The Crush: Aaaaaaand the winner is!....

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After much deliberation (read: checking the votes page,) a winner and runners up for our mini-contest "The Crush" have been determined!

It's been a close race, folks. A lot closer than i'd feared it would be at the start, and our top 3 stories in terms of Kudos represent both stories from early in the submission period and even some from near the end. Everyone who went out of their way to vote for their favorites, thank you.

Naturally, I voted for every single one, just to keep things fair.

As of 8:30 PM CST, though, I feel it is time to crown our official winner. and that winner is... drumroll please....

The Crush: Patty's Dilemma, by Patricia Marie Allen!

Congrats, Patricia! Thanks to your hard work, you have earned a most excellent prize: a ONE YEAR subscription to the Hatbox, giving you access to all the site's premium content you could want! With 119 votes you eked out the lead.

But wait? Is there more? We had two more entries that came awful close to Patricia's story in votes, both of which have 116 kudos each as of the time of posting this. Those entries are....

The Crush: Opposite + Coming Out Day, by Sigh


The Crush: Connecting, by Dawnfyre

Good job, ladies! Qmodo mentioned in our last contest blog that they would donate a quarterly sub to each of the top two runners up, and those be you!

For our top placers, the next step is simple: Patricia, if she doesn't contact you then please contact Erin to let her know of your supreme victory. Sigh and Dawnfyre, to claim your prizes, simply contact Qmodo to discuss details.

Let me be clear about one thing. EVERY story submitted was, in my books, a winner. Everyone worked hard on their submissions, and I read every last one of them, even if I didn't have time to comment on every one. Writing for competitions, especially on as tight of a deadline as we had here, is a tough feat to manage, and not only did every entry meet the requirements fully, but every person who submitted gave their all, giving us sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always enjoyable tales.

Thank you, everyone.

Melanie E.

PS: Next month: prepare for an adventure as we embark on another competition! This one I'll give more time on, though. Announcements of my next competition will be made near the end of this month, so watch this space!

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