I've been reading posts all day, debating whether I should say anything and if so, what should I say. I finally decided I will and what. A good bit of this will go over many heads, but some may understand.
In 2010 I discovered SecondLife because of TV show. I created an account and rezzed in. In no time I was hunted and turned, entering the largest of the Vampire Nations, Bloodlines. There I was, a nothing 9th generation vampiress in a huge clan. I had no idea what was required to take care of myself or how. The liege of my liege ended up doing all that and his SL wife did even more, but I was little better than obligation. Gradually I ingratiated myself to the two and they 'adopted' me as daughter.
During some confusion over a holiday our small family slipped away from that large clan to create our own and I found myself named Princess. The one who brought me in was named High Princess. Clan life pushed her away and pulled me in deeper and soon she was out and I took her place. With that title came duties. No longer was I just a pretty face and charming manner that appeared for greeting other clans, I had the responsibility of ensuring clan welfare. Its sounds simple but was anything but. Secure that the clan requires; blood for the vampires, lumens for the lycans, apples for the angels(humans in service), and souls for trading.
It took some time, but I managed to do this and even became a dealer for such necessities. I also found those wandering that didn't fit in with other clans. My name came with a high reputation; fair deals and quality goods. But with good comes bad. Those that wish to exploit for their own ends, usually profits. With sharp fangs, savage claws and carefully worded statements I dealt with such problems. But no matter how clever one is, eventually they will become vulnerable. Slowly I began withdrawing. When a new Vampire Nation began, I was first to be invited. I jumped at the opportunity. A new reputation graced me, knowledge second only to his and the closest adviser to him. I reveled in this and my clan enjoyed a very high position of honor.
On a personal front I felt the need to express myself and began learning to build. I built buildings then making clothing, but something was still missing. A true expression of myself. I had this idea that had been in the back of my head for a long time, inspired by a song I heard frequently. Words formed and I put them together. A story. I thought it rather good. I wrote another, my take on someone else's work, but it wasn't satisfying. Finally it hit me. Word by word, the Lyssa Kordenay Missions came to be. I felt a sense of true satisfaction. I was truly creating. It felt wonderful.
However, I felt lonely about it. Surely I couldn't be the only one that wrote of such stories. I searched and found that I was right, there were others that wrote. I discovered Crystal's story site. Then I discovered BC. I was so thrilled. I found others like myself! It took some time to build up the courage to share, but I did. It was during PomPom that the worst happened; my laptop died. I got lucky and was able to borrow one, but it was old and weak. It just didn't have the capability to allow me into SecondLife. I did what I could; devoted myself to my writing in hopes that it would benefit me. I finished PomPom and hoped Erin would take it through Doppler press to sell. She did and it sold. I admit it was a pitiful effort but my first work for profit.
I resolved that LKM would always be free to read, my gift to the community that took me in for the gifts of great stories I had enjoyed. Then I wrote Frills and it was a better effort, garnering me praise and respect. Frills also was a project I intended to be for profit. Then I wrote Nightmare and at the end i decided it would be another gift to the community.
I've taken a rather scenic route to get to the message i want to share. When i was in SL, I had my Nation, my Clan and my Family. I served and cared. I took in those that found their way to me. Many nights I enjoyed dancing in my castle, with my love and with my clanmembers. When they came before me, I knew if they would stay or were just biding time. It wasn't about having a place to be, it was about having a place to belong to. Not people to be with, people to belong with. Talking with Erin I felt that same connection with her that I felt with my closest of the blood. Those who had drank from Aurora herself. Erin took us in and those who are here, not because we want a place to be, we have found where we belong.
Erin did not gather us, we found her. We found BC. I count myself lucky to receive the praise I have been gifted. I work on my projects to the point I see it all as each word hit my screen and hope others see what I see. I support the site the only way I can; a percentage of my sales go to the site and the stories I keep for free gain readers that may tell others of my works, or so I hope. My contributions may be small, but they are what I can do.
I am still known as the icy bitch Queen with a frozen heart and sharp fangs, but here I try to show another side of me. A kind and creative side. I try to encourage others, as I have been encouraged. Show friendship as I have been befriended. To show approval as I have been approved of. To give the same gifts I have been given. Not because I owe, but because I can. I do because I can.
I do not comment or kudo a story out of obligation. I do so out of appreciation! Comments i posted, I meant every word. Every kudo I hit, I felt was earned. I have no problem saying I liked a story. When asked for criticism, I do my best to be constructive with it. Not every story appeals to me and some I have checked out and felt no connection to. I am thrilled to see comments on my stories from those that I have read the works of. That we share such regard means much to me. I hope they feel the same. Have i made clear how I feel? I don't know, but I'm sure somebody here understands what I mean.
alecia Snowfall,
DarkLite Queen of Clan Aurora Nocturnus
Just a reader
I am just a simple reader on this site. I have no investment such as Snowfall or so many of you other writers do. I have been a member of the user group here for several yeas. That being said, I read a fair amount of stories and some I'm hooked on immediately and others I think might get interesting but don't. So, do I leave comments, yes; do I leave kudos, yes I do. It is only right to do so when someone has put in their time and effort to post something for others to enjoy. I don't always agree with the content or even what some other reader may post as their comments but that is the writers choice or the other reader's opinion.
What I guess I'm trying to say is, this site is free to enjoy if a person so chooses. It is nice for those who can afford to contribute and blessed be the ones who do. Erin has provided, at no small cost on her own, a wonderful site to share and communicate with people from all over the world who are of a different lifestyle than the majority. Instead of lauding and being appreciative users, some bring hate and rancor in and poison the atmosphere of a place meant to be fun and pure enjoyment. Shame on you! Support, share, read, communicate and enjoy what you have here. Don't hate, bicker, or bring your personal crap in here where we the readers come to relax and recreate. Erin should not need to remind us of this but the human condition seems to always fall back to the low side of existence instead of climbing up to higher planes of being. If you seem to like to like causing trouble or fight, go away and leave us to be as we will do the same for you.
I fully understand what you are saying...
And I, for one, am always happy to see your comments on my stories--just as I am happy to leave comments on yours.
This is truly a wonderful place to write. Don't get me wrong, I have not been real happy with comments from some, but it is still their right to comment (as long as they are 'friendly').
Thanks for what you do here, Snowfall. And thanks to all the others that do what they can, too.
I think you have made your feelings very clear!