Cathy has a life and it isn't holding my hand editing my stories. She does it anyway. Hand holding that is. One would not believe nor understand the herculean task that goes into editing unless they have done it themselves.
She makes suggestions to clarify the story to the readers.
I don't understand? "Cathy Honey, the story is clear as a bell. I know exactly what I meant. Can't they read?"
The grammar and spelling gotchus always sneak in. Cathy asks if that is really the way I intended to spell it as a colloquialism or is it bad spelling??? Do Okies talk funny like that? Are you sure you weren't out on the tractor in the heat and sun too long before you wrote that?
Actually, Cathy is better than good finding the spelling errors and leaving the colloquialisms without asking. She must be part Okie herself? If not I'll make her an honorary Okie.
All those knudos for a good story belong to Cathy. She cleans them up where they are readable.
Garden is thinking about growing in this drouth. Might be like the wheat crop. Didn't put a combine in the field this year. No wheat to harvest. They say we are setting new drouth records every day. Worse than the Dust Bowl days. Momma and Daddy lived through that. Wish I had them now to tell me how they survived. Sure would like to write a storybook ending for the times we are living in.
Have fun with life
It's too short to take it seriously
What's a knudos?
We've had about 4.5 inches of rain over the last few days. I wish we could send some of it to you.
Ummm..., That's a bigger fatter kudo.
Sheesh, do I have to splain?
Okay, the spelling gremlins are running rampant around hear lately. Hard to get anything done as thy keep messing wtih my keyboard.
Hugs Portia
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
A miracle worker she is!
You don't have to tell me how good or wonderful she is. Cathy does a good job editing too. She's always very careful so your story stays 'your' story. As long as you try and work with her she'll bend over backwards trying to help. There may be a few stories of mine that lack my heart felt thank you's to her, but not many.
I do hope your drought ends soon. I grew up on a farm and know too well watching Daddy look up at the sky praying for the weather to cooperate. Not just for good weather, but the right weather at the right time.
Thank you Barbie and Grover.
It's easy to do good work when I am presented with a quality product. Thank you both for allowing me the privilege of working with outstanding stories and for your trust in me as an editor.
Oh, by the way? knudos are delicious with milk and sugar... or bar-b-que sauce!
Silly Cathy said that!
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.