Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

A Place By The Sea

I had a particularly bad shift involving yet another transphobic assault, and in my down time the rest of the Ebrahimi story emerged, as linked to in the story comments. Tired, fed up, hormones doing the things they do, I wrote a brutal story in one sitting. Trouble is, all I did was hold a mirror up to the reality of 'welfare' at the moment.

I wept as I typed. Enough said. I cling to my professed faith in family and friends, but then I look at poor Mr Ebrahimi and, well, shit.

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Good news; bad news; good news

Well I got some good news today. I don't have MS. A brain MRI scan came up clean. The bad news is I have virtually no vitamin D in my system (3 ng/ml - minimum needed to not be consider severely deficient is 30-60 ng/ml - depending on who you believe), the lack of which can mimic MS. I am now taking 5000 units of vitamin D a day. Doctor says it will take at least 3 months to get it up to where it needs to be. More bad news - They found that I also have severe multi-layer spinal arthritis, which is causing the weakness in my legs by abrading and compressing the sciatic nerve bundle.

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Should I be worried?

The first chapter of "Mercy" has more kudos than anything i have ever written, by a lot. But each successive chapter has dropped in the number of kudos.

Should I be worried?

Has the story's quality dropped?

Are people frustrated with how long it has been taking me to publish pretty short chapters?

Is the pace not working?

If you kudoed on the first chapter, but havent since, I'd be curious as to why ...

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Great News

Well my muse returned and so you can look out for the next arc of Gaby Book 14 on Kindle later today!

I've also got an electronic version of part 2 for you on Lulu, part 3 will be available there as soon as I can manage it!

Oh and of course there is a new chapter of Book 12 posted here.

So I send you all Seasons Greetings and urge you to look out for a Gabyfest over the 'Twixtmas' period!


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Five years of SEE

I just had a look at "My Stories" and I notice that there is activity all along the line back as far as Chapter 1. So, people are still re-reading it! I admire your stamina.

I also noticed the date I posted the first chapter, 22nd December 2010. Wow, a whole five years! I swear I never intended for it to take this long!

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Selling ebook in Amazon for non-US citizen

Hi all,

Perhaps many of you know that I've been readying Felicia's Second Life for publishing on Amazon. What everyone doesn't know is that I'm wracking my brain trying to understood this whole withstanding tax thing.

It stated there that Amazon will withhold 30% withholding tax for non-US citizens. To overcome this, I need to give my income tax number. The problem is I don't have a tax income number because my income never reach the taxable rate.

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Sorry too late to do Bike tonight.

I got a bit distracted playing with my new BlackBerry playbook (second hand variety) my fingers didn't always do what I wanted them to do, or so it thought. Even so it has a bigger brain than I do, and certainly a bigger memory


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Looking for a story

Looking for a story in which the father buys gifts for his son exactly the same as he buys for her daughter as punishment or something...
I love a story which is unfortunately incomplete with the name Mrs. Cavendish by Paula Hanson on fictionmania. Does anybody know where is the complete version or stories with a theme like that?

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My Writing and win10

I've been working to complete a story that I started years ago and trying to fight off the relentless win10 boogieman. With so many open projects, I don't want to allow that onto my desktop while not knowing how to use win10.

So, I have an aged Toshiba laptop that has been running the upgrade since 9:00PM last night. It is 9:33 AM and it seems to have finished.

What have I done?


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looking for a story

I'm looking for a story. Its about a young man who get's caught trying to return a girl's panties after his friend had stolen them, and the person who caught him turns out to be a witch who turns him into a girl.

Anybody remember the name?

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Of missing muse, markets and all that.

Here we are, 12 days before Christmas, the extreme weather is about and my muse has taken a stroll - it may be gone sometime! Well I hope not but what it'll come up with is anyone's guess.

I might not have been to the German markets this year but I've visited a few around the country instead, Birmingham, York, Lincoln, Leeds and of course Sheffield. I've managed to acquire some gluhwein mugs for the collection, eaten a variety of German goodies, drunk oodles of gluhwein, bought a few prezzies as well as some treats for home!

All in all I'm feeling quite festive.

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Delays in Mother's Child

I've had a rough week. I woke up Monday feeling poorly. Later that day, I fell down the steps to my apartment twice. My knees just turned to jello. My legs have been so weak that I couldn't stand up from a chair without using my arms. I'm stumbling on level ground. My mind feels like I'm drugged. My hands are shaking such that I can barely write this.

Yesterday, I saw the doctor who wants to test me for MS. I am going in for a brain MRI the 27th. Some Christmas present, eh!

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Comment size limit?

This afternoon I notice that a comment I was posting on "Jenny's Story, Ch 6" was having the last paragraph cut off. Is this a temporary issue or is there a space limitation on comment sizes?

If so, a size limitation on comments seems reasonable, I just did not know about it. How about PM's, will they be limited also?


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Looking for a story

Can anyone help please , I'm looking for a story about a young boy who has to stay with friends while his parents fly to a sick parent . The boy has an accident whilst playing in the yard when an elderly neighbour drives into the yard and pins him under the car , the story then revolves around the hospital and the wait for the parents to return which is delayed by 9/11 . I can't remember who it is by or the title just that it is a good read , thanks in anticipation .

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Meltdown Update

Sorry it's so late but real life and being diagnosed with diabetes in this past year and all the resultant changes to life have kind of occupied most of my time for the last while. I had a bout of pneumonia a while back whose infection contributed to pushing my sugars to 29 (normal for most people is between 5 and 8) and my A1C hemoglobin to 16.9 ( normal apparently is under 7). Let alone still doing all of the travel I was before as well as work and looking after my elderly parents who have both had health issues this past year.

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Another Update

While I wait for my creative juices to get flowing again on some of the tales I've left hanging---there is quite a few now, I've decided to dip my toe in the hero ink. I am currently developing a superhero story which will lead into a universe for others to write in as well. Right now I'm only in the early stages of the first story but I hope to get it all done and running soon.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't fallen off the face of the planet or something lol.

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A Holiday Gift

Dear readers, as a Christmas gift, of sorts, to the fans here and as a way of apologizing to all for being such a turd bucket from time to time when commenting here on TS/BC, I have discounted the price of all Kindle books written by myself and Persephone.

The new price, across the board is 3.99 USD per book, which represents a saving on many of the books of up to fifty percent. They are still not prefect. They are, however, good stories that are unique and far ranging.

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News on Nick B

I need to tell you about Nick B.

He's had a bit of a mishap with a circular saw, which came very close to taking his thumb off. He's perfectly alright now, but he's been told in no uncertain terms not to do anything to a) keep his thumb safe and free from infection and b) to allow it to heal properly.

So all wood working is out (which is what got him in this pickle in the first place), as sadly is washing up, making the bed and his favourite pastime of cooking.

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SEE Update

I'm really, really near the end now. Only three chapters to go. Unfortunately, the "little deers" still have the capacity to completely derail my time and energy.

Still, at least they now all have a home they can call their own.

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a quick update

RL has delayed my writing a bit this last few days - that and a vagrant muse, so the expected third arc of the new book may be delayed by a few days.

The good news is that I have plenty of writing time scheduled over the holiday period so with a bit of luck part 4 shouldn't! Be delayed by any significant amount!


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I guess we've seen the last of The Enhanced TRI.

It's been a couple of months since Moongoddess' last posting and I hope she's all right. I know what it's like to write oneself into a corner, or to have real life jump up and smack one in the face, limiting or even stopping a creative process.

Even though I know the story is complete (it's on Amazon and Kindle) My very limited financial resources prohibit me from ordering it on Amazon, and I don't have Kindle access so I'm gonna have to hope that: A. Moongoddess gets through whatever it is that's keeping her from communicating, and B. She can finish posting the story here.

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Misconceptions Reign

As some of you are aware, I have posted "A California Saga" on A good friend who worked for me in the Air Force more than thirty years ago has read all the stories (not from this site) and was quite complimentary. I guess she was one of my Beta Readers that included my daughter, wife's best friend, sister, and all you wonderful readers here at BCTS. The Saga now has it's own spot on Facebook where she was kind enough to write a very nice review. She is right of center as far as her religious leanings are. Here are her comments: "A stunning achievement!

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Can an idea or concept be too dark?

Warning: Wall-O-Text

So, can a story be too dark? You see, I read some stuff from Tigger and some other stories (I don't know why i like 'punishment' stories so much. They usualy make me sad. i guess i'm an emotional masochist) and i thought occured to me.

In stories where a rapist is punished, it's always some random person getting punished by by the victim/victim's family/victim's friends. But I then wondered, 'what if you know the rapist personally'?

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Mother's Child

I've had several inquiries about when the next chapter of Mother's Child will be available.

I'm working on it, but between helping my nephew move into his first home of his own, (Of course everything that could go wrong did. Ahh! the joys of home ownership!), the holidays, and a bad case of writer's block, it's been going slower than I had hoped. I'm shooting for late next week, but don't hold me to that.


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Good news! Bogus Book withdrawn by Amazon

After complaint registered, the book Eric becomes Evelyn has been withdrawn by Amazon. Either than or the B****** perpetrator has got frightened and withdrawn it before any investigation can be conducted.

This book is the same as Erin becomes Evelyn on this site. They have changed Erin to Eric and taken my name illegally to post it on Amazon.

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Someone has stolen my name!

Some utter B****** has stolen my name and has published a book using TANYA ALLAN. If you have bought this book thinking I wrote it... refund it immediately and bad review it. It is called ERIC BECOMES EVELYN and is a rip-off... It is badly written by someone who is using my name to sell it.



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my most recent blog seems to have brought out a lot of anger and negativity that I did not intend. I suppose it was more of a rant than anything that ended up hurting some feelings it seems. I apologize to those whose feelings were hurt and i will strive to avoid it and watch my words in the future.

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Just a quick thank you

Yes thank you to everyone who continues to read my scribbling, writers like to be read and you lot fulfill that need in buckets!

There aren't many comments posted but I take that as positive - there's no controversy or stuff that upsets people.

Would anyone be interested in a Christmas posting?


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Forced Fem

I've been working on a new story for months. I've pushed and shoved the plot and characters through several massive rewrites. Nothing seems to work. I know it will find its way out of me at some point and the effort is the joy/

Along the line I started to think about forced feminization stories. Is it possible those of us who have struggled with being transgender have tried to put a face on our compulsion through these stories? I know that my feminine compulsion has been the single most consistent driving force in my life. Nothing else comes close to matching it.

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Lost in text

Ugh, it's a universal constant that a good story sticks in your head. The problem is that sometimes the pertinent details don't stick around as well. Yanno, little things like author, which website, title, etc.. The bits that tend to make a difference in re-locating a particularly bright jewel.

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placing your books in bookstores

There may be an inside track for authors who wish to be published.
It won't be easy to get there and your story telling has to appeal to those as an intended target
Publishers Weekly
Chinese online retail giant Dangdang to open 1000 bookstores in 3 years | CRI

For those who already understand the ins and outs of publishing in paper format it will tough enough getting a foot in the door. Others who have only published via the web such as Amazon and like, a steep learning curve will be required.

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