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Looking to Contact these Authors! (address corrected)

I've been trying to contact four of the authors from my website, Sapphire's Place, and any help you all can give would be great!
While I have their stories, and at one time, had working email addresses for them, I've has a HD crash ( or two ) since then, and I don't have a CURRENT working way to get in touch with them.
I can understand not sharing their contact info, if you have it, but if that is an issue, please, PLEASE have them contact me!

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New Forsythe chapter for "Away of the Summer"

I am so happy to be able to make another announcement so soon after my last one!

Late last night, I received the latest chapter from Forsythe of his story " Away for the Summer", his hit new Age Regression story!

You can find a link to it from our NEW page at:

and while you there check out the other great authors from out " Features Authors Page at:

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Harper Lee -- Or Not

A few months ago it was announced that Harper Lee had decided to publish anther book.

I was so excited I signed up with Amazon for first day delivery, because To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my all time favorites.

Before I had a chance to read the book I started to hear negatives remarks, but I was in no way prepared for the amateurish writing in Go Set a Watchman.

Either –

1.) Harper Lee was blessed with one hell of a good editor for Mockingbird, or,
2.) She didn’t write Watchman.

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For the curious, an update.

Yep. I'm still here. I check the site every day, in fact, though I've been quite remiss in my commenting.

Work is keeping me thrashed. Writing is, as a result, going slow. With luck the more I get used to the former the better I'll do at the latter. Until that time, though, sorry for the delay on any and all projects I've been working on, though just so everyone's up to date...

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Looking for a verb - an Anmarian connection

The plan:

Sit down with my laptop, taking into account the sunlit balcony and flagons of tea, then prepare #48 for posting, #49 for final editing, #50 for filling out the story outlines into the first draft

The actuality:

Get dragged off to IKEA, buy furniture for the balcony a little less sizable than the bulky 12 year-old table we have been using, spend hours opening cardboard boxes and then screwing, banging and erecting.


Was I:

- IKEAd?
- Flat-packed?
- Swedish ambushed?

Or is there a better verb for this?

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Something New

I haven't been in a Clownfish mood lately. Partially because I have too many ideas on how I want to go forward and partially because its kinda boring me right now to write it. So I'm gonna take a break from it and try writing something else to get my mind back into writing it. I will finish it but until then I have something else that's been nagging at me for a while now.

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Forsythe joins Sapphire's Place!

I am so happy and very proud to announce that Forsythe has joined that other greats on Sapphire's Place!

Forsythe has become known for his great Age Regression stories, and we look forward to his new chapters of his exciting story " Away for the Summer ", with many more on the way!

You can read his work at his Featured Author page over on Sapphire's Place, and we hope that this is the start of lots of newer authors joining the greats already there!


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No more Gaby....

....until I get back from my hols! Indeed the next posting will be in September so once again I offer you 2 chapters to tide you over.

There is something missing from the last few chapters - the illustrations! Sorry about that, I seem to be crap at putting this stuff in so if anyone fancies a go, be my guest (hint, hint!)

So me and Nena are off on our jollies on Tuesday, collecting stories, trying new food, visiting new places along the Dutch and German Fresian coast - hopefully i'll be able to post pictures etc when I get back.


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I seem to have put my self -- or my characters -- in a dilemma in a couple of the stories posted here.

A lead character is transformed into a female by a woman with vast magical powers. She has rather slutty sex. Then she's told by the woman who transformed her that she can try to act in a less slutty manner, but that such behavior has become part of her nature, and that she can never become a male again.

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been out tonight

Only just got back from my leaving do - scampi n chips and a game of skittles - we do things in such high style in darkest Dorset. Actually my house looks like a florist's shop but the scents are delightful and my colleagues gave me a nice contribution towards the microscope I want to buy to dissect owl pellets.

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Only a hundred years ago ....

How quickly fashion changes ....

At the turn of the 20th century, Dressmaker Magazine wrote: 'The preferred colour to dress young boys in is pink. Blue is reserved for girls as it is considered paler, and the more dainty of the two colours, and pink is thought to be stronger (akin to red).'

As late as 1927, Time magazine reported that Princess Astrid of Belgium had been caught out when she gave birth to a girl, because 'The cradle…had been optimistically outfitted in pink, the colour for boys.'

Source:The 'QI' website.

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Crossdressing, comedy and the experience of being transgender

I have written about crossdressers so far because although I empathize with transgendered individuals and their experiences, I am not transgendered and I feel that any attempt to write from that perspective runs the risk of being patronizing and false. I'm certainly willing and able to write from a perspective other than my own but for some reason I see certain points of view as being difficult or impossible to approach.

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My newest story...

For many years a story idea had been mulling around in my head. The idea was based on a family traveling upon the Oregon Trail. Around June of 2014, I began to dabble with the formulation of the story and as it took off, I wrote as often as I could.

In January of 2015 I had 'finished' it and sent it off to my most trusted Editor, JP. He went through it one time, sent it back and I tweaked it and resent it to him for another go around. The story has gone through at least three 'tweaks' since it was first written.

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TRI chapters 22 and 23 are up

My apologies for leaving you all on a cliffhanger last week. It seems that shortly after blogging about mood disorders, my brain decided to be a witty MF and dragged me down into a week of the deep dark. I posted two chapters today by way of an apology, and to assure you all that i am regaining my footing, so to speak.
Diana M. Howe, Moongoddess at Large


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Atalanta School Days; An Explanation

I wrote this story about 5 years ago and it was my first attempt but then I wrote Atalanta's origin story which took well over a year to finish. Some things in this story had to be changed to fit what happened in that story. I wrote two versions one with Team Kimba and one with new characters and is the reason there are no dates listed; it is inferred.

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The Cynthia Chronicles

Grimm City Girl asked for a list of the stories in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Here it is if anyone else is interested. The series starts with An Incremental Journey. I have changed that to Cynthia and the Incremental Journey but haven't changed the title here. Here's the full list in approximate chronological order. This is not necessarily in the order written.

Volume 1 of the Cynthia Chronicles

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college girlfriend

looking for another story don't know I saw it here . it a teen boy who going on the other side of the country to go to collage . to get away from his controlling mother. when he get there found that he was giving a room in the females dorm because his name could been for both so as he was unpacking his room mate came in he didn't know at the time he was in the wrong dorm. it went from there she help him out dressing up as a girl. things where good for him till his mother show up. come to find out the girl came from old money. I thing she starting giving him homes.

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Floating an idea

I'm now semi-retired so will only be working about ten days a week, though this week I'm on holiday - well having a new central heating boiler fitted and someone coming to give me a quote for new external doors and having the car checked out, oh and the dentist tomorrow afternoon - apart from that, I'm not doing anything except perhaps sleeping.

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yet another story search

Well, here I am again, looking for a story.

It was about the parents of a young child, who they think may be trans, and they've decided to give the child the choice of wearing girl clothes or boy clothes.

It ends with the parents waiting to see what the child decides.

Anybody know what story I'm talking about?

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too many on the back-burner

This is odd but here is a one time offer. I came up with this idea after seeing a very old movie, I have too many concepts waiting right now to pursue it. this could be great for the back-to-school contest or just on your own. the concept will require knowledge of street racing. This offer is first-come, first-served. I will not use this concept if someone wants it. send me a message and I'll give you the rundown I have.

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Felicia's Second Life Map #1

Hi everyone.

As the first book is almost over (only 1 chapter left and 3 side stories), I've decided to spend some time making the map for Felicia's Second Life.

Hopefully with this, my readers can imagine the world easier. Please take note that there may be revisions to this map in the future, but this should give a rough idea of where things go.

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Silver Wings and making a fool of myself

well there we go, first chapter posted, after I managed to humiliate myself by posting the summary as the body. So yay me, making an idiot of myself. Anyways Monica Rose was a massive help in all of this and I can see myself relying on her quite heavily throughout all of this.

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Delay in the next chapter of Felicia's Second Life

Hi everyone.

First of all, thank you to everyone who commented and sent me mails regarding my stories. I'm sorry that I've been unable to reply to all of them as I'm currently so full if ideas I'm having a headache.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Hi all,

here is a little heads-up on developments.

The next (and final) part of the (my) Chivan tales will be posted in the next few days. Naturally, it stops at the start of the post-Chivan era, so if any of you want to pen some tales to fill in the two great missing swathes of time, then there will be plenty of scope - the time after the Chivans when the Empire came into being, the hangover of which gave rise to the different countries in Garia's time, and the different ruler's titles! Of course, there are also opportunities for many more tales set in Chivan times.

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Silver Wings

so thank you to Monica Rose for her indispensable help in getting Silver Wings kickstarted. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on track as I write this thing. It's going to be my attempt to tackle and dismantle some of the tropes in TG fiction that bother the hell out of me. I will also be trying to show that good intentions do not a good outcome make, nor are they warrant for forgiveness. Simply put, sometimes even the best of intentions can end in complete disaster and your victim has the right to accept or refuse any apology.

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Looking for a story

I am looking for a story I read a couple of years ago. I'm not sure whether it was here or on FM. The story was about an alien invasion. Men (and women?) were taken aboard the alien ship and converted mentally and physically by a plant in a chamber making them very compliant, however, not all were made incapable of mentally resisting. A revolt is eventually made on the mothership. That's about all I can remember. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

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No stories lately

Due to circumstances beyond my control (namely kids off for the summer), I haven't been able to do much writing lately. So hopefully by the end of August, I'll start having some time to write with one back in school and the other out of town at college. I have several projects languishing, and some new ones I want to start, plus I want to get a novel published.

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