Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

My dear Big Closet family

It is my happy duty to inform you that the author known as Scott Ramsey is no more. He has been replaced, by me!

As I've been telling everyone who will listen tonight, this online community is the only place I will ever be me, so it's just plain silly to not have MY name on my stories. I hope you all are as happy for me as I am. I feel ... reborn. Maybe it's silly, but hey, I'll take it!

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A plea to all for JulieO

I have just exchanged emails with my friend, Itinerant, and we are both very concerned. As many of you are probably aware, it has been over a year since Julie O last posted a story. I can't claim that Julie and I are friends, but we did share an editor in AmeliaR, we have exchanged numerous emails, and she graciously gave me permission to set a story within the Julieverse. She has always responded to my emails promptly in the past, but that hasn't been the case for almost a year. Itinerant informed me that their last contact was May of last year, when Julie sent a new story for editing.

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Okay so this week things have got pretty weird. Let me try to explain. Last week the bosses at work decided to move the contents of our 2 adjacent stores around - in a major reorganisation which effectively moved me from the store i've worked in for over a decade to the other premises. Well after stuff has settled at least.
Then yesterday afternoon the boss asked to see me and offered me a new job. They must have been reading my mind, it's Monday to Friday no stupid late shifts and a move from sales to stock control.

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I Have

By devious means managed to publish the Gaby Character Guide on Kindle using just my BlackBerry! It should be available in a couple of hours if anyone is interested - just search for either Maddy Bell or Gaby Character Guide and it should come up.

I'm hoping to get it onto Lulu as well but might have to wait until the new internet connection is up and running in @ 10 days time - likewise the next Gaby chapter.

Please note - i've pitched it at the lowest price that Kindle allow!

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I know I was MIA and I'm Sorry

I wanted to write an apology to everyone who has been supportive of my writing for the last 11 years. Real Life for the last 2 years has been hectic. Early in 2013 I had 6 months of dealing with a chronic acute gall bladder infection caused by stones. Gall bladder had to be removed. After that, I re-wrote FatIT as Tenjin for general consumption and promptly hit a dry spell that stymied both recreational and professional writing. I'm so, so, sorry FatIT Part 6 is taking so long to produce; I am at least as frustrated as anyone that it's not out there right now being read.

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Look out

Later today for a new Gaby publication - Gaby Character Guide.

It's jam packed with illustrations depicting many of the main characters from the main series, covering the first 13 books. There's also a quick synopsis of the Gaby fanfiction as well as some information on locations and the Bond family tree.

So providing I can get an internet connection i'll post more details latert today.


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Just Another Gettysburg Moment

My latest story just fell into the abyss (off the front page).

It was an average story for me, in that it took about two months to write with considerable research. It received what has become my normal reception, with 111 kudos, 6 comments and 2,966 hits.

I assume about half my hits are unique readers since the story ran over 15k words and isn't easily read in one casual sitting.

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Not about money

As many people know, a good portion of my titles are sold through Amazon. Because of a review on OEM (in the UK), I was forced to not keep my stories on site for long periods of time. Though I sell my books, I am not the heartless bastard people make me out to be. For those who can't afford to buy books on Amazon (I don't need to know the reason, just be honest about the need) all you have to do is send me an email requesting a title and give me an email where I can send it to.

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Felicia's flagship

Ok, so those reading my new story, Felicia's Second Life may be aware of how Felicia's turning everything upside down with her 'inventions'. In chapter 4, she will be introducing another 'invention' that would look like Eiffel Tower to these backward people. No, there's no actual tower involved.

In chapter 4, she will build ships. It starts with a cog, then larger ships. Let's talk about the largest ship.

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I Was Right and Wrong

In 2005 I wrote "Renaming a Highway" that came to Big Closet in 2007. I was right about the problems of race and sexuality when I wrote, "Same shit, different decade." I was wrong when I wrote, " There still some embers, but Mississippi is no longer burning," referring to the 1988 movie, Mississippi Burning The flame of hate is throughout the U. S. We are all to blame. In the end the Romeo and Juliet character Mercutio was right, "Don't ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


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posting, Gabycon and the future

Sorry that there isn't a Gaby chapter this week, my borrowed internet connection no longer works so that's probably it from me.

It's also occurred to me that the new site is actually no advance over the original in that I still won't be able to upload updates. So whilst i'm grateful to those who've been working on it it's something of a Dodo as far as i'm concerned.

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Boo-hoo, I Got Bad Comments

Last night, I read the first few chapters of J.K. Rowling's book, The Casual Vacancy. I know I'm three years late, but my stack of books to read is more ambitious than I am.

While I worked through the pages it occurred to me that the book had a LOT of characters and was written to appeal to someone who likes character-driven novels. Being character-driven restricts her audience from the majority who prefer plot-driven books.

Out of curiosity I checked Amazon this morning.

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Back-flips and oops

In my story When tales come true, I have found many things I would do differently. I got a wild hair and took a chance. As you will see in chapter 12 the main Gal takes a back-flip through time due to a accident. This is my way of redoing 3 1/2 chapters while leaving what I have already posted alone. I hope you all like my Chapter called You never know. to be put up today some time.

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My Confession – I plagiarized

It all started back in 2000. That was the very first time I posted a story on one of the sites. It was fictionmania and I posted “The Wishing Blanket.” It was only three parts, though I intended it to be more (blue screen of death killed the fourth installment and I never could get it back again). The response was immediate and it was positive. For a person like me it was better than drugs and sex combined. I lived for praise, and, to be honest, I still do.

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Concerning "Duty Calls"

Hi Everyone;

For those of you who have given up on seeing the completion of "Duty Calls"...

A recent comment attached to chapter 40 of "Duty Calls" prompted me to send a PM in answer. After some thought I felt I should also post a blog to let you know where things stand.

The story is still "in the works" so to speak. My own work has sidetracked me for this past year and appears to be prepared to continue that at least for the rest of this one.

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BOM B5V1Ch02 posted on reused page. This blog post is to prevent confusion.

I decided to reused a previous series page that I created a few days ago, and did not need. So, I decides to just use to post chapter 02 of Book 5 Volume 1 for my on-going stories series.

I am posting this because, due to me reusing it, it does not show up on the main page.

And I do not want people to be lost, wondering why they did not see B5V1Ch02 on the main page, when I post chapter 03.

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The future of Bike

As we roll on towards 2700 episodes I'd once again like to ask if the readers want me to continue writing this saga. I know some of you really enjoy it, I also appreciate it's become almost a fixture of BC and I get emails if I miss two in a row without stating why.

I presume Erin is happy for me to continue cluttering up her hard drives and I'd like to thank her for her continued support.

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I never thought I'd ask this

I never in all my life thought I'd ask for this, but as I'm clearly out of options I figure, what the hell. Might as well try it.

What most of you may not know is I used to have a plethora of stories that I wrote up until at 21 years of age I had a massive amnesia happen. And now I haven't been able to write a single new decent story. I've not been happy with any of them so I keep throwing them away. I got plenty of ideas, (my muse is always giving me ideas, but she's evil so....) but I just cant get them off the ground.

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I want to thank everyone who has taken the time and effort to read my offering "When Winding Paths Meet". To be honest, I'm totally blown away by the number of Kudos that I'm getting.

I've had a lot of time this week to devote to the story, and I hope that before Monday evening, I can add Post 4. Stay tuned, because there is A LOT to this story. Surprising twists will keep happening as events unfold over the next several (story) years.

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Not sure if

Not sure if the following are parts of the same story or parts of two different stories, either way I can't remember title/s or author/s

1. teacher goes ballistic in class, and student who is hearing impaired, and has permission to record lessons for later, records all insults from the teacher.
Later the teacher resigns after hearing her ranting at the school board meeting.

2. Brother or cousin is given a book containing a hidden recording device (I think by a detective firm employed by the family) and records a teacher making insults.

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Velocipede failure

Sorry folks got home so late from work tonight that I don't have time to scribble the next episode of Bike - hence the title of the blog. Still, that'll give some of the other authors a chance. Hopefully, things will be back to normal (whatever that is) tomorrow.

Of course you could always have an early night...


Angharad & Bonzi & Whizz.

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Does anyone know what happened with Darkside?

Darkside is, as some might know, the author of The Cursed and the Fury Saga. In a foreword to The Cursed, Darkside stated that this would be the last TG story written by him. That was in 2002. Since then, Darkside finished re-writes to chapters one and two of the Fury Saga in 2004 and since then... nothing.

The stories are so well done and complicated beyond belief that nothing _I_ have ever written even holds as much as a candle to the mind that conceived and wrote them. How did we ever lose track of such an inventive mind such as Darkside?

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My take on the Gabyverse

With the Gabycon visiting Dorset again next month, I thought I'd better re read the three books I did about our favourite racing cyclist. I have still to do a concluding chapter for the final one and I'm working on that at the moment.

For those new to my version of the Gabyverse, the first of my books is: Drew Goes South. (Also available in dead tree format as Gaby Heads South, from Lulu)

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Help Wanted

I'm writing a short series of stories where the action is based in a fictional US State somewhere near Colorado/Nebraska/S. Dakota.

If there is anyone here who knows the area and/or importantly knows how a County Police Department works then I would be most grateful to hear from you if you are willing to help me get my stories right.


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Finally--A Karin Bishop Website!

Karin Bishop Books It's live now, and the links all seem to work. I have yet to see if the mobile version is working, though. If you try out the website, please let me know what you think, especially any difficulties or criticisms, so I can take 'em back to the designer to fix. (I already think he's got some of the text too big but maybe it's my display).

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Tales of Anmar

Tales of Anmar

Penny Lane and Julia Phillips are going to have to spend a lot of time collaborating.

Julina of Blackstone has a group going to the wedding i guess one more post for that.

Prince Torulf needs to be dwelt with at least one post for that.

then i think it will take some time to get the next chapters out.

grins would not want to see to really good authors having a cat fight

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Got a nice compliment

Well, having had success with sharing "Dear God", I thought I would share something else with one of the people at my church.

So I sent him a copy of "The hem of His garment". His response?

"Dorothy, what a powerful and amazing story. I was riveted and moved. You wrote this? Wow!'

I might just start a happy dance ...

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My story "Moonlight".

I've been talking with my Military Shrink about MPD, and realized that perhaps allowing the killer out to play would be healthy.

I'm editing this to make the TG element stronger, and intend to add an indeterminate number of chapters following. My muse has directed that this story will take an astonishing change in direction.

Look for additional chapters of "Moonlight".

Khadijah Gwen

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Book 12 chapter 3 & Gabycon

So the race goes on, read chapter three today!

Gabycon isn't far away, for those planning on attending over the weekend we'll try to get a programme out next week. If you are coming to Friday dinner can you please confirm with me so we know how many to book for.


oh and I've started work on Gaby Book 14 today!

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I originally sent this to Erin. But she said I ought to send this to the group as a blog.

(She is probably too busy now. Duh. [Sorry Erin])


There are a number of good writers here, and I suspect at least a few of them would like to see their work turned into a movie. I also suspect that we have some here people who have talents that are needed to make a movie.

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