Bar Buddies

Bar Buddies

Steve was one lucky man, balls deep in his new girlfriend. She moaned and clawed his back in sexual ecstasy. The two couldn’t get enough of each other ever since that fateful night when his roommate Paul became a sexy blond goddess now named Paula. The two of them had stayed home drinking like any ordinary night. After a few games of drunken chess, the two headed to bed but something stopped them. A magic beyond comprehension brought them together. Paul started furiously kissing Steve, and he did nothing to stop him. The two ripped each other’s clothes off in the living room.

Steve had never had gay thoughts before but with each passing moment Paul looked more attractive to him. He allowed his roommate to get on his knees and suck on his cock. What followed could only be supernatural as Paul’s hair grew longer and blonder. His body became more feminine and small breasts began to form on his chest. After he had shot his load into Paul’s mouth, his roommate no longer looked like a man.

Instead Paul looked perfectly feminine except for her male genitals. He even spoke in a higher-pitched voice. Steve wondered if Paul would be distressed by all the changes to his body. Quite the opposite. Paul wanted to be called Paula and wanted to complete the change. His mind had been completely given over to the feminine.

Taking her to bed, Steve penetrated her depths and gave her the seed she needed to fulfill her transformation. She cried out as she felt her last male orgasm. Her male organ shrank inside her and a new labia and vulva formed. The next morning, the two made love as man and woman for the first time.


Steve detailed his story to his bar friends, John, Mark, and Fred. They all gave him a skeptical eye while drinking pitchers of beer. “Pics or it didn’t happen,” John said skeptically.

“That’s the thing. Her transformation also changed how everyone thought of her. Her parents, all her friends, and everyone she ever knew acted as if she had always been female,” Steve said.

“Except you,” Mark said just as skeptical.

“I can’t explain it,” Steve said.

“Let’s say for the sake of argument that this did happen as you say. I’m not quite convinced yet that she’s a real woman,” Fred said.

“What do you mean?” Steve wondered.

“Well, she may have a pretty face, some boobs, and a sweet vagina but that’s just the physical. Mentally, she may still be a man,” Fred clarified.

“What difference does it make, Fred? She looks hawt as hell,” John said as he saw Paula on Steve’s phone.

“Is that all that matters? What’s the difference between a gay man and a straight woman mentally speaking?” Fred asked.

The four were uncertain for a few moments. “Well, a gay man isn’t always wanting to be a catcher for one,” Mark said.

“Some are,” Fred pointed out.

“A gay man is no different than a straight man in many respects. Aside from the stereotypes, I have known gay men that were into war movies, baseball games, and drinking beer,” John said.

“I know women that are into all three,” Fred argued.

“A suit. That’s the difference. A straight woman would never wear a suit. Gay men wear suits all the time,” Mark said finally.

“Come on, Mark. No one likes wearing a suit,” Fred rolled his eyes.

“Do gay men like to wear dresses?” Steve wondered.

“Ask Paula to wear a dress and see if she resists,” Fred suggested.


Steve decided to get to the bottom of this. Other than near daily sexual congress, Paula was mostly the same as before. She studied for classes, made breakfast for only herself, and watched the same TV shows she had watched before. She typically wore jeans and a jacket, but it was also winter.

“What if I got you a nice black dress?” Steve asked her as they played video games on the couch.

“Why? It’s cold outside,” Paula objected.

Steve eyed Paula wondering if his bar buddies might be right. “You can wear a jacket over it. You could wear it to the club,” Steve suggested.

“The club? You never go clubbing,” Paula pointed out.

“Well, I’ve never had a beautiful girlfriend to show off until now,” Steve smiled.

Paul smiled back and gave him a kiss. “Sure, it could be fun.”

“And high heels too,” Steve quickly added.

“I don’t know, Steve. I don’t want to break my ankle,” Paula said concerned.

“Practice makes perfect,” Steve pressed.

“Well, alright. I better get used to walking like a woman, I guess,” Paula smiled sheepishly.

Shortly thereafter, Steve brought Paula to the mall to go shopping. She quickly found a black dress that fit her and then tried on some shoes that fit. In less than thirty minutes, they were back in the car on their way home.

Once they arrived back home, Paula put on the dress and looked at herself in the mirror. “You look so beautiful,” Steve said to her.

She blushed at the compliment. “You don’t need to tell me that to get me interested,” Paula said and then dropped the dress in front of him.

Steve took off his shirt and joined Paula in the bedroom for another love-making session.


Back at the bar, Steve was confident there was nothing to worry about. “So, we went shopping, and I got her a dress. She tried it on and loved it,” Steve reported.

“Did she offer to pay for it?” Fred asked.

“Yeah, so?” Steve asked. “I paid for it in the end.”

“It’s a bad sign, brother,” Fred shook his head.

“Yeah, real women don’t offer to pay for shit,” John agreed.

“How long did you shop for?” Mark asked curiously.

“Less than an hour, I think,” Steve recalled.

“Holy Shit!” John said obnoxiously and downed his drink.

“It’s not a big deal,” Steve said dismissively.

“You went shopping with a dude, I’m sorry to say,” Fred told him.

“Okay, what more does she need to do to prove to you guys?” Steve asked.

“You said you bought the dress to go clubbing right? Well, go to the club and then have her dance with you. She has to allow you to lead her,” Fred said.


Steve and Paula went clubbing for the first time as man and woman. Paula was wearing a jacket over her black dress. She was still noticeably cold but didn’t complain for Steve’s sake. They got into the club easily enough and got drinks.

“Let’s dance,” Steve suggested to her.

“You never dance,” Paula reminded him.

“I do now,” Steve pressed.

Paula joined Steve on the dance floor and all seemed well for a few minutes as Steve took the lead. However, Paula quickly got bored with that and began dancing with the girls. She mimicked their movements being allowed to dance like a girl for the first time. Paula felt so free to try out new things not afraid to be called gay by other men. In fact, men were drawn to her now. She could see their eyes follow her. It was so flattering to her.

Steve went back to the bar concerned. Paula enjoyed the rest of the evening trying out new dance moves and chatting with girls.


Steve was miserable as he met his bar friends. “Tough break, but I don’t think its proof enough,” John said.

“What more proof is needed?” Fred asked already convinced of his original conclusion.

“You mentioned how women are only catchers. Let’s put that to the test. Get yourself a strap-on and convince her to fuck you,” John suggested.

“What?” Steve asked stunned.

“Don’t knock it until you try it,” Mark said.

“I am not going to get fucked in the ass,” Steve objected. “Had I let her fuck me in the ass the first time we had sex, I would be the girl right now.”

“Well, it’s not a real cock,” Fred pointed out.

“I am going to need a few more drinks before I agree with this plan,” Steve said.

“My man,” Fred said giving Steve another pitcher of beer.


Steve went to a sex shop alone and bought the strap-on. He then got good and drunk before he asked Paula about it. “Hey, I was thinking we could try out new things,” Steve said to her as she read a textbook.

“We haven’t gone through every position in the Karma Sutra yet,” she said.

“Right, but have you ever heard of pegging?” Steve asked.

Paula simply stared at him. “You serious?” she asked.

“Yep,” Steve nodded.

“If it’s what you want,” she said without enthusiasm.

“It just seems a little unfair that I am always the one penetrating you,” Steve said.

“It would be if we were gay men, but I’m a woman now. I’m accepting it,” she said.

“So, you have no interest at all,” Steve clarified.

Paula gave him an odd look. “Do you have a strap-on?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Steve admitted.

Paula smirked. “Well, we can’t take it back to the store so let’s use it.”

What followed was Paula putting on the strap-on and enthusiastically penetrating Steve with it. They used lube, but it wasn’t enough. Steve felt pain and discomfort the entire time. Paula then jerked him off to end it.


Steve was ashamed to admit what happened to his bar buddies. “Damn!” Mark commented.

“I have never felt so sore before,” Steve admitted.

“I don’t know man. This may not be conclusive enough. I think you need to have her fuck you in the ass a few more times,” John joked.

“Fuck you,” Steve said annoyed.

“This could just be an aberration. You should only be worried if she wants to do it all the time,” John advised.

“She using birth control?” Fred asked.

“Yeah, we have sex all the time. She can’t get enough,” Steve said.

“Get her to stop. Make her feel a real woman’s period. Then, we’ll see what her reaction is,” Fred suggested.

“You crazy? She’ll get pregnant for sure,” Steve said.

“Just pull out,” Fred said obviously.


Steve went ahead and hid Paula’s birth control pills. She looked all over for them but couldn’t find them. She procrastinated to get new ones and then forgot all about them. Steve continued to make love to her but pulled out every time. Finally, Paula had her period.

“Oh my God!” she said freaked out.

“What?” Steve asked her.

“I’m bleeding. I think I’m having my period,” she said distressed.

“Okay, you just stay here. I’ll get you some tampons,” Steve told her.

Once he came back, Paula awkwardly followed the instructions on how to use them. “This is very unpleasant. I feel cramping.”

“Yeah, being a woman sucks,” Steve tested her.

“It’s not so bad. Those birth control pills really mess with your head. I want to try having periods for a few months to see how it is,” Paula said.

“Sure,” Steve agreed.


Back at the bar, Steve explained what happened. “She dealt with it like a champ. She’s even open to never using birth control as long as I promise to pull out.”

“Congrats, bro. No man would put up with that,” John said.

“It’s still just exploration for her. She hasn’t experienced periods her whole adult life like a normal woman,” Fred said.

“What are you suggesting?” Steve asked.

“No man, gay or straight, would ever want to be pregnant,” Fred escalated.

“You saying I should knock her up?” Steve asked incredulously.

“Only way to know for sure,” Fred said.


Steve eyed Paula suspiciously as she watched a hunting show. “Want to watch Project Runway?” Steve tested her.

“You turning gay on me?” she asked dismissively.

“Do you ever think about your life as a dude? Maybe, you were a gay man?” Steve said to her.

“No, I was straight as can be. I enjoyed sex with girls most definitely but everything has changed,” Paula said.

“What’s changed?” Steve asked.

“How I think about you. How I think about men. Every day I look at myself naked in the mirror. Seeing women naked isn’t the turn on it used to be,” Paula said.

“But you never felt feelings for guys before the change?” Steve questioned.

“Never,” Paula answered.


Steve would later do something he would regret. After getting piss drunk to give him courage, he went to bed and made love to Paula. Everything was going fine until he came inside her. He passed it off as an accident but in reality it was intentional. Two weeks later, Paula skipped her period. At first, she was concerned that she was changing back into a man.

“What’s wrong with that?” Steve asked her.

“If I become a man again, we will have to move out. Can you imagine what our friendship would be like knowing you fucked your best friend,” she said stressed out.

“If it happens, I’ll always be your best friend,” Steve promised her.

“It would just be so awkward,” Paula shook her head.

It wasn’t long before Paula realized the real reason. “Steve, I’m pregnant.”


Steve’s bar buddies congratulated him on becoming a new father. “Congrats bro, your life is officially over,” John joked.

Steve was absolutely miserable. “So, this proves it right. I mean, what man would want to be pregnant?”

“She’s taking it to term, right?” Mark clarified.

“Of course she is, fucker,” Steve punched him.

“Just asking,” Mark said defensively.

“It is an honest question. A man might be curious to know what it’s like in the beginning but not have to go through the birth,” Fred said.

“She’ll take it to term. No question about it,” Steve said but even he wasn’t completely sure.


Paula started becoming an emotional wreck. Her pregnancy was going to interfere with her classes and career. Just a few months ago, she was a man. Now, she was going to give birth to a new human being. She sat down with Steve to talk it out. “I don’t know what to think about this. Bringing a new person into this world is a lot of responsibility. I just don’t know,” she said.

“If you want to take it to term, I’m with you to the end,” Steve told her.

“What do you mean ‘if’?” she said scornfully and left him hanging in the living room.

For the next nine months, Steve suffered through Paula’s mood swings and medical issues. They discovered that they were going to have a boy which brought relief to both of them. Neither of them knew how to handle a girl. Finally, Steve was there when she gave birth.


Back at the bar, the men celebrated Steve’s fatherhood. “Now, you need to have her breast feed the kid,” Fred said.

“Why?” Steve asked.

“She gave birth because it was her moral duty. A man could have the courage to do such a thing if it meant saving a life,” Fred said.

“She didn’t just save a life. She created one,” Steve countered.

“It’s the same principle. She may have been forced by morality to do so but breast feeding is different. With formula around, it’s optional,” Fred said.

“Come on, man. Plenty of women don’t breast feed,” John pointed out.

“Yeah, but this woman used to be a dude. That’s the difference,” Fred argued.

“I’ll suggest it. It can’t hurt to ask,” Steve said.


Paula felt something different in her mind as she saw her infant son. Perhaps, a motherly instinct was now present within her. Would she have felt the same way if she had been a father? Steve came home from the bar, kissed her, and looked at their infant son.

“He looks so beautiful,” Steve said.

“You can’t say that to a boy,” Paula objected.

“I was wondering if you were going to breast feed him,” Steve tested.

“Well, we bought formula the other day,” Paula reminded him.

“I know, but we could do both,” Steve said.

“You mean I could do both,” Paula corrected.

“Right,” Steve agreed.

“I’ve heard it can be painful,” Paula was uncertain.

“Do you really want to miss out on this uniquely female experience?” Steve tested.

“Well, I guess not,” Paula smiled. “I’ll give it a try.”


Steve drank a pitcher of beer and slammed it on the table with satisfaction. “She’s breast feeding the kid regularly now. She’s truly female mind and body.”

“I think you need to knock her up again,” Fred said seriously.

“What the fuck?” Steve objected.

“A man may be willing to do it one time like climbing Mt. Everest one time, but he would never do it multiple times. Real women like to have more than one kid,” Fred said.

“There are plenty of women that don’t have any kids or just one kid,” John pointed out.

“I’m not saying they’re not real women, but Paula wasn’t born a woman. She has to prove herself above and beyond the average,” Fred said.

“You know what? This has gone far enough. Paula’s acted as any woman would for the last year. Her soul became female the night she changed,” Steve said putting his foot down.

“Here, here,” Mark mocked.

“She probably is, Steve, but don’t you want to be one hundred percent sure?” Fred asked.

“I don’t know, Fred. Who’s to say you’re a man. I’ve never seen your cock,” Steve said drunkenly.

“Maybe I was wrong this entire time. Maybe, you’re the gay man,” Fred said insultingly.

“You son-of-a-bitch,” Steve cursed.

The two men started fighting in the bar. John and Mark tried to break it up, but it escalated to other patrons. In short order, the whole bar was in an uproar as all the men started fighting each other.


Steve and Fred were booked at the county jail for disturbing the peace. Both of them had one black eye, bloody noses, and bruises all over their bodies. They were put in adjacent cells preventing them from fighting each other but still allowing them to insult the other.

While in jail, Steve reflected on what he had done. He had forced what was supposedly feminine on her. He had gotten her pregnant on purpose. He had witnessed the terrible pain she had gone through to give birth. Fred had convinced him to do it all to make absolutely sure Paula had truly turned. He was so wrapped up in his homophobia that he made Paula suffer for it. Instead of going to school and having a career, Paula would have to deal with the baby. Steve then realized he was an asshole and didn’t deserve Paula.

As he contemplated his moral failings, Paula arrived with their son in her arms. “You made bail,” the sheriff said to him.

The cell doors were unlocked freeing Steve. “Hi, heard so much about you,” Fred said from the other cell.

Paula gave him a dirty look. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” she said to Steve.


Once they got home, Paula took the infant back to the nursing room and breast fed him. Steve sat at the table staring off into space. Finally, he eyed the chess board. Was it the cause or coincidence? What could cause someone to change their sex like that? The more Steve thought about it, the more he believed he didn’t deserve to be a man. It should have been him that had been changed into a woman. He brought the chess board over to the table and put his hand on the white queen.

Paula took a seat across from him after she had placed the infant in the crib. “John and Mark told me everything,” she said softly.

“Everything?” Steve wondered.

“Yeah,” Paula confirmed.

“You must think I’m an asshole,” Steve muttered.

“Yes, but you’re my asshole,” Paula said to him.

“I should have been the one to change, not you. Now, I have ruined your chance at school and a good job,” Steve said.

“What you gave me that night was the greatest gift. How many people can say they’ve magically changed sex? I have experienced being both a man and a woman. I felt our son inside me while I was pregnant. I gave birth to another human being. I wouldn’t give that up for anything,” Paula said.

“Well, you deserve someone better than me,” Steve said as he wallowed in self-pity.

“You’re going to have to work hard to provide for this family. That’s your punishment and from now on I’m going to act like a ‘real’ woman. I’m going to demand you cuddle with me but no sex. I am going to bitch at you constantly for dumb shit. I am going to make your life hell every month when I have PMS,” Paula said to him.

“Alright, alright, I get it,” Steve said softly.

“Fred is right about one thing. I want another baby, a baby girl,” Paula said.

“Really? You want to go through that again?” Steve asked incredulous.

“Yep, and we’re going to start trying for it right now,” she ordered.


Steve stripped down and got onto the bed. Paula followed him taking off her night gown. Steve stared at her still perfect slender body. Pregnancy had done nothing to her figure. “I am not going to suck your cock this time. You’re being punished,” Paula told him.

Steve sheepishly stroked his own cock until it got hard. Paula then came over to him and lowered herself on his cock. “You’re going to stay on the bottom until I say otherwise,” she commanded.

“Okay,” Steve relented.

Paula rolled her hips and massaged her clit on the base of his penis. She kept silent even as she wanted to scream. She wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction. She was still pissed off with him for what he had done. Within ten minutes, Steve grunted as he came inside her.

Paula continued to ride him getting him hard again. “We’re not done yet. Not until you cum again,” she said to him.

“But?” Steve protested.

“No buts,” Paula said unsympathetically.

They finally stopped once the baby started crying. Paula got off him, got back into her nightgown, and went to the nursing room. Steve remained in bed stunned and exhausted with a bad case of aching balls. Eventually, Steve dressed himself and watched Paula breast feed the baby. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

His roommate Paul had truly changed. She had kept a lot of her hobbies and ideas on life, but her mannerisms, priorities, and definitely her sexuality had changed. A part of him didn’t want Paula to change too much. He missed a little of the old Paul and didn’t want him to perish forever.

After Paula took care of the baby, Steve came to her. “Want to play a game of chess?” he asked the once enthusiastic male chess player.

“Is this a test?” she asked.

“No,” Steve shook his head.

“I thought you would never ask,” she smiled and then sat down on the white side.

The two played countless games long into the night. Paula played exactly as the old Paul had with the same strategies and thinking. He could never beat her no matter how much he practiced. Reconciled, Steve and Paula slept together in each other’s arms.


Steve stayed away from the bar for a few weeks. His well-meaning bar friends had gotten him into a lot of trouble over the last year. Paula continually reassured him that it was okay to be with them at the bar while she was with the baby.

Steve eventually did go back to the bar at the usual time but none of his bar friends were there. Looking around, he saw no sign of them. He went up to the bar and asked the bartender if he had seen them.

“I don’t recall seeing any three men like that,” the bartender said confused.

“We would all sit together at that table at least once a week,” Steve said incredulous.

“I don’t recall them. Sorry,” the bartender replied.

Steve then saw three women in different colored dresses being accompanied by three men. The six of them came to the same table and start having a good time. “Is that them?” the bartender asked.

Steve stared at the three women as if he recognized them from somewhere. “Maybe,” Steve said and finished his drink.

Author's Note: So, this story was an attempt to tackle the differences between men and women psychologically and defy stereotypes in a ridiculous fashion. I contemplated punishing Steve by reversing their genders but I don't see it as really being a punishment.

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