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Podcastle Artemis Rising Event 3

We have so many great authors here, That I thought everyone might be interested in this.

Podcastle is an online fantasy short story magazine. Each week, they produce an audio podcast featuring a fantasy short story.

They are opening submissions next month for an event called Artemis Rising, featuring female and transgender authors (although their term is non-binary). It's apparently the third year they have done this.

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Where next?

I have now 56 books self-published on Amazon. I have published some early paperbacks through I have also used KOBO and Smashwords for eBooks, but their formatting and price requirements made life too difficult, so I think I've withdrawn all of them - I may have one or two left with them. To be honest, it wasn't worth my while, for every thousand books I sold on Amazon, I might sell one on Kobo or Smashwords - I stress - might..

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Need Some Help :)

Well I'm venturing forth into my new story and I need some research help. I want to make the main character a guitar player but I don't really know much about the subject. The kind of guitars he might own, the type of training he might need. I want to write it as accurate as I can so it looks good on the page.

If anyone knows anything about this, can you please PM me :)


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Karin Bishop's Port of Departure/Port of Arrival

I have been engrossed on my Kindle with Karin Bishop's EPIC two-novel tale and wish to highly recommend the story to others. Karin's books are not expensive but I do hope purchasers will use the BC link to Amazon to help with the costs of keeping BigCloset running.

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back to sanity

Team GB cycling - just wow!

In case you missed it - the entire track team come home with at least one gong each! That means our cycling team would place 11th in the current medal table!

We can now get back to some sort of normalcy as the rest of our team try to hang onto our second place in the medal table - yep second, not bad for a little rock on the edge of knowhere!

More Gaby later.


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Authors that inspired you to get into writing.

If there's anything that makes me happy it's when people say to other authors that a certain story made them want to get into writing. Now that hasn't happened to me specifically yet but I will say a few people that made me want to start writing TG material(I had dabbled in other genre's before joining BC)

Torey: Her Emerging from the Cocoon, and Forever Claire stories really got me wanting to write in this area.

TGsine: Summer Girl was one of the first stories I ever read on BC and it actually played a part in me writing my story Broken Phoenix.

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Spacing between paragraphs

Please put spaces between paragraphs and don't make paragraphs longer than 5 to 7 lines because reading on a screen is hard.

If you're using MS Word or other word processor, there are options that fake a space between paragraphs while viewing the file in the word precessor. Those are not visible when converted to HTML. You need actual blank lines.

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Stories Reposted

For anybody is interested I have had my stories reposted. I was planning on reworking some to correct flaws and mistakes readers pointed out, but I just decided "Hell with it!" and asked Erin to make them available. Feel free to look them over and post a comment asking for clarification or to report problems.

I recommend these stories to start with. They best reflect where I'm at currently. Warning! These are not feel-good stories and may upset some. I urge you to exit right away if you find them upsetting.


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just a heads up

I can confirm that the new Nena tale will be going up on Kindle and Lulu tomorrow.

Remind Me Again finds Chris volunteering to be Nena to save a job for Global - again! It's been two years in the writing, mostly because a certain young lady with sporting tendencies has taken so much of my time!

I'll try to get some of the other part written stuff finished between Gabyness - well after my big trip at any rate!


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My new book "The Promotion"

Hello everyone, I am writing this here Book book called "The Promotion" and as some you know 5 of it chapter's have already been posted. I was wondering how some of you think about it. Since it is my first time seriously writing something and I want what I need to improve myself on.

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Help! Finish this story!

I have been writing "Amie and Jamie" for a year or so and find that I'm bored with it. The characters are young, with lots of possibilities, and they need someone fresh to take over. This has probably been done before, and will be glad to answer any questions the new author might have.
It will also be of great interest to me what avenues the character travel when guided by a new hand.
Any takers? Lemme know!

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Im getting better now.

If you've followed my recent blog posts then you'd know that I was having a mental health crisis to put it lightly. I went to a few psychiatrists and the last one said I needed an evaluation inpatient at a hospital. Needless to say I wasn't thrilled but I did meet up with an old friend from high school while in there who tried to commit suicide. I'm not out of the woods yet but I am just outpatient at the hospital now after a week inpatient.

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Missed post

Well firstly, sorry for not posting Sunday - I didn't come close to an internet connection as spent the day looking Steam Engines (the agricultural forerunners of tractors not the rail guided things) and old road vehicles! It was a lovely day that made a change from the usual daily grind.

There is a new Gaby chapter here today - I am expecting to post again this Sunday as I finish preparing for my 'holiday' - if you can call riding up and down mountains a holiday!

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Auto-correct or just badly spoken and then misspelt?

I have just seen a post on FB that caused me to laugh out loud - much to the disgust of my trying-to-stay-asleep partner! The author of the post was looking back over the years to events that happened on the 10th August.

I copy and paste the relevant sentence here: "I'd really love to relive those days all over again for sedimental reasons but also to live each day a whole lot smarter than we did before."

Maybe she was used to lying on the bottom?

Another I spotted recently was "inner continental" when talking about a flight from the US to Europe.

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Ohhh... Yeah...

I've written several tales that never be posted. The themes are very dark and are very autobiographical in that they touch upon events in my life that were better not witnessed. I write because, for lack of a simpler explanation, doing so makes me feel better. I was wondering if others have similar tales that have been completed and not posted. I'm curious about why you've not posted them.

Peace Always...



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Trans Supers on Tumblr

To whomever posted a Trans Supers entry for me on Tumbler:

Thanks! I'm very flattered. I love the drawing of Golden Girl and the synopsis.

I found the entry by googling my name, Terry Volkirch.

By clicking the golden girl hashtag, I found out that Erin also has a Golden Girl character. I've read many of Erin's stories here but I haven't seen that one. I'll be looking for it after I post this.

Ta ta!

- Terry


I can't find Erin's story. Oh well. Maybe she'll dredge it up and post it here. Maybe? :)

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Karin Bishop's New Story

Just want to put in a plug for Karin's new Kindle published story "Port of Arrival", the sequel/continuation of her "Port of Departture"

What a grrrrreat story! I won't go on and on about the characterization, plot, themes and all that other Graduate Level Creative Writing stuff. It is a Karin Bishop story! Its GRRRRREAT!

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Move Over

I have accomplished two amazing feats with the same stone? I've written a tale of less than 50 pages. This must be the influence of Drea. And...!!! I've also posted a tale with more than three days to go in a contest!!! This is definitely NOT the influence of Drea!!! :)

May We All Know Peace...

Kelly the Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrat


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from he to she

just an idle question. I'm writing a story and i've hit a segment where my protagonist has turned into a female...more or less. I'm still using male pronouns and i intend to keep using them until he acknowledges that he is now female and may not be going back, though this may confuse the audience.

I'm curious though, when do you start having your protag reffer to themselves by their new gender?

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Thanks readers!

Thanks readers! I guess you really like that last chapter of Shadowsblade and Rohanna!

you readers have blown my read numbers higher and faster then any of my stories so far and the kudos rate is COOL!

I am off to write more!

but remember? you can ask questions and maybe make suggestions!
I do listen to them! That is how Violet the pixie was added in more, she was to just be a sidekick and shown sometimes....but now she is a main line character!

have a great day!

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Please Sir, I Want Some More

As usual Rasufelle has made a wonderful point. I would like to add to it without high-jacking her thread.

Although most of the writers on BC are on the distaff side, there is a right way to ask for more, as Dickens has shown us.

When an audience rises as one and asks for more at a concert, they're taking part in a dance in which they know the singer/band have held a favorite in their pocket for an encore.

Writers normally don't hold back. When they add "The End", it usually is.

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Not Every Story Needs a Sequel

We authors here at BC are blessed by our readership.

Really! BC has a large, mostly active community of readers and writers, and comments on stories are quite common, which is a wonderful change from the majority of other fiction sites I've seen, even mainstream ones. The community here is supportive of new writers, positive in their outlook on most tales, and generally a great place to be a part of.

Now, having gotten THAT out of the way, on to the point of this blog.

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Busy week

Today's my last day off for a while as I'm involved with a 24hr 'pirate' radio station for the next 2 weeks, co-ordinating the media and social media.

I've sat down to do some writing and the next Anchored (#32) will be out later, after another proof-read, whilst #33 is almost done. That one will be out mid-week but #34 might have to wait for another spare day, whenever that is.


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No night to Bike - too tired.

Sorry folks keep falling asleep over Bike so I think I need to et an early night. We had two dormice this morning, so numbers are down. One of these was in a box I checked an and I managed to handle it. The mouse was very active and thus fiddly to grab, especially as I couldn't always see through the bag to ascertain where he was and what he was doing.

Hopefully, I'll be less tired tomorrow.


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Added 2 new TG stories to my little blog

Its been a while, but I got two authors that submitted two new TG stories to my blog. Karen Jensen's I Was a Boy Bridesmaid and Brenda's Sissy Steve and Me series.

Great stuff about boys that discover a new side about themselves.

Great stuff, hope you enjoy!


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is it enough?

so for arguments sake, let's say we somehow have discovered a way to reset someone's age, back to childhood and maybe even play with gender a little.

Now, let's say that someone has personally and deeply harmed you, use your imagination. I'm not sure what each individual would constitute a great injury but let's say it's something deeply personal and wounding.

Would you be satisfied with this person's life being started over and them being re-raised as a child? So they don't make the same mistakes or decisions in the future? Or would you want more punishment added?

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Mental health update

So as everyone probably remembers the last blog post I did was a real hard one for me to write and I've gone to a few doctors over the last few days and had tests done and had a psychological examination done. The test results came back today and let's just say I thank whoever told me to have tests done in my last blog post I would never have found out that I am Anemic and that my vitamin levels were dangerously high. When the doctor called me I was shocked to hear what I did.

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NEW shadowsblade is up!

Well its done and its a LONG! one!

in this one Rohanna get hurt even more? but forgiveness is the last word!

Hey this one took time...I had lots of work to do and typing at the end of a long day of doing wiring was near out! As my hands hurt bad from a long day of that!

but have at it!

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