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Title Name Post date
Deep thoughts at the swimming pool. 2 hours 57 min ago
How To Cope With [Gender] Dysphoria 8 hours 4 min ago
Julio and Roomiette by Erin Halfelven on Patreon 2024/09/26 - 9:19pm
Rethinking strategies in a relationship that changes 2024/09/26 - 6:08pm
Transgender Suicide is up Seventy Percent 2024/09/26 - 5:10pm
support 2024/09/26 - 10:20am
Just Be Aware 2024/09/26 - 6:17am
It's not my place to tell people what to do 2024/09/26 - 4:23am
TG Forum Needs Our Help 2024/09/25 - 2:50pm
A very unBruish Bru story coming up 2024/09/25 - 2:41pm
Funding this site 2024/09/25 - 5:25am
More bills due, more funds needed 2024/09/25 - 12:40am
BigCloset TopShelf's October 2024 All Hallow Eve's Story Contest 2024/09/23 - 9:30am
The 2024 AACD Caption Story Contest: Voting Begins Soon! 2024/09/23 - 4:03am
Current Participants in our Contests 2024/09/21 - 8:40am
Space and Time for Romance #2 - My New Anthology on Amazon 2024/03/31 - 3:34pm
BC Funds and the Hatbox 2022/02/17 - 3:30pm
How to Process Removing Hate Reviews from your Amazon Published Works 2021/11/11 - 8:39am
The Power of the Pen 2020/06/22 - 11:59am
Everybody Wins! 2015 Summer Vacation Getaway Contest Results 2015/07/02 - 7:16am
TopShelf's 2015 Summer Vacation Getaway! Story Contest 2015/03/12 - 10:29am
Edeyn 2013/09/30 - 6:57am
BigCloset TopShelf's 2012 Reconciliation Story Contest Winners 2012/11/29 - 11:41pm
BigCloset December 2011 Christmas Spirit Contest Voting 2012/01/12 - 6:59pm
BCTS Summer Romance 2011 Contest Results 2011/11/30 - 5:11am
BigCloset TopShelf's October 2011 TG Terror Contest Results 2011/11/07 - 7:39am
TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest Results 2011/01/01 - 7:47am
TopShelf's December 2009 Christmas Holidays Contest Results 2010/12/30 - 5:20pm
TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest 2010/11/25 - 9:22am
TopShelf's October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest Results! 2010/11/16 - 6:41am
TopShelf's Summer Romance 2010 Contest Results 2010/07/30 - 3:22pm
October TG Terror Contest Winners 2009/11/30 - 7:44am
Topshelf's Summer Romance 2008 Story Contest Winners 2008/08/28 - 3:54am
Topshelf's Summer Romance 2008 Story Contest 2008/06/24 - 3:05am
BigCloset Retro-Classic Stories 2004/08/11 - 4:16am
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Parallel Lives Chapter 33

No, Nathan wasn’t crazy. To say he was WOULD be crazy. He was a very well adjusted man.

He was just frantically scouring the internet for any evidence of magic being real.

The part of him that still wanted to be rational was thinking “of course magic isn’t real, that’s ridiculous, you’re being ridiculous”. And he was being ridiculous, magic was not something that existed in the real world, and it certainly wasn’t something that sensible, level-headed adults believed in.

The Chosen - Chapter 4

I had never enjoyed shopping more. My feet ached and we’d about doubled the mortgage on the house, but I had so much new stuff. We did just about manage to empty the back of the car in one trip when we arrived home, but only with both Mum and me carrying as many bags as would fit in each hand.

“What the hell is this?” Dad grumbled from his seat. The water on his table was untouched and there were a couple of extra beer cans beside the one I’d left him. Well, if he wanted to start Sunday with a hangover, that was his lookout.

Layabout. Part 3 of 4

Chapter 3

Abigail appraised my movements and told me to take shorter steps with my feet trying to follow a straight line. Then I had to lose my slouch that the weight of the breasts were forcing on me. We worked on all of these until I walked correctly, with my head high and my shoulders back. That was a whole new feeling.

Royal Performer - Chapter 8

Royal Performer

Royal Performer - Chapter 2

Princess Alexandria Alessi’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Only a few days ago, she was enjoying a clandestine summer shopping with her best friend at the local mall. Coming home, she was alarmed to discover her mom was there, and her secret of being transgender was suddenly no longer secret! Within a few short hours, her life became like a movie as she discovered that her long-lost father was the Crown Prince of Osané, a small, secluded island nation. Alexandria was immediately thrust into the spotlight in a whirlwind weekend that led to a Monday press conference to announce her royal lineage.

Royal Performer is the second Tiffany Shar's 'Suddenly Royal' series.

The Beautiful Girl in Town 12 The Concert Draws Second Thoughts

The Beautiful Girl in Town 12
The Concert Draws Second Thoughts

By Jessica C

Shy Bruce talking to Deanne, the beautiful new girl…
Deanne helped Bruce with crossover day…

Morning Angel Chap. 3

Falco Special Effects, New York:
Emily examines the artificial wings she helped create. She managed to retrieve them after Teela was taken to the hospital. The ER doctor couldn’t cut through the harness that Teela wore when she used the wings. She was also relieved her best friend and business partner was okay.
The custom-designed stunt suit had protected Teela when she took a grenade to her chest.

By Any Other Name. Part 33 of 35

Chapter 33

I was feeling as if I was getting places, now. The next thing I did was to call a flight training school at Gatwick. I asked about getting the full instrument ratings for both Pipers. Although I had done some of the training when I was learning to fly, I hadn’t gone all the way to get the certification.

The Isle of the Wise

The Isle of the Wise

Lorik had announced at their first evening meal on the Isle, ‘I shall give Godwin till the next full moon to consider his boon.’

‘There is no need, Lorik,’ the young man replied. ‘If she has a mind to it I’d like to take Ailidh to wife. If she has no mind to it I have need of naught, so I’ll ask for naught.’ It was a bold request for Ailidh was Lorik’s second daughter. Many wondered why he hadn’t asked for Ceinwen Ailidh’s elder sister, for Lorik had no sons and marrying the elder girl would make him Lorik’s heir.

‘If she has a mind to it, Godwin, you have my blessing.’

A Wildcat Summer 13.1

Dear Readers,

If you’re reading A Wildcat Summer, you know we’ve reached the halfway point in the story. I need to pause and say thanks to the wonderful people who work behind the scenes to keep everything going here at BigCloset.

Without their support there never would have been The Wildcats. After seven years of posting here, I just hope you remember them as you empty your pockets into the change jar every night.

I gave Erin & BigCloset the rights & the proceeds from the book Taylor a while back. Buy that book for them!

Roberta Galbraith - Making Waves - Part 4 of 6

The next day was a big anti-climax compared to the previous one. Working on the catalytic converter thefts was right up her street and the sort of policing that she loved. From that high, there was always a new low not far away.

Anna Haseya Smith

My twin brother tried to enslave me.

Anna Smith and her twin brother John had just turned 13 when both her parents went to the Amazon on a research mission for 6 months. Their parents were lead researchers. They worked long hours before the mission, so the children were accustomed to being alone much of the time when they were not at their school. The youngsters knew how to have groceries delivered, had debit cards and could transfer funds around various accounts.

Partners In Crime - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – The Phoenix Rises

Ex FBI agent Jennifer Jones and Penelope Bishop, a small-town Texas cop team, up with a mysterious woman sent to help them to rescue three women they hold dear from a ruthless Russian Mafia thug.

A Wildcat Summer 13

As they stood on the darkened stage looking out and watching the crowd order drinks and talk, Lisa turned around speaking quietly. “So, this is our last night at the place where the Wildcats were born. So many years ago, Robert let us entertain our friends while we found our sound.”

Gina smiled. “Tiny little wildcats with no claws, meowing to be fed, barely having their eyes open. So cute and cuddly.”

Zoe said it straight out, “We need to show these fans how much we appreciate them and love this place. Ideas?”

Make a Wish, Part 2

So I got onto the landing craft, and before we landed I settled down to start my sleep cycle along with another explorer, Melissa Canelli. When Canelli and I woke up, our pilot Clara Callahan still watching our team’s video feed, and gave us a recap.

“It’s going OK. Our two explorers entered the building we had been observing via drone earlier. It took about 20 minutes before any of the people appeared, and the first one ignored our people and went into another fantasy. The second, a woman, came out about 10 minutes later, and Carmichael called out, ‘Excuse me!’ which was translated by her wearable device into both of the languages seen on the sign here. But the woman ran and hid from our duo, and after a few minutes went into another simulation. So it went for several more people. Finally we got a woman to help us.

Battle Scars Part 2

Nathan's heart raced with fear as he thought about the weight of expectations resting on his shoulders. The entire squad had their hopes pinned on him, and the thought of letting them down sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't afford to fail, not after acing the national level selections and being hailed as the youngest squad leader ever. Amber could see the worry etched on Nathan's face and tried to calm him down with her words. "Just do your best and leave the rest to destiny," she said, gently ruffling his hair. "If it's meant to be, it will be."

Diva in Disguise 11

Diva in Disguise Chapter 11

This photo-shoot was going to be a big mistake! A connection between Mistie and Jennifer appeared an inevitable result and that could only be a disaster for the former’s career. Apprehensively I awaited my impending downfall.

“Oh, yes?” I croaked, attempting to put on a brave face as I prepared myself to hear the coming revelation.

It didn’t materialise!

Instead Tam’s conjecture was baffling. “Vera Ralston!”

What was he talking about? I’d never heard of Vera whoever the woman was.

“Vera who?”

Listening to Jekyllase, chapter 08 of 17

“If you could be Jennifer all the time, would you want to?”


“I’m not sure. I don’t think so. I like being me, too, but if I had to choose between never being Jennifer again, and always being her... I think I might choose Jennifer.”

Jock to Joanne

Jock to Joanne
The image is from Flonker on Deviant Art
By Maryanne Peters

“You know, the worst thing is that you look better than me,” said Rafe. “I have been cross-dressing for years and I finally get my old friend the big jock from school to dress up and … you’re simply gorgeous! I’m a bit envious.”

Demon Queened - Chapter 40 - Family Once More

After flubbing a powerful incantation, meant to give newly coronated Demon Queens the wisdom of their ancestors, Devilla Satanne awakens to memories of her past life as Jacob Divington, a human from Earth. Having gained a new perspective on life, she quickly comes to a rather horrifying conclusion: she's been a complete and utter brat! No wonder everyone hates her!

And then there's the fact that she's apparently been reincarnated as the villainess of Tower Conquest, a lesbian porn game with a surprisingly intricate plot. One in which the Heroine conquers Dimona Tower, turning Devilla's people against her in the process. In victory, the Heroine brings about a glorious age of peace between demons and humans for the first time in millennia. ...Which actually sounds pretty good for her people, come to think of it. Devilla knows her terrible behavior is beyond forgiveness, but maybe she can still make up for her past mistakes? She just needs to make sure the events of the game unfold correctly. Though there is one little detail she'd like to change - the part where Devilla herself is killed or enslaved!

The series cover was commissioned from https://twitter.com/HaizeUqei

Demon Queened Cover, featuring Abigail and Lucy grabbing Devilla's arm and hand, respectively, on opposite sides.

How I'm Living Now

By Any Other Name. Part 32 of 35

Chapter 32

The next day was still that constant drizzle that makes the world feel as if it’s been submerged into the North Sea. I sat quietly, catching up with my tablet and emailing Jacquie to see about getting one of the spare rooms ready. Later that afternoon, May took me and Chloe to the school. Chloe led me through to the gym, where Miss Steel was standing with a worried look on her face.

Run, Red, Run: Chapter 15

Run Red_0.png


Chapter 15: Caged

Red was just going to visit her sick grandmother; she wasn't expecting the big bad wolf.


“Wait, wasn’t the moon supposed to rise at 4:58?” I asked, briefly hoping that all my worries might just be for nothing.

Partners In Crime - Chapter 1

Partners Edited_1.jpg
Chapter One – Escape Plan

Ex FBI agent Jennifer Jones elicits the help of two other trans women when her criminal organisation comes under attack by a vicious, sexual deviant, Russian crime lord who takes her lover and her lover's mother hostage. They form an alliance to try to take him down and rescue the hostages. The three trans women develop very complicated relationships with each other.

Statistically Speaking 2

Statistically Speaking

By Marco Asemani

Edited by Patricia Marie Allen

Part 2

My head was about to burst. The pain was bad, and the thirst was worse than when I climbed Petit Dru’s southern wall without water. Had to drink… A lot…

I rose up somehow from the bed and started towards the bathroom, it was closer than the kitchen. Moving was a hell, and not only because of the throbbing head. My entire body felt misplaced, and I had the feeling that some slings are attached to my legs and arms, pulling them and changing my movements. Oh, God. Must warn Salazzo, this grappa is really bad, he shouldn’t stock it anymore. Never had a hangover before, this was the first time I ever got drunk. But it couldn’t be that bad, or nobody would ever get drunk for a second time…

I pulled myself inside the bathroom and lunged for the tap. Opened it and started sucking the water directly from it. How good the cold water felt!…

I don’t know how much time I spent drinking, but finally the throbbing subsided a bit and my head felt clearer. Drinking alcohol was a really, really, really bad mistake. Better jump from the roof than try that, I thought. What a lesson. I didn’t want to even think how I look now… Still, I lifted my head and looked in the mirror.

Lane Bryant Magical Transformation Part 2

The Twilight of the Gods -- A Story of Mantra, Chapter 6

Eden Chap 6_0.jpg

Mantra and the alien scientist Gabriel have discovered that a Third Force exists that can match the power of the zombie goddess Nemesis. To gain the Third Force as an ally, they set out on a quest of discovery. They will be surprised to discover the nature of the Third Force, but they will be even more surprised to find out what else is awaiting them at the end of the trail.


More DopplerPress

The Reluctant Co-Ed by Melanie Brown now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


It's been a series of madcap adventures for Chrissie, starting in middle school when she posed as a Reluctant Girlfriend and on through her high school career as a cheerleader.

Now she's in college! Can you get a degree in crossdressing shenanigans?"

The Reluctant Co-Ed
by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle

The Princess of Q'fahr now on Amazon Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

This is a story I did a few years ago and posted on Sapphire's. It's an attempt at Science Fiction and Adventure. At the time I wrote it, I had never read any of the Gor books. Now that I have, I'm surprised at some of the similarities.

The story is about Bill, who, through a travesty of justice gets involved with a dying boy. With the help of the boy's late uncle's writings, Bill is pulled into a strange, savage world.

The Princess of Q’fahr

Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 2005

Princess of Q'fahr
Princess of Q'Fahr on Amazon

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