I'll have new stuff written soon. My MMO friends tossed me a wrench this holiday season...with a brand new computer. It just arrived today so I've been busy transfering files and things over. So it might be a few days before I get back into writing again :D. I am working on something though...I will give you a hint...there are cows in it LOL.
Were cows?
Witch Cows
JulieO has a story where witches are being turned into cows! Abra Moo Dabra? ;-)
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Or concrete ones?
Or concrete ones?
Or stone?
Concrete cows?
grats on the comp!
by the way? what MMO's are ya on?
send a pm if ya want on that?
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Chick Filet?
I boycott them though. Plus their chicken sucks anyway.
Some More Info.
If everything goes according to plan with this new tale of mine, the story will be about another town in NY. This one just as quirky as the other one but more along the lines of Eerie Indiana. Strange and supernatural but odd lol. Its centered around a large dairy company. There is only one self contained story I'm planning right now though. If inspiration strikes I might branch out into more with the town but I'll get to that when it comes.
Right now I gotta finish writing it lol.
I lived in rural WNY. There were dairy farms all over. They just opened some yogurt factories there to utilize the abundant milk production.
Western NY
I'm from Western NY actually. I always put a lot of towns in NY but I never really give an exact location for them. Except Ravencrest of course which I put in the Catskills :).