Room 1408 Part 2

Room 1408 Part 2

(Based off the Novel and Film 1408. This is a sequel to my Room 1408
story so please read the first in the series.)

Brittney took her key and opened room 1408. She looked around and found
nothing out of the ordinary. She focused on the carpet half-expecting
blood stains; there were none. She looked at the bed and found that it
was perfectly made. She sighed bored and then went into the room keeping
the door open.

She ventured into the bathroom and found it perfectly clean. The fridge
was empty. Typically, a hotel would leave some snacks but since this
room was supposed to be haunted they decided not to stock it. Brittney
smiled amused at the cleverness. The hotel really wanted to make it seem
like this room was haunted. Brittney turned on the TV and found it old
but otherwise ordinary. She checked the windows and the closet.

Brittney suddenly jumped as the alarm clock went off. She looked at the
clock and saw that it was ticking down to the end of an hour. She looked
at the clock with annoyance. The clock must have been pre-programmed to
start as soon as someone entered.

"An hour until what?" Brittney mocked.

She then looked at the door and found it closed. "I could have
swore...," she muttered as she reached for the door knob. It was locked.

"This isn't funny," Brittney said angrily and tried to force the door
knob. When that didn't work, she picked up the phone.

"Room service," the operator answered.

"My door is locked. I need help," Brittney said flustered.

"What is your room number?" the operator asked.

"Room fourteen-o-eight," Brittney said.

"You must be mistaken. Room fourteen-o-eight does not have a working
phone," the operator said.

"What is this? I am in room fourteen-o-eight, and I am speaking to you
right now," Brittney said outraged.

"We will have someone up to assist you shortly," the operator promised.

"Thank you," Brittney said and then hung up the phone.

"They won't come," a voice said behind her.

Brittney spun around and saw a young man lying on the bed comfortably.
He had short brown hair, brown eyes, and pale complexion. "Who the fuck
are you? How did you get in here?" Brittney asked him outraged.

"The same way you did," he replied. "The name is Michael," he added.

"Well, Michael, since you managed to sneak in without me knowing, you
should know how to get out," Brittney said condescendingly.

"There is no way out," he said simply.

"Listen here, asshole," Brittney said as she grabbed him. Only, her
hands went through him like he was a hologram.

"What is this?" Brittney asked stunned.

"I am the soul left behind from when my body was taken from me," Michael

"I don't believe in ghosts," Brittney said becoming fearful of the

"Neither did I until I came into this room," Michael said.

"How long have you been here?" Brittney wondered thinking it must have
been years.

"An hour ago," Michael said.

"How is that possible? There was a vacancy for this room as I came to
the hotel," Brittney objected.

"My body left this room and then checked out of the hotel this evening I
assume," he said.

"If that is true, then I would have seen your body in the lobby. I never
saw a man like you before," Brittney argued.

"A man? No, the body would have been a woman," Michael said sadly.

Brittney stared at Michael and then realized she had seen a couple
leaving the hotel. The woman was smiling and laughing as she walked out
of the hotel. "Did she have a date with her?" Brittney questioned.

"Yes, his name is John," Michael said and then described what he looked
like and how he was dressed.

"Oh my God. I did see you two then," Brittney confirmed.

"A demonic spirit took over my body, changed it to become female, and
then made it have sex with John. The spirit made John think I was the
one in that body," Michael said angrily.

"That's great but that doesn't help me get out of this room," Brittney
said impatiently.

"I don't know what will happen to you. Only men have entered this room,"
Michael said.

"The manager said no woman ever survived for an hour in this room,"
Brittney pointed out.

Laura entered the room and before Brittney could stop her, she closed the
door. She placed her set of keys in her pocket. "What?" she demanded as
she saw Brittney and Michael stare at her.

"Now, all three of us are trapped," Brittney said annoyed.

"Who are you?" Laura demanded of Michael. "I thought we agreed to no
boys allowed," Laura said annoyed.

"You can see him?" Brittney asked incredulous.

"Of course, I can see him. I'm not blind," Laura said obnoxiously.

"This could work to our advantage," Michael smiled.

"What do you mean?" Brittney asked.

"Two enter but three must leave. This loophole will allow the three of
us to leave," Michael figured.

"But you're a ghost. Does that count?" Brittney wondered.

"Where's the ghost?" Laura asked curiously.

"He's the ghost, moron," Brittney said insultingly.

"How is he a ghost? He looks completely real," Laura protested. She
walked over to Michael and tried to touch him. Her hand went right
through him. "No way," she gasped.

"See?" Brittney said losing patience.

"I have to take video of this," Laura said getting out her phone.

"You won't be able to record anything in here," Michael said.

Laura gave Michael a dismissive look and started recording him anyway.
"So, how do we get out?" Brittney asked Michael.

"There appears to be two ways. Either, I leave with the two of you
through possession or...," Michael began.

"You're not possessing my body," Brittney objected.

"Same here," Laura agreed.

"Or one of you will slowly become male and impregnate the other," Michael

"What the fuck?" Laura said softly.

"Whenever there are two people of the same sex in the room, one begins to
change. In this case, one of you will become a boy and impregnate the
other. That will satisfy the rule," Michael explained.

"How do you know this?" Laura asked doubtfully.

"My body became female and had sex with my best friend. Obviously, my
body became pregnant," Michael said disdainfully.

"Oh, really? I would have liked to have seen that," Laura smiled amused.

"Try to be mature about this," Brittney said upon seeing Michael's
irritable face. "So, we either choose changing sex and having a baby or
being possessed by you."

"I don't see any other way," Michael said solemnly.

"How about we try to kick the door down," Laura suggested. She yanked on
the door knob and then tried to kick it open.

"That won't work," Michael said obviously.

"We need to try every option before we agree to this," Brittney told him.

"You're running out of time," Michael warned.

The shower suddenly went on and started filling the tub. The two girls
ignored it as they tried to get the door open. The floor then became
flooded but the water did not flow underneath the door. The two girls
then noticed the water rising in the room up to their ankles.

"You're doing this. I just know it," Laura said to Michael angrily.

"I have been through all of this. It's going to get worse," he said.

The water continued to rise until it reached their waists. "I can't
swim," Laura admitted.

The TV became alive with old-fashioned male characters watching their
struggle. "Kiss, and the water will recede," the actor told them.

"What? Why?" Laura gasped as the cold water reached her chest.

"I would do what they say," Michael said bored. The water was not
affecting him in the slightest.

"It's just a kiss," Brittney said as she went through the water to get to

"It's what the room wants," Laura objected.

"We have no choice," Brittney said and then kissed Laura on the lips.

Laura felt the kiss and in spite of herself enjoyed it. The two kissed
for a few moments oblivious that the water was gone. Brittney and Laura
continue to kiss putting their tongues into each other's mouths.
Finally, Michael interrupted them.

"The water is gone," he said.

Brittney and Laura disengaged and looked around. "Good," Brittney said

"It worked," Laura said happily.

"This is the first step towards making one of you male and the other
pregnant," Michael warned. "It begins with the psychological and then
the physical."

"Which one of us will become the male?" Brittney asked.

"When I was here, I was alone. Now that there are two of you, I am not
sure," Michael admitted.

"I don't want to be a man," Laura said scared.

"Would you rather be pregnant?" Brittney asked of her.

"At least then I can terminate," Laura said rudely.

"I better be the pregnant one then. You're too irresponsible to have a
child," Brittney insulted.

"As a boy, I could impregnate scores of girls," Laura shot back.

"Maybe, after you become a boy and get me pregnant, I'll castrate you,"
Brittney threatened.

The girls started to fight grabbing each other's clothes. Michael merely
watched as the girls tore at each other's clothes until they were rags.
"It has already begun," Michael realized.

Brittney and Laura rolled around on the floor when suddenly they realized
the floor was filled with snakes. "Oh my God," Laura shouted as she got
on the bed. Brittney also realized the snakes on the floor and got on
the bed. The snakes numbered in the dozens and were all hissing. They
stayed closed to the bed daring either girl to try to escape.

"What do we do?" Brittney wondered and turned to Michael for advice.

"Think of something that could get rid of them," he suggested.

"I know," Laura said and immediately the floor was on fire. The snakes
hissed as fire consumed them all. However, the heat and smoke began to
overwhelm the girls.

"It had to be fire? You couldn't have just froze them or something?"
Brittney lectured Laura.

"Shut up," Laura snapped.

The smoke filled the room forcing the girl's to cough uncontrollably.
Laura went down first passing out on the bed while Brittney fought on. A
pair of pants and a dress shirt was thrown on the bed. "Put those on,"
Michael said.

Brittney didn't question the logic of it. She took off her jeans and put
the dress pants on. She then took off her t-shirt and put on the dress
shirt. As she did, her jeans, t-shirt, and shoes fell off the bed and
were consumed by the fire. After a long struggle, Brittney got the
clothes on. The fire and smoke then disappeared leaving dozens of
charred snakes behind. The room was black from the fire and smoke.

Laura continued to cough and then saw Brittney in the dress clothes. "I
don't have any shoes now," Brittney said.

"There are dress shoes in the closet," Michael pointed out.

"So, what does this mean? Is she going to be the boy?" Laura asked.

"Not necessarily. We can still work this out together," Michael

"I still haven't felt any changes," Brittney said. She could deal with
putting on men's clothes.

"Look in the mirror," Michael suggested.

Brittney walked onto the floor and saw herself in the mirror. Her long
brown hair had been shortened considerably. It still looked feminine
even though it looked short and spiky. "I can deal with this," Brittney

"It's only the beginning," Michael said.

Brittney then noticed that her breasts were smaller than before in the
dress shirt. Alarmed, she immediately took it off but her bra was gone.
"Where is my bra?" she demanded.

Laura looked for it around the bed but it was gone. Brittney covered her
breasts embarrassed. "Come on, Brittney. It's not like I haven't seen
them before."

"He's still here," Brittney pointed out.

"Don't worry about me," Michael smirked.

As if to help her anxiety, Brittney's breasts continued to shrink until
she was flat-chested. Her nipples shrank as well. Her chest resembled a
teenage boy. "Oh God," Brittney moaned as she felt her flat chest.

"I know how you feel," Michael said to her. "I felt the same when my
penis disappeared."

"It's not the same," Brittney said bitterly.

"We can change her back, right?" Laura said fearfully.

"Maybe, but we're wasting time," Michael warned.

"Go ahead and possess me. I would never have a child with her," Brittney
said angrily.

"How dare you? You fucked plenty of boys in high school and didn't even
have them wear a condom," Laura accused.

"At least the kid would be mine," Brittney shot back. "If you got
pregnant, you would have your father hire a fancy lawyer to force me to
pay child support and not allow me visitation."

"Don't bring my father into this. At least I have one. You would never
be able to raise a child by yourself," Laura argued.

"That does it, bitch. I'll make your hair as short as mine," Brittney
said and tackled Laura to the floor.

"This is not helping," Michael said as Brittney pulled Laura's hair.

Brittney forced Laura to the ground and easily kept her down. It was as
if she had a dramatic increase in strength. Upon realizing it, she
stepped back. "No," she said realizing the ramification.

Laura glared at Brittney and fixed her blond hair. "Shall we begin?"
Michael asked.

Brittney nodded. Michael came closer to Brittney and then disappeared
inside her body. An entirely new reality emerged as the two came
together. Brittney and Michael shared the same body and mind. Brittney
then put on her dress shoes and put everything from her purse in her pant
pockets. Laura simply stared as Brittney put on a bow tie and looked at
herself in the mirror. Her face became slightly more masculine. She was
fairly passable now.

Brittney then walked over to the door knob and opened the door. "Let's
go," she said to Laura.


The two exited the room and went down the hallway to the elevator.
Laura's dress was a mess from her experience in the room, but Brittney
looked very neat in her suit. They went down to the lobby floor and
walked to the front counter.

"I'm checking out," Brittney said to the clerk.

"What room?" the clerk asked.

"Fourteen-o-eight," Brittney smirked.

The clerk stared at Brittney in awe. "Of course, Sir," she said.

Brittney then saw the manager walk over to the clerk. "I hope your stay
was a pleasant one," he smiled.

"Thanks for the drink," Brittney replied.

The manager looked slightly spooked but then recovered. "Of course," he

Once they were checked out, Brittney went with Laura to the exit. "Glad
that was over with," Laura sighed.

Brittney turned to Laura and for a moment Laura was expecting a kiss.
They had been through a lot in the last hour. "I don't need you anymore.
Go home," Brittney said coldly.

Brittney then took a cab and disappeared in New York traffic leaving a
shattered Laura behind.


"Take me to the airport," Brittney ordered the cab driver.

Once she arrived, the airport Brittney went over to American Airlines
counter. "I have a ticket reservation for Boston," she said.

"Yes," the clerk said and gave her a ticket. "Any bags to check in?"

"No," Brittney replied.

As she waited for her flight, Brittney went to the bathroom and looked at
herself in the mirror. Her appearance thankfully stayed the same. If
she had reverted back to being a young woman, her suit would make her
look like a butch lesbian. That would attract unnecessary attention.


Meanwhile, John and Michelle got out of their car after a nice road trip.
As John drove, the two of them shared fond memories of the past. John
parked the car in the apartment complex's parking lot and like a
gentleman opened the door for Michelle. The two kissed lovingly and then
entered the apartment.

Michelle found that everything had changed in the apartment. It was
neater for one, a detail she attributed to herself. Her bedroom was now
used as a storage room. They now shared a bed. As she stared at the
couch, memories of them making-out and kissing entered her mind. In the
bedroom, she was fed memories of the many times they made love. Looking
at the kitchen, she remembered all the times they had worked together to
cook meals. No more ramen noodles or microwave dinners.

"You look like you're seeing it for the first time," John smiled.

Michelle smiled. Well, the first time with the three of us. She no
longer had to fear pregnancy now. She could abandon all protection and
barriers between them for the next nine glorious months. She wanted him
as much as she could until the very end.

"It's been a long night. Want to hit the sack?" John asked.

"I want to do more than just sleep," Michelle said to him. She could
tell immediately that John was now interested. She felt like she had so
much power now. She could arouse him with a few simple words. The same
was never true for when she was a man. Yet, those memories of being a
man were starting to fade with time.

"Can't get enough, can you?" John smirked and gave her a kiss.

"Unlike you, I don't need time to recover," Michelle said knowingly.

"It may take a while for me to finish," John said flirtingly.

"That's fine with me," Michelle allowed.

The two went into the bedroom and started taking off their clothes. In
the dark, they touched each other all over. Michelle felt no hesitancy
to stroke her husband's cock, fondle his balls, and touch his chest. She
didn't have to bother with the question of whether she loved men over
women. All she knew at that moment was that she was in love with her
best friend. She wondered how it would have been had their fates been
reversed. Would she love and cherish the female version of John? She
hoped it would be yes. Still, she felt like she had the better end of
the deal.

John entered her and all of her reflective thoughts disappeared. She
became lost in the moment as John moved inside her. It felt so natural
for childhood best friends to go to college together, room together, and
eventually become lovers. It was too bad that sexuality and biology had
to get in the way of such an obvious decision. But Room 1408 changed all
that, and she would be forever grateful for it.

Unlike her time in Room 1408, Michelle was determined to try new
positions. She got on top and started to ride John's cock. She wasn't
perfect at first. Occasionally, he would slip out or she would fall over
onto him. They both found it amusing. John took her inexperience to be
just playfulness. In his mind, Michelle was very experienced. Michelle
found her sweet spot and sped up her pace. Her long brown hair went
everywhere and she touched her breasts to give her that extra boost.
Suddenly, a pleasurable surge went through her. She had just given
herself an orgasm.

Michelle cried out not caring if anyone heard. She felt her vagina pulse
with pleasure for a solid minute. It just kept going-and-going. She
wasn't sure if was the hormones or her own mind, but she felt an
incredible attachment to John. All doubt of them being together was


Brittney got off her plane in Boston and took a rental car. She knew
exactly where to go. Laura called Brittney a few times but there was no
answer. Laura then decided to call the hotel, The Dolphin. "General
Manager, please," she requested.

"This is the manager. How can I help you, tonight?" the manager said

"I checked in to room fourteen-o-eight a few hours ago," Laura began.

"Oh yes, I remember you two," the manager said amused.

"Right, so, I have this problem. I think my friend Brittney is
possessed. I don't know where she is or what she intends to do," Laura
said fearfully.

"I am not sure I can help," the manager said.

"You have records of the phone numbers and addresses of the two guys that
checked into the room before us, right?" Laura asked.

"Well, miss, I have records of a couple that entered that room before
you," the manager said.

"Right, them," Laura said flustered.

"I can't give you that information," the manager said.

"It's very important. It could be life and death," Laura pressed.

"When you put it that way," the manager hesitated. "Alright," he gave

The manager gave Laura the phone number to John and Michelle's cell phone
and their apartment address. Laura quickly dialed the number a few times
until she got John on the phone.

"It's late. Who is this?" John asked sleepily.

"I think you're in danger. My friend is headed right for you," Laura

"What friend? Who is this?" John asked. There was a sudden knock on the
door. John put the phone down and put some shorts on.

He opened the door and was suddenly punched back. Brittney entered the
room still in her suit. John fought back with punches, but Brittney had
greater mental coordination. She got several punches on John and then
knocked him to the ground as she slammed a chair on him. She then took
the table and pushed it on top of him. Punching through the table, she
further stunned John. With inhuman strength, she picked him up and
slammed him against the stove. Brittney then took hold of John and
slammed him against the stove with enough force to nearly knock him out.

"Sorry, John, but you're not thinking clearly," Brittney said.

Brittney then took a knife from the knife block and went towards the
bedroom. "Honey," Michelle said as she entered the living room. She was
wearing a bathrobe to cover herself. "Stay in the bedroom," John

Michelle turned to the bedroom as she saw Brittney with the knife. The
doors to the bedroom and bathroom closed on their own and locked
preventing her escape. "What do you want?" Michelle asked fearfully.

"Look how quickly you've changed from a man to a frightened helpless
female," Brittney said.

"I have always been female," Michelle replied for John's benefit.

"No, you weren't. You were a man until you went into room fourteen-o-
eight. That body belongs to me," Michael said with Brittney's voice.

"You think killing me is going to get your body back?" Michelle asked.

"No, I just need to kill the child inside. Then, I will take your body
and make it male again like it was meant to be," Michael said.

"You're not Michael. I am Michael," Michelle said.

"You're just the body. You left your soul behind. I am here to reunite
soul and body," Michael said.

"The real Michael would never kill innocent life," Michelle objected.

"You left me in that room to exist there for eternity. If you had a
soul, you would have never left without me," Michael said bitterly.

"I have a soul," Michelle said confidently.

Brittney advanced on Michelle with the knife. "I can smell him on you.
It was understandable why you fucked him to get out of that room. But
now, what is your excuse? Look what you have done to us," Michael said.

"We're in love," Michelle said defensively.

"How? You think these false memories are real?" Michael said.

"I don't know, but I am the present and the future. I will decide for
myself what I will do for the rest of my life," Michelle said.

"This may feel uncomfortable," Michael said as he aimed the knife at her

Brittney's body then froze. "You cannot resist me!" Michael growled as
the real Brittney took greater control.

Michelle simply stared as Brittney's body contorted. "I would rather die
than kill her baby," Brittney said sending the knife close to her throat.

Michelle intervened taking the knife away. Brittney gave Michelle a
sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry," she said and then rushed out of the

Michelle quickly locked the door and ran over to her fallen husband.
"Are you alright?" he asked dazed.

"We just got attacked by a possessed woman that looked like a man,"
Michelle told him.

"That sounds so weird," John muttered.

"I've experienced worse," Michelle smiled. "Let me bandage you up."


Brittney walked over to her car. Suicidal thoughts emerged like driving
her car at high speed into a tree. Another car sped up to the apartment
complex. It was Laura. "Brittney!" she shouted.

"Stay away from me. I can't control myself," she said.

"It's the ghost isn't it? He's got you," Laura realized.

"Yes, I would never do this if it was just me," Brittney said obviously.

"Let me get you out of here," Laura offered.

Brittney reluctantly got into Laura's car and closed her eyes in
concentration. Michael was still fighting her and as they left the
apartment, she felt his rage and desperation. "Ever since we left that
hotel, I have been struggling with these urges. All I can think about is
you, and I feel invisible hands all over my body. I must have had five
orgasms on the way over here," Laura said, her hands trembling.

"Yeah, well, I have a ghost in me that nearly killed someone," Brittney

"We'll fix this," Laura promised.

"How? I'm so fucked up right now. A part of me wants to kill you,"
Brittney admitted.

Laura drove quickly to the nearest hotel. "Stay put," Laura said to
Brittney as she went inside. "I need a room for two," Laura said to the

Laura got the keys and came back for Brittney. The two went inside the
hotel room and locked the door. As they turned around, they were now
back in room 1408. The room was perfect as before as if none of the
disasters had happened.

"It doesn't end," Brittney realized.

"Remember what the ghost said," Laura reminded her.

"You mean that psycho ghost that tried to have me kill people? That
ghost?" Brittney said exasperated.

"It's are only chance," Laura said.

"So, we pretty much settled that I am going to be the man?" Brittney
asked. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she could barely stand.

"We could flip a coin," Laura said lamely.

Brittney shook her head. "You have a good family. You should have the

"Don't talk like that. We're going to do this together," Laura smiled

"You better not blue-ball me," Brittney joked.

The two laughed despite their circumstances. Michael's ghost then
appeared before them. "Let's do this again and this time it will be done
right!" he said angrily.

"No deal," Brittney said resolved.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you defy me," Michael screamed at them.
Suddenly, other ghosts appeared in the room. They were all male from
different time periods wearing affluent suits and hats. They took hold
of Michael's ghost and then it became clear he wasn't Michael at all.
His face and clothes morphed so that he took on the appearance of a young
man from the 1920s.

"Pardon us, my lord and lady," the ghost leader said and tipped his hat
to them. Michael's false ghost screamed as he was taken away through the

"Wow, and here I was thinking that Michael was a total prick," Laura

"We still have to go through with it," Brittney realized as the clock
kept ticking down the hour. She took off her bow tie and dress shirt
revealing a flat chest.

"Do you want me to do anything?" Laura asked uncertain.

"I don't know," Brittney admitted.

Laura got on the bed and took off her clothes. She tried to think of how
ordinary it would be to change clothes in front of another girl. As soon
as Laura took off her bra, Brittney felt a stir inside her. This was
really happening. A woman's breasts would forever have power over her.
She couldn't stop staring at Laura's perky breasts.

Brittney kicked off her dress shoes and suit pants. She noticed that her
legs were thicker and more muscular than before. She was still as
hairless as a swimmer but that would soon change. "What do you want me
to call you? Brit?" Laura asked.

"How about Brent?" Brittney guessed.

"Okay, Brent," Laura said as she took off her underwear. She felt
butterflies in her stomach as she was completely naked before the now
Brent before her.

With his new name, Brent started to think of himself as a man. He slowly
took off his underwear thinking that nothing would be there. As he did,
he felt a sudden pain inside his abdomen. He fell on the bed and waited
for the transformation to run its course. Laura watched in amazement as
Brent's vaginal entrance sealed permanently and two bulges pulsed inside
his body. As his testicles swelled and formed underneath his labia, his
clit started to expand. Laura watched in hopeful anticipating that his
cock would be long and thick.

"I hope you're enjoying the show," Brent said in a deeper voice. His
voice was irritable as he tensed up as his internal organs changed.

"I'm the one giving birth, remember. So, no complaining," Laura joked.

As Brent's penis grew, Laura felt an overwhelming urge to kiss it. She
placed her mouth on it and started sucking. Brent groaned as he felt his
penis for the first time. It felt really good at the very tip. It was
nothing he had ever experienced before. All of his concentration fell to
that one tip. Some part of Laura told her that the longer she sucked on
his dick, the bigger it would become. She didn't know if that were true,
but it felt compelling. She could tell that it was growing in her mouth.

Brent tensed up as he felt waves of pleasure in his penis. "I think you
should stop, or I might cum," he said anxiously.

"So quickly?" Laura asked backing off.

"I don't know," Brent admitted.

Laura waited for Brent's cock to go past six inches and for his balls to
fully form. She knew that within a short time, sperm from his balls
would end up inside her. She was afraid and excited by the implication.
Had she made the right choice? If it had been the other way around, she
would be having the cock and balls.

"What do you want to do now?" Brent asked unsure of himself.

"I'll be on top. After all, you're a virgin," Laura teased.

"A virgin," Brent repeated as if he didn't believe it.

Laura got on top of him and placed his penis at her entrance. As she
looked down at him, Brent's face had become more masculine. He looked
like Brittney's twin brother or something. His hair was still short and
spiky. Laura considered a few ideas on how to make him more attractive
to her. She slowly eased herself onto his cock, so he was all the way
in. Laura was impressed by how far inside he was able to get.

"How do you like these breasts now?" Laura asked him.

"They look good," Brent replied awkwardly.

Laura shook her head. "You're like a teenage boy."

"Give me a break. I have seen breasts my whole life," Brent said. His
penis was giving him a weird sensation. It felt moist but the pleasure
wasn't there yet.

Laura felt a little anxious taking the lead in sex. It made her
uncomfortable but under the circumstances it couldn't be helped. She
rocked her hips on his cock to see his reaction. Brent gave her a blank
face. Laura picked up the pace and noticed a reaction from Brent. He
was tensed up as if trying to hold something in.

"I don't think I am going to last long," he said.

"You got to be kidding me," Laura smiled.

Brent felt an intense pleasure build up and then it all was released in a
few seconds. Cum surged through his penis into Laura's body. There were
several surges in all and then it was over. He felt exhausted and had to
catch his breath.

"You're done already?" Laura asked disappointed.

"Sorry, wow," Brent smiled.

Laura shook her head. No doubt the boys before them never had this kind
of trouble. A few moments later, Laura heard the door on the room
unlock. With a sense of dread and amazement, she realized she was now
pregnant. It had been the worst sex she had ever had with a guy. Laura
got off Brent's cock and then noticed something odd. Brent's cock was
still standing at over six inches and still hard.

"Is that normal?" Brent wondered.

"No, it's not," Laura said disturbed by it too.

Laura cautiously touched Brent's penis and sure enough it was hard and
ready to go. "If you don't mind, I would like another go around," Laura

"Go for it," Brent said satisfied.

"Sit up and hold yourself up," Laura ordered.

She then lowered herself on his cock so that her ass was against his
stomach. "Now, put your hands on my nipples," Laura instructed.

Brent did as he was told and started pleasuring her. Laura took the lead
using her legs to get herself off. Still, without Brent participating,
it was hard. "I think I got the hang of this," Brent said rising to his
knees. Laura was forced to be on all fours as she was moved.

Brent then penetrated her deep and started thrusting inside her at a
rapid pace. Laura gave a look of surprise as he took hold of her hips
and fucked her. Every so often, he would fall out but then get back in.
He reached around underneath and started to rub Laura's clit.

"Is it working?" Brent asked uncertain.

"Yeah, it's working. Keep going!" Laura gasped.

Laura finally felt an orgasm go through her as she was fucked from
behind. Overwhelmed, she fell to her stomach but Brent kept going.
Surprised, she clutched the sheets of the bed as he continued to go full
speed ahead. Brent then turned her on her side and continued. Laura
felt intense pleasure from all this action but it was just pleasure. She
needed to form an emotional bond. "Okay, stop," Laura said overwhelmed.

"Am I too rough?" Brent asked concerned.

"No, I just need more face time," Laura said going to her back.

She kissed him gratefully and then helped him back in. "Don't stop until
you've cum," she told him.

"Alright," Brent agreed. The fact that they were still inside the creepy
room didn't bother them anymore.

Laura crossed her legs behind Brent's back and let him go as fast as he
could. As he did, Laura rewarded him with kisses to his lips, then his
neck, and held his shoulders. She rubbed her breasts against his now
muscular chest. She knew the room was keeping him hard and that after
this was all over he would be as experienced as a teenage boy. Still,
there would be plenty of time to get him up to speed. She just needed
patience. Hell, he would have to learn patience too if he was going to
deal with her nine month pregnancy.

Brent grunted as he came inside her again. "Wow, I'm spent," he said
catching his breath.

"Let's leave this room and begin our lives. What do you say?" Laura

"Sounds good," Brent agreed.


A few moments later, Brent was in a full suit from the closet.
Everything fit him perfectly, and his dress shoes shined. "For all the
talk of fashion, I have to wear even more clothes than you," Brent noted.

"Except when we go to the beach, honey," Laura kissed him and made sure
his tie was made right.

Brent then checked his new wallet and looked over his ID cards and credit
cards. They all had his new name. "Make sure your cards have your
correct name," Brent suggested.

"My name?" Laura wondered.

Brent smiled and held up his left hand which had the wedding ring. "Oh
right?" Laura said sheepishly. She checked her cards and noticed her
last name was changed to Brent's.

Brent looked over Laura's black dress. "You look good," he complimented.

"Just good?" Laura chided.

"You look beautiful. How about that?" Brent asked.

"It's going to be fun to find out if you're ignorant or just playing
games," Laura said.

"Shall we go," Brent said opening the door for her.

Nine Months Later

Two women screamed bloody murder as they were giving birth. Two men
walked back to the lobby to take a break from the excitement. "Almost
makes you feel guilty," Brent remarked with a smile.

"Almost," John replied with the same smile.

"Boy or girl?" Brent asked.

"Boy," John said proudly.

"I can't imagine raising a boy. Ours is a girl," Brent said. "Do I
detect a Boston accent?" Brent asked.

"Guilty," John admitted. "We just figured we come to the place where it
all began."

"That's great," Brent said awkwardly.

"Well, to fatherhood," John said shaking Brent's hand.

Michelle and Laura gave birth at relatively the same time with their
husbands present. Both were healthy miracle babies; one from two boys and
one from two girls.


Back at The Dolphin, the manager put up a new photograph on his wall.
The photograph was black-and-white and had the serious faces of three
dozen men. They were all wearing different styles of suits from the
1900s onward to the present. The manager smiled as he remembered
Michael's face up front. Still, the photograph's newest edition broke
the consistency of the all-male group. In the very front was a young
woman in a black dress.

The manager picked up a glass of rum and toasted the photograph. He
started chuckling at first and then gave a fully hearty laugh.

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