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As the year draws to a close the temperature here is plummeting! What at first glance looked like a good layer of snow this morning was actually a heavy frost that has persisted all day - even in the city centre!

Things are a bit behind this week but the latest chapter of Gaby 14 can be found here today.

Looking forward to 2017 - I think!

Frohes Neue Jahre


cold morning here as well

Parts of the Basingstoke Canal were frozen over around the end of the runway at Farnborough. The Ice wasn't very thick though.
Got just above freezing around 11:00. Brrrrrrr.


Sorry, I wasn't really

Daphne Xu's picture

Sorry, I wasn't really following your posts, and I've forgotten. Are you in Germany or Japan?

-- Daphne Xu


Maddy Bell's picture

Normal domicile, Yorkshire!

I was in Germany a couple of weeks ago and Gaby, in the currently being posted book, is in Japan!

Complicated I know!

Take care 'appen


Madeline Anafrid Bell

happy new year

happy new year madam. may you have good health and a high paid job with lot of free time so you great gaby books.