
My Career as a Lovelorn Columnist - 5 (Final)

My Career as a Lovelorn Columnist - 5

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(Our heroine’s new life brings unexpected hurdles and tragedies, and her ability to respond will foretell her future.)

My Career As a Lovelorn Columnist - 4

My Career as a Lovelorn Columnist - 4

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(The pretty young man who has been writing an advice column for women gains a new identity, bringing comfort and a new challenge involving a forelorn teen with lots of troubles.)

My Career As a Lovelorn Columnist - 3

My Career as a Lovelorn Columnist - 3

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(The readers of my advice column thought I was a young woman and I couldn’t betray their trust, could I? My decision was made, but how would my bosses and co-workers react when I appeared at work looking like Scarlett Johansson?)

My Career As a Lovelorn Columnist - 2

My Career as a Lovelorn Columnist - 2

By Katherine Day

(Copyright 2013)

(As the only male employee in the editorial offices of a famous women’s magazine, I’ve also become the lovelorn columnist, giving out advice to women. And everyone said my advice could only have come from another woman. I realized that I had a decision to make.)

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