.....And this week

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we get more of the girls adventures in Nippon.

In Shindo we get a lot more racing and a hatch is plotted for later in the week.

Like all royalty, I'm feeling a bit under the weather this week, a trip to Nottingham intended to lift spirits didn't do much other than get me out of the house and writing is stalled as I can't concentrate for more than a couple of minutes. Oh well, it'll all come out in the wash.

A comment on Amazon has raised a question though, Should I put a short synopsis of the story so far in the latest books? No substitute to reading all those before of course but newer readers might find it useful? Answers on a postcard please.



I don't feel a synopsis......

D. Eden's picture

Would be of much assistance as there is so much to cover. Also, as you previously stated it will never serve as a substitute for reading all of the books.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus