Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Feeling kinda anxious

I'm not sure how, what, when or even if this will happen but I hope it will. I guess like most if not all on this site I love writing stories. I've written a few bedtime stories for my kids probably pretty much like all parents. My eldest son was my biggest challenge and is pretty much the reason that I did this. You see he hated sad endings so when I told stories like the three little pigs I had to invent a happy ending for him. So, I guess it all went from there really.

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More stuff at Amazon

So I've added more titles to the roster of Amazon print, Gaby books 11 to 15, if you prefer dead tree copies and Amazon is your preferred buying portal hop on over to my UK Amazon page or US Amazon page and order your copy now - or treat a friend! Buy through the BC portal and dosh goes straight into BC coffers

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SEE Commentaries #4 - #6

As before, these are notes which explain my thought processes and decisions while writing SEE, provided here as a service (or a warning!) to other writers.

These three chapters have only minor adjustments in general. The usual things like Capitalization and fixing typos. There are a few cases where I have changed "Yes" to "Aye" but in the main it will be difficult to spot most alterations. I have slightly changed one or two speeches but nothing that has any major significance.

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Status update on recent happenings in my life.

For those of you who even care to read these blogs then watch and read as I explain what has happened over the last month and why I haven't been around as much as I'd like to be.

To start I guess I should mention a few things. First I was diagnosed with Parkinson's about a month ago. Secondly i'm mute(not deaf there is a difference) which means I can't talk. I lost my means of talking at 12 years old. This has been eating me up for a while and it drove me to the brink of suicide. It took a fellow BC'er talking me out of it to come to my senses.

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trying to remember the name of a story

Okay, I need help remembering the name of a story.

It was a Whately story, about a girl with gadget powers, who was forced to make weapons for this guy, and when rescued, went to Whately with a lot of trauma and even wanted a UV armband.

Anybody know what I'm looking for?

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October/November Story Challenge - Everyday Costumes

Time for a small story challenge before people get serious about the Christmas contest. The theme is Everyday Costumes and it's up to you what exactly that means. We've had a few entries, check them out by clicking on the tag in the header above.

Some suggestions:

A superhero's costume is altered by an evil tailor.
A crossdresser's wish comes true in an unexpected way.
Two people dress as each other for Halloween.
A character in a long running soap opera comes to life.
A special Halloween costume shop is run by an old guy in a bathrobe.

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Middle East War Years

I've been thinking about a chapter of the Hala Story that deals with very cynical account of the years from 2020 though about 2050. One of my protagonists would be involved in more war in Syria, Iraq, and Turkey with Daesh and finally the Russians. Thank God the US runs out of money to prosecute this war.

Not really sure I even want to write this chapter because I think there are enough Vets on this site that it would just traumatize them. Maybe all this can be handled in a paragraph or two. There is no glory in war.



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Join me in support

I would like others to join me in this. One of our writer friends has felt that this site would be better off without them here. I challenge that. I know I am NOT alone in wanting efindumb to remain here as a contributing writer, reader and commentator! For a one who gives you grief, I know there are 4 or 5 more who enjoy you being here. I ask you to stay here, my friend, for if no other reason; I enjoy reading your works. If you want an even better reason; I enjoy talking with you just as much.

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Thought processes can be

set off by the strangest things, let me set the scene
Suffering from a migraine [I do not get the auditory component of migraine that causes nausea, which is why it probably took the medical types took so long to diagnose my suffering with Migraines], I was sat in a darkened room listening to music, most of the time it is just there but like with a lot of things something catches you in that place between you the conscious and subconscious, and a lyric begins to roll around in what I [laughingly] call a mind.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Closure. Thank you all.

Well, Amazon sent me an email:

"Dear Name,

Thank you for the additional information. Please be advised that we are in the process of removing the following Kindle titles from sale on all Amazon sites:

Playing A Woman ASIN: B01M1D8SSI

It typically takes 2-3 days for the changes to be reflected on the sites. We trust this will bring this matter to a close."

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A Heads Up for Gaby Fans

Well the good news is that i've had a good days writing, 3 chapters in the time it took me for one yesterday!

So that means that there will definitely be a new volume of Gabyness on Sunday, part 3 of the 17th Gaby book. I will of course post links on the day in question when for the more patient there will be a new part of book 12+1.

I'll be cracking on with the final arc tomorrow, it should, in theory, be ready by mid November!

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You don't realise

how much you rely on your computer until something goes wrong.

Today i've spent best part of 10 hours writing a single Gaby chapter - a task that generally takes less than half that time. The reason? The files I needed to check for continuity were on my dead computer so I had to go a very roundabout way to access copies. A two minute job became half an hour and then had to be repeated - grrr, so annoying!

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Someone complete the unfinished story?

Hi everyone!
I read a story "Mrs. Cavendish" on Fictionmania by Paula hanson a long time ago. Its still in my favourite list. The story tempo is really good. The boy gets into gradual feminization process due to his long hair working for a woman. But the problem is the story is incomplete and i think the author has no intenstion to complete it. There are many talented writers right here on this platform. Can someone have a look and complete it? Please? Pretty please?
I would also appreciate some suggestions for stories like that. thanking you in anticipation...

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The Fancy Dress Party and more ...

Thanks to all who voted by giving kudos to my 'Fancy Dress Party', and also to all who commented.

I took a little time off my normal schedule of proof-reading and inventing things for Julina to invent and scribbled down a tale which had me grinning as I did it.

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Pounding The Anvil of Wordsmithy.

This afternoon as I was getting undressed after a bike ride, and mulling over the plot of a story that has me by the ear. I spotted several little gnats flying around inside the clear tank of my vaporizer. It only took a moment to take care of the little pricks; didn't want them laying eggs or defecating in there.

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Looking for a story

I only remember one scene from the beginning or near the beginning of this story, but it has been annoying me that I can't remember the rest of the story or the title. In the scene, the protagonist is a janitor in a research lab or chem. lab where a female scientist is working. Initially, the scientist is very protective of her work and sees the protagonist as a threat to it.

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When you hear Wolf; what images do you see?

An update to the Atalanta series that many of you asked about. My Muse finally woke up after a year hiatus and I've written more (5k words) in the last week than in the past year due to a combination of factors. I finally have an editor (thanks Ashleigh) and a you tube video on a unrelated matter that fired me up. So I hope to start posting chapters in the next month on Atalanta's further adventures at Whateley Academy. And I'm breaking my rule about not having the story finished before I start posting each chapter.

And I need your help and the reason for the title.

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Poor person's copyright

Poor person's copyright


how to cover your butt so your works don't get stolen without a means to prove it.

1) make a copy of the story ( as in cd or printout )
2) send to yourself in a c/o addressing via post office to someone who will hold it for you ( yourself if needed. )
3) just need to produce the sealed envelope in a court of law to prove copyright.

the date stamp on the envelope postage shows what date the post office processed that mail item, proving it's contents existed on that date.

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Re: Copyright infringement.

I just clicked the link Tigger provided and it appears that Amazon has taken the author's page down. Looks like the reviews and phone calls had the correct effect. Hope that story thief gets what's coming to her. Great job everyone. We caught another thief!!

Catherine Linda Michel

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hanging on to my muse for dear life

There is a great picture I've seen on the net, of a dog sitting in front of a computer with the caption "I have no idea what I'm doing."

Why mention this?

Because that's kinda where I am with my stories at the moment.

I have no idea where the stories are going. I have no idea what's gonna happen next. I'm just hoping at the end they're halfway decent and readable ...

My muse has gone all roller coaster, and all i can do is hang on for dear life ...

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No Update

Nothing new. Sorry. This blog was written a bit differently before, I apologize for that too. Today has kinda sucked for me to be honest. It started out a lot later than I wanted and it just sorta slid down hill from there. Some personal shit of mine came crashing at me earlier this evening. Stuff that had been building to a head over the week and it finally got to me. I wrote the blog after that. First rule of writing---at least to me---Never Write Angry.

That doesn't explain why there's not going to be an update tomorrow though :(

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Brandy DeWinter, where are you?

I know you withdrew from the active community long ago and I understand your reasons. I've tried emailing you, but they keep getting bounced back to me. Tigger tried as well with the same result. PLEASE contact me here at Top Shelf and let me know that you are okay?

Catherine Linda Michel (Cathy_t_ from Storysite.)

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It would seem that my block has been lifted, earlier today a great flow of words and plot lines started to fall out of my fingers, landing on the keyboard.

Why today? Why not yesterday or any time in the past few months? Well, today I was having a Onesie day, having bought the thing yesterday. Maybe that was it, maybe not. Anyway, chapter 34 of Tammy: Anchored should be on the stand shortly (just need to proof it again!)


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I'm not sure what's going on.

I have had a hard time in my life with writing. As a child and a teen, all I knew how to do was structured writing for school. It was boring when it wasn't stupidly stressful if I messed up, which I often did. I hated it. Then I discovered that I could say screw you to that type of writing and write fiction like the stuff I read to escape. I wanted to do it so badly, yet I struggled with it going months, sometimes even years without writing anything.

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assistance needed

Heya peeps

The stories that not just me but almost everyone else write and post in the 'TG' genre are something like 99.9% in English. This means that they are at best difficult and worst completely beyond the majority of the world's population to read and enjoy. It has always been my intention to make at least some of my works available in other languages, a project that was indeed started many years ago but ended when my 'team' lost interest in continuing.

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Thanks so much - so many friends

Thanks everybody for the thumbs up and the comments, both private and public. I really consider everything you say in terms of both my writing and my life. It's wonderful to know that there are so many interested and supportive friends out there. Please stay in touch.

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Thanks for the reads!

I really do not worry or wonder much about number of reads on stories I post here and elsewhere, but if the data is easily available, like it is here, I do check it out sometimes.

Looking at the numbers once in a while here in the last year, I've noticed that my two stories' readership is (in my eyes) amazing, and the reads per day can be insane; sometimes none, regularly one or two, sometimes almost a dozen (whaaaat!?) reads in a day. Holy s*&t !!!

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Thanks and a Thought

Well, over the weekend, Sephy finished posting my Holmes story, A Study in Satin here on BCTS. I really wanted to just say thanks - to Erin for the site and for welcoming my stuff here, to Sephy for reformatting the story, finding the art and then incorporating Brandy Dewinter's original artwork into the posting here. Its all on my website, but I feel better knowing Brandy's work is in more than one place on the web.

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Stephen King on the PBS Newshour

"Novelist Stephen King is best known for his works of horror, but he says what scares him the most is not being able to write. Jeffrey Brown spoke with him at the National Book Festival about his latest novel, “End of Watch,” the last in a trilogy, and about writing itself -- how he lets the story go where it takes him, his writing routine and his dread of a blank slate."

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A strange problem to have

I have a bit a problem.

I am kinda blocked on Mercy, to the point I'm willing to ask for suggestions if anybody has one.

But that doesn't mean I'm blocked for story ideas.

I have started what I hope will be a funny take on Alice in Wonderland.

I am noodling an idea called "Help! My girlfriend is a unicorn!"

I even have a Jaci and Dottie story peculating,

So its a strange problem, that I'm blocked on the one story I really want to get back to writing ...

Ah, well.

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Need Story Help

So after putting Broken Phoenix on the back burner for a while I felt like I needed a new story to post on this site.

Well I'm going a bit out of my comfort zone with this story and this is why I need your guys help.

Just to put things into perspective I'm writing this based on another story on this site but The original character this story is based off is like 6 years older than the character in the story I plan to write.

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ISO Story

Reading about an accident locally where a little boy was run over while riding his bike and dragged under the car. It reminded me of a story about a little boy that was run over by an elderly neighbor. He's in bad shape but docs have to wait for his parents to return from England to get permission to basically perform SRS on the boy. The parents are caught up in the 9/11 aftermath with no flights being allowed in or out of the country. But it seems our little boy has some ideas of his own!


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Still more grammar

Once again I've noted a couple of frequent grammatical errors in stories and thought I should try to help folks avoid them.

First off we have the "[person] and [pronoun]" construct.

For example "Shelly and I went to the store" or "The boys threw something at Shelly and me".

Note that the [person] always goes first. But getting that backwards is a minor error. More common (and jarring) is using the wrong form of the pronoun. In the above examples, that would be: "Me and Shelly went to the store" or "The boys threw something at Shelly and I".

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Update and new chapter

Yup, I've managed it, another chapter of the Wunderkind story is up here.

Keeping on a Gaby theme, I've started scribbling on the series again, my editor received 4 new chapters this morning! There is a remote chance i'll have the current arc complete for Wednesday.

To my computer woes - thank you everyone who offered help and support, things are kind of sorted and i'l be taking much more precaution in future!

So ttfn, ciao and tschuss


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