I'm betting this one will start a few story writers imagination on fire.
3D printers are able to print out people's faces and body parts.
Want a new face? Just a minute I'll print that out for you. What kind of body did you say you would like? Okay, maybe a little more complex than that.
The thing about SF writers is they are sometimes ahead of real life in so many ways.
already being done
I read a story a week or so back where part of a man's skull had been printed in 3d and used to replace a really badly damaged part due to some sort of accident.
I'm not sure about the long term implications about possible leeching of chemicals from the plastic but it sure as hell beats a metal plate.
3D printed skull.
They did the same here in the Netherlands. Here they printed a skull for a 22 year old woman because she had a rare condition that made her skull continue to grow. This was causing severe headaches, blindness and could result in her death if untreated. Now she can see again and is already back to work. Linky: http://www.umcutrecht.nl/research/news/2014/03/3d-printed-sk...
For anyone too lazy to read up on this, DNews did a video on 3D printed body parts here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSjW-EgKOhk
Basic materials
If the basic material is calcium, then I won't be too surprised that someone would consider that option. If the basic material is plastic, however, that's going to suck for the one involved. Plastic don't last forever, calcium does. When that plastic degrades, boy that person going to feel the pain. That's why people use steel to assist recovery of bones.
From what I heard though, the only basic materials available to replicators nowadays are plastic and more plastic. I still want my own replicator though. Make my own fantasy weapons, and it will be much sturdier than those things I buy at the stores. Or design personalized gifts for whatever reason.