The Reluctant Princess of the Alliance


The Reluctant Princess of the Alliance
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2020 Melanie Brown

Jerry thought this whole royalty business was stupid.



“You all can just piss off!” shouted my cousin Hannah as she jumped to her feet after being revived. “I’m not doing it! I can’t believe you kidnapped me!

“You have to, honey,” said my dad, the newly self-appointed king of Alliance One, otherwise known as Founder’s Planet. “Everything’s been arranged and paid for!”

I really didn’t care as I thought the whole thing was stupid. Especially the made up royal titles. Half of them I don’t think anyone really knew what they meant. Just to be annoying, I said, “Come on, Hannah. Don’t be so selfish! Stop thinking of just yourself and think of your civic duty!”

Hannah scowled at me. “Fuck you. Why don’t you marry him? Because I’m most certainly not!”

I laughed. “I think Prince Robert would like to have some heirs.”

Sounding stern, Dad said, “You have no choice. This will unite our alliance against the Cloud Empire. You’re the princess, for God’s sake.”

Hannah laughed. “I’m no more a princess than you are, King Fatso! You came up with all these titles… what? A week ago?”

Dad scowled. “That’s King Falsto, little princess.”

Hannah shook her head. “All of you need therapy. What was wrong with having all member planets just sign the friggin’ contract?”

Dad spread his arms wide. “The people… our loyal subjects, all voted to be under a monarchy. It seemed more fairy tale-like.”

“I’m done!” shouted Hannah. “Turn this ship around. Now!”

My uncle, who now refers to himself as Duke Morrison calmly stated. “No can do, Princess Hannah. We’re in mid-jump. The next two jumps are already calculated and set for auto-jump.”

Hannah scowled again. “Well get out of my way, ‘Duke’…” She made air quotes around the word Duke. “You forget I’m a pilot for my own mining company. I’ll just re-program the console.”

Shaking his head, Stewart, whose title escapes me, said, “Well now you’re a princess.” Dad nodded to him and he shot Hanna with a stun gun. She collapsed to the floor at the foot of the flight console.

Dad pointed at two guards standing on the bridge. “Take her to her quarters. And be gentle this time. Prince Robert won’t want her all bruised up.” Dad then turned to Stewart. “Can you fix the locks on this tub?”

Stewart shrugged. “I can try sire, but this is an ore hauler. It doesn’t have door locks on the quarters.”

Dad sighed. “See what you can do.” Dad turned to me. “And you, Prince Jerry, go to your cousin’s room and keep her in there, since *somebody* can’t get the doors to lock.”

“I don’t want to go to her room,” I whined. “There’s nothing to do in there. Besides, she’ll probably beat me up when she wakes up.”

Dad folded his arms. “Watch a movie or something. And for God’s sake, be a man for once.”

I sighed and walked, grumbling under my breath to Cousin… I mean Princess Hannah’s room.

I watched the guards lay Hannah down on her rack after accidently whacking her head on the door frame. I turned on the monitor and tried to find something interesting to watch.

This was all pretty crazy. Dad was actually chancellor of the newly formed Alliance. So far, only two other planetary governments had joined in. For now, everyone else was remaining in the Confederacy of the Colonies, a loosely grouping of planets connected mainly by their economies. The CoC was created for the most part to provide mutual defense against the Cloud Empire, a group of planets that decided to split from the rest of us after the discovery of a group of planets incredibly rich in minerals.

The CE was starting to grow in aggressiveness and they had recently captured one of the CoC’s frontier planets. The CoC’s government was rather weak and couldn’t bring together the naval forces required to meet the new threat. So my dad and a few others decided to form the Alliance on Founder’s Planet, the first colonized planet in our region. They would create a strong central government to bring the other planets in line. But they all had to agree to it.

In a bizarre turn, most of the systems decided they wanted a king and queen. So Dad declared himself king of Founder’s Planet. But they wanted a king and queen of the Alliance. It was decided Hannah would become a princess and marry the newly appointed Prince Robert from Knox world near the CoC’s frontier. They would become king and queen over the whole Alliance as mainly just figureheads. The marriage was to take place at Midway Station. Their marriage would unify the Alliance. Hannah despised Prince Robert, even before they got their royal titles.

I guess I had gotten too caught up in the movie I was watching. I never heard Hannah get up. I have no idea what she hit me over the head with.

*          *          *

I woke up to an alarm klaxon and a splitting headache. I made my way down the passageway to the bridge. Everyone was gathered there and Dad was pissed.

Pointing an accusing finger at me, Dad shouted, “Why weren’t you watching her?”

I rubbed my head. “Who?”

“Hannah, you doofus!” shouted Dad. “You were supposed to keep an eye on her.”

Still rubbing my head, I said, “I was watching a movie like you suggested. What’s going on?

Giving Stewart a really pissed expression, Dad said, “Well, since we don’t have locks on the doors of this vessel, Hannah managed to whack Stewart on the head with something in his sleep and she took his stun gun. She then proceeded to stun everyone in their sleep. The ship was in a charge cycle after the last jump. She reprogrammed the console and took us to Planet Martini where her boyfriend lives. She jettisoned herself in an escape pod and was apparently picked up by this boyfriend of hers. From the energy trail it looks like they’re headed to the Dark Empire.”

It’s called Dark Empire because the colony was founded by John Dark, but everyone likes to be melodramatic. They maintain a fierce neutrality. Oddly, they handle all the banking and finances for both the CoC and the CE. So nobody touches them.

I shrugged. “I guess that’s that then.”

My uncle A.K.A. the Duke, looked at me. “We need a substitute until we can talk Hannah into returning. The wedding must go on.”

Looking disgusted, Dad said, “And where do we find a substitute?”

The Duke pointed at me. “Prince Jerry looks just like Hannah. But they’re cousins. Identical cousins. I mean they laugh alike, they walk alike, at times they even talk alike. He acts like a princess anyway, all whiny and everything.”

I took a few steps back. “What the hell are you thinking? I’m not a girl. I think Prince Robert would notice that right away.”

Dad nodded. “Prince, or should I say Princess, you have a higher duty to fulfill. Who knows if we can wait any longer to unify the colonies.” He nodded at my uncle. I saw him pull his stun gun and I went blank.

*          *          *

I started to feel vaguely human again. My skin all over tingled – the result of being shot with a stun gun. My vision was still not clear and my hearing was muffled.

It sounded like Dad saying, “Are you sure this will work?”

Uncle Duke said, “No guarantees of course, but I’m sure it will. This was a very expensive addition to the autodoc. When I had it installed, this wasn’t what I thought I’d be using it for.”

I saw a shadowy figure nod. I heard Dad’s voice. “That biological printer was extremely expensive. No way we can add this module to every autodoc in our fleet, small as it is.”

Uncle Duke said, “We won’t need to. But that said, it will print any damaged or missing organ out of a few base stem cells so there’s no rejection when the printed organ is transplanted. The more your doing, the longer it takes, of course.”

Dad said, “I’ve notified Prince Robert that we’re having Jump Coil problems. Common enough problem to be believable.”

I started to wake up more fully. I groaned, “What?”

Stewart said, “We need to sedate the prince.”

Uncle Duke said, “There. I’ve set the autodoc to assume the person it’s working on is female and to do whatever it takes to make corrections.”

Stewart asked, “Are you sure you want to do this to your son?”

Dad chuckled. “I have other sons. Successful sons. Generals, businessmen, you name it.”

I felt a needle poke into my arm.

I tried to raise myself up. “What’s going on here?” And then it was dark.

*          *          *

I slowly started to wake up. I hurt. I mean really hurt. And all over from the inside out. I moaned with pain, but it didn’t sound like me. Ooh! I’ve never hurt like this before. Worse than being punched in the gut. My crotch felt like it was on fire. Even my hair hurt.

I tried to sit up and felt a shift of weight on my chest. What the hell? Long blonde strands of hair fell cross my face. What the hell? My hand brushed against my crotch and I didn’t feel anything there. What the fuck!? Mr. Happy has left the building.

I sat up with a jerk and almost fell off the narrow bed. I was naked. Stewart turned around when he saw me sit up. “Oh, good. You’re awake. I’ll tell the king we have a princess.”

I slid off the bed. Long hair swished against the middle of my back. “Stewart you asshole. What is going on here? What’s happened to me?”

Stewart looked at me and frowned. “My my. What a mouth such a pretty princess has.” Stewart took a mic from a wall panel and spoke into it. “Infirmary to bridge. The eagle has landed. Repeat. The eagle has landed.”

Dad’s voice crackled over the speaker on the wall. “What the hell are you talking about, Stewart?”

Stewart sighed. “The princess is awake.”

Sounding gleeful, Dad said, “Bring her to the bridge.”

Stewart leveled his stun gun at me. “Let’s go.”

“Tell me what the fuck is going on!” I shouted.

Stewart just grinned at me. “All in good time, my pretty.”

“I’m not going anywhere until I get answers!” I shouted.

Stewart sighed. “Don’t make me shoot you again.”

I looked down at my naked girlish body. “Do I get any clothes?”

Stewart pointed to the door with his gun. “No. Let’s go.”

When we entered the bridge, Dad was standing at the control console. The Duke was standing next to him. A couple of guards were there was well. Standing there naked embarrassed the hell out of me, especially with the guards leering at me.

Dad grinned when he saw me. He clapped. “Excellent job, Duke Morrison!” Dad stepped up to me. “She’s the spittin’ image of Hannah. In fact, she’s prettier.”

“Dad!” I cried. “What did you do to me? I’m your son!”

Dad slowly shook his head. “Not anymore. I have other sons, so it’s no big deal.”

“No big deal!” I shouted. “Look at me! I look like a girl!”

Uncle Duke smirked. “More than just look.”

I walked up to him and shouted, “What did you do to me?!”

Uncle Duke just laughed. “The new autodoc features can work miracles. Little princess, you’ve been completely re-plumbed. You’re now the proud owner of a completely functional female reproductive system. Your body now produces estrogen. So you don’t just look like a girl. You *are* a girl.”

“Why?” I cried. “I don’t get it!”

Dad shrugged. “You are now Princess Hannah. Your new civic duty to the Alliance is to marry that Prince Billy-bob and have as many children as possible. You’re building a dynasty.”

“Children? I can get pregnant?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

Uncle Duke nodded.

Dad said, “Duke Morrison, can we do anything about her attitude? She’s really starting to annoy me.”

Uncle Duke bowed slightly. “That we can, sire. We have a technique that’s similar to hypnosis, but more reliable and permanent. She’ll be a perfect, happy little lady by the time we reach Midway Station.”

“All of you are insane!” I turned to run from the bridge. The guards stepped to block my escape.

Dad chuckled. “Don’t bother trying to use the same escape as your cousin Hannah did. For one thing, there’s nobody out there to pick you up and secondly, I’ve disabled all the escape pods.”

I looked around wild-eyed. “That’s a safety violation!”

Dad laughed. “Oh my. Should I fine myself? Duke, take her away. Good-bye, son. It’s been nice knowing you. You’re a hero of the Alliance!”

The guards grabbed my arms and dragged from the room.

*          *          *

I awoke feeling refreshed. I slowly sat up in my bed, feeling the coolness of my satin gown against the smooth satin sheets. I looked at the wall clock and smiled. This time tomorrow I’ll be a married woman. The thought sent a tingle to my toes. And after the ceremony, I’ll be crowned queen of the whole Alliance! I couldn’t help but grin.

I walked over to my vanity to see if I could do anything with my hair. Staring into the mirror, a thought forced itself to the surface of my brain. Holy shit! I’m being forced to marry a man! And I’m expected…expected mind you, to have many children. I don’t want to get pregnant! Uncle Duke told me not to worry that first night as nobody gets pregnant the first time they have sex. I don’t want to have sex with a man at all!

I glanced down at the array of cosmetics on the vanity. I need to get myself ready for the day. I’ve been told my wedding gown is already in my stateroom on Midway Station and that I’ll have a retinue to help me dress and do my hair and make-up. I can’t wait to wear my wedding dress and have Dad walk me down the aisle.

That rat-bastard dad of mine! How could he do this to me? Why not just go to the Dark Empire and have my cousin Hannah arrested and do this hypno-shit on her? Who cares if all the Alliance’s finances are kept in the Dark Empire? Yep. They have Dad by the balls. I remember having balls…

I picked out a pretty dress from my closet along with matching shoes. I went light on the make-up as I just needed to presentable. I spritzed on some pretty perfume and opened the door to my quarters and made my way to the bridge.

When I entered the bridge, everyone turned to look at me. Uncle Duke grinned. Stewart gasped and Dad smiled and said, “Look everyone. The beautiful Princess Hannah of Founder’s Planet has graced us with her presence.”

Worthless son of a bitch won’t even claim me as his daughter. I’m now my own cousin. Odd. When I try to think of my past, I don’t see myself as a kid…I see Hannah. What the fuck did they do to me?

“King Falsto! And everyone. Isn’t it just a beautiful day?” We’re in space. The blast shields are up as we’re in jump space. I didn’t know what I was talking about.

Dad grinned. “It is indeed a beautiful day, princess! In just a matter of hours now, you’ll be joined in holy matrimony with the prince of Knox World to bring the Alliance together! What a joyous day!”

Would anyone truly blame me if I pulled out a lethal microwave pistol right now and fried Dad’s now worthless brain?

I walked up and gave Dad a huge hug and kissed him on the cheek. “How much longer until we get there? I can’t wait!”

Stewart looked at the control console. He grinned. “Just two shakes of a lamb’s tail, princess. We’ll drop back into normal space in an hour. Our jump vector has been cleared all the way to within five thousand klicks from the station. That’s as tight as we can safely get it.”

Midway Station is a space station that is… well… midway between the two original factions of the CoC. There’s only a small military attachment there now. It’s mostly a way point for commerce and travelers. It’s a neutral point, not associated with any particular planet. The station didn’t rotate. It made use of a modified version of the inertial dampening we used on all our ships to keep from floating around.

“This is just so exciting!” I bubbled.

He didn’t think I could hear him, but I just barely made out Dad asking Uncle Duke, “You did adjust her mental acuity down a bit, right?”

Uncle Duke smiled as he leaned close to Dad’s ear. “Of course, sire.” Perfect.

*          *          *

“Let’s have a look at you, Princess Hannah,” said my assistant. Her, along with three other young ladies helped me with my hair and make-up and fit me into my wedding gown. I stood up and posed.

The assistant smiled broadly. “You are absolutely gorgeous, princess!” The three other girls who did my hair all smiled at me.

I looked at myself in the full length mirror. Damn if I wasn’t hot! The wedding gown was beautiful and made of white satin. My make-up was flawless with a light blush on my cheeks, smoky eye shadow and false lashes and soft, rose pink lips. My hair was done as an up-do, with small, pretty flowers woven into it. Diamond stud earrings cut from the pinkish diamonds mined from Knox World finished the look.

Even I had to admit I looked and felt gorgeous and feminine. I loved the rustling sound of my satin gown as I moved. This part of being a girl I had to admit I liked.

The assistant cracked opened the door to my room a bit. She said quietly to someone outside the door, “The bride is ready.”

Then it all came crashing back down on me. The bride. That’s me. A bride. A woman. And I’m marrying a man. I never got the chance to dip my dick into a pussy and now someone else’s dick is in my future. This is a disaster! This is terrible!

I looked back at the mirror. This is awesome! I can’t believe how stunningly beautiful I am, if I say so myself. I could hear the wedding march start up outside my room. The assistant indicated I should follow her.

Dad was standing outside my room. He put his arm out for me to hold, and as we had practiced a few hours before, we started walking slowly down the aisle. Dignitaries and heads of planets and other jerks I didn’t recognize filled the pews.

I whispered in Dad’s ear. “You’re lucky I don’t have a knife right now.”

Dad chuckled.

Standing ahead of us on a raised dais was my groom. My future husband. He was all decked out in his military uniform festooned with medals he never earned. He grinned like a dork at me. Do I really have to let this asshole fuck me?

Standing next to him was a really gorgeous man. Much more handsome than the clown I was marrying. I guess he was the best man. Can I marry both? Also on the dais were several women. They were friends of Hannah – my bridesmaids. I had been briefed on who each was to maintain the ruse that I was actually my cousin Hannah and not the imposter that I was. I don’t know how, but the plan was to keep us separated to avoid too many questions.

The admiral in charge of Midway Station dressed smartly in his dress uniform and officiating the marriage, turned to face us. “Who gives this woman in matrimony?”

Dad, smiling more than was appropriate, said, “I do.” My fight or flight instinct wanted to first beat the shit out of my dad and then run away. Where is there to run on a space station?

I stepped up onto the dais. It was covered in beautiful flowers. Some little brat I’d never seen before stood there with two rings on a pillow.

The admiral droned on for a full twenty minutes about the sanctity of marriage and the importance of uniting the Alliance and blah, blah, fucking blah. I quit listening. I was too miserable.

Finally I was holding the ring. The Ring. The admiral said, “Do you, Princess Hannah of Founder’s World take Prince Robert of Knox World in matrimony, to have and hold, in sickness and in health, to obey and bless the prince with many children and share the throne with him as his queen?”

What evil pile of shit wrote these vows?

I don’t know what Uncle Duke did to me, but I could not resist sliding the ring onto Prince Billy-bob’s finger and saying “I do.” I had no idea what Robert said in his vows. I was too numb. I didn’t even notice him sliding my ring onto my finger.

I cringed when I heard the admiral say, “You may kiss the bride.”

How unfair was this? My whole life as a boy, I never got to kiss a girl. And now I’ve been a girl for a bit more than twenty-four hours and I have to kiss a man. And the only man I’ll ever be allowed to kiss on top of that. Please! I’m begging! Let me die now!

He lifted my veil and a moment later I felt his lips press onto mine. And then he pulled back as the crowd in attendance cheered and applauded. You know… this kissing part isn’t so bad.

After that, we all crowded into the reception hall, I turned my back to the females in the group and tossed my bouquet. Stewart caught it. My new husband and soon to be crowned king, removed my garter and tossed it. The brat with the pillow caught it.

We had our first dance as husband and wife. Robert whispered into my ear, “You are so beautiful. I can’t wait to fuck you.” He giggled. Of all the guys they could have chose to be prince on Knox World, why this goober?

When we cut the wedding cake, as soon as the cut was made, someone quickly and deftly removed the knife from my hand. I was only kidding about stabbing Dad. Wasn’t I?

We were then herded into a large dining room. I wondered how many bulkheads they had to remove to create a room this big on the station. All the guests sat at a big long table. My husband sat at the head of it, and I sat beside him, but not at the table’s head. My entourage sat down from me on the same side of the table. Prince Robert’s best man sat just opposite me. I couldn’t help but stare at him. His name was Ashley.

We weren’t yet king and queen of the Alliance. That event was going to be the next day. We had to consummate our marriage first. Where the hell’s the airlock?

Right after the food was brought in, but before any of us were allowed start eating, Ashley stood up holding his wine glass. “I propose a toast. To my best friend and future king of the Alliance and to his very lovely bride.” His eyes rested on me and I felt a tingle. Why couldn’t I have married him instead?

There was the clinking of glasses and a chorus of “Here here!” I have no idea what that meant.

After we ate, we were led to the ballroom for dancing. I couldn’t help but wonder if we were going to violate the structural integrity of the station by creating all this open space. I’ll just have to trust the station’s engineers.

My husband and I had our first dance as a married couple. It was our first dance period. It was a bit of an embarrassing experience. Let’s just say neither of us would win a dance contest.

Robert whispered in my ear as we danced, “I can’t wait for this party to end.” He grinned at me. I smiled weakly at him. I didn’t want the party to end because I knew what was going to happen next.

Next I had to dance with Dad, who officially isn’t my dad anymore. I had no desire to touch him. He grinned at me. “Hannah, you really are a gorgeous young woman. I wish I could claim you as my daughter!”

“I am your daughter,” I growled. “How dare you turn me into a girl!”

Dad just laughed. “You have such a delightful sense of humor.”

I bit my lip because my next comment was going to be very unlady-like.

My next dance was with the best man, Ashley. I’d never been attracted to men before, but oh my God! I was in heaven dancing with this gorgeous man. He smiled at me and I melted. I was so disappointed that he was staying on Knox World and not joining us on Founder’s Planet. Probably just as well. I could see the headlines of our scandalous affair in my mind.

I really didn’t want to dance with Uncle Duke. He grinned at me. “I certainly do great work, don’t I?”

I scowled at him. “As soon as I’m queen, I’m ordering your execution.”

He just laughed.

When it was announced that the prince and princess would be retiring, I was dead on my feet. My poor, tired aching feet. The high heels that were fun to wear when I first put on my wedding gown were now objects of hate and derision. There was applause as we left the ballroom. I wasn’t sure if they were glad we were leaving or if they were clapping for the horror that was now facing me.

I hated being escorted to our suite on board the station. There was a guard in front of Robert and two behind me. I guess that was to prevent me from running away. We had to take an elevator up or down or whatever to the suite. The suite was a pod mounted on a strut hanging down…or pushing up or just pick a direction since it’s in space. The inertial dampening inside is the only thing providing a concept of up and down.

I wished I could have enjoyed entering the suite more. It was an incredible living space. The top of the pod was transparent steel giving a totally gorgeous view of the galaxy and neighboring stars. The transparent steel was only transparent from one direction. No one could look in. Or that’s what I was told.

The bed was huge with satin covers. One wall had the biggest view screen I’d ever seen. All the amenities of the best hotels. It was just beautiful. But I felt like I was being led to my execution.

I kicked my heels off and immediately felt relief. I was tired. I must have danced with every man and a few women in the ballroom. My husband took my hand and led me over to the bed.

“It’s just you and me now, my love,” he said in hushed tones. “It’s time to seal the deal.”

I frowned. “You’re so romantic.”

Pulling me towards him, he stared into my eyes. “You are truly, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You will make a beautiful queen.”

He then leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed him. I tried to picture in my mind Ashley kissing me.

He then kissed my neck and then my shoulders. He reached behind me and slowly unzipped my dress and it fell to the floor. He unfastened my underwear and it fell to the floor. I was kinda glad of that as I had no idea how to remove some of the clothes I was wearing. I didn’t like standing naked in front of a man.

I didn’t want to, but I knew what he was expecting. I slowly started to undress my husband. I knew how to remove men’s clothes. I just have never undressed another man before. Despite myself, I did feel a bit excited. Like unwrapping a Founder’s Day present.

While I was shaved and clean, Robert had hair all over with a big furry bush around his privates. I stared at him, thinking that we needed to get him waxed.

He brought me to the bed and gently forced me to lie down. He lay beside me and started kissing and massaging my breasts. That really felt good. He poked a finger into my vagina and started massaging it. He found my clitoris and … and … oh my God! I couldn’t help but gasp! Holy hell! That was so fucking awesome! I’d never felt such pleasure before. I couldn’t breathe as he fingered my hole and continued to kiss my neck. Maybe I won’t have Uncle Duke executed after all.

I reached down and found Robert’s penis. It was growing. I had never touched a penis before. Well, except for mine. The idea of touching someone else’s penis would have revolted me. Now I was excited.

I felt the tip of his cock against my vagina. Oh my God, he’s going to do it. He’s going to actually poke that thing inside me. I suddenly wanted it while being horrified of it. And then he penetrated me.

I moaned out loud as his cock pushed into me. I didn’t expect the bit of pain. I couldn’t believe it though. I had man inside of me! He slid his cock back and forth and I found myself raising my hips to match his rhythm. My whole body sang with pleasure as he continued to fuck me. I couldn’t believe how long he was lasting. And then one final hard thrust as his seed entered me. Thank God you can’t get pregnant the first time.

*          *          *

I felt relief as the baby finally came out. After a few moments of cleaning the baby up, the nurse brought it close for me to see. The nurse grinned as she announced, “It’s a little prince!”

I reached out to take baby number three from the nurse. So far we have two little princes and one little princess. All are beautiful and so far, none resemble Ashley.

I may have started as a reluctant princess, but I have to say I’m totally into being a mom.

*          *          *

The End

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