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Are You "Good For Nothing"? Here's Why!

In 1849, it was written in the Polite Manual for Young Ladies:

Novel-reading strengthens the passions, weakens the virtue, and diminishes the power of self-control. Multitudes may date their ruin from the commencement of this kind of reading; and many more, who have been rescued from the snare, will regret, to the end of their days, its influence on the early formation of their character. It is, too, a great waste of time. . .If you wish to become weak-headed, nervous, and good for nothing, read novels."

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Stay On Target!

my brain is always exploding with an endless supply of ideas (I have 2 kicking around in my head right now. One drawn from those horrible tough love camps, except tg focused and another where a sorceress turns a rapist into a succubus with nothing short of disastrous results)

But my biggest struggle is that i can't seem to get down to writing. Argh i need someone to keep pushing me.

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Looking for a story

I read a truly nsfw tale a few years ago. I like it because of the concept, not the explicitness of it -- not that I have a problem with that kind of literature.

I looked all over FM for it, trying the various filters. I couldn't find it. Oh well.

Anyhow, it's about a kind of loner type IT person who gets befriended by a group of you standard beer-guzzling sport-watching types.

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New chapter of Bian posted

This is the end of the first "book" which I think I will call "Castle and Road". Next chapter will begin book 2 which will concern the city of Lundenna.

I've had some more fun with the language in this chapter though I left one word untranslated. People can probably guess what it is from the context.

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Asking for help on a story

This is a first for me in two ways, first time I've written a blog here on BC/TS, and first time EVER that I've asked for help on a story anywhere.

I was sleeping well enough about an hour ago when I had a dream, it showed images that made me cringe, but for all of that, I just couldn't get them out of my head. I woke up a few minutes later and those images were still centre stage in my mind. It's been an hour now, but I'm still thinking about those few brief images, and how I could use them as the basis of a chilling, yet realistic modern forced femme story.

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Working on the next chapter of shadowsblade

Working on the next chapter of shadowsblade Right now and editing up part of it for posting maybe tomorrow?
Was shooting for today but got caught in writing more!

So till then we wait?

Que radio guy voice or old movie voice

What will happen to our heroine?
will she live?
will she change!?

What ....what?

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For those that are wondering what's going on with Jess. Here's the update. Currently she is having problems with the power going out due to the weather, so it may be a while before she posts anything. She's been able to update me via email(probably using her phone) so I offered to post this entry. She'll post as soon as she can.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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FTM Writing Difficulty

I have found that the writing of FTM stories are greatly more challenging than their MTF counterparts. By this, I exclude body/mind swaps and stories that include both MTF and FTM at the same time. I mean exclusively a story that features two straight female friends and one of them ends up a straight male by the end of the story. I will try to sum up the difficulty in writing this kind of story and why they are so rare.

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Universe reading suggestions

I have recently gotten bored re-reading the same things over and over. I have seen a few people over the past couple years suggest other authors universes i have fully enjoyed. Some being the Chakat universe by Bernard Doove, FreeRIDErs on shifti, and MORF's.

Any and all suggestions would be wonderfully appreciated.

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Real life Bloddish?

Two things for those who have been following my story Bian in which I play with a language I madeup called Bloddish:

1. Yes, I am working on the next episode (along with work on the next episodes of Vector and Hired Girl and other outside work, besides the other stuff I do around here and on DopplerPress. :)

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Update on Karen Lockhart

An update on Karen's condition from her cousin says that she is making good progress but may have to spend some time in rehabilitation. She was really quite sick and is still not well enough to receive and respond to messages. I will pass on any messages via her cousin, and I'm sure we're all keeping our fingers crossed for her to make a full recovery.

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Schedule change

Originally I had planned on releasing "Old friend, New love" in weekly chapters. To enter it in Christmas contest, I started with daily releases. Reader feedback say's this is too frequent. I tend to agree, though one reason I love Bike is knowing there is a new chapter each day (not so much anymore). So I am changing to Mon, Wed, Fri, releases. (pending RL issues of course).

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Ideas come from Everywhere!

I have just posted a new Alexa B-Side story today. I had stated when I posted the Dick at the Bar B-Side last night that I had a second story related to chapter 11 of Alexa in the works. This is not that story, I am still working on that story. This story comes directly from a recommendation from a comment posted on Dick at the Bar. I thought it was an excellent idea and ran with it this morning.

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Gaby - The Girl

Well the first part of the 14th Gaby Book - The Girl can now be found, here on BC just click here!

As I've previously mentioned, I shall be going to Germany on Wednesday so the next posting will be a couple of weeks away. Enjoy this chapter and prepare yourselves for more Wunderkind adventures in the run up to the festive season.

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Tree Hugger

To begin with Tree Hugger is a story I began more than a few years ago and had been forgotten. Lost in an archive until...

A few weeks ago I had a catastrophic computer failure. My motherboard died. That computer had some <cough> exotic parts in it that let it our preform everything built for its first 5-6 years of life and even after 13 years of perfect service allowed it to keep up with all but the high end gaming PCs built today.

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New Series

I have started to post a new series, "Old Friend, New Love". I thought I had posted as a novel chapter, but it didn't appear that way. From comments, some have interpreted this to be a (very incomplete) solo. It is my intention to post a chapter (or more, as in the 1st installment, when the chapters are short) each day until done. The part of the story I am releasing for the contest, is done (though open to further editing). I hope you enjoy it. Comments and PM's are welcome (and may be used to determine if I write more or crawl back into my closet).

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Help finding the story...

I came across a story long ago in which due to some kind of punishment two friends have to attend a prom as a punishment.
The one who has to o as a girl whines a lot about being him as the girl of the two and the other of course as a boy. The mother of the "girl" assures "her" that this is also a punishment for "her" friend as he has to endure the embarrassment if it was found out that he has attended the prom with a boy and not a girl. Thanks in advance.

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Been busy rereading Snafu over on Sapphire's Place and didn't realise the time. Not sleeping too well with pains in my shoulders and arms, so I fell asleep in the chair. I have a visitor over le weekend, it's my birthday on Saturday so I may or may not have time to do any writing - I also have a committee meeting - wonderful way to spend it.

For those who haven't read SNAFU here's a link.It's a full length novel.

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Authors Best of My Stories

A few things happened this week that caused me to look at unfinished stories on my list and then I heard a radio announcer advertise a BBC Radio programme called 'Jamie and the Piano Man - A Billy Joel Special'.
I read several stories again checking for work I needed to do to tidy up and fulfil a promise.

My favourite posting from my own list is 'Sing me a Song Mr Piano Man' and I wondered if authors might consider the same and pick their favourite stories from their own lists that gave them the most satisfaction (and did not necessarily receive the most kudos.)

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News on Karen Lockhart

Karen Lockhart has asked me to let readers of her stories know that she is not well at present. She's in hospital ICU with respiratory issues but is stable. However there may be a delay in starting her next story - 'Ginny's Story' which is the sequel to 'Gene's Story'.

I'm keeping in regular touch with her cousin and will report any developments.


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Humanities 101, Writing Course

I have been accepted to the course. :)

Good morning,

We are pleased to let you know that you have been accepted onto the Writing 101 course at UBC, which begins on January 10, 2017. Congratulations! If you accept your place on the course PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL BY WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7th. If you are no longer able to participate, please let us know and we can offer your place to someone on the waitlist.

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Nena Book 4 *Four Star* - Part 8

So today the final part of Four Star is up! I hope you enjoy it.

Writing Gaby Book 18 continues apace and a heads up, Book 14 will start being posted this coming Sunday! So if you've been waiting patiently or just enjoy revisiting the books, The Girl will hopefully keep your attention!

Also, with a following wind, you should be able to find the second Gaby book, Summer Girl, available as an Amazon printed book within the next day.



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No Bike - research took too long

Sorry folks, I ran out of time trying to verify some stuff for the latest Bike. Hopefully I'll get it sorted tomorrow.

I also ended up with a boot full of mud and dirty water when I slipped into a ditch while out doing fieldwork with the RSPB. Took me ten minutes to get my sock clean enough to wash and my boot might be dry by Christmas! Oh the joys of fieldwork.


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About my latest piece

If you peeked at my latest story, and wondered what the heck was going on, let me take a moment to help explain things.

See, about 8 years ago, I found this site, and after lurking for a while, I took the plunge, became a member, and created my first story.

It's called "The Saga of E-Girl", and it was kind of a tribute to the Shazam stories I had loved as a kid.

I wont say its a bad story, but I will say I think my writing has improved since then, but despite that, I have a soft spot for that story, and have revisited the "E-Girl" universe a few times since.

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I wrote my first story yesterday, because I had an idea stuck in my head for it. I thought it would get maybe ten or fifteen reads, but I was surprised and delighted that people cared about what I wrote. Not only did it get attention, but I found I liked it. That story was my first try at writing something outside of a assignment for school. I realized I loved writing that story, because it was something I cared about. I'm working on a second story and might continue my first. Writing also helps me pass time, I got lost writing earlier for two or three and felt so alive.

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Disney has released a new animated movie, and one of the characters in it is Maui, who is a trickster (demi) god.

When I read that, it got me thinking how common the idea of the trickster is. Almost every mythology around the world seems to have a character who could be called a trickster, whether its Maui, or Loki, or Annasi (trickster spider from Africa, who was so clever he often tricked himself).

I wonder what that says of us as a species, that we love the idea of a trickster so much?

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14 month gestation period


Julina #73 is with the beta readers, then I will do one final polish and post it --- later this evening (it is 3 in the afternoon with me right now) or in the morning.

From my diaries, notes, and stored clippings and snippets (do we need a new combined word here, clippets???) I see that the first words in this episode were set down at the beginning of October - 2015!

I would never have believed that 14 months would whizz by before I got it to post stage.

But there we go.

RL distractions have sure taken their toll.

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Happy Thanksgiving! And another new chapter from me!

Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans everywhere and to anyone else who needs an excuse to be thankful. :)

And after three months, a new chapter of what has been my most popular story: Hired Girl.

Here's a link to the first one if you haven't read it yet: Hired Girl -1-.

I'm thankful for all of my staff and friends and the authors and readers here on BC!

And I promise I'll try to be more prompt with my writing. :)

Hugs to all,

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News from Yorkshire

So its been a little damp on this rock this week, 'Angus' doing his best to drown half the population and wash away the rest!

It does mean that I've not been tempted much beyond my front door for a few days which in turn means my editor has taken delivery of more new Gaby than I had anticipated, the first 6 of the new book are complete. This in turn means that with a following wind the first complete arc may be made available on Sunday! I've written so fast I don't even have a title yet.

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New chapters of my serials

I hadn't been able to do much writing for the last two months but I've discovered, or re-discovered, something. Writing energizes me.

One of the reasons I wasn't writing was that I had so much else to do that it seemed wasteful of my time to write. And yet, I wasn't getting all that much of those tasks done either. Just staying even with the site was about all I could do.

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Could I throw in my two-cents worth?

I know that a lot of people are upset about nasty comments or things that take place that they regard as 'not right'.

For things that folks do not like, this is not a subscription site and everything is paid for out of our goodwill. I'm sorry to say to those people, but you should just accept it if you do not like it. Any advertising that is present is intended to bring in revenue for the site.

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Tired of the Hate

I've been stewing for a couple of days over all the hate that has been spewed lately against several writers and enough is enough. Recently, Efindumb announced that they (I'm using a non-descriptive word for a reason) would be leaving BigCloset because of all the negativity that has been leveled against them in their writings. I made an initial comment about it on her blog, telling the author that I thought they should not leave, that the story the author is writing is not finished yet, and that I thought their Muse would drive the author insane if the story wasn't finished.

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Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story I read ages ago was about a ex space corp marine who's planet was attacked by space pirates, and thinking his family was killed he went looking for revenge. He was captured by pirates and put in a medical pod, an changed to a female, a cple things happened and the pirates were put in some and ended up being turned into young girls, who saw the older women as their mum. I remember that her sister was alive and she hired a governess who ended up opening a school. But that's about all I can remember I just don't know what it's called.

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