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How To Endow Yourself With The Superpowers Of Daffy Duck

The vision was crystal clear. There were domes, minarets and multi-tiered rumah gadang (Javanese) rooftops, a magnificent panorama of sweeping curves and spires.


But what did they do to the skyline? Did they adorn it, grace it, embellish it, beautify it? Of course they did all of those things, but since I was attempting to describe an alternate version of London only the verb 'to exotify' would do.

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Sis and Bro...uh what?

so, I'm the youngest of 3 sisters (i'm also trans) and I have an identical twin brother. I have also known others with siblings, and since coming to this site (and admittedly, others) I have encountered a curious phenomenon where people refer to their siblings by 'sis', 'sissy' or in male cases 'bro' or 'lil bro' or stuff like this.

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Let the adventures begin!

As of today, entries are officially being accepted for the March 2016 contest, "On An Adventure!"

As a reminder, here is the original blog entry, including instructions on what the terms of contest entry and final prizes are. Y'all have two weeks to get your entries in, but with us utilizing the Kudos system for votes there is a minor advantage to posting earlier, though not as much as you might think! (Just look at the last contests' entries to see THAT!)

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Deviating Deviants - In Too Deep - Ch 21-22

I posted 2 chapters and have 2 more ready to post on Wednesday.

My main reason in deviating was to make sure that my readers do not miss any chapters.

It is also a way for me to milk comments from my readers (I know I'm such a narcissistic bitch, sometimes).

If I find the chapters stacking up, I might post them in bigger chunks, next week (3-4 chapters at a time?).

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In Too Deep - Chapter 21 and Tension and Zombies, OH MY!


I just finished writing chapter 21, but I am thinking that I will wait until tomorrow night to post it, as doing them more often than that seems to make readers miss chapters.

I am also enjoying how the tension is mounting. I have heard from a few people that have expressed concern about the darker aspects of my story. I sympathize with them, but have to allow the work to speak for itself.

There is sex. There are some D/s themes. There is emotional manipulation. There are some aspects that can be called marital infidelity.


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I tried posting last night

When I got access to the site I pasted Bike on to the screen then went to save and lost it all. Somehow I also lost my draft version trying to put the little bicycle logo on the bottom of it. So two hours of work lost in a few seconds.

New note: I've managed to rescue last night's episode and it's up.


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Hunting for a Story~

I've been hunting for months to track down a story I read a while ago. I can't remember the name, author or the name the main character uses for the majority of the story.

What I do remember is that the main character is a young reincarnation of Apollo, a student of some form of magic academy is part demon, their mother is some kind of demon ice queen or something, and that the series also features an FtM character who's the reincarnation of Loki.

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Hatbox and Monthly Expenses, Still Short

We're still about $300 short of this month's goal. And we got hit with an unexpected expense for almost that much, just last night. So, we're pretty much broke.

We have about $180. We owe about $1375 on Friday, though we can put a lot of that off. Shortfalls are made up by me, Erin.

So, if you can help, please do. The link for a onetime gift is: Hatbox and the link for a subscription is: Subscribe.

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give me some ideas!

So, I play a lot of Neverwinter which is heavily based on DND, and I want to turn my character into a short story, but I need some advice. How would a young man get transported to the world of DnD and why? Is it a punishment for maybe some kind of attitude or an accident? I preffer punishment because it lets me kind of turn it around on the person doing the punishing (maybe a disgruntled sibling or mother or something)

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Teaching in Saudi Arabia

In the last week or so, I corresponded with someone who is teaching school in Saudi Arabia, Maths I think. Was that someone here? I had hoped to talk with them further. I worry that accessing BCTS from KSA is very high risk and hope they are OK.

I'm taking a lot of pain meds right now, so my memory is a bit foggy. I want to say this now in case things go badly. I have felt loved and accepted here like never before in my life. NO drama, OK? I'll probably live but I just wanted to make sure I did not leave anything unsaid.


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The Decision Has Been Made :)

First of all thanks to everyone who responded to my last blog. It helped me come to a decision on what my next story will be. Of course I plan on doing both but I decided that it might be a little less time consuming to tackle the alien one first partially because it will be a one off more than likely. I've started to write it now, hopefully I'll have the first few chapters done in a couple of days.

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Alternatives PLEASE!

1.) If we didn't have BC where would the authors post their stories? There are other sites, but none as welcoming and as author-friendly as BC.

2.) If we didn't have BC where would readers find stories? There are other sites, but none offer the quality of BC. Why? See 1.).

3.) If we didn't have BC where would bloggers post their thoughts? There are other sites, but are bloggers on other sites able to post with confidence that their thoughts will be appreciated and handled with respect.

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Quick Question

Ok first of all, yes I'm still alive and kicking, just been taking the whole writing thing pretty slow as of late. I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row with it actually. Which of course brings me to this blog. I thought I'd ask you---the readers---what you wanted. So here's the question:


Please reply if you can, I'm really torn on what to do next :(


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The Nightmare Rider

well as you all know, I've been on semi-hiatus. That break will be ending tomorrow evening. I've been working on my new story The Nightmare Rider. This will be my first venture into the Fantasy, alternate world/universe and supernatural genres. I do hope it will be well received. this won't be about transgender issues or body swapping. It isn't even magical gender change in the usual context. The story has one person playing two protagonist(main character) roles. I'm not really sure about all the tags that will apply until I start posting.

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Testing times indeed

I'm off South in the morning to the town where I spent twenty years of my working, and married, life. I have some great friends there and some happy memories. Both of my children were born there and my daughter will be going with me so she can see her nan. It's also entirely possible her mother will make an appearance.

I no longer have any communication with the ex and am unlikely to see her even if my daughter does. For legal reasons that meeting will be supervised to ensure my daughter's safety.

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Disappearing Authors..

In many ways, it seems like 2008 and 2009 were the years of vanishing authors of multi-part stories.

Scanning through hundreds of stories, I've hit upon many that started off quite interesting, then just ... stopped.

I've already mentioned Toni Trepasso.

Jesse Rabbit wrote Elan Owen - - and then disappeared. The last comments were about having some issues, but hoping to post up more stories, and then nothing.

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Toni Trepasso

I decided to do some category searches (not as easy as it used to be. I did it by looking up a story with the code I wanted to search by, then clicked on it), and worked my way backwards through the Science Fiction section. Perhaps I should say that I'm still working my way through it.

In any case, I'm in 2007/2008 right now, and went through Toni Trepasso's stories. However, the last active date of posting was from the last of Becoming Antonia from July of 2010.

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"Peaches" Revisited

I believe I read "Peaches" the first time when it was just out. I was likely in the middle of my own very traumatic emergence and likely did not enjoy it as much as I should have.

So, yesterday I downloaded it to my PC Kindle and read it again. It is a lovely and uplifting story and I enjoyed it very much indeed.

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Sorry, been out tonight.

We dashed out after watching Wales beat Scotland in Cardiff, brilliant try by George North. To where, I hear you ask. Here's where.
I've been on my annual pilgrimage to Poole to listen to the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra do their concert of film music on the theme of Heroes and Aliens. Wonderful stuff which I enjoyed despite suffering a recurrence of a UTI. I'm seeing the doctor on Monday, so if necessary, he can always shoot me. Consequently, I don't have time to write Bike tonight.

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Rambling About Gods and Dinosaurs

I believe that we, as in all of us human beings that find ourselves clinging to this mote of dust that is hurtling through the universe, try to lock everyone up into nice neat little boxes that make us comfortable. I am, personally, a bit OCD and I have a tendency to place my dishes into exactly the right place on the shelf, and fold my laundry just so, and do a billion things a day in a very specific way.

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Reading Gaby and....

Wow, so as I mentioned before I've been reading Gaby books in my spare time pretty much nonstop since I came across them a couple weeks ago. I'm not really a very emotional person, but try as I might I'm not Vulcan. My whole life I've always considered emotional expression kind of pathetic, I mean that's even what the word means, Pathos from Greek. I try hard to hide emotions most of the time. My wife is the opposite. I'm sure some of that is biological, but I'm also quite sure that I'm just acting as I've been trained and expected to act as a male.

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A sense of 'what the heck'???

I have two stories being written//edited that are a bit more macabre than my normal fare.
Ok, so on is where the hero/heroine is being stalked and the other is where they are involved with solving the crimes.
The latter one I strted writing in 2013 and is at least 6 parts. The former is something I wrote on a recent flight from Dubai to London.

Then I pick up a book called 'Deja Dead' that features Temperance "Bones" Brennan.

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I think I have something special happening

I dont usually push my own stories, but I think I might be on to something special with my latest story "Mercy".

See, if there is a theme that runs through a lot of my work, it's about what happens after a person has been damaged.

I've explored ideas of healing, of looking for justice, and the power of forgiveness vs the allure of vengeance.

But in my latest, I think I have really hit the jackpot in terms of making the case for Mercy as the best choice.

Or at least that's my hope. Only the readers will decide if I am succeeding.

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Angel O'Hare story

Going through my portable hard drive to clear some of the rubbish we tend to accumulate and found a chapter of a story that Angel asked me to edit for her.
The problem now is what to do with the story, do I just delete it or is there somewhere or someone that is holding Angel's stories.
It seems a shame just to delete the chapter and I do remember her telling me that her stories were being held by somebody

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