Blog About:
When I wrote my first blog entry, I went into it with the thought I would speak about three things. As time has gone on, I realized I haven’t done any of it. The first thing I was going to do was talk about my stories. For some reason my ego stops me from doing that. I don’t want to sound like I am bragging about my story,so I kind of shelved that idea. I will answer any questions that people have, but I don’t want to blow my own horn. The closest I have come to this is the mini story I added the other day as a companion piece to Alexa.
The second thing I was going to use this blog for was to talk about the subjects of some of the TG stories on other sites. Once again I chickened out. Suffice it to say that there are story sites out there that show the TG community as people who see tthe TG lifestyle as a fetish rather than a way of life. I have contributed to a few of these sites and will continue to do so. I do respect the authors who take the time to write a good story, even if some the elements are something I don’t agree with. Needless to say, out of respect for the authors I have declined to comment on those stories. I wish them luck, writing a story is not as easy as it seems as I have found out.
The last area where I thought I would focus the attention of my blog was going to be talking about the “Jamieverse”, my favorite collection of stories. If you are not familiar with the Jamieverse, it is a series of interconnected stories created by Debbie V. Debbie is celebrating her 5th anniversary of posting on this site on Tuesday the 8th, and I wanted to take the time to congratulate her on this accomplishment. Five years in the scheme of things is not very long I understand. There are many writers who have been on this site much longer and have written many more stories. But since this is my blog, I will do what I want. If you have not taken the time to read Debbs’ stories I highly recommend it. She has created a wonderful group of characters that always seem to pull at my heartstrings. As I have said to her I would not have posted a story without her help, and so to recognize her seems like the right thing to do. I had never read her stories until this past summer and took the time to drop her a note complimenting her on her wonderfully written stories. I looked it up, that was July 27th , That was the first time I had ever reached out to an author and I was lucky enough to get a reply her. She would probably tell you it might be the worst day of her life :-P Since that day Debbs has become an advisor, confident, collaborator but most importantly a dear, close friend. Thank you, Debbie, for your stories and friendship. Happy Anniversary!
And I ask all of you to continue to support all the authors on this website. Most of us write these stories for others to enjoy and are not seeking a financial reward. The best thing you can do for us is to leave us a kind comment or send us a quick note of thanks.
Well said!
Thanks to Debbie AND thanks to you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Aww, thank you so much! :-) I
Aww, thank you so much! :-) I've told you before how much I enjoy our correspondence but it bears repeating- thank you so, so much for all the help you've given me these past few months as well. :-) here's to another five years of both the jamieverse and the 'alexaverse'! :-)
Debs 'birthday girl' xxxx