I do apologise, as this has taken me far longer than I anticipated. I normally research my books, just to ensure that I am reasonably accurate with what's happening, but the research for this one took me to extreme lengths.
I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book - MARINE 2 - A very Unusual Roman.
For those experts into Roman history, and specifically the Emperor Trajan's Dacian wars in the years 102 - 106 AD, please note - I have tried to keep it as authentic as I can, but I have taken a little licence to give a rollicking good read!
I understand that if you go through the site here then BCTS get a small remuneration, so I am not placing the links in this message, thereby forcing you to go through this site to help with the funding. Erin has already got the book in an advert in the HOME PAGE. Please use it!
The good news is that Book 3 is already completed and is being edited as I write this, so it will be out soon. Book 4 has only just begun, so will be a while.
Amazon US: Marine 2
Amazon UK: Marine 2
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
The background was good, well written
I do wish that Layla/Ed did not pong on about Men/Women being the 'natural' way of things. Men are definitely not worth the trouble in my perspective, as it was so mentioned in the novel, but hey it is the 'natural' way *rolls eyes* It is the male mindset more than the body necessarily that bothers me the most.