
My car wouldnt start this morning

Well, my car wouldnt start last night, and I probably didnt handle it well. I got a ride home from a friend, being unable to find the number for my road-side service company, and afraid that a tow truck would take forever in this kind of weather.

I focused on going home, figuring my best chance of thinking straight would be after getting a nights sleep, but I should have realized my mom would panic and wake me up and freak out when she realized the car wasnt home.

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I am fundamentally flawed

I really wanted to wait before I posted this until I understood it myself, but that is probably never going to happen. I don't think I have the mental capacity to wrap my brain around the issue and part of me is hoping that as a collective group we can come up with at least some theories why I am so fucking worthless that I deserve all the shit that comes my way.

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Saw the gender doc today

I just came home from seeing the gender doc, and while it was a good visit, I'm awfully shaky, as I spent most of the visit talking about my rape. That was because I was trying to find out what resources might be available for me outside of the rape crisis center, and as it happens, there is some.

The program they're recommending for me is called "Partial hospitalization", but its less scary than it sounds - its a group therapy session that takes a couple of hours during the day and works with a variety of problems.

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missing Kylie

I miss my friend Kylie. Its funny, I go stretches where I'm okay, and then something happens to remind me of her, and its like I think "I'd love to talk to her about this" and then I remember she's not in my life anymore, and I grieve all over again.

Ah, well.

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Updates and stuff.

Heyo! Your friendly neighborhood Jenn here with some random stuff to talk about. Job is going well at the new store, already feel like a valued member of the team. The manager who I respect and know outside of work as a friend, made an effort in the store meeting to convey to the staff that I was to be treated as a resource due to my long experience working for the company. He said he expected the others to go to me if any questions need answering, and a member of management is not available. He has asked me to take on new duties to bring the new store up to speed.

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Keep me in your prayers...

Some of you know I'm a pastor. I've been available to anyone who needs me. Usually I've been able to say something reassuring, helpful, etc... Now it's me, I'm feeling adrift, and unable to control the way my life is moving.

Some facts. First, I'm not taking any hormones, second, I've been actively losing weight.

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I've already lost weight!

I've been working on what the weight loss place gave me for "homework", and in a week, I have already lost some weight. Hard to tell exactly how much on my home scale, but its a lot closer to 270 lbs than to 280 lbs, which is what I was a week ago.

I can do this, I can do this ....

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An Unreaction

Well yesterday (Sunday) I came out to my folks, their reaction ... Oh ok ... Are you sure? ... This is going to make your life even harder ... etc ... no screaming, no shouting just acceptance (with a large side order confusion)

So. Yaayness I'm out to my folks, I'm just waiting for the local NHS trust to put my referral through the Charring Cross GIC and so far all systems are go. Now if only I could have my Benefits run as smoothly :(

Happy Huggles
Sammi (who is one step closer to being one with herself :))

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Realistic, passable makeup for T folk.

I have never been much for a lot of makeup; usually just using some OLAY 7 as a base, and some MAC concealer to cover a very red birth mark on my chin. I use a bit of lippy called MAC A31. This is for every day.

If I am very nervous about meeting someone, I will add some MAC eyeliner and some illegal by Mabelline on my lashes.

Well, finally I have found a male, not a T person, who really knows how to do makeup, and I may try some of his techniques.

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What I am most thankful for.

What am I thankful for? Easy answers right, maybe not. The standard stuff applies here I have my family, my job, the roof over my head, but I am also very thankful for friends. I have two friends who know me now both have been my friends for many years and I was pretty sure they would be supportive. Talking to them has brought me to a better place, I can honestly say I was headed in a not so good direction and wasn't sure how it would have ended.

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Brain fart day

Yesterday, I had a total brain fart day. First, when I got to work, I realized I had forgotten to bring my shoes. This is a big deal, because we aren't supposed to be on the floor without steel toes.

Theoretically, they could have sent me home, but its Christmas rush, and they need every warm body they can get, so I was told to be extra careful, but to keep on going.

Then, at lunch, I discovered I had also forgotten to pack my pills, so that was a pain as well, and obviously a sign I had let all the stuff going on get me off focus.

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Stlll gaining ground

Well, I hit a new low, a good one. I am now down to 192 pounds, and holding. Now to get through Thanksgiving without putting any on, which is almost inevitable, but I have managed to keep the controlled loss going so far. I am planning stopping just short of anorexia, say under 170 pounds, then letting HRT put the fat back on where it will.

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Life the Universe and Everything.

Ok, so yesterday I passed another year. I am now the age that Douglas Adams postulated as the answer to that very big question in the title of this here blog. This is significant because it has brought about an epiphany, usually folks wait for new years to make resolutions but as this is the first day of my new age it will be the first day of my new life.

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As if I needed another stress

As if I needed more stress, the little improvised repair job mom did for car finally failed, and now I'm missing a piece of my front bumper. I will have to fix it, no choice, except I dont know how I'm going to pay for it.

Plus, I noticed when I came on today that my friend Kylie has dropped me from her "buddy" list for instant messaging, meaning that I have no way to contact her at all (I have her email, but she can block that, or even change her mailbox, and I will never even know it.) So it finally hit me I've lost her forever, and my heart is broken.

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Well, on to my next insecurity--or, all about the voice...

In all my years of living full-time in my chosen gender, the biggest frustration was probably my voice. While not exactly basso profundo, it still gave off a definite "male" signal to others in the earliest years. Yet, paradoxically, I can remember being called "ma'am" on the phone on many occasions pre-transition. (The answer, I realized many years later, was that my telephone voice had a certain lilt that read as female to those on the other end, but I didn't know about modulation at the time. So it was a complete mystery to me).

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Went to TGDOR today

Well, I just got back from the Transgender Day of Remembrance, and it was very moving. So moving, in fact, that between the emotions it brought up, the stress of losing my best friend, the stress of my daughter's allergy attack on Friday, the stress of her mother's health problems, the stress of my job ....

I'm a little over-stressed, I think.

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TDoR, A Reflection

In 2007 I came home from a Transgender Day of Remembrance and went on my computer. I was told by a virtual niece that a virtual daughter was murdered. The alleged murder claimed that she accidentally choked herself with her scarf. He was acquitted of the "murder." The Evil Witch Family is poorer because of her death.

Holly and I had a temporary roommate who was a drug addict. She got clean through a drug rehab program and decided to help the transgender community by helping other drug addicts. She was murdered because of her interference in December 2010.

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Waves of grief

I'm grieving the loss of my friend, and as I do I notice that this is not a straightforward process. It seems like my grief comes in waves, and in between them I almost feel normal, until the next big wave hits.

It almost feels like some part of me knows I couldnt take the whole thing at once, so has arranged for me to have respites to prevent me from being overwhelmed.

Ah, well.

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delaying grief?

Kylie, my oldest and best friend and the reason you're able to read this, may be gone from my life, and no idea if she'll be back. It hurts as much as you can imagine, but I haven't been able to grieve - I had a busy shift at work, then had my first session with the weight loss group, and then got about 4 hours of sleep before I got a call from Samantha's mother saying she had taken Sam to the doctor for a severe allergy attack.

At some point, I'll stop and grieve and let the hurt out, but for now its .... bottled up.

I'm not sure this is a good thing or not.

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Hello again!

Well. After the longest eight months of my short life, I'm finally back, writing again. As to why I was gone so long, real life and illness took up all my time. I found out a lot about myself and a lot of other things, what was important and what wasn't. I lost almost everything material that i possessed and a long term relationship as well as my health. The whole experience made me stronger and maybe nicer and certainly a lot more patient.

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As if I needed proof I'm on the right path

If I needed more proof that I'm on the right path, the church that is holding the local Transgender Day of Remembrance called me to find out if I was going, and the lady also let me know that the church will have a trans paster in the new year ...

Sounds like a green light to me, don't you agree?

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Missing Hormones

I feel awfully sorry for one of my roomates. I take my hormones through a Vivelle patch because my internal organs can not handle the pills. In the last several months, some of them have been coming up missing, not a lot but just a few. I don't really mind unless my provider starts accusing me of overdosing.

I shudder to think what he/she is getting started. Still, I understand the compulsion. I was stealing birth control pills years ago. And to think that I complain once in a while that my becoming a woman was a mistake. Someone tell the girl to shut up!

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