I know I'm not the only one with this issue. Things with Mom are just requiring so much more of my time lately.
Some might know that she moved in about three years ago. That was fine with me, not so much with my brother.;0 Last summer I finally kicked his sorry butt out. A lot of that was due to his attitude towards Mom.
She's severely diabetic, half-blind, and had a stroke two years ago. On top of that She's really starting to lose any mental and physical capabilities.
Basically, all I wanna know is how do you handle it?
Love And Hugs,
Asstd Care
Look into an assisted care worker. They are kind of a cross between home health care and baby sitter. Somebody who would come into your home several times a week (whatever time and days you want) and visit with your mom, help her with things she can't do without help. Look in your phone book for elder care or something like that, or ask your doctor.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I helped look after my grandmother
when she had dementia. Its really tough, even if you've been trained in long term care like I was. Make sure you get as much help as you can get, if someone can give you a break - take it. My prayers are with you.
Dependent Mom-in-law
We had my wifes birth mom with us and found out she had painceatic cancer and passed within 4 months of joining us. So we didn't really have to deal with much or for long.
ps check for any retirements and or SSI for her. It'll help with bills.
Try Visiting Angels
There's a nation wide group that seems to get good reviews called Visiting Angels. You might want to look into what they have to offer.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann