Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

Up date for KOD and Embarcing Justice

One trans-Atlantic red eye flight of nine hours seven hundred and sixty five dollars. A seven hour layover in Ney York, at JFK. Three hour flight to Atlanta Ga two hundred and eighteen dollars, another layover of three hours. Finally a one hour and forty-five minute flight to Myrtle Beach SC one hundred and seven dollars. A fifteen minute ride to the house. Home at last after two weeks overseas and being able to writ the next chapters of KOD and Embracing Justice Priceless. I should have the new chapters for both stories posted within the next few days.

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I had an idea

I had an idea earlier today. One of the problems with the way that I'm writing at the moment is that it's one story from two viewpoints in two series!! So, to keep Tammy's story as contiguous as possible I've added a diary to cover the gaps.

On a related note, I have my son in town at the moment so normal writing time is being given over to family matters. This is causing delays to Unaccounted Gains. Apols.


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No Bike tonight

A variety of distractions seem to have conspired to prevent me scribbling tonight, phone calls, puter problems - hopefully sorted but very time consuming. It seems the closer I get to retiring the more life throws at me and usually the more stressed I get. Oh well, tomorrow I hope will be more normal but at least I did get a bike ride this morning (on the bike shown below) and a toasted teacake.


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Scott Free, Final Part

Just posted the last part of Scott Free. That should be obvious to those who visit this site. I am very pleased with the positive response the story has had to this point. This was not the feel good story like Mike and Ashley was; however, the ending is just as feel good. Real life is difficult. There are nasty SOBs out there, and unfortunately, there always will be. Unfortunately, this story is realistic. At least, I think it is, and that is so unfortunate. How many children are physically or psychologically beaten because they are different and don't conform to the norm?

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Victory - for the transgender community (it rhymes)

A few months ago I began a quest. A quest to make transgender fiction less marginalized and give it the respect that it deserves. A quest to show that transgender fiction is not only about erotica and men being turned into sex starved bimbos that live only as caricatures of what a woman is. The goal was to make Amazon recognized that there were far more genres that transgender literature fit into outside of erotica and biographies.


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Help...inspiration in terms of a story

I'm looking at writing a story and I already have an idea for an ending and the beginning with a bit more(I really feel it could be good). I guess I'm pondering how to develop in between point A and B.
I'm not that author who has a muse like a few of you describe. I don't have tons of words and a beautiful scripted dialogue that just flows out of me. It's just not terribly easy for me. I would really like some tips in how possibly to develop supporting characters. Some suggestions on possibly being able to let the dialogue flow out...and naturally at that.

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Hey everyone! Cathy gave me a good talking to so here I am with some explanations. These last few months my commenting and generally being part of the BC community has dropped off.

I'm one of those who has problems with migraines and I've been wrestling with them off and on for years. These last few months they've been particularly troublesome. My visit to my doctor gave me a good bill of health despite the fact my head felt like it was shorting out.

Giving this I've been working on identifying and avoiding 'triggers' so that's been taking up most my energies.

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To Those Who Said To Hold Off Posting My Summer Vacation Story

I just have to say . . . good call.

It's coming along, but at this point I don't think I'll finish it in time for the contest. Not because I don't know where to take it, but because it's not the most important writing project I have right now.

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Twice I've been distracted while writing by having friends phone who needed to talk, tonight was the second. I'm sorry but I've run out of time - a combination of working too many hours and being a good listener (when awake). I shall endeavour to get back into normal production over the weekend. I'm also hoping to get back on a bike as I haven't ridden for about a month.

Thanks for your patience, I hope it will be worth it.


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Scott Free - New Story

Just posted the first part of five of Scott Free. The story involves a character briefly mentioned in Five Love Stories en Brochette, one of the California Saga series that I posted nearly six years ago. If you will stick it out through the first few chapters which are pretty dark, I know you will find the story to evolve into a very satisfying tale. All the locations with the exception of Scott's home and The Ranch are real and you can easily find them by using Google Earth.

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Movie Experts

We used to have an author around here that was heavily involved with Movies, and I just can't think of his/her name. I'll work on it.

Anyhow, I have been following the reviews for "50 Shades of Grey", and I think it is doing pretty good in the box office. I think a lot of the screaming about it being lewd was just media hype. I've done all most as much as our protagonists, except I don't have a helicopter or Audi r8, damn.

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Ditzy Blonde

no not Gaby, me! I'd forget my own er, thing above shoulders, has hair - oh yeah head if it wasn't attached. I had intended to get another new chapter of Nena to my editor today but I forgot my file stick and so things are not quite as far along as I'd hoped.

I have put up the next Gaby chapter here on BC and i'll aim to post another on Sunday.

for now though,

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Just a short note

As advanced warning, the update on this coming Wednesday will be the last until the end of the month as I'm away to ride the Spreewald Marathon in eastern Germany. Hopefully by that point the new website will be just about ready - broken links, messy file systems, missing info - all this is being fixed.

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Please, please H E L P

Hi y'all,

It has been reported to me that my latest maps don't download, at least the pdf versions.

I have a Windows machine, and I have accessed them under both IE and Firefox - I suppose I could try Chrome in a minute.

I myself have had no problems (Firefox downloads take noticeably longer) but at least one user is having difficulties.

Her configuration is Linux/Firefox.

Has anyone else had problems?

I need to chase this down as it might affect the entire range of maps ....

Thanks for any assistance.


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One off short stories

Somehow I am not getting some elements of posting stories here. That should be of no surprise to those who know me because at times I can be the consummate ditz. :) Both of my two previous stories were intended to be one off short stories, but somehow I missed the place to make that selection.

Will someone please explain this to me?



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More S E E info

Hi all,

Penny's latest (#126) mentioned two maps, so I have drawn them and posted them in the Map Repository.

I simply don't have the time to make them all 'Palarandi', so I hope their modernity doesn't distract from the 'atmosphere'.
They do have lots of swishy colours!

They are numbers 3 and 12 in the list (currently).

Feedback is always welcome.



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Latest News -

So, work on getting the website revitalised and back up and running is going apace, thank you to everyone who has offered assistance in whatever form. With a following wind stage 1 should be ready to roll out in @ 4 weeks, I will of course keep you all up to date with developments.

The new Nena story is coming along, I'm currently working on chapter 3.

Today you can read Costone, chapter 35 of Gaby book 11 here on BC - if things go to plan there won't be much if any break between the end of this book and the start of Book 12 postings!


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Tammy's tales from here

Tamara's Trials is heading towards conclusion and the writing emphasis will switch to Book 3 of Unaccounted Gains. I'm afraid that one or two loose threads will be left over after Trials finishes, but these will be picked up at a later date.

BTW To date Trials is 150,000 words, my longest piece so far, with the total Tammysphere running at 310,000 words - so far.


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Bathroom Anthology

Friday we will be collecting the stories for the first Big Closet anthology. This one revolving around the bathroom issue. We appreciate those who have submitted something as we believe it will help defray some of the cost associated with the site. The anthology will also be good for authors and bring more visitors to the site as each story will have a link bringing readers to the author's page (the one that list all the author's stories, etc.) so they can view other works.

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Bear in mind that when this was originally quoted

Bear in mind that when this was originally quoted, pen\pencil or typewriter and paper were the only method of getting works to the public.

Authors exist merely for the stories sake and not the other way around,
A good story has to do Two things inform and entertain.

The information part must be entertaining enough to let the readers live the story,
Without the readers feeling they are on the receiving end of a sermon.

Writing entertainment without information or without some insight into what it is to be human is a waste of good trees!

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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What Does An Author Owe Their Readers?

Writing is hard work.

It doesn't matter if you do it for a site like BC, or for magazines, or just in your journal; writing is VERY hard work. It takes passion, it takes practice, and it takes the guts to put your words out into the world for other people to see.

Writing isn't a one-sided endeavor, though. When you write something and release it into the world, there is always someone else who is just as important to the success or failure of your work as you, the writer, are.

The reader.

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Looking for

Whilst reading Blog entries within the last 2 weeks I saw a link to an authors web page.

The Blog entry had a help request for I think for something to do with email or feed back within a website, something I know nothing about, but this was why the link was included in the comment section.

I began to look at the site in question. I had thought I added to my favourites, as this seems to be wrong, I am at a loss.

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Help Requested

Quick Question for my Fellow Publishers:
I have seen many authors and or publishers have a sign-up page to get updates sent via email when a new eBook is released. I was wondering if any of you have such a system in place, and if so, how did you set it up?
Right now, I publish the release of new Kindle books on our various TG community sites, but I know that a HUGE advance get our books directly from Amazon, essentially by " stumbling" on them. I was hoping to add a "sign-up" list to announce new Kindle ( and hopefully other formats soon ) releases.

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Write Then Post, or Post as I Write?

My entry for the Summer Getaway contest is coming along nicely. I've got what I think are fun characters, a simple but fun plot, and some fun stuff planned for it.

So, I need to know: should I finish writing the entire thing before I start posting it? Or, should I post it as I write it?

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Taking Down Two Stories

Hello and happy spring! And in the spirit of this wonderful time of renewal, I've revised my novella Two Weeks at the Last Firefly Inn (literary fiction/indie-sci-fi) and my novel Reaching the Point of No Regrets (TG romance) and listed them for sale for Amazon Kindle; in fact, "Firefly Inn" underwent a very thorough and exhaustive rewrite, including a happier alternate ending, as well as being rewritten entirely from the first person perspective of Alice, among other changes.

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Read all about it!

the keen amongst you will have spotted the new Gaby chapter here today already but for everyone else click here

Thanks for all your recent messages regarding the website and writing, all taken on board. I've decided to do the next Nena tale before banging on with Gaby, the first chapter is with my editing team now so it might be ready for Easter - in my dreams but certainly not long afterwards!

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Want a Quickie?

Want a Quickie?

A Sapphire's Place Quickie Kindle eBook, that is!

Presenting " Zyprexa" by SlimV as a Amazon Kindle eBook

Darrel's dad is getting out of prison. Fearing for their lives, his mother transforms him into a girl and they go on the lam in this "Good Boy" to "Bad Girl" tale.


You can also help out BC by buying this eBook using the link here:

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Site not accepting postings

There was no Bike last night or a blog explaining why because the site refused to accept either for which I expect there is a reason beyond a sudden attack of good taste. I gave up at nearly 1.00am GMT having tried for 45 minutes to post my latest offering of scintillating charm and wit - only my modesty holds me back, I know, but we geniuses have great insight!

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Brand New Release on Amazon

I am pleased to announce my first satirical attempt.

Introducing, for your reading pleasure:


by Katie Leone

This clever little essay turns the bathroom issue on its head in a delightfully funny way and even includes a few erotic scenarios for your added pleasure.


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Thank you

for all your feedback regarding my scribbling. Clearly Gaby is most peoples favourite series but there were plenty of votes for Nena and Peaches too. I will start something new this week but don't hold your breath, it could be a few weeks before anything is ready for release.

On a slight tangent, as the website is getting a complete makeover is there anything that people would like to see incorporated?


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You can never find an evil twin when you need one...

Actually, she doesn't really need to be a twin. And the 'evil' thing could be a hindrance...

Maybe a simple clone would do...

You know those sitcoms where the protagonist has to attend a swank business function that turns out to be exactly the same time and on the other side of town from her best friends bachelorette party or birthday celebration or somesuch? So of course, she decides she can juggle both and hilarity ensues.

I'm still waiting for the hilarity to ensue.

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A Great Kinde eBook by Hypatia!

A millenia ago an act of anger by a scientist called Silvinas changed our world to his fantasy. The war between the races is again erupting with help from Silvinas. This is a time for men to be real men, women to be real women and dragons to sing old Lennon and McCartney songs.

This can be found at this link; ( btw: BC gets some profit if your click and buy from this link !)

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Big Closet Bathroom Anthology

Doppler Press would like to announce the creation of our first Big Closet anthology. We know that there are many people who would like to contribute to the running of the site but simply do not have the money to donate and we respect that. But there is another way to help, and that is contributing to the Big Closet anthologies, which we plan on publishing as both an E-book and a print book quarterly. All proceeds from the sales of these books will be applied to keeping this site running. What we need from authors are stories, poems, essays, comics, pictures, etc.

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