We made the May hatbox numbers before the end of the month so thank you everyone who sent money. :)
But it's the time of month when bills are coming due. First bill, due in the next few days is the big server bill of $528 bucks. We spent some of last months contributions on hardware and we have a few more hardware acquisitions to make then we are going to be able to make an announcement that may be very important to the community. :)
On other fronts, we've spent money on legal fees and accounting fees and we will have more of that to spend, too. Some of that is not coming out of the BC money, though because we are about to add a few more strings to our bow. Not too much to be said until we are ready to make the announcement.
On a personal note, my five year old Mac finally couldn't handle the strain anymore. Working on websites and code and other projects on an old machine running new software was costing me an hour or more of productivity a day. My brother gave me an early birthday present and helped me buy a new Mac, well, a nearly new one. I put the rest of the cost on a credit card, and just when I had started to get ahead on those. :)
As for the Hatbox, there will be some news there, too, soon. New ways to help the site out for people who want to contribute money or stories. I can give a tentative date on this, sometime in the second week of June, you should be hearing something in this space.
That's about it. Piper has been working hard on hardware issues and some coding problems with our site and other TG sites. Cat, as always, is valuable as my backup when I can't get to the site and the volunteers have stepped up several times this month.
As always, if you can contribute, you can send cash through the Amazon link near the Kitty in the Hatbox in the right hand column, or through my P-a-y-P-a-l account at joyce (at) qnez.com. PM me for info on how to send checks or money orders. And thanks.
If you can't contribute, we understand and want to ask you to be appreciative of the authors who make so many fine stories available to us here.
Hugs to all,
Erin, Piper, Cat and the volunteers