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My Scribbles.

Heyo, your friendly neighborhood Jenn here. I wanted to bend your ear a bit, if i could. I love my readers very much. I love every kudo (I'm addicted to checking) and every comment. I try to pm everyone who comments, if i missed you I'm very sorry. More than a few folks here at BCTS have pointed out I'm kind of a "Debbie downer" when I write. I am working on it, I really am. But on occasion my poison pen manages to produce something not so depressing.

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On the Origins of the Cross-Dressing Species

Why do some men cross-dress? It's a question which confounds the experts, which even the cross-dressers themselves cannot answer, and to which many others will reply, with various degrees of intolerance, "Because they're weirdoes."

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Creating a "Dorothy fund"

I got a little bit of extra money this month, and I think rather than just blowing it on an extra trip to McDonalds or whatever, I'm going to set it aside and make a "Dorothy fund" account. Then, whenever I can, I'll add to it, and hopefully, when I'm ready to move forward with a name change, I'll have enough put aside to cover the costs.

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Need reviews

It's me again. I know I haven't posted a story since Christmas, but that's because I've been working on a doozy. I have another epic novel planned and that got me thinking about my other epic novel that is still available on this site even though I am selling it on Amazon.

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Kit and Kin 16


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Angel on FM

I noticed I had high traffic and feedback for "Angel" on Fiction Mania. Since bringing the series here to BCTS, the traffic all but died. I am starting to think all my wonderful fans were from here all along. If so, thank you all for your continued support. You all rock.

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Writing Tools

I use a lot of different editors depending on the job I'm doing. While I went through a number of writing tools, my main squeeze is, and has been for quite some time, Scrivener. Nothing is perfect, but this is as close as I've seen for writing long form fiction. I can't say I use it for anything else, but it nails writing novels. If you haven't been using Scrivener, you should try it.

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My Summer In ...


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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

This story is a sequence of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life,
recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made
them so unusual and worth remembering.

My Summer In ...

by Zylux

Copyright © 2012 Zylux
All Rights Reserved.

Trying to Remember a Story Title or Author

I'm trying to remember a story I read quite a while back. The main character is the apprentice to a wizard who gets sent off on his wanderjahr. The kicker (of course)is that his master turns him into a girl before putting him into the world.

The character ends up joining a circus as she works on how to return to her master.

Sound familiar to anyone?

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Have not forgotten you all

Despite the fact that another fic is riding me hard ;) and the second Tegan book is in process I have been making some progress on the next chapter of K&K. It has not been forgotten and I am still working on it. This is just a reminder that I have not given up on the story, since it has been about a month since the last chapter. I am aware and I am trying to work on this. As soon as I can get it finished I will get it to you. Just fyi.

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I was just reading through some of my old stories, and the comments on them, and it seems to me that some people have an idea of who I am that is quite a ways off of the real me. So this is me opening up myself for any questions any of you want to ask. Within reason, I'll answer any question posted as a reply to this blog.

Update, now that I'm not on my phone anymore:

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Man of Steel Gender Change

Well this is interesting. As you can tell I am very excited for a new Superman Movie this summer. I have been avoiding reading much about the story as when Superman Returns came out I had read every article, and seen every trailer. I was so disappointed with the film because there was so little of the film I hadn't seen yet. However, I couldn't help gravitating to this article, Seems that Jimmy Olson in the new Man of Steel movie will be Jenny Olson.

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got good news at work last night

Well, I got good news at work last night. My transfer has been approved, and Feb. 15 is going to be my last day at my current site, and then I will get to move to a site much closer to where I live. My car will thank me, as will my wallet ...

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Fight the block! Fight it!

I was wondering how other authors handle writer's block? It is something I am experiencing a bit of a problem with now. I'm using the old trick of skipping ahead to another scene that is easier to write and hoping that after I have my creative juices flowing I can find a way through the part that was giving me trouble. Of course some times the writer's block is a bit more unwieldy and it is blocking any kind of writing. I usually resort to either just powering through it or taking a bit of a break from writing to see if time can take care of it.

So how about it, what do you do?

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