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The Family Girl #059: Identity Theft!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #59: Identity Theft!

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A little while ago (June 5, 10:58pm eastern) I got an e-mail from Laika. From out of the blue, actually.

Her e-mail was a little funny - it didn't have a subject-title, it was also sent to four other people that I didn't know (who is DALENEK1 anyway), and the e-mail's content was just a hotlink to an ad about a raspberry diet supplement.

And a few minutes after that, my iPad started asking me to re-confirm/re-enter the passowords for my other e-mail profiles. Hmmm... that's funny. Anyway, I didn't, and nothing bad happened when I didn't re-enter the passwords... Hmmm...

I cannot therefore help but think that Laika and I were being spoofed.

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The Family Girl #058: The Quest for the Perfect Bra

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #58: The Quest for the Perfect Bra

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I have read, oftentimes, how difficult it is for girls to find bras that truly fit. They talk about being pinched, being squeezed, or spilling out of too-tight bras, or having straps fall off during inopportune times for too-loose ones. To be totally honest, I have not had that problem, but then again, I have only been wearing them for a short time (a little under eight years), plus my boobies aren’t earth-shakingly big that I would really need the support or the control.

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Mixed Feelings

So happy the twins got home last night, but Jasmine has not been home in a week now, and been having a hard time reaching her even through the Myst. The girls asked where thier father was, why he was not there when i picked them up. They have talked to Jas via Vid chat and said they loved their new mom. So things should be great but. I wish I knew what was going on with my Beloved, I guess it is sort of my fault, I spent 3 days buried in code catching up, before I noticed Jas had not been home. That's when I found out Jas had not been in her office and her phone and tablet are there.

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Annoyed with my family

So I went to my mums for dinner tonight, it being Mother's Day and all. It was myself, mum, her boyfriend, my sister, her boyfriend and my 2yo nephew. We were sitting around the lounge room drinking coffee, and somehow they got onto the topic of teaching Hunter (my nephew) the difference between a boy and a girl, based on general appearance. All this time, I'm sitting there thinking "he's 2, he doesn't give a damn, and that's the way it should be" (I'm an equalist). But then the funniest thing happened, my sister has started going around, asking him what each person is, a boy or a girl.

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Ma'am, you've dropped your keys.

I was on vacation last week and while I'm on vacation, I like to dress as girlie as the occasion will permit. At home, or when we aren't going any where, that means the full Monty, anything goes. The same goes when I'm out and about alone. However, because my wife is uncomfortable with people (even strangers) knowing her husband is cross-dressing, I have to tone it down to a point where I can present as male. Just where that point is has relaxed over the years.

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The Family Girl #054: To Wear A Bra...

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #54: To Wear A Bra Or Not To Wear A Bra -
That is the question...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I read a blog here in BC posted just little while ago, and it caught my eye. I mean, how can it not, with a title like, "Women Better Without Bras." Right? And you don't have to be a boy for a blog like this to pique your interest. Prurient male curiosity aside, women would be interested in the blog, too. (See the post http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/43836/french-study-women-..., by MITTFH)

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The Family Girl #053: A Summer Girl's Four Epiphanies

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #53: A Summer Girl's Four Epiphanies

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Ma said during our last skype call a few days ago that it's forty-five degrees back home. Living in Manila for a while now, I am now more used to using Centigrade when measuring temperature, as opposed to Fahrenheit, and using kilometers instead of miles when measuring distance. So when she said forty-five degrees, I used my iPad and came up with 7.2 Centigrade. I told her it was 95 degrees here (which is 35 in centigrade-speak). It's so friggin' hot here! What I wouldn't give for a forty-five degree day.

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The Family Girl #052: A Simple Palm Sunday this year

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #52: A Simple Palm Sunday this year

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Since we are twelve hours ahead of everyoe back home, I decided to wait until now to post this.

That's so I can greet everyone, and say Happy Palm Sunday!

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The Family Girl #051: Contacting Me Via SMS, or, am now AOC

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #51: Contacting Me Via SMS, or
am now AOC starting 2DAY, K?

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Hello, everyone. I have been having problems with Yahoo Messenger, and I gather that a lot of the people I keep in touch with with via YM are having the same problems as well.

So, to supplement YM, and hopefully reduce the comm problems, I just got a prepaid, pay-as-you-go cellular plan here in Manila specifically for my friends here, so, if you want, you guys can contact me via SMS later, starting 8PM Eastern (which is 8AM Manila time).

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He died today.

My beloved father in law died this morning between 0630 and 0700 Sat Feb 23rd, peacefully in his sleep, in his own bed and with his family around him. He was desperate never to be 'put in a home' and that wish was fulfilled.

Aged 93, heavily dosed with morphine to ameliorate the pain of osteoporosis of the spine.

He was my surrogate father and I shall miss him like crazy!!!

Edward George Walters., G.M., (George Medal,) RIP.

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The Family Girl #050: Makeup 101, Ala-Bobbie

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #50: Makeup 101, Ala-Bobbie

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

There was a blog-question relating to makeup recently, and I wanted to respond, but as I was writing it, I noticed how long my comment was turning out to be, and how involved I got, so I decided to write a new blog altogether.

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My daughter's recovery

The surgery went well and she seems to be more awake than I expected. My ex has been to see her and confirmed it. I hope the recovery will maintain this rapidity of rate, but at the same time accept some of this might be adrenalin.

Thank you all for your good wishes and kind thoughts, it's much appreciated. Now if only you could have a word with the man who controls the weather...

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Progress report on my daughter

My daughter is in hospital and goes down for surgery tomorrow morning. Her tumour is in C1/C2 so right at the top of her spine. As I can't do anything except worry, I shall go and see her at the weekend when I hope she'll be alert enough to at least recognise me or know that I came to see her.

She is very frightened and given the circumstances, I would be, too. In fact I am but from a sightly different perspective. I can't even send her flowers because that unit has a no flowers policy.

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Updates On Life... (Read with Caution)

So it's been a long while since I posted an update about myself here. I've still been around, working behind the scenes but many may have noticed that I've not been very "public" at all lately.

Truth is, I've been through hell and back, and I don't think I'm done yet.

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Writing In Secrecy

Does anybody else on Big Closet write their stories in secret? What I mean is that nobody in my life knows of my TG interests and desires and probably never will. I don't have any problems in keeping it to myself nor do I find it necessary to let people know because, in my opinion, it really is a personal aspect of who I am and I'm happy with it the way it is.

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Wishing you a wonderful day tomorrow

Do you remember me? I sat upon your knee. I wrote to you with childhood fantasies.

Well, I'm all grown-up now. Can you still help somehow? I'm not a child, but my heart still can dream.

So here's my lifelong wish - my grown-up christmas list: not for myself but for a world in need.

No more lives torn apart, and wars would never start, and time would heal all hearts, and everyone would have a friend, and right would always win, and love would never end.

This is my grown-up christmas list. This is my only lifelong wish. This is my grown-up christmas list.

          - "My Grown-Up Christmas List," as performed by Michael Buble'

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Bad news for Christmas

My daughter hasn't been well for weeks, when the symptoms began to include muscle weakness and coordination problems my ex and I decided to speed up the referral to a consultant by going privately. My fears were confirmed when she received confident diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. We're still awaiting a confirmation by MRI and lumbar puncture.

So Christmas is a bit of an irrelevance this year.


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TDoR, A Reflection

In 2007 I came home from a Transgender Day of Remembrance and went on my computer. I was told by a virtual niece that a virtual daughter was murdered. The alleged murder claimed that she accidentally choked herself with her scarf. He was acquitted of the "murder." The Evil Witch Family is poorer because of her death.

Holly and I had a temporary roommate who was a drug addict. She got clean through a drug rehab program and decided to help the transgender community by helping other drug addicts. She was murdered because of her interference in December 2010.

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rain keeps faling

So I finally got a figure on what my pension would be. Due to my 'young' >so not laughing< age of 34 they are retiring me, I would have about 545 euros a month. It's a very good thing that I'm a civil servant so that up's to 1236 euro a month conditionally >aka can't work or they take the supplement away and if I go over 5000 euro I lose the entire pension<.

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Finally got it up!

The dresser, what else did you think I meant? The piece of furniture I mentioned a week ago has finally come together, mainly through the help of my next door neighbour who provided the muscle to get the top cupboard onto the bottom. It took me much longer to clear the space and to clean and polish the dresser which is slightly more damaged than I'd first appreciated, it being twisted on its base slightly - it's not noticeable unless one is looking for it, though it does affect the way the doors shut on the bottom: something I can probably remedy - the doors that is.

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The Family Girl #048: Saying goodbye - Life lessons

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #48: Saying goodbye: Life lessons from a dead friend

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I knew someone - someone from work who I thought of as a friend, but she probably didn't.   She was a pretty brunette, very popular, super smart, outgoing, lots of friends and very ambitious (but in the good sense of the word).  I didn't know her too well, really, and despite having met her face-to-face just a few times, I liked her a lot, and I thought of her as a friend, like I said.   I just hope that she remembered me in the same way, although I think that was a futile hope, given how many people she knew.

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That was then this is now.

Living on a bouncing mood, Today is the birthday of my oldest daughter she is 11 years old today. My youngest will be 8 on the 14 of October. My step son my girls half brother will be 24 on the 27 of October. All of these People have enriched my life so much that I could never think of what my life would have been like with out them. My step son is an upstanding young man who is putting himself through school and has weathered a lot of stormy life experiences with both his honor and humor intact.

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Pickles, Piggles, Bill.... A Great Man.

I'm going to make this post, as Celebration of the Man I knew. One of the few people in my life, with that designation, that I can say was a positive influence on my life.

First the sad part...

Bill will be removed off life support/respirator in the morning.

He had a major stroke about 2 weeks ago, and has been unconscious and unresponsive for the last week. The doctors have decided that there is no chance of his body making any recovery, he also has a high fever that they can't get to go down.

Bill was a great Man. He wasn't a politician, he wasn't a super hero, but his present affected many in this community.

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Of Dirty Dogs and some Men

Sorry I need a place to vent Before I explode,. I would like to share some recent information I just discovered. My step Father the terror of my life passed away last year, he received a glowing sendoff by his new family and friends. New because when my mother died in 1999 January 1, he remarried and lived for another 12 years. His obituary held a wealth of information including all of his surviving kin from his recent marriage, all of his community service his square dancing with his new wife etc.

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The Story of My Curls!

Sorry, but I'm really excited about this...

Last Saturday, I got a "bonused" secret shop... It's a shop that needed to get done LONG time ago, so they offered a BONUS to just get it done.

I hopped at the chance, and got my bangs cut :)


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Return of the ...

Well, hopefully. I've been working lots most of the Summer, and what time not at work I've been too tired to do anything even with friends... let alone write. Things are calming down, so I'm gonna try to pull things back out and finish the old and put out the new.

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Intersex and A.I.S. documentary for non-Australians

The documentary blogged below, "Orchids: My Intersex Adventure" is not available for streaming outside of Australia, as many have found out. The US cable channel Showtime will be showing it September 17th and 30th, according to their site:


And go to the filmmaker's website for full information about the movie and a trailer that does play outside of Down Under:



Hmm ... "Outside of Down Under" ...story title?

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Intersex and A.I.S. / Hermaphrodite Story and Family support

I have just watched a story (11th September 2012)on our national ABC Australian network, called -

Orchids: My Intersex Adventure.

I believe this may be of interest to Top Shelf members who relate to A.I.S.

The link is:


It should be there for about a week.


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Anyone Looking to BE a roomate?

Anyone looking to BE a roommate?

I have a short window of opportunity to purchase a Mobile Home from a friend at a low monthly rate direct from him.

It's in North Vernon, IN about 65 miles South of Indianapolis and I can't afford the Mortgage + Utilities and Food on my own. I'd bee looking for someone that could contribute between $300 and $400 per month which would include rent, electric, water + sewer and internet.

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