My take on the Gabyverse

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With the Gabycon visiting Dorset again next month, I thought I'd better re read the three books I did about our favourite racing cyclist. I have still to do a concluding chapter for the final one and I'm working on that at the moment.

For those new to my version of the Gabyverse, the first of my books is: Drew Goes South. (Also available in dead tree format as Gaby Heads South, from Lulu)

The second is: Crossing the Line. (Also available in book form from Lulu).

The final one is: Whatever Next.

Essentially they are all one story which continues on from book to book, though each can be read as stand alones. I enjoyed the stories and think the narrative stands up to rereading if you read it before, in fact I thought the story got stronger with each of the books culminating in book 3, Whatever Next.

All of them contain the usual mayhem and madness with the odd bike race thrown in for good measure, just ignore the odd typo that escaped the proofers and enjoy the stories and the lovely county of Dorset in which they're set.

If you just fancy the odd short story, there are some of mine and other shorts and series/novels on Maddy's site.


All excellent work, Angharad!

All excellent work, Angharad! In fact, I think I'll go back and re-read them.

Have you considered cross-posting them here on BCTS? (Kudos would be forthcoming.)


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Same as before

Dahlia's picture

Thank you so much for what you did contribute to the Gabyverse. I enjoyed them all and since I have time on my hands for the next several weeks, at the doctor's orders, I will read them again.
It is still an iffy thing whether or not I will make it to the Con but I'm working at it and will know in a week or two. Yes, I know that it is going to be cutting it close. If I do make it, I will land in Manchester on the 3rd and will drive straight down to the Gabycon.


As with all of your writing.....

D. Eden's picture

I enjoyed reading all three books when I first found them some time back. And yes, I agree, they do withstand re-reading; I have done so already.

You have a wonderful ability to expand on the characters and the world that Maddy created.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

it is your fault

dawnfyre's picture

it was one of your Gaby stories here that introduced me to the Gabyverse and got me hooked.

I have ready everything posts here and on Maddy's site at least 5 times. It has always been entertaining to read them.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.