Once Upon a New Year

Once Upon a New Year


Melanie Brown

Copyright © 2024

I sat and stared at my reflection after I’d finished with my make-up. Just what the hell am I doing? I’m wasting yet another weekend and a holiday weekend at that. Instead of dressing up as a girl for my own amusement, I could put on my casual clothes and head over to the Star Dust Club with all the other young people in my college age group who are searching if not for that one person to share your life then at least that one person to share a weekend.

I shook my head at the pretty girl staring back at me. I’m sure as hell not going to pick up any chicks looking like this. Oh, I might, but not the ones that would interest me. I could definitely pick up boys looking like this. I like boys, but I have to be super careful lest they find out I’m not quite the girl I seem to be.

There’s a big dance happening at the Star Dust. A big New Years Eve blowout. I could change my clothes to something more male and go there and meet a girl or two as equally shallow as I am for a shallow few hours together and then never see each other again. I shook my head. So much for my last year’s New Years resolution: That I was going to turn my life around and meet that one special person. I have one year of college left. Dad wants me to come work for him. But is it what I want?

I sighed. It looked like another night of watching Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Eve. A guy’s been dead for years still has a more exciting life than I do. Might as well go pop some popcorn and settle in for another lost holiday.

As I entered the living area of my apartment, my phone rang. Now who could be disturbing my self-pity party? I looked at the caller ID and saw it was McFly. Actually his name is Marty Johnson, but what few friends he has refer to him as McFly. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take the call or not. I picked up the phone and pressed the “Talk” button.

“Hey, dude. What’s up, man?” asked an obscenely cheerful McFly.

“Hey,” I replied. “I’m just about to settle in for an exciting evening of watching Dick Clark. What about you?”

Marty chuckled. “Didn’t you do that last year? I’m about to head out to the Star Dust. I know some friends are going to be there and try to enjoy ringing in the New Year for once.”

I sat back down. “Sounds more exciting than my plans.”

“Why don’t you come with me? It beats just sitting at home.”

I chuckled. “That depends on what acts old Dick pulls out of mothballs.”

His voice being on the verge of being a whine, Marty pleaded, “Why don’t you come with me. Maybe we can hit Peaky’s for a burger or something first.”

“I’ll have to change my clothes. I just got dressed for an evening by myself.”

“You already got dressed up, huh?” asked Marty. “Just curious, what are you wearing?” Marty knows I enjoy dressing in feminine attire.

I looked down my front. “I don’t think you’ve seen this before. I finally got a little black dress. I’m all decked out for an elegant evening out. The little black dress, black stockings and heels.”

“Don’t change. That’s perfect. Since you’re already ready, I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes,” said an excited Marty.

I chuckled. “I’m a little overdressed for Peaky’s. Are you sure you want me to be dressed as a woman?”

“Sure,” exclaimed Marty. “That makes it a date rather than just hanging out. And instead of Peaky’s, I’ll take you to Gildersleaves.”

I shook my head. “You’re nuts, McFly. That’s kinda pricey and you have to have reservations. They’re always booked months in advance. I’m sure for New Years Eve they’re even more booked.”

Marty laughed. “I know the head waiter. They always have extra tables and he owes me a favor.”

“Marty, use your favor for a real girl, not me.” I said with a sigh.

“Tony, I’ve seen you dressed before,” said Marty. “As far as I’m concerned, you are a real woman.”

I felt my cheeks redden. “Thanks for saying that. I only wish it were true.”

“Hey, I’ll treat you the way a classy lady like you deserves to be treated,” Marty said seriously.

“Stop! Stop!” I exclaimed. “I’ll go! But I think you’re insane.”

Marty laughed. “Okay, I’ll stop. But you are beautiful and you can be a lot more fun than some of the girls I’ve asked out.”

“That’s your fault,” I said seriously. “You keep trying to date girls who know nothing about Star Wars, anime, or anything else you’re into. You either need to find a real girl like me or grow up.”

Marty chuckled. “I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

I sighed. “I’ll be here.”

Well crap. Now I have to get ready for a real date. I have to adjust my eye shadow, spritz on some perfume, and change my lipstick. I wished I had time to change my nail polish.

I spent a few minutes hunting for my black clutch. I quickly dumped a compact, a lipstick, my perfume along with some “mad” money though I never once needed it when I was out with Marty. He’s such a gentleman. I don’t know why he has such trouble with girls. For fun, I tossed a couple tampons in my purse as well. I chuckled when I noticed a condom already inside. When did I ever think I’d use that?

When I answered the door, I said, “You’re late.” He was. By about five minutes. But I regretted saying anything almost immediately. We’ve done these fake dates before. They’re fun and good for a laugh. But when I saw Marty standing in my door, I couldn’t help but think holy shit! He was gorgeous. I haven’t seen him in a while. He’d taken a bath and was wearing an expensive suit. He was hot.

He shrugged. “Sorry. All the traffic lights were against me… Toni. You look gorgeous in that dress. I’m serious.” He leaned in and sniffed my neck. “And you smell nice too. You still have all your body parts, correct?”

I laughed. “As far as I know! But thank you. And you’re rather sexy tonight.” I looked him up and down and said, “Would you like to come in?”

McFly grinned. “I would, but we’ve got reservations at Gildersleaves in about twenty minutes.”

I smiled. “Let me grab my purse and let’s go.”

We’ve always over complemented each other when we’d do a date like this, because we’re like, not really dating. But tonight… tonight I wasn’t joking. Marty was hot! I smiled at him as he took my hand to lead me to where he’d parked his car.

I stopped in my tracks as we neared the car he was leading me to. “Marty. You’ve been holding out on me.” Illegally parked in a handicap space was a midnight black Bugatti W16 Mistral.

Marty chuckled. “I wanted to impress you.”

I laughed. “I’ll have your babies. You can’t afford a five million dollar car!”

Sighing, he said, “You’re right. I can’t. This belongs to the company’s CEO who discovered he couldn’t afford it either. He let me borrow it.”

Looking at the car again, I said, “Surely you can’t be serious.”

Laughing, Marty said, “I’m serious. And don’t call me Shirley. He told me to go have some fun and pick up chicks this weekend. The day after New Years, it goes back to the bank. He bought it to impress other CEO’s at some big conference that wound up getting canceled. He’s at Aspen this weekend. He tossed me the keys and said ‘Have fun’.”

I looked sideways at Marty. “We’re not going to get arrested in this thing, are we?’

Grinning, he said, “I promise you it’s not stolen.”

“But why me, McFly?” I asked sincerely. “You could pick up chicks all night long with this thing.”

He took a deep breath. “I know you appreciate fine machinery so I’m confident you won’t get fingerprints all over it.”

“That’s it?”

Marty shrugged. “Well, I knew you weren’t likely to cream on the seats. They’re real leather.”

“I’m going to fart inside this car.”

* * *

“Holy crap, what a ride!” I exclaimed as Marty drove into a parking spot at Gildersleaves. “I felt one or two bumps on the ride over, so I’m taking a million bucks of value off.”

Marty frowned. “You’re about to walk home.”

Marty put his arm out for me to take hold of and he escorted me to the restaurant’s entrance. There was a crowd gathering at the entrance. Unlike the crowd gathered outside the Cineplex, these were a mix of young adults and elderly couples. Though I didn’t feel threatened, I was still glad for Marty’s arm to hold.

As we got up to the head waiter, he turned to face us with a wide grin. “McFly! Welcome to Gildersleaves. And you’re right on time! Please follow Louis to your table.”

Marty took my hand and led me behind Louis as we wound our way through the maze of tables. He stopped at a table next to the kitchen door. “Here is your table, sir.” He then pulled my seat out for me and handed us menus. “Your waiter will be here shortly to take your orders.” He then turned smartly and left. The kitchen door banged loudly as a server pushed it open.

I smirked at Marty. “I guess this is one of those tables your friend keeps reserved for his special friends.” The kitchen door actually knocked against my chair as another person went through.

Marty looked sheepish. “I’m sorry, Toni. I knew the waiter was a prick but to do this? That’s the last time I bail him out of jail. Want me to change seats with you?”

I shook my head. “I’ll scoot over a bit.”

“As you peruse the menu, I’ll start us off with some wine. It’s quite good. And the menu selections are excellent.”

I chuckled. “You don’t have to wine and dine me, Marty. It’s not like I’m a real date.”

Shaking his head, Marty said, “Nonsense! You’re absolutely gorgeous tonight, Toni. I’m honored to have a lovely woman as you as my date tonight.”

I picked up my menu to try to hide my blushing. And that’s when I was hit by sticker shock. “Holy crap, Marty. Have you checked out these prices? Just the soup is outrageous!”

Marty frowned as he looked around his menu. “This is your treat, Toni. Order whatever you want. Honestly, don’t worry about the prices. I’d recommend the lobster. They have it flown in from Maine daily.”

Chuckling, I said, “I was just going to get a burger. It’s much as a steak at Texas Roadhouse.”

Marty snatched my menu away from me. “Quit looking at the prices. A gentleman should order for his lady anyway.”

“Give that back!” I said angrily. “I’m a liberated woman! I want to order my own food.”

Marty laughed. “Sorry. If I want to splurge on my lady, I don’t want her to order a PB & J.”

I shook my head. “While I enjoy the royal treatment, I think you’ve lost your marbles.”

Just then the waiter arrived with wine. Marty directed the waiter to fill my glass. “This is a special night, Toni! Let’s enjoy it.”

Laughing I said, “You’re crazy, but who am I to judge?”

The waiter asked, “Are you ready to order?” He was standing next to me but I didn’t have a menu.

Marty said, “I’ll be ordering for the lady.”

The waiter nodded towards Marty. “Of course, sir.”

Marty actually proceeded to order for me. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. I know that sometimes the man orders for his “lady”. But I can order for myself, dammit. I didn’t like being dominated. But he seems intent on blowing his cash so who am I to stop him?

“Marty, I don’t want to sound unappreciative, but we’ve been buds since middle school. You don’t need to impress me.”

Marty gave me a wry smile. “Toni, I’m doing this as much for me as for you. Last New Years, I’d promised myself that sometime during the year, I’d spend at least one elegant evening out with an elegant woman for one night of sophisticated pleasure. So Toni, it’s either you or another broken promise to myself.”

I shook my head at him. “McFly, I’m sure any woman at your office would have been delighted to be invited out for a dinner and dance.”

Marty shrugged. “Maybe. I almost asked that girl in logistics out until her boyfriend picked her up for lunch. I can’t compete with that.”

I sighed. “At least I was choice number two and not fifteen.” I smirked at him.

Looking uncomfortable, Marty said, “Actually my second choice was the assistant for Marketing. But she just flat told me no. And then there was that girl…”

I held up my hand. “Okay. You can stop. I get it. I was your last ditch choice. That’s fine. This beats a night with Dick Clark.”

Looking embarrassed, McFly said, “Don’t feel that you were last choice. I mean, you are gorgeous and you’re a good dancer…”

I held up my hand again. “Just stop, okay? It’s fine. I get to benefit from other women’s higher standards in men.”

Looking pissed, Marty frowned. “Hey. That’s a low blow even for you!”

Frowning right back at him, I said, “What do you expect? First you make me feel like I’m something special to find you took advantage of someone who didn’t want to spend the evening in front of the TV.” I pulled a nail file from my purse. “I’m writing my name in the side of your car.”

Marty squirmed in his seat. “No! Please don’t. You’re joking right? Haven’t you enjoyed the evening so far? Wasn’t that a wonderful meal?”

“It was a wonderful meal. And I enjoyed being treated special. But then you had to go and say something stupid.”

Marty shook his head. “I know. I know. I always manage to screw things up. Let’s start over.” He extended his hand out to me. “Hi. My name’s Martin Johnson. And who is this delightful creature, a veritable feast for the eyes who sits before me?”

I laughed as I tossed a spoon at him. “You are such a goofball!”

Grinning, Marty said, “That’s why you love me.”

I paused from looking for something else to throw. How do I feel about Marty? He’s taken me out on numerous occasions. Several times in high school he’d take me to movies. Or just out for a burger. He’d hold my hand or put his arm around my waist or hold me close or comfort me during thunderstorms. But he’d always stop short of actual affection. More than once our lips would get close, but we never kissed. Do I want him to kiss me? Do I?

Marty belched. He tossed his napkin on the table and pointed at it. “If we want to get in some dancing, we should leave this detritus to the cleanup crew and head to Star Dust.”

I narrowed my eyes at Marty, “After what you said, you think I’m going to just go with you to the Star Dust?” I wasn’t being serious, of course.

Marty chuckled, “I’ve got the car and I know how much you hate ride shares.”

I shook my head. “Let’s go.”

* * *

I was surprised that all they checked on my driver’s license was my birthday. The fact I was dressed as a woman but the license said ‘male’ didn’t seem to be a problem. Which was good.

Marty led me by the hand to a small table near the dance floor and ordered Champagne for us. There was a live band and the place was jumping. I’m surprised we found a table to sit at. But we were there to dance after all.

Marty said, “Does this beat Rockin’ Eve or what?” There were a lot of people on the dance floor and disco balls were scattering light creating a dream-like atmosphere.

I looked up from my phone and said, “Did you know that one of the scheduled performers was Tokio Hotel? I’m going to miss it!”

Marty looked down his nose at me and said, “Into each life a little rain must fall.”

I looked around the dance floor. “At least we got in. It’s pretty crowded. And it’s only a half hour to midnight.”

Taking a sip of his drink, Marty said, “I noticed they’re starting to turn people away. I’m glad I’m here with you. You’re one of the prettiest girls here.”

I laughed. “It didn’t take long for you to put on your beer goggles.”

Marty held up his glass and said, “This is definitely not beer and I’m serious. You didn’t notice all the men turning to look at you when we entered? You look stunning tonight.”

I grinned and shook my head. He leaned across the table to touch my cheek. “I’m being serious, Toni. There’s no one else I’d rather be with.” He stood up and took my hand. “Let’s dance.”

Marty led me to the center of the dance floor where he took up position of putting his hand on my waist and then holding my other hand. We began to sway. I wish I knew how to really dance. Marty has had some formal lessons.

He pulled me a bit closer to him. I smiled at him. “This is nice. I wish I knew how to dance properly.”

He shook his head. “You’re doing great. I wouldn’t want to dance with anyone else here.”

As we danced, we got close to a group of young men who appeared to be dateless. One called out, “McFly! Dude, you’ve been holding out on us!”

Grinning, one of the young men said, “I’m cutting in.” He gently pushed me aside and started dancing with Marty. Marty and the group laughed. After we’d gotten closer and the light was better, I could see that these were boys who were Marty’s college friends. I didn’t really know any of them.

One of the boys said, as he took Marty place, “Hey guys, look what I found! I think I’ll keep her!” He looked directly into my eyes and said, “Hello. I’m Reece. And I’m very pleased to meet you.”

Not sure what to do, I said quietly, “I’m Tony.”

Another boy stepped up and asked, “Mind if I cut in?”

As he stepped aside, Reese said, “Actually yes…”

The new partner said, “I’m George. And where have you been all my life?” Does he think that’s a good opening line?

I said, “Hiding?”

George laughed. “You’re a kidder. I see why Marty likes you. That and your outstanding good looks.”

After a few moments of dancing with George, Marty stepped up and said, “My turn!”

Looking disappointed, George said, “Dude. You get to take her home with you. So I’m going to want another dance.”

Marty said, “So far, I’ve danced with her the least!”

I stepped away from Marty and George, gasping for air. “Look you guys. It’s twenty minutes to midnight. If you want, everyone gets a dance, okay?” This was crazy suddenly having all these boys interested in me. Not that I minded.

George said, “Sorry. I was acting pretty stupid.”

I put my arm around Marty. “All of you dance better than Marty, but I’m his date, okay?” I felt strange saying Marty or any boy really was my date. But these guys were getting out of control.

Marty led me back to the middle of the dance floor. It was five minutes before midnight and the band brought the tempo down to a romantic level. Marty grinned at me. He pulled me close and I put my head on his shoulder. He had both arms around my waist.

“This is nice,” whispered Marty as we swayed gently back and forth. I closed my eyes and nodded. The dance floor was very crowded. I noticed George dancing with some girl.

In a quiet voice, I asked, “What was up with your friends?”

Marty shrugged. “I’m guessing since you were with me you’d be an easy girl to pick up.”

“Well, that’s insulting.”

“Sorry. I probably could have worded that better,” said McFly with a sigh.

Snuggling into Marty as we danced, I said, “I have to say, dancing with you is definitely better than watching Dick Clark on TV.”

Marty chuckled. “You know it’s Ryan Seacrest, right. Dick Clark is dead. He’s joined the choir invisible. He’s ceased to be…”

Interrupting the Python routine, I said, “I know. I thought maybe he was a stuffed animatronics.”

Marty shook his head at me. “A lot of people would consider that in poor taste.”

I shrugged. “Sounds like fun to me.

The band stopped playing and a display of the ball in New York filled the screen. The countdown showed thirty seconds.

Marty grinned at me. “Time to make your New Years resolution.”

I shrugged. “You don’t think it’s silly?”

Marty frowned at me. “Have some fun. You have twenty seconds.”

I closed my eyes for a few seconds and then said, “Got it!”

The video screen showed the ball drop and everyone in the Star Dust Dance Hall cheered and yelled, “Happy New Year!” The lights turned back down and the local band began playing again.

Marty looked down at me and asked, “What was your resolution?”

I wrinkled my brow at him. “I’m not going to say!”

McFly chuckled. “It’s not like wishing on a star. You can say what your resolution was.”

I sucked in a deep breath. “Okay, here goes. Remember, you asked for it. I resolved to finally kiss you.”

Marty smiled broadly at me. “I think we can do that.” He bent me over dramatically and kissed me deeply. A cheer went around the dance hall. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one getting a New Years kiss.

After I got my breath back and my knees stopped wobbling, I asked Marty. “Okay Marty. I told you mine, what’s yours?”

He bent his head and looked down at me. He said, “You know how every year I get an offer for a weekend retreat at a luxury cabin in the mountains?”

I nodded. “And you always stupidly turned them down.”

Marty grinned. “I resolve to finally go.”

I laughed. “About time. Going by yourself?”

He shrugged. “No. I’m taking someone, if they’ll go.”


Marty laughed. “Well you! I mean, who else would I take?

“Are you serious?”

“Of course I’m serious,” exclaimed Marty.

“Oh Marty, I’d love to!” I stood on my tip toes and gave him a deep kiss.

I never used to put much stock in New Years Resolutions. But I’m going to believe in them this year.

The End.

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