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The Family Girl #076: Pimping My Story - My Upcoming Entry


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #76: Pimping My Story -
My Upcoming Entry for the May Contest

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl

Blogs, click on this link:

I decided to get on the "advertising" bandwagon, too, and advertise my story here in BCTS' blogs - it’s my entry to the "May Story Contest: Rebirth" contest sponsored by Asche, this May, 2016. Click on the Autobot graphic, and enjoy the trailer!

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Unscientific Poll

I seem to have a few serialized stories that have not been completed. So I'm curious which one would y'all most like to see re-started? I don't mean any serial in the last 12 months or any story that came to an actual end. Some of these stories I just ran out of steam or the story started meandering. I don't want to lose ground on any of my current stories, but I thought it might be fun to revisit an "orphaned" story.

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So a bit of an update on things. I've been trying to finish writing Ch. 5 of Just Keep Rolling and have come to one conclusion---I'm utterly bored with the story. I'm not saying I hate it or the characters, I just feel as if I REALLY want to be writing something else at the moment. This tends to happen to me all the time but lately its been happening more and more. I think half of my problem is that I love my stories and characters too much and just want to keep continuing in their worlds.

So I think I need to take a break from it.

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How Societies (Could) Categorize Gender

Cissexist societies tend to classify all trans people as either our birth-assigned genders or some third gender. And these categories may work for some trans people, but not for others.

I was world-building for a couple s-f settings, and was thinking how they might classify trans people.

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Crisis averted *Thank God*

Well everyone I'm back and as you might remember I lost my outline to my story Broken Phoenix(or so I thought) well it turns out I made a second copy of the file and stuck it on a thumb drive. Now I'm happy to announce that Broken Phoenix will actually be returning! No timeframe as of yet but it will be returning when I get back to writing it(which is right now actually)

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My favorite author...

I had recently found that some books by my favorite author were translated into English and were published by "western" publishers including Amazon.
Pen name is Max Frei, and is a name of the protagonist in many of the stories.
Interestig thing is that while pen name of the author and protagonist are male, actual author is female.

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Jogged my memory

I was just reading a post and down at the bottom was the Doppler ads. I saw one for Tanya Allen's Whispers in the Mind. I am in no way pushing an ad, but couldn't help the posting. I remember reading this a couple of times and have to recommend it to anyone interested in sci-fi tg stories. It is very, very good, if you are interested.

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Languages: spoken

I did not wish to completely derail Julia's thread so decided to start my own.

Another aspect of languages, dialects and such is our ability to adapt to, even adopt the speech patterns of those around us. I am from Oklahoma Dust Bowl stock and when I get around them quickly begin to sound like them.

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A silly bit of nonsense re: the English language

As an example of the

(please select: power/complexity/ deliciousness/stupidity/wonder/insert your own)

of the English language, it occurred to me today that:

Read and lead rhyme.
As do read and lead.

But read does not rhyme with lead.
Nor does read rhyme with lead.

Have fun where and when you can!


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Vaniter 11 is up

Well the next part of Vantier is up! and you guys seem to like that one!

the next part of Shadowsblade is being wrote and edited.....but this part takes time to write. As she has so many things piling on her.
Ahh to torture a character---pain must be planed well to make sense!

have fun reading guys

back to beating the muse for ideas! Whack whack!

send cookies it helps!

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Writing Bike enables me to explore the realities of being transgender/transsexual as well as flights of fancy from time to time. While a shorter form would also enable some of this, it doesn't allow the depth of exploration, my soapy serial does. In the most recent story arc, we have a new transgender staff member who doesn't know Cathy's history, but who latches on to her like a younger sister or even daughter to learn the skills she doesn't have as a woman - things as diverse as homemaking and dealing with male attention.

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Using real names andorganisations in stories

I'm seeking other writers' opinions on this topic. In my current story, and the previous one which both involve a fictional character Harriet who is making a name for herself on the British stage, I have added some characters who just might be based on real people but with names changed. Recently, Harriet obtained a role in one of the most famous companies in England who are based in Stratford, the home of Shakespeare. Maybe I am over-reacting, but after using their real name in a few chapters, I've decided to be cautious and changed it to the Imperial Shakespeare Company.

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New Cover Artist

POPULAR (bela).jpgI'm really pleased to announce that I am partnering with bela04 to make covers for my stories. This is the cover of the story that I'm publishing after I finish "FEMAIL", but I was so happy with the work bela04 did that I wanted to share it as soon as I could. Bela04 is an incredibly talented artist that generally creates comics about Age Regression/Pregoression, though they have a few really good TG comics as well. They have a Patreon at, and have also just announced that they are taking commissions. If you're looking for an artist to do covers or work on full length comics, I would definitely check them out.

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Chapter Problems

Well I've run into a bit of a problem with Just Keep Rolling as I seem to have run out of chapters for now. Well I still have Ch.4 I can post but after that, I have nothing.

I was doing really good with my writing---keeping a schedule but I've had some stuff in real life that kept interfering. I have literally written half a page of Ch.5 sadly. So if I do post Ch.4 in the next day or so, it could be a few weeks before I get Ch.5 or other chapters written and posted.

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I have great expectations when I submit a story for the scrutiny of the readers; however, I never know how it's going to be received. My latest effort's (Discovery) reception has been very pleasing, especially because the story's background development is going to take seven chapters. Someone commented early on that it seemed a bit slow in developing. I had to do it that way to fill in the background before we get to the part of the story based on an old play and opera. It's been nice to see that the interest hasn't waned much. Thank you for sticking it out.

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too cool busted 100! kudos

Yaaa finally got 100 kudos on one story then another went the same way!

I am trying to see what you guys like more?

vantier or Shadowsblade?

As One has a higher 'read' count (shadowsblade) But Vantier has more kudos?

So I guess both in its own way!

and like I said before send in your questions and ideas! As I do listen to readers and add stuff as I go along
Example "We want more Violet the Pixie!" so I added her in more....instead of the 'backup' character she was

thanks guys its fun here!

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Broken Phoenix = No mas :(

Most of you probably know by now that I lost my outline for Broken Phoenix due to a lackluster job by a computer repair chain. I have the first two chapters still and what Little I had started on chapter 3. But that does me no good if I don't have the outline to finish the story. So it pains me to say this but Broken Phoenix is toast. I don't even know where to go as far as a new story goes. I'm a "novice" in this genre of fiction so it's kinda hard to find a plot that'll actually work and not feel completely illegible so to speak.

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Lots of T folk, even post op ones, seem to feel the need to rat themselves out, even the ones who pass impeccably.

I have just been through a couple very tough and bruising weeks dealing with the Bathroom thing. It's very difficult to establish a balance between forgiving those who hurt us, and being very mad, incensed even at their ignorant and stupid position. In my case, having come from one of those groups, I feel quite qualified to beat them about the ears with their own clubs.

I'm feeling quite knackered now so will try to stand down for a while.

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Fools Rush In to April Story Challenge - Last Day!

{Refreshening this announcement} Time for a new story challenge (Not a Contest)! :)

This is for any story or chapter of a longer work based on the theme of "Fools Rush In" posted in the month of April, 2016.

It's just for the fun of it so there are no prizes but there will be a feature spot on the front page for entries, once we have a few. Any length, solo or serial chapter or whatever. Go for it!


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Return of

Hi everyone, well its long passed due but I've finally got to a point where I can resurrect! The first proper update won't be until next week but here's a link anyhow with a synopsis to what's afoot!

You get the update here early this week as I'm away riding at the weekend so go here for a new Gaby chapter.

So until next time


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Mini-Contests? Sign me up!

My, my, the changes that have taken place since I've been away....

Some sad, like Katie Leone's sudden passing (and more on that after I've had a little sleep--RIP Katie) and some pleasantly surprising, like these "mini-contests."

Where are the rules for each month's contest posted? I've looked in the usual section for contests, but have found nothing. I doubt I'll be able to contribute anything for this month, but May is a possibility.

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Is this sort of thing possible?

I haven't been stopping in much lately, as I've spent much of the last several months binge-watching online movies and videos (an activity which, sadly, has taken the place of writing). Ironically, the movie I was watching last night might very well summon the writing muse again.

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Back Home - worst luck!

Well I'm back in England - for a few weeks at least, so I present to you the next part of Culture Clash.

My trip to the Spreewald Marathon was quite successful - a total ride time of 6:35 for the 203km was a new personal best for the event despite the damp on the day. My actual ride time gave an average of almost 32kph/21mph which I'm quite proud of, I doubt i'll come close to that next week in the Tour de Yorkshire event!

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Counting is HARD! (Only for me)

Thanks to everyone who pointed out that I mis-numbered the last two chapters of Secondhand Life. I can only quote leaders and CEOs throughout history in saying:

"Mistakes were made"

...."by ME."

Okay, that last part is not a quote of any leader or CEO anywhere, ever.

But how I wish it was. ;-)

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Tigger lost?

I was a bit bored a bit earlier this week and decided to go looking for a story, any story by Tigger that caught my eye. As I looked, I started looking at dates and to my dismay saw that December 2012 was the last post of any kind by him. Has anyone seen a post by him or heard if something happened? His stories were always interesting and well written that it would be a shame to not see anything new by him.

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Anmarian Appendices

Hi all,

as you Anmar fans are aware, Penny has just started a new thread called "What Milsy Did".
I happen to know that this is also a multi-part tale, but not as long as SEE - nowhere near!

So I have created another entry for it in the "Anmarian Appendices" to provide a simple click mechanism to leap straight to any one particular chapter. This entire portion of the Appendices I shall then order by author name. Unlike everywhere else I have done, these entries shall NOT be in alphabetical order.

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Painted Ladies, by P R Ellis

I've just finished reading "Painted Ladies" by P R Ellis. Even without a transgender main character, it is a good police/detective story. For those of us in this community, the transgender heroine is frosting on the cake.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Sarah Carerra: Where is she? and other FAQs

Sarah Carerra: Where is she? and other Frequently Asked Questions

Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since I posted anything here, and for that I am deeply sorry. A number of things have led to my absence, but I’ve recently started writing again and I’m excited about what will hopefully be coming soon. I’ve put together a small list of answers to questions I frequently get asked and thought I’d post it for anyone interested.

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