite myself," I said dryly.

"Studying all day like a total nerd," Bill mocked.

"It looks like, while we all brought a girl, you brought a man," Larry antagonized.

"He may be deaf but he can still read lips," I reminded him.

"My apologies. I know it's not civil to mock the handicap," Larry smirked.

"Hey, asshole, it's your deal," Jim reminded Larry.

"You need to get yourself a girl. I can hook you up," Jeff said helpfully.

"Can you get me one with a good personality?" I mocked.

"There are no attractive girls with good personalities," Bill laughed.

"A good personality is a girl that doesn't know they're beautiful, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being a total slut about it, and keeps her mouth shut," Larry said rudely.

"A lady in the street but a freak in the bed," Sam quoted.

"Exactly," Larry agreed. "Any girl that has a personality is likely to be an ugly chick because they have to compensate for what they don't have."

"Here they come," Bernie warned.

The guys shut up and played their cards as the girls made their rounds handing them drinks and whispering in their ears. Despite the abuse against her sex, Liz kept her focus and was beating everyone soundly. The guys got progressively drunker and less focused as the night wore on. Finally, the men left the table leaving Liz with a sizeable amount of chips.

"How much?" Liz signed to me.

I looked over the stack. "Maybe...two hundred thousand," I said nonchalantly.

She simply stared at me in total disbelief. "I can't take this," she whispered to me.

"I gave you the buy-in, you did the work, let's split it," I suggested.

"Okay," she said still overwhelmed.

"Looks like you came out ahead this time," my father noticed as I cashed in the chips.

"Sure did," I said vaguely.

"Should make up for all the times you lost in the past," my father said dryly.

"I'm thinking to head home early," I said.

"We'll be staying here a few more hours," my father said referring to himself and my mother. "Did you have a good time, Louis?"

I signed for Liz what he had asked. Liz signed back to me. "I had a great time. You have been very kind and hospitable," I said for Liz.

"I didn't know you knew sign language," my father said impressed with me.

"I'm still learning but Louis has been very helpful," I said.

"Glad to see Mark making friends," my father said pleased.

"Well, I should get Louis back to the hotel," I said.

"You good to drive?" my father asked concernedly.

"I didn't drink," I assured him.

"Odd of you. Well, okay. I'll see you back at the house," my father said.

I then took Liz out of the club and into the parking lot before anyone else could stop to chat with us. "That was a rush!" Liz said thrilled once we were inside the car.

"Did those snobs offend you?" I asked.

"I've heard worse," Liz said dismissively.

"Well, I guess I'll take you home," I said starting the engine.

"Your father said they wouldn't be back for a couple of hours," Liz brought up.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

There was a long awkward silence. "Do I have to spell it out? We could have a little fun at your house," she said obviously.

"Liz, what are we to each other now? When we had sex, it was to complete the spell. You were doing me a favor," I said.

"It was more than just a favor. I enjoyed it and wouldn't mind doing it again," Liz said to me.

"I didn't last for more than a few minutes," I reminded her.

"I bet those guys back at the club can do better than you. I bet any guy could do better than you. But sex is something you can learn. You can't be taught not to be an asshole. A man that cums early and then goes to sleep is an asshole. A man that cums early and then fingers me until I cum is a keeper," she said bluntly.

"I don't have a condom," I said lamely.

"We can do other stuff," she rolled her eyes.

My body became excited at the prospect, my penis was uncomfortably hard, and my mind was in a state of confusion. "You're fighting it. Don't," she encouraged me.

"Okay," I agreed.


I drove us home a little faster than the speed limit allowed and then parked in the garage. We made our way to my bedroom and closed the door. "Finally," Liz said taking off her suit jacket. She unbuttoned her collared shirt and released her breast binding.

I stared a little too long. "Like what you see?" she mocked.

"I'm trying to catch myself but it's hard sometimes," I said honestly.

"Poor you," she rolled her eyes and then took off her wig and skull cap freeing her hair.

Liz looked at herself in the mirror. "I still look like a dude."

"You can use my shower," I said absent-mindedly.

"Only if you join me. Come on," she enticed as she kicked off her dress shoes and took off her pants.

Far behind her in undressing, I started taking off my clothes methodically and then folding them on the bed as I did. By the time I was in my underwear, Liz was already in the shower. I found myself conflicted. If I continued this way with Liz, I would be all that much more difficult if things went badly. My parents, my aunt, and my entire class would come down on me hard if I even considered Liz. Still, If I refused her now she would feel rejected and hurt. As I contemplated all this, my instincts were raging for me to join her regardless of the consequences.

I finally joined her in the shower embarrassed by my erection. She smirked at me with her now feminine face free of the make-up. "Why the reluctance? Would you rather have me be flat and with a dick?" she asked.

"I honestly don't know," I admitted.

"Well, your dick sure knows what he wants," she pointed out.

"It's like he has a mind of his own," I said.

"After this, he's going to like me a lot more," she smiled and then went to her knees.

"You don't have to," I told her.

"Silence," she shut me down and then placed her penis in her mouth.

I immediately shuddered as I felt her suck and lick on me. It was similar to when I was inside her vagina, maybe even better. She worked on me giving me the impression she was well-practiced. Through it all, I didn't know what to think. Was it okay for me to allow her to do this to me? I had vowed I would never suck a dick when I had been a girl. That said, maybe I would have thought otherwise if I had truly loved a guy. Liz continued to suck on me while cradling my testicles.

"I'm not going to last," I sensed.

She kept going until I came in her mouth. It was considerably more intense than when I had done it to myself. She kept going afterward. I backed up against the wall of the shower overwhelmed. It felt like I was being shocked in that one specific spot.

"No more," I said stunned.

Liz got back to her feet and smirked at me. "Not bad, huh?"

"You're...good," I said awkwardly.

"Now, your turn," she ordered.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked nervously.

"Place your thumb here," she said placing my thumb on her clit. "Now, go in circles," she instructed.

I did as she said. She closed her eyes as I continued to rub in circles. "Now, take your index and middle finger and gently push in," she told me.

I felt insider her and rubbed around. It felt moist and soft. "Deeper," she pressed.

I pushed as far as my fingers could go and held her up as she became unsteady. I then quickened my fingering eliciting moans from her. As she squirmed and tensed up, I felt a satisfying sense of power. Here I was able to bring a woman sexual pleasure.

"Keep it up. Yeah, right there," she encouraged.

It was then that I rubbed and thrust as fast as I could until she suddenly seized up and cried out. As I withdrew from insider her, she kissed me furiously with tongue. I returned her kisses. "I want more," she said to me.

"So do I," I said but secretly felt apprehension as to the challenges we faced.


We got dressed and then I took her home. Her mother was already passed out on the couch by the time we arrived. "Tonight was the best even if I couldn't talk through most of it," she said appreciatively.

"It will get better," I promised her.

"Okay, see you later," she said giving me a kiss on the cheek and then exiting my car.

I then drove back before my parents arrived at the house. Lying on my bed, I contemplated my next move. Even if I could plant a phony backstory that Liz was a wealthy heiress, she would still be disrespected and jeered by my so-called friends. Even as deaf, the men still gave Liz respect. I just had to keep up the scheme until I went off to school.

That night, I went to sleep peacefully as my urges had been satisfied for the time being.

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