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Serious SF/F which explores gender???

If you have a recommendation about great speculative fiction which explores gender in some way, please send the recommendation to the Tiptree Award jury. They’re reading now for works first published (as a book -- or possibly an e-book) in 2015 only.

James Tiptree, Jr., as you may or may not know, was a woman.

Wikipedia Entry:

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The Enhanced TRI and Moongoddess

First of all, I hope Moongoddess is okay. Secondly, will there be any more of The Enhanced TRI posted? The story is so good, but I'm more worried about Moongoddess than I am about the story.

Here's hoping all is okay with her.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Looking for an Editor

Well, I'm looking for an editor to help me out before I start posting my current project to the site. I'm keeping the project under wraps for right now, since I want to have enough written to post on a more consistent basis. But, I need an editor to help me out. Is there anyone out there willing to help me out?

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Best laid plans

And all that!

4 more chapters of the new Gaby book are in the can this week but that leaves me three short of completing the second arc and putting it out. With nothing really standing in my way this coming week I should manage to have it ready for next weekend for the impatient amongst you.

That's pretty good for me, only a week later than planned!

Of course tomorrow you can look forward to reading another chapter from book 12, chapter twenty.


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A Love So Bold

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

I am so thankful that I have finally gone back through the edit's and FINISHED with A Love So Bold. It is amazing to me that my editor JP has read through my book not once...not twice, but three times. I myself have probably been through it at least six times since I have written it. It is officially done and I am slowly posting it here online. Each time I post it, I re-read it again just to be certain that it is flowing smoothly. This story is a true labor of love and has gobbled up much of my free time.

Many here would probably agree that unless you write, a person can't really fathom how much of an author's soul goes into a much it becomes an extension of yourself. This story was that way with me. I'm just happy and thankful that it has turned out as well as it did. I appreciate everyone who has read and commented on it, hopefully you will continue and enjoy it to the end. If anything, I hope it helps people forget about their daily troubles if for only a little while.

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Writing short stories

I love short stories, reading them and writing them. They have a very varied spectrum in terms of type and genre, as much as any other form of writing or story. They might describe an entire event, or the impact on just one individual. They can reflect just a moment in time from a lifetime of events, which is my favourite sort to write. They don't have a build up just an event, or an encounter and they're over - gone; leaving us to work out what happened before and after, which may or may not be what the writer intended.

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Thank You

For just having been posted for a few days the responses to "The Heart of the Beholder" and "The Narragansett Fork" on Amazon have been very encouraging. "The Narragansett Fork" could use reader response, if someone would be so kind. The story is one of my favorites because it introduces Fanny and Musetta. I'll be posting "Musetta's Waltz" soon.


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I am bringing Half-Term break up to date

Well as some of you may have noticed I am bringing Alex and Chris & my Gaby fanfiction up to date. Some of these were put on Maddy’s site which appears to be down. So I thought I better bring the stories on this site up to date. I will be trying to post daily until I go into hospital. If there is a gap then it will be most likely I have had surgery on my arm and shoulder. Sharphawlad

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Sci-fi book with mild TO element

I just finished a book called "Figment" by Marco Guarda. It's a pretty fair piece of science fiction in its own right. Icing on the cake for me was mild TG element. Not so much cross-dressing, per se as feminine emotional reactions and actions as a result on implanted woman's memories. Good book.

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Football Girl ...

Burly footballers are left reeling by rival's incredible skills on the pitch - when 'he' removes wig and make-up to reveal she's a woman

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Does this remind anyone of a couple of the stories on BCTS?



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A Lost Tail

I have lost a tale. Or a tail. Either I am more confused than I thought I was, or I make up fantastic stories during the rest of my 3 - 4 hours of sleep left me after enduring the regular nightmares I have to put up with every night, These nightmares are things that were caused by my being at age two caught up in a horrible war - we lived then in the east end of London, and before we were evacuated because the house we lived in had a bomb fall on it and it fell to bits and I had to be dug free from the wreckage.

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Chapter 2 of Welcome to Windy City is mostly complete...

... but damn, it need revision. Lots of revision, as it turns out. Chapter 2, Scene 1 is more-or-less done. Scene 2 is cut completely - I may or may not restore it, but I think it is superfluous. Currently editing Scene 3, but with relatively fewer critique, finding and fixing the problematic part is more difficult. Same with the rest of the writing.

I think it is prudent to have more test readers, so.. anyone is up to it?

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The Heart of the Beholder

I'll be asking Erin to unpublish "The Heart of the Beholder" in a week or two, as I will be publishing it on Amazon Kindle under the name I was born with. It was the first piece of fiction I ever wrote. I have always felt it was worth publishing mainstream; however, it did need a lot of work. Holly Hart was the first to tackle the horrid proofing I did in those days. I'm a bit better now. I'll leave it up to give the readers a chance to copy it if they desire.

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Found My Dream ...

It used to break my heart that I am not a popular writer here, and last night sorting through some old papers I happened upon the results of an old MAPPS test I took back in 2003 after I had become disabled from falling down a manhole that I was working in.

In reading the results of the test, it became clear that I have realized my dream, and am doing exactly what I am suited for. Briefly the results said that I am gifted in literary, and communication. Later the results say that I am an educator that loves to explain and teach.

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ha, I am looking for a story ...

The story starts in the 1960's and involves a long "lady" who runs away from home and finds life .... She meets a detective and his wife who run a motel and she becomes a detective/military ... Jump, emt ..... and eventually becomes an officer in the Airforce.

Any help?

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2602 Chapters Ago

I saw today that someone had left a new comment on Episode 173 of EAFOAB, so, out of curiosity, I called up the whole string of comments and found a very lively, witty, and erudite exchange about discussions and quotations from such luminaries as Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, et al... and even Elvis.

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I need some advice for the next Atalanta book

I am working on the third book now and in this one I left open the possibility of Atalanta taking the Theater class. I can "see" some fun in her as well as myself learning the stage and plays. But I'm ignorant about the whole production angle, the plays, and even the costumes.I don't know enough to ask what I don't know. But one of the questions are what plays are used in high school and which of those could contribute to any sort of mayhem?

Because with her something unexpected always happens.

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Thank You

To everyone who has supported Gaby by buying the latest volume - you've made the Wunderkind a winner again - she's number 1 in kids sport books ahead of literally dozens of horsey novels!

So thank you again, the next arc is under way which will be much more adventuresome than the first bit!. I hope you're enjoying it, it's quite a challenge writing in three languages!


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At the risk of being redundant, MOONGODDESS!

I've grown more and more concerned about you. Please let us know that you are okay? If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to message me. You can even call me on skype at Cathy_t_. If you've tried to do that under a different or male name, I don't accept skype messages from males unless I know them from some other venue.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Keep Carla in Prayers Please

Please keep Carla Ann, my editor and closest friend in your prayers. I have been swamped with real life this week and was getting worried I hadn't heard from her... Yesterday she texted me and told me she had a stroke about a week ago not long after she must have just written me. She's an amazing friend and I hope she bounces back quickly from this!

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El Goonish Shive pointing out a rarely used GB sub-trope


Today Dan Shive posted a comic on his EGS:NP section that was very funny, and was a scene, dealing with the gender bending genre that is rarely mentioned, let along discussed.

The comic can be found here:

I found that comic to be hilarious.

The scene dealt with that two gender benders, in their female forms, not having any body hair, with the natural girl being clearly jealous for them not having to shave their legs, among other things.

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Shakes My Doubting Head

It happened again!

After a very busy RL phase when I have had limited access to a computer, I am once more back into my regular routine.

So far, I have posted up to #55 of my 'background' tale to Penny's S E E.

I have the next three episodes in varying stages of completion, and Penny and I have been in touch about the tie-ins between these and her tale.

This made me re-read #55 to add some stuff into my #56.

Despite at lease five read throughs before posting it, and other pairs of eyes too, I today spotted two minor typos in #55.

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Looking for a story

I can't remember the name of it or the characters. I remember a couple lives across the way from an older woman who turns out to be a witch. She feeds the man herbal tea that over time mutates his soul so it resembles her body and no longer fits his own. Eventually he feels extremely broken down and she uses a kiss or mouth to mouth to swap their souls.

Familiar to anyone? I have been trying all sorts of search variations here and FM and striking out.



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A Heads Up

I've finished writing the first part of Gaby Book 14 and as has become habit it will be available via Kindle and Lulu from Sunday, yes the 25th of October!

Overall i'm running a little behind schedule but not so much I can't catch up! The next segment should be @ 3 weeks away so after a long wait there will be a quick succession of Gabyness for the fans, I hope it's worth waiting for!

The completed book is still due over Christmas / New Year and with a following wind I might have the next Nena out about the same time - it's 2/3rds written already.

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Please challenge me

I'm really annoyed today for lots of different reasons, and I can't really concentrate on work or the stories already in progress.

So to get my head in order, I'm asking for some challenges and ideas.
If you can please give me one or more of the following:
1) a really strange plot hook, 1 to 2 sentences.
2) three or more things, settings, locations, characters, etc, that don't seem to fit together.
3) a single sentence, the stranger the better, that has to be properly used in the story.

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To Sleep, Perchance to Dream - New story release at Crystal Hall

Ok... first thing. Go find a box of tissues. Bring them to wherever you plan to read. I'll wait.

Tissues ready? Good. You're going to need them. I certainly did, when I first read this in drafts and again while editing.


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I might not have been to Interlaken

this time but the reason for delay in posting was a trip to Switzerland by yours truly last weekend! Quite fitting really and although I had a fun weekend it was nothing like Gaby's adventures!

DSCN0341 (2).JPG
Historic tram in Basel last Sunday!

I know I keep saying it but regular postings should resume again now, at least for a few weeks!

In other news, Book 14 part 1 will hopefully be ready next weekend so look out for the announcement.


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Favor from those publishing stories!

I am not one to complain about things that I can't control and WILL not complain about the BC authors and the publishing of their work. BUT, I do have a suggestion to those which do have their work published and post the information here at BC. Could you PLEASE post a price or at least an estimate of the cost per title for each title! My idea will allow people to set aside the money even if it's a little bit each week to be able to purchase the works of their favorite author at that site.

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