I love science fiction and fantasy and can get lost in stories for days if they are good enough, but I have been having trouble finding another book. The last long story I read was Somewhere Else Entirely, but since then, I've been going from novel to novel about once a day. It's certainly a craving of mine and one I happily submit to.
Do any of you have books that you get lost in for days on end or know of novels that are of that length?
I was amazed by all the responses to my blog. Thank you for your comments on what good long stories there are on the website and elsewhere; I'm sure I and hopefully others will be busy minding our ways through these stories for the next little while!
Have you checked out the Whatley Academy stories? There are a bunch of them.
tales of the eerie saloon
by ellie dauber. and then eerie saloon: seasons of change--spring parts 1 thru 13
In Death Ground
There is a hardcover/paperback science fiction book called In Death Ground. There was a prequel (Crusade) and two sequels (The Shiva Option and Insurrection). These books were based upon a science fiction game called Starfire.
I believe these books are available over the Internet if you don't like reading a "real book" like the dinosaurs of my generation.
Yes the
authors the Starfire series, 7 books so far, are Steve White and David Weber.
Who has also written another series called Safehold 9 books I believe in this series, but is best known for the Honor Harrington Sreies and spinoffs from that series 25+ books so far and one already pre-released on Amazon for March 2017
I'd suggest
Julie O's Julieverse series, Lilith Langtree's The CENTER Universe, Jessie's DeathDealers Saga, and Snowfall's Lyssa Kordenay to name a few long running series
Re: "I'd suggest"
Death's Own Daughter (along with School Time For Death and The Knights Of Death) is excellent Big Closet SCIENCE FICTION - well worth reading. Lyssa Kordenay is also an excellent read, but I would NOT classify it as Science Fiction.
There are really good fan fiction serials here on Big Closet and Fictionmania based upon the (Science Fiction/Fantasy) GOR Books by John Norman. [Simply do a search for "Gor" - all of these stories have "Gor" in the title!] Warning: Some people object to the works of John Norman because his books portray women as desiring to be sex slaves in a male dominated culture where women are treated as slaves.
The Question
Was long story/ies as well as sci-fi.
But if you have read Lyssa, The Chrysalis Project which helped create Lyssa would come under sci-fi.
While typing this I thought of two more authors here at BCTS, SaraUK's Project Guardian 1+2 and Breanna Ramsey's Genomorph and The Female of the Species
I am with you about the whole
I am with you about the whole chrysalis project being sci-fi especially as it's a hush-hush thing.
One other that could be considered sci-fi is Prometheans by Joyce Melton and Lainie Lee
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
I'll pitch...
.... efindumb's series as it is easy to read, follow, and in my opinion is very well written. Snowfall and wolfjess' series are also great reads as well. Aw heck, Maddy's Gabby series is worth a long day of reading as well!
There's always Maiden by
There's always Maiden by Decree. That's a good one. Araya's Hope is decent, but not really that long, even when you add in the sequels.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I had forgotten the title for
I had forgotten the title for Maiden by Decree a while ago. Thank you so much for mentioning it; it is one of my favourites!
Hugs from British Columbia! :D
Longest series on BCTS
There is always "Easy as Falling Off a Bike", over 3000 installments.

3 more
images + Jem by Bailey Summers
characters from each of these appear in the other. neither completed but getting there.
Being Christina Chase by Admiral Crunch
completed story.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
They are good but Bailey's
They are good but Bailey's FTL...Faster Tahn LIfe may be more in tune with what is being sought after. It's incomplete but it is at least interesting.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Longer stories ...
Hmmm - the Last of the Fey was quite long and held my interest. Author was/is Anesidora's Urn here.
But as she wanted to sell it on Amazon, the story can be found there - NOTE, in July this year she posted that it had been pirated and was on several other sites!
This story I really enjoyed, and am left wanting more!
Other longer stories I have also enjoyed, but less on the SciFi side, are several of the longer ones regarding music/entertainment areas. 'No Half Measures' was a particular favourite, and several others. Do a search here on "Performer/Entertainer" in the 'TG elements' tab, should you happen to be interested.This will throw up several others as well.
Would have answered more, but have to dash to fetch the SO as it's pouring. Back in a little while.
The Last of the Fey
Unfortunately, Denise pulled The Last of the Fey from Amazon. It is no longer for sale. The sequel was never written. And I've just learned that the author died a few months ago, at mentioned at https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog-entry/67370/rip-denise-t...
Denise's sibling wants to get the story reposted here again but this has not happened yet. See https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog-entry/68207/if-i-dont-ge...
I can say this. The book is awesome. I have read it many, MANY times.
Legacy of the anari
By Ashleigh Blayze. Its very good, not as long as the other stories though but it may push you for some hours.
Sydney Moya
Try a couple from Morpheus
The Changling is a story to get lost in and truly lose track of time in the real world
Among the Val Kyr is another one a person can get lost in for days.
I'm going to toot my own whistle here
Almost a Girl will take some time to get through
Deity Arms Bridget will pull you away from everyday for a while http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/21642/deity-arms-4-bri...
Horse Talk and the Girl who Loved Them is broken into chapters and fits the bill of a long read
The three "Jessica Rabbit" series will be able to give one a day off from the real world
Change of Heart will do the same
There are so many good authors listed here at BCTS it is impossible to pick out a couple and say these are my favorite story tellers. Sometimes I wish I was still in the publishing business. BC is a diamond mine of unbelievably talented writers many times better than anything the NYT Best Seller List has.
Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Try this one
Try Beth Williams series "The Angel of the Bay". It's good for an evening at least in my opinion.
Comdex Also by Beth
the "death's daughter" series
by wolfjess, its an amazing science fiction/war series.
Check out Grover or Lillith's Retcon Universe
Grover's "Last Holidays" or "Once The Hero"
The Retcon Universe is chockfull of great superhero revamps.
Also "Carversion" by Prue Walker... and I highly recommend Barbis Lee's "Jessica Rabbit."
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Great Kindle Book
I found a really good e-book on amazon. It's called "The Lightning Struck Heart" by T.J. Klune. It's not TG fiction. It's more of a gay harry potter meets a shrek kind of book. There is some TG but just in the backround of the story. It's really funny and a great read. I'm really glad I found this book on amazon. It is a full length book and you will want to read it over and over again.
Jessica Marie
I would suggest "Severance Pay" and "5 Hertz of Separation" by Meps98.
I would suggest you get an
I would suggest you get an account (free) on StoriesOnLine.net (SOL). There are a lot of good stories there (and bad), as well as some really long ones. I'm currently re-reading Recluse and Ghost, by Dual Writer, on there. If you don't mind unfinished, there's Arlene and Jeff, it's updated once a week, on Friday, but is currently scores of chapters long.
Also look up Lazlo Zalezac, he has a number of exceptionally good stories, and long ones.
I could go on, but there you can explore to your hearts content - you can also, even as a free user, do a quick search on long stories.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
To make a wish
Not sure what you are looking for as science fiction/fantasy but I liked "To make a wish" by SaraUK. It is based on vampires and magic, has lots of good characters, nice long chapters, and some twists. It is not finished - maybe abandoned - but it has kept my interest through several reads.
Jeri Elaine
Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.
Steel Beach
by johb Varley,minor TG theme. Morpheou is always a goodread
I can second
both Meps98 "Severance Pay" and "5 Hertz of Separation" as well as "Legacy of the Anari" (I just reread that one a few days ago myself). I also suggest Lisa grey's "The Serendipity of Freedom"
sci-fi to try
'I will fear no evil' by Robert Heinlein has a strong TG theme and is a hefty tome. Some aspects seem a little dated now but it's still worth reading. 'Whisper' and 'She of the jade skirt' by Sleeve are very good and haven't been mentioned yet. Whisper is set in the Whateley universe and has recently(ish) been made canon. The Julieverse by JulieO is somewhere you can lose yourself for a while, it's not really sci-fi though although some stories have either a sci-fi or magic/fantasy element. 'For a girl' by O2bxx has nanites and so qualifies as SF, it's a great story, in my opinion, and well worth a read. Morpheus, EnemyOfFun and D.A.W. are also worth searching for. Tigger's 'A study in satin' about Sherla Holmes might interest you.
The Saga of Tuck by Ellen Hayes
Also the "Cast In" series by Michelle Sagara on Kindle
The "Kate Daniels" series by Ilona Andrews
Sci-fi books
As previously mentioned Whisper is very good by Sleether. Also another set of Sci-fi books I found on kindle unlimited was The Kurthurian Gambit by Michael Anderle.
Though will give a warning those books contain a lot of coarse language so don't read if coarse language offends you. The main character hates uninspired swearing though so the can be some interesting language.
I agree with both suggestions
I can't count how many times I've re-read whisper. I just wish we could get lots more.
And for someone who puts out a book every 4 to 6 weeks, those kurtherian books are very good. Amazing, even. Lots of fun.
If you like those, the Demon Accord books are awesome. I've listened to the audio books 7 times this year.
Fantasy: the professor's Ovid series. 21 lengthy, consistently plotted stories building toward a grand hidden goal. Starts with "Shortcut through Ovid". They're all here at bcts.
My story Fornever in Blue Genes, A wish the Heart Makes. It Is over on FM and is science fiction adventure.
For a girl
For a girl by Ob2xx over at fictionmania http://fictionmania.tv/stories/readtextstory.html?storyID=32... which one of the best written tg tales out there.
A lot of Morpheus stories are of pretty good length some have already been mentioned, but I would contend some of his best works aren't always his longest. Karma of Serenity which is part of his Twisted Universe and is longer than most tg tales and The Academy are among my personal favorites. Both are a similar length maybe 90ish pages when copied into word.
And... if you enjoy a good old science fiction action tale with a tg twist... well than look no further than my story Battle for Earth. All together it comes in at something like 250,000 words.
Have a delightfully devious day,