My daughter hasn't been well for weeks, when the symptoms began to include muscle weakness and coordination problems my ex and I decided to speed up the referral to a consultant by going privately. My fears were confirmed when she received confident diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. We're still awaiting a confirmation by MRI and lumbar puncture.
So Christmas is a bit of an irrelevance this year.
Ang, I know what you are
Ang, I know what you are going through as a family. My cousin, who is two months younger than me was diagnosed with MS just before her 31st birthday. She was eating an organic diet and so far she still looks great.
I will be praying for you and your family every day.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
What a crappy X-Mas gift to you and yours...
You and your family will be in my prayers as well.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
You can add my prayers and
I'll be sending white light as well...
I do understand.
MY dad is succumbing to leukemia right now but is in temporary remission. I feel for you, and pray that you all find the strength you need for this.
I am so sorry to hear this Ang
Her prognosis may very well be a bit better than most based on what I've read but I know that is little solace. I pray for you to have the strength to be there for your daughter as I know you must.
I have no idea ...
... what you must be going through and it's foolish to pretend otherwise but it must be truly awful. I feel completely helpless in situations like this when all I can offer is my thoughts and you need so much more.
I'll keep my fingers crossed
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, hopefully it'l be something that can be sorted.
Big hugs for you and your family.
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Don't let this ruin your holiday season
It's indeed serious but fortunately treatment for MS has advanced greatly and while a cure is not yet here, there are options for treatment which can stem its advance. Our son was diagnosed with MS over 4 years ago. My wife and I thought the worst when we heard the news, yet our 33 year old son has been able to live a very normal life while dealing with his MS. So don't lose hope. Get educated about MS and be ask her doctors what options are available to her
Oooohh damn!!
I feel angry and desperately sorry that this should hit you Ang. Frankly, I just don't know what to say. I can only hope that modern treatments might give your daughter a sufficient respite to have a meaningful life in the future.. I hope what Velo writes, applies to your daughter and that modern treatments can delay or perhaps even arrest the disease's progress.
So sad,
so sorry to hear this. this can be a tough disease. thank goodness for all the research into it. my heart goes out to you.
I am so sorry.
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Andrea Lena
You have my prayers Angharad
for wishing your daughter the best possible outcome and delay of this disease.
*hugs you tight!*
I hope its possible some cure or lengthy delay tactic for it can be found.
Wishing with all my soul for you.
Angharad, I hope and pray that
your daughter does not have Multiple Sclerosis.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Multiple Schlerosis
You and many others are in my prayers that regardless of what they suffer from, their medical care professionals will make the correct decisions about treating them, including your daughter.
I have a feeling you already know something about MS, because of your suspicion of what might be wrong with your daughter. Others have already suggested, among other things, that you find out all you can about the disease from anywhere you can get reliable information. I agree completely with what has already been said and your Dr. can probably direct you to some excellent web sites.
I am so sorry to hear this news. Bike can go on the back burner for awhile so far as I am concerned, although I will miss it. Your daughter's health is the most important thing in your life now.
Good luck.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Praying for you
:(. **Sigh**
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
Keep Smiling
>> So Christmas is a bit of an irrelevance this year. <<
It is during hard times that we need to turn to family and find joy in the little things. Share our love for each other by giving true gifts that touch a persons interests and likes. I don't think this event makes Christmas irrelevant. I believe just the opposite. It makes it even more critical that you continue family traditions and show that life will go on. Show the love you all have for each other. What a better time than Christmas to get tough news? Everyone around you is full of joy and good tidings. People are finding ways to make others happy. Your daughter's diagnosis is not irrelevant, but it should not stop the world from turning. From experience, I know that the individual dealing with the medical issues can find a lot of comfort in traditions and traditionally comforting foods. Knowing life will go on, often makes it easier to handle the challenges in front of you.
I remember sitting up on the couch as a teenager without the energy to go get my own Christmas presents under the tree. The presents were brought to me. I don't remember a single gift I got, but almost 30 years later I do remember looking around and finding peace and joy in all that was going on around me. People could still be happy even with the struggles we all faced on a daily basis. Christmas of all the holidays touches back to your own childhood and the joy it brought when you still believed in the magic.
Celebrate Christmas this year. Make it special and magical. Don't let a medical diagnosis or condition stop family from giving gifts to each other in attempts to make each other happy.
Keep Smiling
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
Sorry to hear
There is no feeling as difficult as seeing your child ill.
Best wishes and prayers,
Kaleigh Way
My thanks
for all your comments and good wishes. We'll muddle through this somehow.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. Below is a link that might help. It's about supporting the body with nutrition. We haven't gone as far as the doctor who gave the talk, but we have gotten some benefit from the modest improvement in our eating habits.