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La Donna é Mobile, or I changed my mind (again)

I was never happy with the title of one of my recent stories. I've fussed over this for quite a while. I changed Howard, His Friend, and their Wonderful Journey to Howard and the Completed Pass. I think that's a much more fitting title, and it's a lot shorter. If you haven't read the story, please do. For those that have, nothing was changed in the content, but it's okay to read it again.

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Descriptiveness in stories

So, I've resumed working on two Sci Fi stories right now that have been in the oven for three plus years. I've been preoccupied with other activities that are both thankless at times and hard work, and now I feel worn out and bitter.

I've returned to writing full time, and want these tales to be wonderful. In College when I was taking creative writing there were lots of admonishments to describe, describe, describe. And I can only think of a few authors here who do a passable job of that, though many of the stories are entertaining, and fun.

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Just to let you know...

This is just an fyi to let you know I am ~650 words into the next chapter of 300 Rains. Trying to get to the end of this so I can focus on the professional work more without it hanging over head. Besides, I so totally want to know how it ends just as much as some of you do.

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What's your writing song?

Everyone has heard of 'thinking hat' or 'writing desk', but has anyone heard of 'writing song'? Basically it's the song that you hear to get yourself upbeat and in the mood to write something. Or it can also be a song that inspires you to do more than without. As for me, while I have plenty of imagination, I can't get in the mood to write if I don't have my writing songs on.

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Musings about reviews and reviewers.

In between visiting my father in hospital (he's not at all well. we got a call last night to prepare us for the worst) and rushing hither and thither, I spent an hour or so writing and checked my Amazon page for any more reviews. It always staggers me that so very few people ever bother to review a book they've read. I mean, I've sold 21,938 kindle books in the last three years and have received only 258 reviews (178 on and 80 on That's just over one percent. That means 21680 people couldn't be bothered to leave a review - even an anonymous one.

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The Angry Mermaid 117 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 117

Drustina embarks on an armed reconnoitre of the north Cambrian coast. A brief encounter with the Viking blockade force outside Aber Dyfrdwy gives some of her commanders a chance to hone their battle and command skills.

The Stranger at the Table

There is a new Katie Leone book available on Amazon and it is going to be a little bit before the next one comes out. I try to stagger longer works and shorter works in order to keep my sanity. I am still recovering from Unreachable but it is time to move on. Plus, I am also going to be doing the biography at the same time, so that will slow things up a little more.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -100-

Yod's desperate plan to seize or neutralize Garia goes into action as her party rides south on the road to the city of Palarand and home. The battle is fierce and bloody and many are killed or wounded by the new weapons. Who will survive the determined attack?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

100 - Blood on the Road

Jessica's Revenge Chapter Breaks.

Due to what was likely a brain fart, I neglected to include chapter breaks in part of the story that I edited for Barbie. I have since corrected that error and I hope the story will be easier to read for everyone now. There are also a couple of spelling errors that snuck in under my radar. They were pointed out to me by a kind reader, but I have left them alone. They are very minor and do not really affect the telling of the story at all.

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Shameless self-publicising

This is a shameless plug, yet again. Following a chat with a trans friend who is also an author, I looked up her work on the net and found the website 'goodreads', which is mostly a place for readers to comment on published works. It also gives authors a chance to put up a little about themselves.

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looking for a fantasy story

Looking for a story didn't mark as a favorite after reading it. In the story there is a kingdom where on the birth of the prince he is given blessings by the daughters and is cursed by their mother after she wasn't invited too attend his celebration of birth birth birth. Her curse is such that he can't see any women until the are married and he must be married by a certain age yet he isn't able to see any female but a boy dressed up as one of the girls at a morning prayer he sees and falls for.

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A Quiet Strength - Chapters 18 - 21

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


Etu stood at an unfamiliar edge of a meadow, he was preparing to hunt for deer. The area he was in was new to him, for it was directly in the middle of a very thick wood. Animal trails crisscrossed the entire open area, and he felt as if he were patient, a sturdy young buck might pass within a relatively close distance.

It was his way of trying to repay Kutkutuk's family for their kindness, and for nursing him back to health. He noticed a game trail that crossed the meadow and then slowly skirted the woods. Scouting the trees, he found one that would be easy enough to climb, allowing him to scale perhaps the distance, high enough above ground, where he could use it to his advantage.

He sat quietly in a low hanging limb, perhaps the height of two men upon each shoulders from the ground. He was watching the outlying area for any movement that would alert him that deer were in the area. At the far end of the meadow there were three deer quietly nibbling at the green shoots.

Some helpful apps for writers

In my daily foray into the 'interwebs' I ran across a rather helpful blog post listing 22 apps for writers which I thought I'd share here for those interested. I only personally use two of those mentioned, Scrivener and Evernote, but the others definitely seem to be worth a look.

22 Apps and Tools Every Writer Should Know About

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Best Girlfriends Forever - 2

Best Girlfriends Forever - 2

By Katherine Day

(Forty years after they met in high school, two boys – now living as women – rekindle their friendship and share their joys and struggles together. Copyright 2014. Edited by Eric.)

an old tale

There's a story over at Nifty that has for years been one of my favorites, maybe because it was one of the first TG stories i ever read. It's epic in length totaling at 3,421 KB, a monster story far as size goes. I go back about once every 2 years or so and spend about 3-4 days re-reading it. But for all these years...I've been trying to contact the author so that i can get permission to re-write/edit and repost the tale. I've of course e-mailed him, no dice... and i've tried tracking him down to no avail.

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Muppets Most Wanted (Limited Spoiler)

I went and saw Muppets Most Wanted. Like the other Muppet Movies it uses the shotgun approach to comedy, if you tell enough jokes some of them have to be funny. The more you know of current pop culture personalities, the funnier it will be.

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Additional pictures

Just to let people know, and I don't even know if people realized this, but the 2 missing pages of But, I am not a boy have been added. I hope that people take a look and comment and maybe leave a review on Amazon (I have absolutely none) of this important work. It is the first and only children's book written on a transgender subject by a transgender author (no offense to Jazz, but we know an adult wrote that).

So take a look and enjoy. There will be another post about something different tonight or tomorrow. I am sick and tired so I am going to hide in my bed and get well.

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The Parchment Chapter 17

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 17

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

With hormone changes, has anyone experienced ...

any severe head-rushes when standing suddenly? I know my hormones are all messed up, but it's getting worse (I had my quarterly round of blood work), and in the past few weeks, if I stand suddenly, I get very light-headed. I've dropped like a stone once from nearly passing out, and occasionally, my limbs get tingly for a few moments. Has any one experienced this type of significant blood-pressure reduction when they were on Spiro to reduce male hormones? Or on E to supplement female hormones? Just to be clear, I am NOT on any hormones or Spiro.

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Hugo boy or girl?

This is a really enjoyable film with a British boy actor Asa Butterfield and a young French actress Cloe Moretz. They sometimes could be sisters since he has such feminine features. She looked like his older sister and was slightly taller that made him seem even more girly.
It took me back to my early youth when I could easily have presented as a girl and when I had my first experiences. A lot of nice memories are locked inside and sadly no mobile phones or digital cameras. Who knows what would have happened if I knew then what I know now.

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150,000 thank yous

I nearly gave up on posting tonight having spent an hour or so trying to get on site. Still my readers, though perhaps not as numerous as some authors have, are important to me, so I tried one last time...

It appears I now have 150,000 kudos, as I'm not allowed to give them to myself, then they must be given by others. My thanks to all who have clicked on the little button at the end of my story postings. Thank you x 150,000, please continue clicking on them, it's the only way I know readers like my stuff, unless they choose to comment as well.

Hugs to all,


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The Parchment Chapter 16

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 16

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.


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