I'm useless at writing blogs but today is a BIG day...... I'm taking estrogens and spironolactone for the first time in years. Last time, I chickened out. This time, I'm going for it for a month to "see what happens". My questions are:
1... am I taking the right doses (.625mg Premarin, and 50mg Aldactone) and
2... am I hoping for too much is going for "a month to see...."???? Help! love to you all, Ginger xx
One but not the other...
It was a long time ago that I started on estrogen, but the dose seems similar.
On the other hand, I experienced no perceptible changes in just one month, so you might have to go longer.
Thanks Michelle
I guess I'm expecting what your experience was.... how long did it take to have any benefit? (... if at all!!) :) love Ginger
A terrible admission
Ginger, I have some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that my HRT, eventually, resulted in a natural bust of (give or take any year's weight/fitness situation) 36C. So, at my best, my figure is 39-30-40.
The bad news is, after several months on high-dose estrogen/progesterone (Ovaral) I had a minor but terrifying stroke just a few weeks after starting combination estrogen/spironolactone, as a result of which my urologist recommended orchidectomy, since he suspected the spiro. But it means that your results may vary.
My bottom 'broadened' before I showed breast growth, since people were commenting on that after maybe a year. I *needed* bras for support after two years. And I didn't stop growing in the bust department for ten years. (Thank *god* I didn't ever consider implants!)
So I have no idea how long it might take for you, though I know a month is not gonna show. Many of my friends were budding breasts in six months and showing in a year. Some, a few, didn't ever show much breast development, though many other changes occurred. Everyone is different.
So, I hope this helps! (And if you have a sudden need to lay flat on the floor of a shopping mall to keep from falling to the roof, go to the ER. :-)
Missed you
You might want to check the protocol standards. I think you are low on the daily estrogen amount. http://www.transgendercare.com/medical/resources/tmf_program.... I agree that one month isn't anywhere close to the amount of time needed.
Also thanks, Portia
I value your thoughts... I always was an impatient girl! :( !!!! Maybe I'll double up on the Premarin!
Miss you terribly!
Love, Andrea Lena
Missed you too!
PM on its way! :) xx
When I started
it was 2.5 mg of premarin 3 times per day, then they added provera. Nothing much will happen in a month unless you get morning sickness. Good luck.
I'm getting the picture...
.... I'll double up on the Premarin.... hold on the Provera, and hope for tingly tits if nothing else!!! I'm just bored with the silicon inserts - never wanted big breasts, but would love some I could call my own!! Guess I'm in the same boat with hundreds of others!!!! xx
Breasts: the downside
Sooner or later, no matter how coordinated you are, you will ram your new, uber-sensitive breast into a wall, door, table, that knob on the top of a kitchen chair-back, towel rack, frisbee, dog's nose, laptop computer, bookcase or car. Each will hurt.
An exquisit, blinding, squeaking (because the alternative is screaming and that would scare that previously-mentioned dog) pain.
New breasts are sensitive.
Oh how you made me smile!!
You made my morning Michelle!!! I laughed out loud and pictured how all of that would happen!!! heehe!!!!! (or should I say sheeeee/he!!!?) I'd LOVE to have that problem... and I guess, tart that I am inside, the sensitivity will be wonderful.... if I can only have that, I'll be happy!! I'm sure that slipping sensitive tits into a lovely lacy bra will make me go all misty!!!!!! (that's if the morning sickness hasn't got me!!) WOW... I'm gonna keep on going and maybe push that dosage!! :) thanks, hun! xx
Ten days in...
doubled the dose of the Premarin (pity the calendar pack will run out so soon!) and they're getting a little sensitive.... how joyful!
I've been away, girls, and I've missed you all. Sorry for the silence!
Marriage in pieces! Estrogen and spironolactone discovered!
Get out!!!
Go to hell!
You promised.... Never again!
So, I've been away, living in B&Bs, carrying my life with me...... no clothes, little money - she screwed my bank accounts..... work going ok but nobody knows the background!
Got back into BCTS after months of self-denial... can't resist it, still - need your help girls!!!
Anyone else been thrown out and divorced without a chance to go back....?? Sadness so deep...... such loss! Not worth it..... Wouldn't have gone on to transition. Just was happy in a double life..... then, let it slip! Shit! Gloom and doom so deep, never imagined....... Ciao, ciao!! :(:(:(:(
So Ginger
What is your goal? To live full time as a woman? Or to just feminize yourself somewhat? Most wives do not support you living full time. Mine kicked me out. That was 17 years ago and I live happily as the woman I always knew I was. BTW my wife and I became good friends eventually. Just not a married couple. So your decision is to stop and go back and beg to be forgiven. Or to start living your new life. You need to establish a permanent residence and settle the financial arrangements with your wife. Have you started your own banking account yet. You need to do so to gain control of your finances. Eventually you would need to come out at work. Or find a new job as Ginger. Once all that is settled you can begin to plan your future. It is up to you Ginger, look into your heart and see what is best for you.