Room 1408 Part 3

Ron and his girlfriend, Jane, decided to make a fateful trip to New York City and stay at the Dolphin hotel. Ron was a white tall bald muscular man wearing a suit while Jane was a very slender, short, tan-skinned Puerto Rican wearing a black dress and high heels.

Ron motioned for Jane to stay behind with the suitcases while he went to the check-in desk. The hotel was as elegant and busy as usual despite the horrors that lurked in one specific room. "Welcome to the Dolphin, Sir. Are you checking in?" the red-headed clerk asked him.

"Ron White, one night, two guests," he said impatiently.

The clerk looked at her screen for a moment as a warning signal appeared. "Would you excuse me for a moment, Sir," she said to him.

"Yeah, sure," Ron said knowing full well what this was about.

"It'll just be a minute, Mr. White," the clerk assured him as she came back.

Ron looked around and couldn't help but notice Jane chatting with another woman with her baby carriage. Ron gave the crying baby a look of disgust. "Mr. White, I'm Gerald Olin, manager of Dolphin hotel. If there is anything I can do for you while you are here, dinner reservations, theater tickets, a Knicks game, anything, you let me know," he said pleasantly.

"Just the key to room 1408," Ron said resolved.

"We were thinking to upgrade you to a penthouse suite," Gerald deflected.

"Room 1408, please," Ron insisted.

"I couldn't help but notice your beautiful companion with you. Maybe, you could ask her to come with us to my office," Gerald offered.

"I make all the decisions for us," Ron said bluntly.

"Well, in that case, would you humor me for a more private conversation, man-to-man?" Gerald requested.

"Sure," Ron allowed.

"Excellent," Gerald smiled.

Gerald led Ron to his office and closed the door behind them. "Come in, make yourself comfortable. Care for a cigar?"

"I don't smoke," Ron replied.

"Unfortunately, 1408 is a smoking room," Gerald said hoping to deter him.

"I don't mind," Ron said losing patience.

"Why do you want that room in particular, really?" Gerald asked curiously.

"To tell you the truth, it's become a paranormal sensation. It's said that if a couple enters that room, the woman gets pregnant that very night," Ron said.

"Did it say anything else?" Gerald asked.

"Yeah, it said that it switches peoples' genders," Ron added.

"Do you not appreciate your manhood, your muscular physique you've worked so hard to accomplish, your lifestyle, your authority as a man?" Gerald asked him.

"I won't be the one changing sex, Mr. Olin," Ron said confidently.

"Oh, really? You do realize that if she is one to change sex, she'll be a man and you know what that means," Gerald smirked as he handed Ron a glass of expensive whiskey.

"More than you know. She's a tranny and this room of yours is going to make her a real woman. On top of that, she's going to get pregnant," Ron said.

"So, you think you have it all figured out, don't you?" Gerald asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, I think I do," Ron said confidently.

"You cannot manipulate the room to get the desired result. It's not a machine. It's fucking evil," Gerald said seriously.

"If it can work for this...Michelle Enslin, it can work for me," Ron said and then showed an online article written by her detailing her experience in Room 1408.

"Then, you know the hell she experienced in that room," Gerald assumed.

"I'm not some childish college student. I've been in the Marines, deployed, and I've seen shit. This room doesn't scare me," Ron said.

"What about your girlfriend?" Gerald asked.

"She can take it," Ron said dismissively.

"One or two success stories, so to speak, does not change the fact that there have been suicides, murders, and even natural deaths in that room. I have a record of every death from the last one hundred years. I can even provide you my whole office if you wish to research the matter more thoroughly. My only condition is that you do not stay in that room," Gerald warned.

"Just give me the key," Ron demanded.

"Mr. White," Gerald stalled.

"Give me the damn key," Ron demanded again.

"So, I can't talk you out of this?" Gerald pleaded.

"I think we have an understanding," Ron said becoming pissed-off.

"Very well," Gerald allowed. "Come with me."

Ron followed Gerald back to the check-in desk to get the keys. Gerald sighed and then got the keys for 1408. "Jane, get over here," Ron ordered.

Jane stopped talking with the mother and her baby she had been with this entire time and obediently walked over to them. "Miss, I'm Gerald Oldin, manager of the Dolphin. Would you mind if I upgrade your room to a penthouse suite with a view of the entire city?" he asked her.

"Well, I...," she stammered looking at Ron.

"The answer is no," Ron said and then took Jane to the elevator. "Fucking asshole," he said annoyed at Gerald as the elevator doors closed.

"What took so long?" Jane asked concernedly.

"Nothing. He's just trying to fuck with us, is all," Ron said.

The elevator doors opened and the two headed to room 1408. "Is this really going to work?" Jane asked doubtfully.

"If it doesn't, we're still going to have fun," Ron told her.

Ron put the key in the slot and opened the room finding it dark. "Let's move," he said entering the room and turning the lights on. As soon as Jane entered the room, Ron closed the door and locked it.

"Hurry up and get your clothes off. We supposedly only have an hour," he ordered her.

Jane dutifully took off her heels and then unzipped her dress dropping it to the floor. She then unhooked her bra throwing it aside and then hesitated to take off her panties. She looked over at Ron who was quickly taking off his suit and putting every item of clothing in a folded pile.

Jane took a deep breath and lowered her panties off of her revealing a small but noticeable penis and testicles. As Ron had requested, she had completely shaven herself down there. Ron finished taking off his clothes showing an already erect penis.

"No time to lose," he said gesturing to the bed.

This would not be a romantic night for them, but Jane was used to that. Ron was a rough man in-an-out of the bedroom. But as someone with few options, she had to take what she could get. Ron was reliable as a provider and protector and, in that respect, she was grateful for him. She had handled a lot of abuse growing up, so she didn't mind Ron's rude and authoritative ways.

Jane got on the bed and opened her legs for him. Ron quickly took out some lube from his suitcase and generously coated his cock. The alarm clock suddenly went off giving them both a momentary pause. It sang, "We've only just begun to live, white lace and promises. A kiss for luck and we're on our way. We've only begun, before the rising sun," a woman's voice sang.

Jane couldn't help but smile but Ron was irked by the interruption. The alarm clock suddenly turned to an hour countdown. "Okay, it's started," Ron said to her.

Ron moved his cock towards Jane's opening and pushed in with urgency. Jane hissed in pain and discomfort as she was being penetrated. Ron didn't take the time to reassure her or slow things down. He immediately went to work to cum inside her as quickly as possible. Jane wrapped her legs around his hips as he pounded into her as deep as he could. Jane put on a brave face but couldn't help but cry out in pain as Ron aggressively fucked her.

"You want to be a real woman, right?" Ron asked rhetorically.

She merely nodded. "Childbirth is going to be a hell of a lot more painful," he reminded her.

As they kept going, Ron and Jane began to sweat profusely as the temperature in the room dramatically went up. Within a few minutes, both of them were sweating bullets and Ron wasn't able to focus. He looked at the old thermostat and noticed it was at 85F. "The fuck?" Ron wondered.

Ron didn't cease even as he wiped away the sweat from his forehead. Finally, he couldn't take the hellish conditions and got off of Jane. He walked over to the thermostat, opened it, and started working the insides. Finally, the air-conditioning system went on cooling the room. Ron went back to Jane and noticed the painting over the headboard was tilted.

"Did you fuck with that?" Ron pointed to it.

Jane shook her head. "No," she said meekly.

The phone then rang. "Jesus," Ron said annoyed and went over to it. "Hello."

"Sir, I'm afraid there was a miscommunication in the kitchen. There's going to be a ten-minute delay with your sandwich," the female clerk told him.

"What sandwich? I didn't order a sandwich," Ron told her off.

"I'm sorry, you're welcome to substitute a side dish for your french fries. We have cottage cheese, macaroni salad, coleslaw," she continued.

"I didn't order a God damn sandwich. Now, don't disturb me with any more calls to the room," Ron ordered.

"We understand. Have a goodnight," the clerk replied.

"Thank you," Ron said and then hung up.

Ron then eyed something peculiar through the window. Looking out the window, he could see someone watching him as if having their own peep show. "What is it?" Jane asked concernedly.

"Some fucker is watching us," Ron said and then extended the curtains out to cover the window. Befuddled, Ron made his way back to the bed but accidentally knocked over a lamp. "Damn it," he hissed.

He then noticed something in the vents. "What the fuck?" he wondered as he saw the spy camera.

"Ron, just come to bed," Jane encouraged him.

"Shut up!" Ron shouted at her.

He got himself a chair and tore off the vent. He then reached for the spy camera and disconnected it. "Mother fuckers," Ron shook his head. The chair underneath him suddenly collapsed. Ron fell to the floor hard with the chair in pieces next to him. Ron kicked the chair pieces away from him pissed-off.

The TV then suddenly came on showing old home-videos of Jane...only as a boy. Jane stared at the TV mortified. Ron, at first, didn't understand what he was seeing but then saw the resemblance. "This is you, isn't it?" he pointed.

Jane merely nodded. "Shut this shit off," Ron said angrily as he turned the TV off only it refused to do so. "You're going to be so handsome when you grow up," Jane's mother said on the video. Ron gave the video a flustered look, not liking being reminded that Jane was born a boy and grew up as a boy.

"Please turn it off," Jane requested visibly disturbed by the footage.

Ron went to the back of the TV and unplugged it finally turning it off. He then saw a vision of a man from the 1920s giving Jane's naked body a look and then jumped out the window to his death. He then saw someone that appeared to be transitioning from male-to-female crying bitterly from a different age. She then leaped out the window screaming as she did.

Ron shook his head and went back to Jane. Just as he was about to take the plunge, so to speak, he heard an obnoxious baby crying from the next room. Unable to concentrate, Ron got off Jane and went to the wall. "Hey, shut that baby up!" he shouted. "Can you hear me? Shut that kid up!"

The baby only cried even louder until it was the only thing Ron could hear. Ron clutched his ears trying to block out the sound and then slammed a chair at the wall breaking it into pieces. The crying finally stopped. As Ron was dealing with the baby crying, Jane walked over to the bathroom as if in a trance. There, she saw her father in a wheelchair looking away from her.

"Papa?" she wondered.

"I hate what you've become. How did you get to be this way?" he asked her in Spanish.

"I'm sorry I disappointed you, but it's who I am," Jane said in Spanish facing him.

"Disappointed in this?" he asked her pointing at her body. "No, disappointed in...," he said pointing at Ron who had just entered the room.

Jane backed away, looked at Ron fearfully, and then back at her father but he was already gone. "Let's get this done," he said ruffly.

Jane nodded and went back with him to the bedroom. As they did, the power went out. "Got to be fucking kidding me," Ron raged as he moved about the room looking for the light switch. As he did, Jane could hear women's voices coming from the walls mocking her.

"What does she think she's doing? She's never going to conceive. She can't even get a period. She's a man," one woman said while others laughed.

Ron finally turned the lights back on. "Ron, I feel we should leave," Jane said freaked out.

"No, we came here for a reason. We're going to make you a real woman, right now," he said determinedly.

"What about the baby? I don't know if I can handle it," Jane said to him.

"We're not having a baby, alright. We're just playing by the rules, two come in, three come out, right? So, when we leave this hotel with you a real woman we simply abort it," Ron told her.

"But...," Jane stuttered.

"But nothing. Now, get your ass back on the bed so we can finish this," Ron ordered.

Jane then noticed cracks in the walls oozing with blood. She went over it and touched it confirming it was real blood. "She'll never have a period," the same woman mocked her in her head.

"Jane, get the fuck on the bed," Ron said impatiently.

Jane did what she was told and got back on the bed. Ron got a laptop out of his backpack and placed it on a table. "What's this?" Jane wondered.

"I'm going to record your change. It's going to be the highest viewed porn video of all time," Ron said ambitiously as he turned it on.

"But I don't want to be seen like that," Jane protested.

"Jane, we're doing this. I give you everything. You're nothing without me, you understand. Now, shut the fuck up," Ron ordered her.

Ron got the camera on the laptop working and got himself a good angle. Suddenly, the fire-system went off in the room raining down upon them. The laptop got wet and was immediately ruined. "Fuck!" Ron shouted as the screen went off.

Ron took his broken laptop and slammed it against the sprinkler deactivating it. "I'm so cold," Jane said as she was soaked. The thermostat had gone down to the forties on its own. Ron went back to the thermostat and saw it go even lower until it reached -5.

Ron went back to Jane. "We need to get this over with before we freeze to death," he said to her. "We'll stay warm if we're close to each other."

"Okay," Jane nodded.

Ron got back on top of her and started kissing her all over. He then tried to get his dick hard but it wasn't working. No matter how much or how hard he stroked himself it wasn't getting up. All the while, the room was getting colder. The water on the bed and on the floor was turning to frost. Ron got off from Jane, took a lighter out of his frozen clothes, and started burning pieces of the two chairs he broke on the floor. Ron then noticed that Jane's dick was rock hard and a good six inches.

"I think we have to," Jane said embarrassed.

"Fuck no. You're not fucking me!" Ron shouted at her. "I'm the man in this relationship, not you. I'm not a fag!"

"Maybe if we do the room will let us go," she said frightened.

"Fuck that," Ron denied.

Ron began rubbing his dick furiously to get it up and then suddenly it broke off. His dick shattered on the ice-cold floor. His balls then dropped off and shattered into pieces. Ron looked down in shock as he saw a vagina opening where his penis and testicles used to be. "No," he said stunned.

"Ron?" Jane asked concernedly as she walked towards him.

It was at that moment that Ron truly lost his senses. He had just lost the most important thing to him and was presented with the notion that he, not Jane, was the one the room wanted to be fucked. He stared at Jane's erect penis and then back to his vagina. His manhood, his authority as a man, his dominance was now threatened.

"Ron, it's going to be okay. I still love you," Jane said to him.

Ron wasn't listening still processing what had just happened. Even through his grief and shock, he still felt the freezing cold, the dampness, the constant baby crying in his ears. "We can get through this together, Ron. We just have to wait it out."

Ron stared at the alarm clock as it reached the end of the hour. It then suddenly stopped counting down the seconds freezing them in time. There was then a ringing from the phone. Ron awkwardly walked over to the phone. "Hello," he said softly.

"Are you enjoying your stay with us, Mr. White?" the female clerk asked cheerfully.

"I need a doctor," he said vaguely.

"Of course, Mr. White. You're nearly due," the clerk said.

Ron then saw his gut bulge out as if he were nine months pregnant. "Congratulations, Mr. White. It looks like you'll be having your first child with us," the clerk continued.

"No, no, no," Ron shook his head horrified and hung up the phone.

Jane gave Ron a horrified confused look. Without looking back to her, Ron ran towards the window and threw himself out. "Ron!" Jane screamed.

She went to the window and found Ron's naked body burst open on the sidewalk. Pedestrians walked by the body as if it weren't even there. As if to symbolize Jane's emotional state, the room suffered a powerful earthquake. The walls and floors cracked open while everything in the room fell to the floor broken. The pipes to the shower and sink tore open flooding it. With Ron's death, her whole world was shattered emotionally and financially.

The phone then rang again. Jane went over to pick it up as the room stopped shaking. "Hello," Jane said meekly.

"Would you like to check out now?" the clerk asked her.

"Yes, I think I would," Jane said sobbingly.

"Very well. Before you leave, remember that your clothes are in the closet. We took the liberty of pressing them for you," the clerk said to her.

"Alright," Jane said wiping away her tears and hung up.

Jane then went over to the ruined closet and opened the door revealing a perfectly clean and pressed suit, socks, and dress shoes in her size. She stared at it and then realized her dress and high-heels were missing. "Okay," she relented.

She tearfully put on the suit realizing what it would mean but feeling she had no other choice. Once she put on the suit, she looked at herself in the broken mirror. Her face morphed and became more masculine, her hair became short, and her chest flattened. She was now looking at herself as if she had never transitioned. All the hormone treatments, the breast implants, and even the facial reconstruction surgery Ron had so generously provided were all gone. The months it took to grow her hair out was now gone.

The door then unlocked freeing him. Juan cautiously opened the door and exited. Looking behind him, he saw the room back to its original form but with the window still open. Shakily, he made his way to the elevator and then entered the lobby. He then made his way outside where cops and paramedics were on the scene. Gerald Olin shook his head as he looked down upon Ron's dead body.

"Another jumper," a cop said looking up.

Ron's body was then taken away in the ambulance. Juan froze as it all sank in. He had nowhere to go except maybe back to his family in Puerto Rico. Maybe they would accept him now that he had reverted back. Gerald gave Jane a sympathetic look and walked over to her.

"I'm sorry your stay with us ended in such tragedy. Is there anything I can do for you?" Gerald asked her.

Juan simply stared at him not sure what to think. Had he killed Ron or just warned him? "How about airline tickets to San Juan? Would that make you happy?" Gerald asked him.

Juan merely nodded. "Here you go. Better get going or else you'll miss your flight," Gerald said handing it over to him.

"Sure," Juan said horrified by what he had just gone through.

He then walked away and got a cab towards the airport.


Upon his arrival, his estranged family was open arms as they greeted him. Juan felt a surreal experience as his parents and siblings complimented his appearance and suit. To get his mind off things, Juan went to the beach wearing swim trunks and sandals. He felt overwhelmingly self-conscious that he was no longer wearing a bra and that his chest was exposed. He looked at the women on the beach, not with sexual desire, but envy at their figures. The figure he had spent years trying to obtain was all gone. It almost made him feel like swimming into the ocean and not coming back in.

"You seem lost in thought," Gabe, his best friend growing up, said to him.

Juan was startled by his sudden appearance. He stared at his lean muscular physique. Juan had had a crush on Gabe for the longest time but never acted on it. "Ever work so hard on something only to lose it?" Juan asked him.

"One time I wrote this short story and then I forgot to save it. My computer crashed and I lost the whole damn thing," Gabe said.

Juan wasn't so sure those two were equivalent. "I lost someone...someone dear to me."

"I'm sorry. Want to talk about it?" Gabe asked sympathetically.

"Not really. I knew he wasn't right for me but I needed him in the worst way. I thought having a kid with him would make things better," Juan said.

"Like adoption, right?" Gabe figured.

Juan said nothing to that unable to explain Ron's scheme to make her female and pregnant. Now, Ron was dead and he was completely male. "Let me take you out to dinner," Gabe offered.

"You're making it weird," Juan protested.

"Look, I've known you were gay since middle school. You know I'm straight. Let's just go as friends," Gabe clarified.

"Alright," Juan agreed.


The two entered a noisy restaurant with Latino music in the background. "That is one crazy story," Gabe said as he heard Juan tell it albeit with some details missing.

"It really rattled me," Juan admitted. "I think I'm going crazy."

"You look really great," Gabe complimented.

Juan gave him an odd look. "I mean, I can't believe I'm here with you after all these years," Gabe clarified.

"Can I get you two anything?" a waiter asked with a tone that indicated he thought they were both gay.

"Another tequila, please," Gabe said.

"Wine, please," Juan said and then looked around at the people in the restaurant feeling paranoid.

"Maybe, you should let me write about it. Tell your story," Gabe suggested.

"I don't know if I can go through that again," Juan shook his head.

"It could be therapeutic and we'd be working together on it," Gabe enticed.

"Okay," Juan relented.


For the next week, Gabe and Juan worked on the story. All the while, Juan had to keep his feelings in check. He had just lost a long-time lover and was feeling very attracted to his boyhood friend. Making it worse, Gabe was over complimentary and was treating him to dinner outings all under the guise that it was merely about the book. At his family's house, his parents discussed with him the possibility of going back to school on the mainland to get a teacher's credential.

"During this time in your life, it's okay to have a few boyfriends here and there but eventually you need to settle down and have a family," his father lectured him.

"Believe me, I really tried. I just...failed," Juan said alluding to his time in the room.

"Well, when you fail once, you keep trying until you get it right," his father encouraged.

Juan pondered his talk with his father while on a drive with Gabe. Usually, his rather homophobic father would yell at him but now he seemed to completely accept his homosexuality. As Gabe drove, Juan looked up articles of Ron's suicide right outside the Dolphin. No mention was made of room 1408 or its curse.

The two went to various places with Gabe occasionally getting out to take photographs. As they hung out, Juan couldn't help but burn with desire for Gabe. At night, Gabe drove them back to San Juan. "I think it's getting late. Let's get a hotel," Gabe suggested.

"I think we should just keep going," Juan said freaked out.

"You need to get over your fear of that room. I think it will do you some good," Gabe said as they drove up to a generic hotel.

Juan submissively followed Gabe's lead. "One bed is fine," Gabe said to the clerk and took the keys.

"Gabe, what are you doing?" Juan questioned.

"It's cheaper if its one bed. It's fine," Gabe said dismissively.

The two went to the room, opened the door, and went inside. Gabe turned on the lights revealing a rather large room with a bedroom, living room, bathroom, and a large closet. It was the same room as 1408. "Gabe, no!" Juan shrieked as he went inside.

"What's the matter?" he asked cluelessly.

Juan went inside to pull him out when the door closed behind them and then locked. He was back in the room again as if he had never left only there was a new victim. Juan went to the door and tried to open it finding it locked. "Give me the key," he said urgently to Gabe.

Taking the key, he tried to manhandle the door open only for the key to snap off. Juan then tried to twist the doorknob only for it to come off as well. "What's the matter with you?" Gabe asked him.

"We're back in room 1408," Juan freaked out on him.

"How's that possible? The room is in New York," Gabe told him.

"Look out the damn window," Juan pointed out.

Gabe went to the window and noticed the city before him. "Well, I'll be damned," he said amazed. The window stile suddenly came down on his hand. "Ow!" Gabe cried out and immediately lifted the stile off his hand. It was now bleeding pretty bad.

The radio alarm clock then went off with the countdown reset to one hour. "It has only just begun...," the singer sang.

Without thinking, Juan took off his shirt, tore a piece off, and then wrapped it around Gabe's hand. "Thanks," he said appreciatively.

Juan went to the phone to get help. "We need help. I have a man here that needs to see a doctor," he said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to check out?" the female clerk asked pleasantly.

"Yes," Juan said instantly.

"You know the rules, if two check-in, three...or one check out," the clerk said.

"I see," Juan choked.

"Is there anything else I can do for you to make your stay more enjoyable?" the clerk asked.

"No, I think I'm good," Juan said shell-shocked and then put the phone down.

"I think I'll be alright," Gabe downplayed his wound.

Juan walked towards the window. If he threw himself out, Gabe would be free. It was the only way. "Gabe, I love you. I always have," he said to him.

Gabe gave him an amazed look. "Well, I love you, too, Jane."

Juan gave him an odd look, not understanding. Gabe came over to him and gave him a passionate kiss. They continued to kiss for a few minutes even as Juan was losing a few inches of height and appeared to be thinning out. His hair grew out, black and wavy as before. Gabe adjusted himself as he kissed down Juan's neck and finally to his nipples. Juan moaned girlishly as his nipples expanded slightly and became more sensitive. Gabe caressed his chest as small mounds began to build on Juan's chest.

Juan then realized what was happening. The room was going to make him a woman. He had made a mistake with Ron and in its own twisted way, the room was making things right. Juan's breasts continued to build as Gabe cupped them and gently squeezed them. "Yes, tonight there would definitely be three checking out," Juan realized and from that time forth saw herself as truly female.

Jane looked at the clock countdown and decided to encourage Gabe before they could be interrupted. She aggressively took off his shirt and then unbuttoned his jeans. She had seen Gabe naked before in the showers after gym class but had never seen him erect. Pulling his underwear down, Jane confidently took Gabe's cock into her mouth and started to suck. Gabe sighed and moved his hips back-and-forth as he enjoyed what Jane was doing to him. She had been experienced with men before and knew what she was doing.

Jane got Gabe good and hard then got to her feet. "Why did you stop?" he wondered.

"Gabe, I need you to get me pregnant. I want to have a baby with you," she said bluntly with her new softer higher-pitched woman's voice.

"But we're not married, yet," Gabe pointed out.

"We can get married once we get home to San Juan. Gabe, please, we have less than an hour," she said looking at the clock.

"Wow, this is real," Gabe realized flustered. His memories were being changed to have him always believed Jane had been a girl.

"I need you," Jane pleaded with him.

"Alright, let's make a baby," he agreed with a smile.

Gabe and Jane took off the rest of their clothes and went to the bed. Jane had thought of Gabe sexually for years but had never acted upon them. She knew he was straight and didn't want to end their friendship. Still, she recalled nights where she thought of him naked with her in bed. She just never thought she would have to be female to make it happen. Now, Gabe was on top of her kissing her and rubbing her shrinking clit. Jane then gasped in unexpected pleasure as Gabe pushed inside her with his fingers getting her moistened up. Her male genitals, the thing she had despised about herself, was now permanently gone.

Gabe widened her out a bit and then withdrew as he watched Jane squirm from the internal changes going through her. A womb formed inside her and then ovaries. Finally, an egg was produced ready to be fertilized. She was now a woman in every respect, capable of getting pregnant, giving birth, and nursing. Jane gave Gabe an amazed look as her dream had come true.

"Gabe, I'm ready," she said to him.

Gabe nodded and then placed his cock at her entrance. He then easily pushed all the way in. Jane had been penetrated many times before by men but nothing like this. No longer would she had her penis flapping as she was being fucked. No longer would it be sandwiched between her and her man. Those experiences became distant memories as she discovered new memories about herself. She had grown up as a girl, played sports with girls, had plenty of girlfriends in school, showered with them without incident, and finally gave her virginity to Gabe, her one true crush.

At first, the two love-birds did missionary with Jane getting used to the feel of her new pussy. Gabe then placed Jane on her side and rode her right hip hard while rubbing her clit. Jane felt something building and couldn't help but moan and shake. Gabe quickened his pace until Jane gave an orgasmic scream. "Oh my God, Gabe, that was wonderful," Jane said stunned.

"We're not done, yet," Gabe smiled and the helped her to her knees.

Gabe penetrated her deeply and then rode her back hard. "Right there, pull my hair back," Jane requested becoming more confident in herself.

Gabe obliged her arching her back as she did. Finally, Gabe buried himself as far as he could and clutched her waist. Jane, then knew what was coming, the act that would seal her fate as a woman and a mother. Gabe came inside her and due to the magic of the room would impregnate her within the hour. Gabe grunted as he pulsed inside her and then the two fell on the bed on their stomaches breathing heavily and relaxing. Jane then heard the door unlock.

"Thank you, Gabe. You made my dreams come true," she said adoringly.

"It's just the beginning," he told her.


Upon her insistence, the now newly pregnant Jane wanted to leave the room and never look back. The two got dressed in their casual clothes. Jane's male clothes had been modified to fit her new frame. They exited the room and went to the lobby where they were met by Gerald. "We're going to check out now," Jane said to him.

"Were you not satisfied with your stay?" Gerald asked. "I can upgrade you to the penthouse suite if you would like."

"That's okay. We need to get home and start new adventures," Jane said.

"Very well then," Gerald smiled knowingly.

As Jane left with Gabe towards the exit, she couldn't help but notice a man that resembled Ron coming in. He had the same bald head, build, and clothes. At his side was an Asian woman. Jane could tell right away that the Asian woman was a transsexual by her facial features. Jane gave them a haunted look realizing history was repeating itself and that Ron would stop at nothing until he manipulated the room to give him what he wanted even if he were trapped in an infinite loop of suffering and death.

"You okay?" Gabe asked her concernedly.

"Perfect," Jane replied giving him a kiss. The new parents then strolled the streets of New York ready for the next chapter in their lives.

Author's Notes: With each part, I considered different combinations of people in the room without it being the same horror story. I knew this particular part would be darker but if you've got to this point you know it ends on a more positive note. I've been asked to tell the origin or the "reason" for why Room 1408 is the way it is. I figured I would still leave it a mystery as any explanation would ruin the mystique of the room. It's just an evil room that likes to screw with people.

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